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    2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:Unit 20 Section Ⅵ Language Points(Ⅲ) .doc

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    2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破讲义:Unit 20 Section Ⅵ Language Points(Ⅲ) .doc

    Section Language Points()(Communication Workshop,Language Awareness,Culture Corner &Bulletin Board).单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1The Yangtze river is a natural barrier(屏障) to the northeast.2Upon hearing his words,my initial(最初的) reaction was to decline the offer.3The incident left permanent(长久的) traces on his mind.4There is a natural phenomenon(现象)that scientists call the “greenhouse effect”5Youd better not pick those tomatoestheyre not ripe(成熟的) yet.6He pressed the juice out of the fruits.7The laughter faded when they saw the teacher coming.8Time does not permit me to stay here any longer.9The river is the boundary between the two countries.10I bought a model of the Eiffel Tower as a souvenir of Paris.拓展词汇根据词性或汉语提示,写出下列单词1explore v探测;探险exploration n探测;探险2settle v使定居;殖民于settler n移民;殖民者settlement n定居3permit vt.允许,许可permission n允许,许可4ripe adj.成熟的ripen vi.(使)成熟5press vt.按;压pressure n压力6poison n毒药;毒物posion v使中毒;毒死poisonous adj.有毒的7declare vt.宣告;宣布declarer n宣告者,申报者declared adj.公开宣布的;公然的.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1drop off下降2as a result of由于的原因3due to由于4in the form of以的形式5set up建立6in conclusion总之7benefit from从中受益8lead to导致;通向9prevent.from.阻止10be/get stuck in被卡住/陷入/困住.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1As a result, they too have benefited from rapid economic growth.2In conclusion,more theoretical and experimental research must be conducted.3A new telegraph line has been set up between the two cities.4I think its due to being left handed that hes got terrible writing.5Her hair started falling out as a result of radiation treatment.n.ousadj.v.off复合短语dangerous危险的mountainous多山的courageous勇敢的put off推延hurry off匆忙离开turn off关掉背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.This marked the beginning of the “space race” between the US and the USSR, which ended with the US putting a man on the moon in 1969.它标志着美国和(前)苏联之间“太空竞赛”的开始,最终以美国于1969年将人送到月球而告终。“with宾语宾补”结构作伴随状语。With the time going by,they became close friends.随着时间的流逝,他们变成了好朋友。2.so as to research life in space and provide a stepping stone in case future manned flights are sent out.以便探索太空生命,为未来发送载人航天飞机提供落脚地。in case“万一,以防”,引导条件状语从句。Youd better take the keys in case Im out. 你最好带上钥匙以防我不在家。3.as long as people remain interested, we will keep exploring the world overhead.只要人们仍心存兴趣,我们将会继续探索头顶上的那个世界。as long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句。As long as you learn to be grateful,youll find life beautiful. 只有学会感恩,你才能发现生活的美好。4.the Chinese were one of the first nations to start producing historical records, maps and literature.中国成为最早开始出现历史记录、地图和文学的国家之一。“the序数词n.to do sth.”表示“第个做某事的”。Who was the last one to leave the classroom last night?昨晚谁最后离开教室? (教材P26)After this,interest faded and the number of manned flights dropped off从那以后,兴趣逐渐消退,载人飞行的次数下降了。(1)fade vt.& vi.(使)褪去,(使)逐渐变弱,(使)枯萎;逐渐消失fade away逐渐消失;病重死亡fade in/out (使)(画面)淡入/出,渐显/隐;(使)(声音)渐强/弱The admiration of foreignstyle education system is getting stronger instead of fading away.对国外教育体系的崇拜越来越强而不是消退。The memory of her friends in her childhood faded out from her mind.她对童年时代朋友的记忆已经逐渐淡去了。(2)drop off让下车;减少;下降;睡着写出下列句中drop off的含义Traffic in the town has dropped off since the bypass opened.下降I dropped off and missed the end of the film.睡着Drop me off at the next stop;I can walk straight there.让下车drop out (of.)辍学;退出;脱落drop away逐渐下降;减少drop in(at sp.)顺便参观(某地方)drop in(on sb.)顺便走访(某人)drop behind/back落后;掉队drop by顺便拜访He had to drop out of the race because of injury.他由于受伤不得不退出比赛。Sales have dropped away in recent months.近几个月来,销售额有所下降。He dropped by my office this morning.今天早晨他到我办公室串门来了。 as a result of.由于的原因(教材P26)Recently there has been another burst of interest in space as a result of the Hubble Telescope.最近,由于哈勃望远镜的发明,人们对探索太空的兴趣进入了另一个高潮。(1)without result毫无结果,徒劳with the result that为此,因此as a result结果,因此(2)result from因为,源于result in结果为,终归,导致We helped each other in studies and as a result we became good friends.我们在学习上互相帮助,结果我们成了好朋友。His carelessness resulted in his failure in this examination.他的粗心导致他这次考试的失败。This traffic accident resulted completely from your drunkdriving.这次交通事故完全是由于你醉驾造成的。 in conclusion总而言之,最后(教材P26)In conclusion,we are only really in the initial stages of exploring space.总之,我们在探索太空的过程中还处于初级阶段(1)bring.to conclusion使结束come to/arrive at/reach/draw/lead to/make a conclusion 得出结论(2)conclude v. 断定,推断出;得出结论;(使) 结束,终止conclude sth.with. 就某事与某人达成协议;以结束conclude sth.from. 从推断出Weve come to the conclusion that shes not the right person for the job.我们断定她不适合这项工作。He concluded his lecture with a funny story.他以一个有趣的故事结束了讲座。 permit v允许;容许n.许可证(教材P27)You are not permitted to work if you are on a student visa.你若持学生签证,是不被允许工作的。(1)permit sb.to do sth.sb.be permitted to do sth.允许某人做某事permit doing sth. 许可做某事permit of 容许time/weather permitting 如果时间/天气允许的话(2)permit n. 许可证(3)permission n. 许可;允许with ones permission 在某人的允许下without ones permission 未经许可Would you permit me to use your digital camera now?你允许我现在用一下你的数码相机吗?The prison authorities permit visiting(visit) only once a month.监狱部门只允许一个月探监一次。You cant take pictures here without special permission(permit)未经特许,你不能在这里拍照。Weather permitting (permit),Ill come tomorrow.天气许可的话,我明天过来。 declare v宣布;宣告;声称;断言(教材P28)NASA declared that a rock from Mars proved.美国航空航天局宣告,来自火星的一块岩石证明declaredeclare war on.对宣战declare against/for 声明反对/支持declare.open 宣布开幕She declared that she didnt want to see him again.她宣称再也不愿见他了。The referee declared him to be(be) the winner of the fight.裁判宣布他为这场比赛的获胜者。明辨异同announce,declareannounce指正式地“公开;发表;宣布”,侧重“预告”人们所关心或感兴趣的事情,尤指新闻之类的消息。declare指正式地、明确地向公众“宣布;宣告;声明”,侧重“当众发表”,多用于宣战、议和、宣判等。announce,declareIt was I that declared the 16th Asian Games open.She announced to us that she would get married soon. sensible adj.明智的,有感觉的(教材P29)It is probably sensible to base yourself in Ludlow,which is the biggest town in the district.以该地区最大的城镇拉德洛为据点可能是明智的。The seriously wounded soldier was speechless but still sensible.那个受了重伤的士兵不能说话但仍有知觉。Are you sensible of the danger of your position?你察觉到你处境危险了吗?明辨异同sensible,sensitivesensible通常指人用感官去感觉,其后常接of短语或to短语,分别表示“知道的,觉察的”和“对有感觉的”。它还可用来表示“通情达理的,明智的”或“懂事的”,用来说明事物是“合理的,行得通的”。sensitive强调感觉的敏锐、激烈,常译为“敏感的”,其后常接介词to;它还可指价格、要求等“易波动的”,仪器等“灵敏的”。sensible,sensitiveA barometer(气压计)is sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure.He should not treat you like this.You are sensible;dont care much about this. arrange v整理;布置;排列(教材P30)The blocks were then arranged to form the words on a page.然后这些方块被排列形成纸上的文字。(1)arrange (for) sth.安排;协商arrange sth.for sb.为某人安排某事arrange for sb.to do sth.安排某人做某事arrange (with sb.) to do sth.(与某人)约定做某事arrangethat从句商定;安排(2)arrangement n.整理;布置;排列;准备;筹备make arrangements for为做准备come to some arrangement达成协议Have you arranged to meet Mark this weekend?你安排好了这个周末与马克会面了吗?He arranged that the meeting (should)be put off until next week.他安排把会议推迟到下周。Ive arranged for a window cleaner to come (come)on Thursday.我已经安排好一个窗户清洁工星期四来。Mother arranged an appointment for me with the dentist.母亲替我向牙医预约挂号。名师点津如何“安排”(1)“安排某人做某事”不能用“arrange sb.to do sth.”,而要用“arrange for sb.to do sth.”。(2)arrange后跟that引导的宾语从句时,从句要用“shoulddo”型虚拟语气,其中should 可省略。 available adj.可用到的,可利用的(教材P30)Because books became more widely available to the public,general literacy in China was a lot better than anywhere else in the world.因为书籍变得越来越普及,中国人的整体文化素养比世界上任何其他地方要好得多。be available for可用来做be available to sb.对某人来说是可利用的be available to do sth.可用来做某事There is no money available for an office party this year.今年没有钱举办办公室聚会了。Its vital that food is made available to the faminehit areas.把食品送到遭受饥荒的地区是至关重要的。The insurance will be available to customers even during the most popular holidays such as Labor Day.即使在像五一节这样受欢迎的假期顾客也可使用此保险。 (教材P31)I think there will be an invention that will help prevent drivers from getting stuck in traffic jams.我认为将有一个发明可以帮助司机免受交通阻塞之苦。(1)prevent.from doing sth.阻止做某事;不让做某事阻止做某事Her sudden arrival prevented/stopped/kept him from going out.她突然来到,使他不能外出。That is because this professor has a disease which prevents him from speaking(speak)这是因为这位教授得了一种病,使得他不能讲话了。名师点津在keep.from doing sth.结构中from不能省略,且在被动语态中from都不能省略。(2)get stuck in被卡住/陷入/困住get married结婚get burnt烧伤,烫伤get broken损坏,遭到破坏get lost迷路My glasses got broken while I was playing basketball.我的眼镜在打篮球时弄坏了。The child got burnt (burn)while playing with fire.那小孩玩火时把自己烧伤了。 (教材P26)This marked the beginning of the “space race” between the US and the USSR, which ended with the US putting a man on the moon in 1969它标志着美国和(前)苏联之间“太空竞赛”的开始,最终以美国于1969年将人送到月球而告终。【要点提炼】句中with the US putting a man on the moon in 1969为with的复合结构作状语。“with宾语宾语补足语”称为with复合结构,此结构在句中可位于句首或句尾,常作时间、原因、方式或伴随情况状语,亦可作后置定语。其结构为:with宾语doing(doing表示主动或进行动作)with宾语to do(to do表示将来动作)with宾语done(done表示完成或被动动作)with宾语adj.(adj.表示状态)with宾语adv.(adv.表示状态)with宾语介词短语With your hair cut,you look much younger.你理发之后看起来年轻多了。The teacher came in with a book in his hand.老师进来了,手里拿着一本书。With the guide leading (lead)the way,we had no trouble finding his house.由向导领路,我们没费事就找到了他的家。With thirty minutes to go (go),take your time.还有30分钟呢,别慌。 (教材P26)Due to Chinas rapidly developing space programme,this could be sooner rather than later.由于中国太空计划的快速发展,这可能会提前而不会推迟完成。【要点提炼】rather than(而不是)连接两个并列成分,用于“平行结构”,也就是说该词组所连接的两个并列成分应保持词性或语法上的一致性。rather than经常用于以下结构中: 宁愿做A而不做Bprefer to do A rather than do B 比起做B来更喜欢做AShed rather die than lose the children.她宁愿死也不愿失去孩子们。He preferred to stay(stay) at home watching TV rather than go to the concert.他宁愿待在家里看电视也不愿去听音乐会。名师点津rather than用法注意点(1)rather than连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。(2)rather than后接不定式时,不定式可以带to,也可以不带to。但rather than位于句首时,则只能接不带to的不定式。 (教材P30)Because of the invention of paper,the Chinese were one of the first nations to start producing historical records,maps and literature由于纸的发明,中国成为最早开始出现历史记录、地图和文学的国家之一。【要点提炼】句中不定式短语to start producing historical records,maps and literature作后置定语,修饰the first nations。常接不定式作定语的情况:(1)way,time,plan,right,chance,reason,wish等名词后面常用不定式作定语(2)名词前有表示次序的词(如the first,the last等)或有形容词最高级时,其后常用不定式作后置定语(3)the only,the very,the next等修饰的词后面常用不定式作定语Thank you for giving me the chance to make the speech.感谢你给我发言的机会。This is the only way to open (open)the door at present.这是目前打开门的唯一方法。.单句语法填空1It is necessary to arrive at a correct conclusion (conclude)2You must ask permission (permit)if you want to leave early.3Humanity has made great progress in space exploration (explore)and medicine.4These phenomena (phenomenon)is very universal.5He has unique skills in catching poisonous (poison)snakes.6With so many good classmates helping(help) me,Im sure Ill improve my English this term.7Im waiting for the apples to ripen(ripe)8Jims father didnt permit him to join(join)the school football team.9There are hundreds of poisonous(poison) spiders and snakes.10The number of homeless people has increased dramatically recently.完成句子1因为妈妈有病,我无法去度假。I wont be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill2一旦真的发生火灾,许多人就不知所措,不知道该干什么好了。Many people are at a loss as to what to do in case of a real fire3我设法自立而不求助于我的父母。I tried to stand on my own two feet rather than turned to my parents4她是唯一一个地震中幸存的人。She was the only person to survive the earthquake5我有三个孩子,他们都毕业于同一所大学。I have three children,all of whom graduated from the same university.代词语 境 自 主 领 悟先观察原句As the wellknown local historian, David Lloyd, has said,“there are few towns like ours in Britain with such fine architecture.”You will find yourself in Broad Street with its impressive 18th century houses.These are just some of the things that make Ludlow a very special town.They are amongst the scores of castles in the area.There are also plenty of things to do for those who like the outdoors.If you have children, drop in to The Secret Hills Discovery Centre in Craven Arms where they can learn all about the area and enjoy themselves at the same time.There are plenty of good hotels and restaurants in Ludlow and their food has an excellent reputation.Three restaurants hold the famous Michelin star,which is really quite surprising when you think that there are only several of them in the whole country.I have something important to consult you.后自主感悟1.句中的ours和句中的their为物主代词。2.句中的yourself和句中的themselves为反身代词。3.句中的These和句中的those为指示代词。4.句中的They,句中的you,they,句中的you,them为人称代词。5.句中的who和句中的which为关系代词。6.句中的something为不定代词。代词分为九类:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词、指示代词、疑问代词、连接代词、不定代词、关系代词。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的作用。一、人称代词1人称代词的形式2.人称代词的作用人称代词作主语用主格,作宾语、表语用宾格,但应注意以下四种情况:(1)作主语的人称代词如果孤立地使用于无谓语动词的句子中,或在这种句子中与动词不定式连用,常用宾格。Does any of you know where Tom lives?Me.你们谁知道汤姆住哪儿?我。What!Me(to)play him at chess?No!什么!要我去和他下棋?不!(2)句子中代词作宾语或宾语补足语时,与所替代的名词在人称、数、格的意义上一般要保持前后一致。The thief was thought to be he.(the thief是主语,故用he代替)他被认为是个小偷。They took me to be her.(me是宾格,故用her替代)他们误以为我是她。(3)作宾语的人称代词一般用宾格,但在强调句型中,被强调部分代词的主宾格不变。I met her in the hospital.It was her who I met in the hospital.(4)在比较级的句子中than,as后用主格、宾格都可以。例如:He is taller than me(I)但在下列句中有区别。I like Jack as much as her.I like both Jack and her.I like Jack as much as she.I like Jack and she likes him,too.3人称代词的排列两个以上的人称代词并列,其次序排列原则:(1)在并列主语中,“I”总是放在最后,排列顺序为:二三一(人称)。宾格me也一样。You,she and I will be in charge of the case.我,你,她将要负责这桩案子。Mr Zhang asked Li Hua and me to help him.张先生要求我和李华去帮他。(2)第三人称,男女两性并用,男先女后。He and she still dont agree to the plan.他俩都不赞同这个计划。4几个人称代词的特殊用法(1)we/you(口语)常用来泛指一般人。(2)she可以代表国家、船只、大地、月亮等。The“Titanic”was the largest,wasnt she?泰坦尼克号是最大的船,对吗? 二、物主代词1物主代词的分类物主代词是表示所有关系的代词,是人称代词的属格形式。物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。2与人称代词一样,物主代词也分第一人称、第二人称和第三人称,每个人称分单数和复数。词义类型我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他们的形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshersoursyourstheirs即时演练用适当的代词填空Whos knocking at the door?Its meIt was he who helped me out.So Im grateful to him.My flat is small,but hers is large,for she is richer than I.Theirs are the children with very fair hair.My hair is very fine.Yours is much thicker.三、反身代词反身代词指动作反身到动作执行者本身或进行强调。数人称单数复数第一人称myselfourselves第二人称yourselfyourselves第三人称himself/herself/itselfthemselves1.反身代词可作宾语、同位语、表语或主语。但反身代词不能单独作主语,只能在并列主语中作第二或第三主语。Toms mother and himself came to


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