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    九年级英语上学期期末自主检测模拟试题自我评价:一、单项填空:1. Dont make so much _. Your brother is sleeping. A. things B. mistakes C. voice D. noise2. Everyone except the twins _ there when the film was on. A. is B. are C. was D. were3. How do you like the TV play? _A. What about you? B. Yes, I like it. C. No, I dont like it at all. D. Its wonderful.4. Jack has made great progress recently. _, and _.A. So he has, so you have B. So he has, so have you C. So has he, so have you D. So has he, so you have5. My mother looks _ my father.A. very younger than B. much younger as C. so younger than D. much younger than6. _ of the students in our class can work out this problemA. Fourth fives B. Four five C. Four fifths D. Fourth fifth7. Do you feel like _ to the cinema with me? No, Id like _ my lessons at home.A. going, to do B. to go, to do C. to go, doing D. going, doing8. The doctor told him that _ was necessary to take the medicine on time.A. that B. it C. this D. what9. _ you ever _ the Summer Palace? Only once.A. Did, go B. Have, been to C. Have, gone to D. Have, been in10. The boy wanted to know _.A. whose computer game it is B. how much did the computer game costC. if the computer game was made in ShenzhenD. where his father will buy him a computer game11. _ lovely weather it is today. Lets go out for a walk. A. How B. How a C. What D. What a12. Is your uncle a Party member?Yes, he _ the Party four years ago. He _ a Party member for four years.A. has joined, has been B. joined, has been C. joined, has become D. was joined, is13. I found my black cat in_ room.A. Jim and Mike B. Jim and Mike's C. Jim's and Mike's D. Jim's and Mike14. _ the end, they arrived _ the morning of July 12, .A. In, at B. By, on C. At, in D. In, on15. The _ knowledge you learn, the _ youll get a good job. Thats right.A. more, more easily B. most, the most easily C. more, easier D. most, easiest16. Mike gets on _ with his classmates. A.good B. well C. nice D. happy17. He _ cleaned his room. A. just has B. just now has C. has just D. has just now18. The Smiths have lived in the city _ five years ago. A. for B. when C. since D. as19. _ have you learned playing the piano?For two years.A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far20. Its important _ them to learn the grammar well. A. for B. of C. to D. with 21. Did you have any trouble _Mr. Smiths house?Nowe didntAfinding Bto find Cfind Dfound22. _, he wasnt hurt badly. A. Luck B. Luck C. Lucks D. Luckily23. Here_. A. comes the bus B. the bus comes C. does the bus come D. coming the bus24. English is _difficult subject. I even want to drop it. You'd better not. I'll help you it. A. quite a, withB. a quite, withC. a very, forD. very a, with25. Why do you stop _?Because I have to look after my parents.A. go to school B. to go to school C. going to school D. went to school 26.Excuse me. Is there a flight to Shanghai?Just a minute, please. I have to _ my computer.A. open B. keep C. check D. collect 27. It was weather we decided to stay at home.A. such a bad, that B. so bad, that C. so bad a, so D. such bad, that28. This maths problem is too difficult .A. for me to work it out B. for me to work outC. of me to work it out D. of me to work out 29. Jim's father got very angry .A. with that he had done B. with what he had done C. at what he had done D. at what had he done 30. Don't think about it . I'm sure youll forger it . A. any more, long before B. any more, before long C. any longer, long ago D. any longer, before long 31. this question is very easy, he still can't answer it.A. Though, but B. But, though C. But, / D. Though, / 32. _ of us felt very tired but quite happy after _ sports meeting.A.Everyone, a two days B. Every one, the two daysC. Every one, the two-day D. None, a two-day33. There're sheep on that farm, ?A. a little, isn't there B. little, is it C. a few, isn't there D. few, are there34. What about these two coats, Madam?_of them fits me, Could you show me _ one? A .Neither; another B. Either; another C. Either; other D. Either; else35. There is a wrong word in line _. Where? In the _ line. A. two; two B. two; second C. second; two D. second; second36. It _ on Channel Two, I have seen that on the Channel once. Try that again. I agree with you. And I _ that. But I still cant get anything. A. cant be; tried B. must be; have tried C. might be; will try D. may not be; try 37. Excuse me, is the supermarket far from here? No, its about .A. 7 minutes walk B. 7 minutes walk C. 7 minutes walk D. 7-minutes walk38. Are you sure there's with my wife? A. nothing serious, sick B. something serious; ill C. anything serious, sick D. nothing serious, ill 39. All the_ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th, because it was their own holiday. A. man B. men C. woman D. women 40. The medical team is made _ twelve doctors. All of them are strict _ their work.A. up of; in B. of ; in C. in; with D. from; on41. Look, Tina is waiting _ the bus stop. A. for B. at C. in D. to42. It is Sunday todayisnt it?YesWe _ to school todayAdont need go Bneed to not goCneednt to goDdont need to go43. Excuse me, could you please help me carry the heavy box? _AIm OK BIt doesnt matterCWith pleasure DDont mention it44.What is your friends family name if his fall name is James Allen Green? _AJames BAllen CGreen DJames Allen45. _ her husband, she has now become a famous film star.A. BecauseB. Thanks to C. Thanks for D. With the help46. Lily and Lucy look the sameThats trueSometimes it is really difficult to _them apartAtell Bsay Ctalk Dspeak47. A lot of new buildings _ in our city these years. A. are put up B. have put up C. have been put D. have been put up48. What _ you _ this time yesterday?A. are; doing B. did; do C. were; doing D. have; done49. Oh, the price of the train ticket to Tibet is too _. A. expensive B. dear C. high D. tall50. Two days is not enough for me to finish the work. I need _ day.A. other B. the other C. the third D. a third二、完形填空:通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最正确答案。此题共15分,每题1分。In China, Spring Festival is the most important of all the holidays in the year. Two important things 1 to make this holiday different from all others: giving presents and spending it 2 the family.Many weeks 3 Spring Festival, we know it is coming . In the 4 goods for this special holiday appear and outside them are the special New Year decorations. The advertisements 5 all the newspapers tell us that there are “Only five 6 shopping days to Spring Festival. 7 you go, you will realize that Spring Festival, which comes “only 8 a year , is coming again.Giving 9 to ones family is a very sweet custom. The spirit behind the present matters most , not the present 10 . It is good at Spring Festival to 11 to the family home and meet parents , grandparents and as many aunts, uncles and cousins as possible.In the past, 12 New Years Eve, all the members of a family 13 stay at home making dumplings together. 14 many people enjoy watching TV. During the evening, time is usually spent in games, talking, more eating and 15 . 1. A. helpB. wantC. get 2. A. inB. onC. with 3. A. afterB. beforeC. during 4. A. townsB. schoolsC. shops 5. A. on B. in C. from 6. A. otherB. more C. another 7. A. WhereB. WhereverC. Whatever 8. A. a timeB. twiceC. once 9. A. money B. presents C. wishes 10. A. itself B. themselves C. by itself 11. A. go B. come C. return 12. A. in B. at C. on 13. A. would B. might C. could 14. A. Now B. But C. And 15. A. drinking B. playing C. running 三、阅读理解:此题共30分,每题2分。AEvery year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, to see the Edinburgh Festival. For three weeks every August and September the city is filled with many actors and artists from all over the world. They come to Edinburgh for the biggest arts festival in Britain. During this time, the streets of the city are alive with music and dance from early in the morning until late at night. You can even see artists painting pictures on the streets!Tens of thousands of tourists come to the Festival to see films and plays and to hear music which is played by famous musicians. This year, you can see over five hundred performances with actors from more than forty countries.The tickets for these performances are quite cheap, and it is usually easier to see your favourite star in Edinburgh than it is in London. Want to enjoy yourselves? So come to Edinburgh next year! ( )1.In the writers advice, when is the best time to visit Edinburgh? _.A. Early winterB. Early springC. Late AutumnD. Late summer( )2.The Edinburgh Festival will last about _ long.A. 60 daysB. 40 daysC. 20 daysD. 90 days( )3.During the festival, the live music and dance in the street of Edinburgh start from _ to _.A. 10 a.m. 5 p.m. C. 8 a.m. 8 p.m. D. 12 a.m. 12 p.m.( )4.This passage is probably written by a _. A. tourists B. readers C. writer D. travel agent( )5.The best title for this passage is _.A. Edinburgh Festival B. Visit the Edinburgh Festival C. Artist & Tourist D.Arts FestivalBWeather has a great influence (影响) on people. It influences peoples health, intelligence (智力) and feelings.In August, it is very hot and in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart disease (疾病) and other kind of health problems during the month. In the Northeast and Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these places may have heart disease after the weather changes in February or March.The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a 1982 study by scientists, the IQ scores of a group of students were very high during a storm, but after the storm their IQ scores were lower than usual level (水平). So storms can increase intelligence. However, very hot weather can lower it. Students in the United States often do badly on exams in the hot months of the year.Weather also has a strong influence on peoples feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months and they may feel unhappy during cold weather, In hot summer weather, on the other hand, fat people may feel unhappy. The summer heat (热度) may make them tired and they are easy to get angry.Are you feeling sick, sad, tired or very intelligent today? The weather may be the cause (原因). ( )6.If thin people feel unhappy, the weather may be very _.A. warm B. cold C. cool D. hot( )7.Students in the U.S. usually do badly on exams in _.A. January B. December C. August D. May( )8.People in the Northeast of America usually have heart disease in _.A. MarchB. AugustC. JulyD. December( )9.Storms can increase students IQ, this discovery was made _.A.in 1982 B.by 1982 scientists C. by 1982 students D. by a study of 1982 examples( )10.What is the best title for this passage? _.A.Weather B.Weather and Health C. Weather and People D.The Great influence of WeatherCAs we know, there are differences between Western culture and Chinese cultureWe can see differences when we pay attention to the way some words are usedLet's look at the words about animals and antsAlthough dogs are thought to be honest and good friends of humans,most expressions in Chinese about the dog,for example,“a homeless dog,“a running dog and “a dog catching a mousehave negative meaningsBut in Western countries,people use “dog to describe positive actionsIn English,for example,“You are a lucky dog means “You are a lucky personAnd“Every dog has its daymeansEach person has good luck sometimesHoweverChinese love cats very muchBut in Western culture“catis often used to describe a woman who is cruel冷的There are many other examples of how“catis used differently as wellThe rose is regarded视为as a symbol象征of love in both China and some Western countriesPeople think the rose stands for代表love,peace,courage and friendshipAnd the rose is the national flower of England,America and many other countries The words about animals and plants are used in positive or negative ways in different culturesWe can learn about many differences in different cultures by comparing how some words are used请根据材料内容,选择最正确答案。11The word “dog in Chinese usually_ Astands for peace Bstands for good luckChas a negative meaning Dhas a positive meaning12“Every dog has its day means“_AEverybody in the world is lucky BEach person has his own way of lifeCIf one works hard,hes sure to succeed D.Everybody has a time in life to be lucky13Western people usually use “cat to refer to“_Aa tired person Ba brave man Ca homeless person Dan unkind woman14Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A“A lucky dog means “a lucky person in Western countriesBChinese people prefer dogs to catsCWestern people consider cats to be good friendsDThe rose is the national flower of all the Western countries15What does the writer talk about in the passage?ASome words have both negative and positive meaningsBDifferent countries have different culturesCThe rose means the same in Chinese culture and Western cultureDWestern culture and Chinese culture have a lot in common.四、任务性阅读:共10小题,每题1分,共10分Liu Mingxiao, 13, is pretty and smart. She comes top in her class. But many students try to stay away from her because Lius mum has AIDS艾滋病.Lius father has died of AIDS.A ,Liu didnt get it.AIDS means fear for most people. “Nobody wants to play games wi


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