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    Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? section B (3a-selfcheck)1. To learn to share your opinions about taking after-school activities.2. To do the exercise in Self Check and try to remember the words and expression in this unit.Do you think after-school classes help you a lot? Why?1. “After-school classes can help kids get into a good university.”A magazine interviewed some parents about after-school classes for children. Read the opinions below and make notes on your own opinions. 3aWhy should children take after-school classes?2. “I want my child to be a successful person.”3. “Its good for children to start learning from a young age.”I disagree. Many factors may influence in ones life. Even though one goes to a good university, he may still cant be successful.I agree. Many great people learn things from a very young age. If the child is gifted in some area, its helpful to learn it from a young age. 3bWrite a letter to the magazine to express your opinions on after-school classes for children. Use the following expressions to help you. Try to write two paragraphs.Dear ,I dont really agree with because Although some parents are right about , I think children should First, say if you agree or disagree.Then, explain why.In my opinion, it is important for children / parents to I believe it is better if children / parents so that Perhaps children / parents should / could If children , they will 【写作任务写作任务】某杂志就某杂志就“孩子该不该上课外班孩子该不该上课外班”对几位家长进行了采对几位家长进行了采访,他们都同意孩子上,你对此持什么态度呢?假如你访,他们都同意孩子上,你对此持什么态度呢?假如你是是Tom,请你向该杂志写一封信表达你的观点。,请你向该杂志写一封信表达你的观点。【思路点拨思路点拨】1.定基调定基调体裁:应用文体裁:应用文(书信书信);信的主体部分为议论文;信的主体部分为议论文时态:一般现在时时态:一般现在时人称:第一人称和第三人称人称:第一人称和第三人称2. 列提纲、写句子列提纲列提纲写句子写句子表明观点表明观点I dont think that children should take after-school classes.论证观点论证观点Most parents hope that their children can improve their grades by (1)_(上课外班上课外班) but they dont realize (意识到意识到) their children can get good grades by listening to the teacher carefully in class and finding a good way of learning.taking after-school classes列提纲列提纲写句子写句子论证观点论证观点Learning from a young age is important but in my opinion, (2)_ I dont think parents should (3)_(把孩子们逼得太紧把孩子们逼得太紧). They should (4)_ (给他们足够给他们足够的时间去放松的时间去放松). Children need to be successful but they also need to be happy. childrens health and happiness are more importantpush their children so hardgive them enough time to relax4. 成篇章成篇章Dear Sir or Madam, I dont think that children should take after-school classes. Most parents hope that their children can improve their grades by taking after-school classes but they dont realize their children can get good grades by listening to the teacher carefully in class and finding a good way of learning. Learning from a young age is important but in my opinion, childrens health and happiness are more important. I dont think parents should push their children so hard. They should give them enough time to relax. Children need to be successful but they also need to be happy. All in all, to be a successful person, I believe how to learn and how to be a happy learner are more important than taking after-school classes. Yours truly, Tom1. You should eat more now _ you wont be hungry later.2. _ you may not like to do chores, you should help your parents around the house.3. You could save more money _ you can buy a gift for your friends birthday.4. Kids shouldnt play computer games _ late at night. They should rest early.5. _ many people like to eat junk food, they should really eat more fruit and vegetables _ they can be healthy. so that1. Fill in the blanks using until, so that or although.so thatAlthoughso thatAlthoughuntil1. My best friend and I had a fight, and now she wont speak to me.2. For each problem, choose the advice you agree with more. Then write your own advice. A. You should keep trying to talk to her until she talks to you. B. Why dont you wait a few more days before talking to her?2. My friend wants me to go to a party on the weekend, but I want to study for my exams next week. A. Why dont you just go to the party? Itll help you to relax. B. You should study for the exams because theyre more important than a party. My advice: _Why dont you try to study as much as you can these few days before you decide whether or not to go to the party this weekend?3. My brother watches television while Im trying to study. A. Why dont you tell him to do something quiet when youre studying?B. You could tell him to turn down the TV.My advice: _Perhaps you could study somewhere in your house where you cant hear the TV.依依看看存钱存钱垃圾食品垃圾食品为考试学习为考试学习调低电视的声音调低电视的声音in ones opinion save money junk food study for the exam turn down the TV


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