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    2019秋英语高中人教版必修5检测:Unit 3 Section Ⅰ— Warming UpPre-readingReading & Comprehending .docx

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    2019秋英语高中人教版必修5检测:Unit 3 Section Ⅰ— Warming UpPre-readingReading & Comprehending .docx

    www.ks5u.comUnit 3Life in the futureSection Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending一、单词拼写1I wont (容忍)his rude behavior any more.答案:tolerate2Students began to s up their classroom after class.答案:sweep3His first speech as president made a strong (印象) on his audience.答案:impression4My father flashed a torch to (引路) his friend.答案:guide5Though (提醒) several times,the man still forgot to attend the meeting.答案:reminded6To my anger,he is (不断地)changing his mind.答案:constantly7When they were talking with each other,I (溜)into the room.答案:slid8She was (乐观的) about the future of the company but the others were pessimistic.答案:optimistic9Ladies and gentlemen,please (系牢)your safety belts.答案:fasten10We cant travel to the United States this year for (缺少)of money.答案:lack二、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空guidetake uplose sight offlashoptimisticlack previousimpressionconstantlyremind1When he looked up again,he the plane which he saw just now.答案:lost sight of2He words to express what he was thinking.答案:lacked3The film me of what I had seen in the United States.答案:reminded4His performance made a deep on me.答案:impression5The light on the top of the police car was .答案:flashing6We must be by our sense of what is right and just.答案:guided7He is her supporter.答案:constant8My father told me to buy some gifts some day to Christmas.答案:previous9He said the work all his time.答案:took up10There are signs for the companys future.答案:optimistic三、完成句子1他给他的学生留下了很好的印象。He has his students.答案:made a good impression on2你爸爸从什么时候开始画画的?When did your father drawing?答案:take up3我不确定自己是否能够通过即将到来的考试。 whether I can pass the coming exam.答案:I am uncertain4经过细心的照料,他完全复原了。After being taken good care of,he .答案:was back on his feet5小偷溜进了房间。The thief the room.答案:slid into四、用所给单词的适当形式填空1Before you set out to climb the mountain,your shoelaces should be (fasten).答案:fastened2We will remain (optimism),whatever the result may be.答案:optimistic3If you leave the room,remember to turn off all the (switch).答案:switches4The final between the two teams made a deep (impress)on the fans.答案:impression5(press)firmly on the wound helps stop the bleeding.答案:Pressing6In cold winter,many wild animals may die from (lack)food.答案:lacking7The girl was brought up in comfortable (surround).答案:surroundings8There will be (guide)walks around the park.答案:guided五、阅读理解AScientists are developing the next generation of robot-driven cars and predict they could be carrying humans around by the year 2030.The first wave of intelligent robot cars,capable of understanding and reacting to the world around them,will be tested this November in a competition run by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.Scientists are developing vehicles(车辆)which will not only be driven by robots independently,but will be able to operate in a complicated city environment.“In the past it was sufficient for a vehicle just to perceive(察觉)the environment,” said Sebastian Thrun,a professor at Stanford University.“The new challenge will be to understand the environment.The robot must be able to recognize another car,to understand that it is moving and that it will interact(互相影响)with it as it gets closer.”Stanfords entrant(参加竞赛者)“Junior” is a changed 2006 Volkswagen Passat whose steering,throttle(节流阀)and brakes all have been modified by engineers.Lasers fitted on the car bumpers,radar and global positioning systems feed data into the on-board computer to determine its location and position.Thrun predicted that advances in artificial intelligence would lead to driverless cars on the roads by 2030.“Today they can drive about 100 miles,by 2020 I expect this to go to a million miles,” he said.“By 2030 youll be able to see them on the highway,with driving reliability that will beat humans.”“We believe this technology will affect all of us.It is going to have enormous significance for people who cant drive because of disabilities or because they are ill or impaired.” Thrun said he believed robot-driven vehicles would be deployed in war zones before they were seen in everyday civilian environments.1Compared with the old robot-driven cars,the new ones .A.can understand orders from humansB.can perceive the environmentC.are modified to be completely computer-controllableD.not only can understand the environment but also can react to it答案:D解析:细节理解题。由第四段中的“The new challenge will be to understand the environment.The robot.understand that it is moving and that it will interact with it as it gets closer.”可以得出答案。2The underlined word “sufficient” in the third paragraph means “”.A.unbelievableB.enoughC.usefulD.wonderful答案:B解析:词义猜测题。由sufficient所在的句子“In the past it was sufficient for a vehicle just to perceive the environment.”的含义“过去,车辆只有能够察觉环境就足够了”可知sufficient与enough是同义词。3According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true about “Junior”?A.It is controlled by a robot or a computer.B.Some of its parts have been modified by engineers.C.It was invented by Sebastian Thrun.D.It is valuable.答案:C解析:细节理解题。由第四段最后一句中的“Stanfords entrant Junior”可知Junior不是由Sebastian Thrun发明的。4Which of the following is NOT true?A.Disabled people cannot use the car.B.There is a computer in the car.C.The car will be able to travel very fast by 2030.D.The car can be easily located no matter where it is.答案:A解析:细节理解题。由最后一段的“It is going to have enormous significance for people who cant drive because of disabilities.”可知答案。BA strange accident put my eyesight in danger.A quick operation fixed things,but recuperation(恢复)was slow.Then I learned to see the world in another way.The accident happened so fast that I wasnt sure what hit me.Somehow,my 85-pound yellow dog Harry,had managed to kick me in my left eye with his leg while he slept.My eye hurt badly.I knew immediately something was wrong.My left eye wouldnt move together with my right one.After a couple of minutes,the movement of my left eye seemed to return to normal.I shook it off and began my day,slightly worried,but sure it was nothing.Late the following afternoon,I noticed a curtain of blackness in the lower right corner of my left eye as I was walking down the hall at work.I ran into my office and called my ophthalmologist(眼科医生).Trying to stay calm,I raced across town and made it to his office within 15 minutes.After a three-hour operation,I couldnt lift my head for the first week.While I recuperated,life went on.My boyfriend took care of me and our dogs,Homer and Harry.After a full day at work he fed us,got us everything we needed,and then went to the hospital,where his mother lay dying.She sent some of her flowers home with him to me.I never got the chance to see her again.I returned to work after three months at home.Slowly my left eye has returned to normal.I appreciate a lot more since my injury:the ability to see the world;to have a safe home and roof over my head;to have both my parents alive and in good health;to laugh at my sweet,silly dogs;and to be fortunate enough to share my life with someone who loves and cares for me.5What happened to the author?A.Someone hit her on the head.B.Her dog hit her in the left eye.C.A stone hit her in the left eye.D.She suffered from a deadly disease.答案:B解析:细节理解题。由第二段可知,作者养的狗在睡梦中踢中了她的左眼。6What does the phrase “shook it off” mean?A.The author shook her left eye.B.The author killed Harry.C.The author beat Harry.D.The author forgot about it.答案:D解析:推理判断题。由该词组所在句子的后半句“.began my day,slightly worried,but sure it was nothing”可知,作者对于发生的事情没有放在心上。由此可推出“作者忘却了这件事情”。7From the passage we can learn that during the authors recuperation.A.the author lost her eyesightB.the authors boyfriend left herC.the mother of the authors boyfriend died D.the authors mother was sent to the hospital答案:C解析:推理判断题。由第五段最后三句,尤其最后一句“我再也没有机会见到她”可以推出,作者男友的妈妈去世了。8What does the author mainly tell us?A.One story that happened to herself.B.One funny story that happened to her boyfriend.C.One interesting accident to make us laugh.D.How her boyfriend loves her.答案:A解析:主旨大意题。本文主要讲述作者自己的一次经历以及自己从这次经历中所感悟到的事情。四个选项中,只有A项的叙述与文意相一致。六、短文改错Of all my teachers,Mr Moore is the one who impress me most.He is 34,so he looks young for his age.And hes one of the most popular teacher in our school.Mr Moore pays more attention to his way of teaching,comparing with other teachers.He tries different ways make his classes actively and lively.On his opinion,we should not only know “what”,but understand “why”.So instead of giving us answers immediately,he encourages us to think by myself whenever he puts forward questions.With his help,weve learned from how to settle problems.He leads us to such the wonderful world of “why” that we all admire and respect him.答案:第一句impressimpresses第二句sobut第三句teacherteachers第四句comparingcompared第五句make前加to第五句activelyactive第六句OnIn第七句myselfourselves第八句 去掉from第九句thea


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