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    2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破课时分层作业:8 .doc

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    2019-2020同步北师大英语选修七新突破课时分层作业:8 .doc

    课时分层作业(八)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1Did you leave the doors and windows firmly fastened(fasten)?2It was when he was about to go to bed that the telephone rang.3The true wealth does not consist in what we are.4Our literature and art ought to cater to popular taste.5Its time I got down to thinking(think) about that essay.6They postponed leaving(leave) because of the weather.7He preferred be treated as an ordinary worker.8We must be honest and faithful(faith) to the people.9They prohibited me from borrowing(borrow) a book.10The economic situation was serious, but they pulled through.完成句子1这件事使她没有一丝一毫的希望。This matter left her without a way of hope2我们昨晚是在十点到家的。It was at ten oclock that we got home last night.3医生们试图阻止癌细胞扩散。The doctors are making an attempt to prevent cancer cells spreading.4葬礼结束后,她一直痛哭许久。She was weeping away long after the funeral had ended.5一个国家的幸福以其公民之自由为主要因素。The happiness of a country consists in the freedom of its citizens.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解HANGZHOUA human blood protein has been found to be associated with the H7N9 death rate, according to a study by Chinese medical scientists.The study,published in Nature Communications on May 13,showed that blood plasma levels of angiotensin are higher in H7N9 patients and could be used to predict their physical worsening.Angiotensin is a human protein contained in plasma,the vascular (血管的) wall,heart and kidney to regulate blood pressure.It is closely linked to serious lung injury. H7N9 patients with higher levels of angiotensin carry more viral load (病毒载量),said Li Lanjuan,researcher at the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a specialist in H7N9 prevention.“It is particularly obvious in the second week of human infection. The angiotensin level of patients in critical condition keeps going up, while that of mild cases tends to drop,”Li said.Li added the new finding could help in clinical practice.Medical personnel could adopt more effective and reliable treatment measures for patients suffering different conditions.“This study will provide a new perspective to H7N9 pathology (病理) and potential treatment for future cases,”said Ed Gerstner,executive editor of Nature Communications.The study was led by researchers of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.They collected plasma from 47 H7N9 patients in cities of Hangzhou,Shanghai and Nanjing and analyzed the connection between angiotensin and viral load.H7N9 was first reported in China in March 2013.The virus causes severe disease in humans,including acute and often fatal breathing failure.The country has reported more than 200 human H7N9 cases.【语篇解读】本文讲的是中国科学家发现了一种人体血浆蛋白与H7N9病死亡率有关。1What does the passage mainly talk about?AChinese scientists found a human blood protein associated with the H7N9 death rate.BChinese scientists have made a new medical discovery.CA new perspective to H7N9 pathology provided by a medical study.DA report of H7N9 death rate.A主旨大意题。纵观全文可知本文讲的是中国科学家发现了一种人体血浆蛋白与H7N9病死亡率有关,故选A。2The underlined word “critical” in the third paragraph most likely means AunimportantBmistakenCurgentDsuccessfulC词义猜测题。根据第三段最后一句话中的“in critical condition keeps going up,while that of mild cases tends to drop”可知critical condition与mild cases进行对比,故critical与mild意思应该相反,表示“危急的”,故选C。3According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?AH7N9 patients with higher levels of angiotensin carry more viral load.BAngiotensin is a human protein to regulate blood pressure.CH7N9 virus may cause human breathing failure.DThe researchers collected plasma from 47 H7N9 patients in the city of Hangzhou and made the discovery.D细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句话可知D项错误,故选D。4You can probably find this article in Aa bookletBa newspaperCa guide bookDan advertisementB文章出处题。a booklet“小册子”;a newspaper“报纸”;a guide book“旅行指南”;an advertisement“广告”。根据文章内容可知本文是一则关于医学研究发现的新闻报道,应该在报纸上见到,故选B。.完形填空Every four years we get to see the best athletes win the Olympic medals.But sometimes the best 1 comes from those who dont winor 2 those who rank dead last.In 1988,Michael “Eddie the Eagle” Edwards became the first competitor since 1928 to 3 Great Britain in Olympic ski jumping.He finished last in the event.But it didnt 4 His fans loved him for other 5 Edwards was a good downhill skier but decided to 6 to ski jumping,as Britain had no other ski jumpers 7 in the event. During the 8 ,he had no trainers,no money, and no facilities (设施)He had to wear thick 9 under his goggles(护目镜) because he was nearsighted. When Edwards was 10 of his qualification for the games,he was living 11 in a mental hospital due to lack of money for alternative 12 “Who won the Olympic ski jumping in 1988?”If you ask a 13 person in Britain this question,he probably couldnt tell you. However,if its a 14 question “Who is MichaelEddie the EagleEdwards?”,hell 15 all about the crazy ski jumping guy to you.The British people called him the great British 16 They were so proud of him for just trying.He 17 to do what most of us wont do.He will be forever 18 by his country for doing what no one else had done in 60 years.So what 19 things are you afraid to do?Follow Eddies 20 and just go for it.You might just become a legend (传奇)【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。在1988年冬奥会上,英国小伙Edwards在跳台滑雪比赛中,成绩为最后一名。但他因坚忍不拔、勇于开拓的精神和不畏艰难的勇气而被人们称道。1A.invitationBinspirationCevaluationDaddictionB但是有时候最好的激励来自那些没有赢得比赛的人,或者甚至来自最后一名。inspiration意为“鼓舞人心的人(或事物)”,符合语境。invitation“邀请”;evaluation“评估”;addiction“瘾”。2A.everBstillCyetDevenD参见上题解析。even表示递进,意为“甚至”,符合语境。3A.leave forBstand forCbeat offDfight againstBEdwards成了自1928年以来第一个代表英国参加奥运会跳台滑雪项目的运动员。stand for意为“代表”,符合语境。leave for“去往”;beat off“击败”;fight against“与对抗”。4A.spreadBworkCmatterDoccurC但这并没有什么关系。matter在此用作动词,表示“有关系,有重要性”。spread“扩散,蔓延”;work“起作用,有效”;occur“发生”。5A.reasonsBaspectsCpurposesDmeansA他的粉丝因为其他的原因(reasons)喜欢他。aspect“方面”;purpose“目的,意图”;means“手段,方法”。6A.contributeBapplyCswitchDstickC他决定改练跳台滑雪,因为英国(当时)没有运动员参加这个项目的比赛。switch意为“转变,转换”,符合语境。contribute“投稿,捐献”;apply“申请,运用”;stick“插入,粘贴”。7A.servingBleadingCmajoringDcompetingD参见上题解析。compete“参加比赛”。8A.performanceBpracticeCinterviewDjumpB在训练过程中,他没有教练,没有资金,也没有训练设施。practice意为“训练,练习”,符合语境。9A.glovesBclothesCbootsDglassesD根据后面的“because he was nearsighted”的提示,可知此处表示他不得不在护目镜里面再戴上厚厚的眼镜(glasses)。10A.remindedBconvincedCinformedDaccusedC当他被告知他获得了参加奥运会的资格的时候,他正因为缺少住宿资金临时居住在一家精神病院里。inform sb.of sth.是固定短语,意为“告知某人某事”。remind sb.of sth.”提醒某人某事”;convince sb.of sth.“让某人相信某事”;accuse sb.of sth.“指控某人某事”。11A.normallyBquietlyCcomfortablyDtemporarilyD参见上题解析。normally“通常”;quietly“悄悄地”;comfortably“舒服地”;temporarily“临时地,暂时地”。12A.considerationBaccommodationCinventionDcelebrationB上文提到他暂住医院,因此此处表示他没有钱找到住的地方。accommodation意为“住处”,符合语境。13A.randomBspecificCseniorDtypicalA如果你在英国随意问一个人这个问题,他可能不能告诉你答案。random意为“随机的”,符合语境。specific“特定的”;senior“年纪较大的”;typical“典型的”。14A.simpleBcontraryCdifferentDcommonC但是,如果你问一个不同的问题,即问他谁是“飞鹰艾迪”,他就会跟你说很多关于这个人的事情。故different符合语境。15A.provideBteachCindicateDrelateD参见上题解析。relate在此是熟词生义的用法,表示“讲述”。provide“提供”;teach“教授”;indicate“暗示,指示”。16A.survivorBloserCwinnerDcitizenB英国人称他为英国伟大的失败者。根据上文可知,Edwards在奥运会上是最后一名,再根据下文可知,英国人为他骄傲,因为他敢于尝试,故他是一个伟大的失败者。loser“失败者”符合语境。17A.daredBlongedCintendedDpromisedA英国人为他的尝试感到非常骄傲,他敢于做我们大多数人不会做的事情。dare“敢于”,符合语境。18A.debatedBexpectedCrememberedDfollowedC虽然他的成绩是最后一名,但他因为为他的国家做了60年来无人做过的事情而被其国家的人永远记得(remembered)。debate“讨论,辩论”;expect“期望”;follow“跟随,仿效”。19A.challengingBencouragingCconfusingDrelaxingA所以你害怕做的有挑战性的事情是什么呢?以Edwards为榜样,努力争取,你可能就会成为一个传奇。形容词challenging意为“有挑战性的”,符合语境。20A.exampleBlessonCtipDoptimismA参见上题解析。follow sb.s example“以某人为榜样,学习某人”。


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