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    2019-2020同步外研英语选修七新突破课时分层作业:8 Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ .doc

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    2019-2020同步外研英语选修七新突破课时分层作业:8 Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ .doc

    课时分层作业(八)Section 、语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1The method seems good,but it needs to be tried out2While walking(walk) along the street,I heard my name called.3We are trying to form a harmonious(harmony) society to meet peoples need.4Please keep your things together.They are not in good order.5. Ill just get these dishes washed(wash) and then Ill come.6The judge praised the firefighters for their bravery and devotion(devote) to duty.7Its difficult to keep pace with the rapid change of the situations.8Far from helping(help) the situation,you have just made it worse.9We tried in vain to persuade him not to smoke,and he continued to smoke when we were not at home.10I love sailing on the lake.Its so refreshing (refresh) to feel the wind in my hair and water on my face.单句改错1The singer told us that her new album would be come out the next month.去掉be2Every effort has been devoted to study the origin of cancer.studystudying3I advised him to think twice before deciding to quit from school.去掉from4Misunderstanding arisen from the lack of communication can be cleared up.arisenarising5She encourages us to think carefully every time when she puts forward questions.去掉when高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解AKendrick Lamar,who was born on June 17,1987 in Compton,California,has won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Music.He is the first winner who is not a classical or jazz musician.Columbia University awards the music prizes each year,which are a great honor.Lamar also got $15,000.Farah Griffin,a teacher at the school,was in the group that picked Lamars album for the Pulitzer Prize.“Its big for hip hop.I think its also big for our country and for music,”she said,“But its big for the Pulitzer Prize,too.”Lamars album is called “DAMN”,which includes words that adults may not want kids to hear.He uses rhymes to tell stories about black life.His songs are about race,social justice and problems with police.But they are also about love and hope.Music experts love the album.Music buyers do,too.That is something new as past Pulitzer Prize winners have been loved by experts,but they have not always sold a lot of albums.Griffin said she thought some people “wouldnt like the idea”of giving the prize to a rapper.She thought some might be angry.But she was surprised.“I havent heard a lot of that,”she said.Regina Carter was also in the group that picked the album.“If a work is great enough,you cant deny(否认)it,”she said.The first Pulitzer Prizes were given in 1917,and music started to be honored in 1943.Awards used to go only to writers of classical music because it is more formal and it came from Europe.The Pulitzer Prizes have not always honored AfricanAmerican musicians.Some wanted to give a special prize in 1965 to Duke Ellington,who was a great jazz artist,but he did not get a Pulitzer.A prize did not go to a jazz work until 1997.There is now more popular music among the prizes.LinManuel Miranda wrote the hip hop musical “Hamilton” and he won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 2016.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章介绍了在2018年获得普利策音乐奖的说唱歌手肯德里克拉马尔。 1What can we learn about Lamar from the text?AHe put out his first album in 2018.BHe learned hip hop from Farah Griffin.CHe is a graduate of Columbia University.DHe has made history by winning a Pulitzer Prize.D细节理解题。根据第一段中的He is the first winner who is not a classical or jazz musician可知,肯德里克拉马尔是第一个荣获普利策音乐奖的说唱歌手,所以他创造了历史。 2What is special about Lamars album “DAMN”?AIt is a bad seller.BIt is given a great honor.CIt is unaccepted by adults.DIt aims to tell his own stories.B细节理解题。根据第四段的内容可知,肯德里克拉马尔的专辑“DAMN”不仅获得了专家的认可,而且在市场上非常畅销,由此可知,人们非常认可他的专辑。 3What made Griffin surprised?AOther music experts opposition.BSome people being angry with rappers.CPeoples attitude toward Lamars winning.DRegina Carter not wanting to pick “DAMN”C推理判断题。根据倒数第三段的内容可知,Griffin以为让一位说唱歌手获得普利策音乐奖会使有些人生气,但是事实并非如此,大家对他获奖一事持支持态度,这让Griffin很惊讶。 4Why did the author mention LinManuel Miranda?ATo speak highly of hip hop musicians.BTo introduce a worldfamous popular star.CTo show the Pulitzer Prize has changed over time.DTo present the winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama.C推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Awards used to go only to writers of classical music及There is now more popular music among the prizes.won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 2016可知,以前的普利策音乐奖都是颁给古典乐的,而随着时代的进步,越来越多的流行音乐也获此殊荣,作者提到创作嘻哈音乐的LinManuel Miranda获得普利策戏剧奖是为了说明普利策奖在随着时代的进步而变化。BThere are all kinds of ways to go fishing.Probably one of the most interesting ways of catching fish though is stilt fishing(立钓),something that is only found in the clear waters of Sri Lanka,an island in the Indian Ocean.A fisherman takes a long piece of wood.At one end there is a crossbar(横梁)called a “petta”,which is where the fisherman sits.The wood is carried out a few metres into the water,and then pushed vertically into the sea floor.The fisherman climbs up to the petta,where he will sit two metres above the sea.Fishing from this position requires great skill.The fisherman keeps his balance by holding onto the stilt beneath him with one hand.On his wrist he carries a bag made from coconut leaves.There he keeps his bait(鱼饵)and any fish he may catch.With the other hand,he casts his fishing line.This style of fishing began during World War when there was not enough food in Sri Lanka.Crowds stood on the coastline trying to catch their next meal.The more adventurous fishermen came up with the idea of sitting on a stilt.They could keep away from the crowds and catch more fish.When the war came to an end,stilt fishing continued.On 26th December 2004,Sri Lanka was hit by a disaster which killed many fishermen and destroyed much of its coastline.Fishing on stilts became less popular.It stops completely during the rainy season.As more tourists now visit Sri Lanka,fishermen have found they can earn more money if they allow their fishing stilts to be used by actors so tourists can take photographs of them.The actors know little more about fishing than the tourists themselves.However,if you look hard enough,you can sometimes find the real thing.But whether they are real fishermen or actors,fishing on stilts does look marvelousespecially when the day is coming to an end and the sun begins to set.These photographs alone make you want to visit Sri Lanka!【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了斯里兰卡海边一道独特的风景线立钓。5How do fishermen fish on stilts?ABy sitting on a petta.BBy standing in the water.CBy keeping the bait in their hand.DBy throwing their line with two hands.A细节理解题。根据第二段中的At one end there is a crossbar called a“petta”,which is where the fisherman sits可知,渔民坐在一个被称为“petta”的横梁上钓鱼。6Why did people restart fishing on stilts after 2004?ATo solve food problems.BTo keep this tradition alive.CTo make money from travelers.DTo keep away from the large crowds.C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的As more tourists now visit Sri Lanka,fishermen have found they can earn more money if they allow their fishing stilts to be used by actors so tourists can take photographs of them可知,2004年以后人们重操旧业,再次进行立钓的原因是为了吸引游客以从中赚取利益。 7What does the underlined word “marvelous” in the last paragraph mean?AFunny.BStrange.CWonderful.DDangerous.C词义猜测题。根据最后一段中的especially when the day is coming to an end and the sun begins to set.These photographs alone make you want to visit Sri Lanka可知,渔民或表演者在黄昏日落时钓鱼的景象非常美,单是他们钓鱼的照片就能激起你前往斯里兰卡的欲望。8What is the authors purpose in writing the text?ATo introduce stilt fishing.BTo show how to attract tourists.CTo describe the history of stilt fishing.DTo encourage people to visit Sri Lanka.A写作目的题。根据文中作者对斯里兰卡立钓的方式、历史及现状的介绍可知,作者旨在为读者介绍斯里兰卡一道独特的风景线立钓。.短文改错This evening I went to Jims house to sing with some of my good friend,and we really had a happily time.It was because of I got a bad score in the math exam that I had been in low mood for the whole afternoon.But finally,I accepted Jims invitation.It was the first time that I have sung with my friend.All my friends enjoy singing,while I didnt dare show my voice.I was afraid I couldnt sing well.After a while,my friends noticed this.With our encouragement,I picked up the microphone and sang an English song,which name is “I believe I can fly”With the song went on,I cheered up and recovered my confidence gradual.答案This evening I went to Jims house to sing with some of my good ,and we really had a time.It was because I got a bad score in the math exam that I had been in low mood for the whole afternoon.But finally,I accepted Jims invitation.It was the first time that I sung with my friend.All my friends singing,while I didnt dare show my voice.I was afraid I couldnt sing well.After a while,my friends noticed this.With encouragement,I picked up the microphone and sang an English song, name is “I believe I can fly”With the song on,I cheered up and recovered my confidence .


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