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    Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date西方文化课程讲义西方文化课程讲义西方文化课程讲义OutlineChapter 1 Greek CultureChapter 2 Roman CultureChapter 3 Christian CultureChapter 4 Medieval CultureChapter 5 Culture in the RenaissanceChapter 6 Culture in the 17th CenturyChapter 7 Culture in the EnlightenmentChapter 8 RomanticismChapter 9 RealismChapter 1 Greek CultureIntroductionWest culture is made up of many elements, two of more enduring are: the Greco-Roman (希腊罗马的)element, and the Judeo-Christian (犹太教和基督教的) element.The foundation of Western culture was laid by the Greeks. Ancient Greece is known for advances in philosophy, architecture, drama, government, and science.The most famous period of ancient Greek civilization is called the classical Age, which lasted from about 500 to 323B.C. During this period, ancient Greeks reached their highest prosperity and produced amazing cultural accomplishments. Unlike most other peoples of the time, Greeks of the Classical Age were not ruled by kings. Greek communities treasured the freedom to govern themselves, although they argued about the best way to do and often warred against each other. They highlighted the ideal of democracy and the importance of the individual.1. History of Ancient Greece1.1 Age of Aegean Civilization ( B.C. 3000B.C. 1000)爱琴文明时期Western civilization has a long history as long as Eastern civilization, and has lasted almost 5000 years since the origin ofAegean civilization, which includes two kinds of cultures:Minoan culture (米诺斯文化)and the Mycenaean culture ( 迈锡尼文化). Minoan culture flourished from 3000BC to 1000BC. Its high peak is the ruins of the imperial palace discovered in Knossos(克诺索斯), the capital of the Minoan Dynasty.( 米诺斯王朝) The Dorians ( 多里亚人) from Greece intruded in the 11th century BC and Minoan culture sank into oblivion.The ruins of Mycenaean culture was first discovered by the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann in the 1870s. Mycenaean culture was created by Achaean(阿卡亚人) in 16th century BC and destroyed by Dorians in 12thcentury. It left us the scripts of Linear B (B型线行文字). The Trojan War broke out at the end of Mycenaean civilization. The Trojan war had helped to produce two famous epics, Odyssey(奥德塞 and Iliad(伊利亚特). 1.2 Dark Age/ Homeric Age/ Heroic Age (B.C. 1100B.C. 750) 英雄时代1.3 Age of City-States城邦制时代Athens(雅典), Sparta(斯巴达), Corinth(科林斯), and Thebes(底比斯) were the most powerful city-states.1.4 Classical Age (B.C. 500B.C.323) 古典时期1.5 Hellenistic Age (B.C. 336-B.C. 146) 希腊化时期This period refers to the conquests of Alexander the Great to the final conquest of the Greek by Rome in 146BC.2. Culture of Ancient Greece2.1 Epic PoetryHomers Iliad (伊利亚特)and Odyssey( 奥德赛).Hesiod(郝西奥德):Works and Days, Theogony神谱2.2 Greek Mythology(1) Brief introduction希腊神话有神的故事和英雄传说两大类。神的故事包括开天辟地、神的产生和谱系以及人类起源等。据说宇宙之初,只有混沌之神卡俄斯(Chaos),他是一个无边无际、一无所有的空间。随后诞生了地母神盖亚(Gaea)、地狱深渊神塔耳塔洛斯(Tartarus)、黑暗神俄瑞波斯(Erebus)、黑夜女神尼克斯(Nyx)和爱神厄洛斯(Eros)世界由此开始。大地女神盖亚(Gaea)诞生了天神乌拉诺斯(Ouranos)、海洋之神蓬托斯(Pontus)和山脉之神乌瑞亚(Ourea)等。接着盖亚又和她两位儿子生了许多神。和乌拉诺斯生了提坦(Titans)分别代表了世界最初的事物(日、月、天、时间、正义、记忆等)和蓬托斯生了五个孩子分别代表了不同的海。她算得上是众神之母(是奥林匹斯神的始祖)。乌拉诺斯将子女囚于地下,而儿子克隆诺斯奋起反抗,夺取了父亲的权位,并娶妹妹瑞亚(Rhea)为妻。克隆诺斯听说自己将被一个儿子推翻,便吞掉所生的子女,但儿子宙斯(Zeus)被瑞亚藏了起来。宙斯成年后,果然打败克隆诺斯,成为万神之王,建立起奥林波斯神系,他的众多儿女也成为各有司职的神祗。希腊神话的特点是人神同形。英雄传说歌颂战斗中建立功勋的各氏族部落的英雄。这些英雄都是神与人之子,体魄强健,智慧超群,反映了古希腊人民战天斗地的乐观精神和勤劳勇敢的高尚品质。有不畏艰险,为民除害的赫拉克勒斯;历尽艰险寻找金羊毛的伊阿宋;深入迷宫击毙诺斯牛,为民造福的忒修斯等。(2) 奥林波斯神系 ( The Olympian Gods)Between Macedon (马其顿)and Thessaly (色萨利)of eastern Greece there stood a high mountain. Its cloudy top rushed into the very heavens. On the top of the mountain, the home of the gods was bathed in brightness. At Olympus Zeus (宙斯)ruled as the father of gods and men. Zeus was not a crude ruler by any standards. All the gods listened to his final words. But Zeus made them all sit on a committee of 12 members, including 6 gods and 6 goddesses. The first in the Olympian crowd sat Zeus himself. He was the overlord of gods and men and the operator of the thunderbolt. Next to him was Hera(赫拉), his proud and green-eyed queen. Poseidon (波塞冬)was ruler of the sea. And Hades(哈得斯), king of the lower world, had no seat in the committee. Apollo(阿波罗) was the god of the sun, music and poetry, while his twin sister Artemis(阿耳特弥斯) was the goddess of the moon and the chase. Athena (雅典娜)was the goddess of wisdom and patroness of household arts. Hestin(赫提斯), the goddess of the family, represented home life and family happiness. The frightening Ares(阿瑞斯) was the god of war, and the charming Aphrodite(阿芙罗狄特) the goddess of love and beauty. The god of fire, Hephaestus(赫非斯托斯), was the forger of the thunderbolts of Zeus. The wing-footed messenger Hermes(海尔墨斯) was the god of invention and commerce; and the goddess of grains and harvests, Demeter(得墨特尔), looked after agriculture and stood for mother of civilization.All the chief gods mentioned above took human forms of incomparable beauty and grace. Often moved by human feelings and desires, they frequently gave way to anger and jealousy. They became involved in ceaseless battles with the world of man. Among themselves at Olympus they plotted and struggled for power.希腊罗马神名对照表希腊名称罗马名称1. Zeus 宙斯 Jupiter 朱匹特主神2. Hera 赫拉 Juno 朱诺天后3. Athena 雅典娜 Minerva 密捏瓦智慧女神4. Apollo阿波罗 Apollo 阿波罗太阳神5. Artemis阿耳特弥斯 Diana 戴安那月亮和狩猎女神6. Ares阿瑞斯 Mars 马尔斯战神7. Aphrodite阿芙罗狄特 Venus 维纳斯爱与美神8. Demeter得墨特尔 Ceres 克瑞斯谷物与丰收女神9. Hephaestus赫非斯托斯 Vulcan 伏尔甘火神10. Hermes海尔墨斯Mercury 墨丘利商业与发明的守护神11. Poseidon波塞冬 Neptune 涅普顿海神12. Hades哈得斯 Pluto 普鲁特阴间之神,闵王13. Dionysus 狄俄尼索斯 Bacchus 巴克斯酒神14. Eros 厄洛斯 Cupid 丘比特爱神15. Heracles 赫拉克勒斯 Hercules 海格立斯大力神(3) Oedipus Complex 俄狄浦斯情结A prophet warned King Laius of Thebes that because he had married his cousin Jocasta, he would be killed by his son. To avoid the disaster, he ordered his loyal shepherd to kill his new-born baby son. The goodhearted slave, however, could not bring himself to do the evil deed. He pierced the babys feet and tied them with ropes. Then he turned the baby over to the care of a fellow shepherd who happened to be the servant of the king of Corinth. The child was given the name of Oedipus. He was brought up by the childless royal couple as their son and successor. The prince had never doubted that the king was not his real father until one day he heard others talking about his parentage. Deeply troubled, he went to Delphi to require about his birth. There he was warned by Apollo not to return to his native country, because, should he do so, he would kill his father and marry his mother. The frightened young man turned his back on Corinth, determined not to return while his supposed parents lived.Oedipus had not gone far on his way to Thebes when he saw a cart coming towards him. The man sitting in the cart, angry at the young man in the way, whipped him on the face with an oath. Oedipus jumped onto the cart and killed him in his anger. Of the five servants who followed their master on foot, only one escaped narrowly. Little did Oedipus think that the man sitting in the cart was King Laicus, his father. Presently the young man arrived in the kingdom of Thebes. Round about this time, the Thebans were troubled by a woman-headed monster, called Sphinx( 斯芬克斯), who produced a riddle to them. The crown and the hand of the widow queen were offered to anyone who could solve the riddle. Oedipus met Sphinx on a cliff. To the monsters riddle, “What animal walks on four legs in the morning, on two at noon, and on three at night?” He offered the answer, “Man, Who creeps in infancy, walks upright in manhood, and supports his steps with a staff in old age.” Thus, Sphinx threw herself down into the valley. Oedipus became king of Thebes and husband of the queen, his mother.For a long time after this event, Oedipus lived in honor and prosperity. Four unnatural children came out of this odd marriage, two sons and two daughters. Then the sad thing came. A plague raged throughout the land. Every family was affected, and not a day went by without new death. A prophet warned that the trouble would not be removed until the murderer of the former king Laius was driven out of the country. An old blind seer, Tiresias by name, was brought before the king and, outraged by the kings impolite language, declared that Oedipus himself was the hunted murderer. The king was shocked and annoyed. He called the Theban and Corinthian shepherds to prove the truth. As the two old shepherds had been concerned in his adoption as an infant, the truth finally became known. The queen hanged herself. Oedipus put out of his own eyes with a pin, so that he might not look on the sun again. He was driven out of the kingdom and wandered from one city to another, until he found protection in King Theseus Athens(雅典的提修斯国王). There at the signal of Zeus thunder, he mysteriously ended his poor earthly life.俄狄浦斯情结又称恋母情结,是精神分析学的术语。精神分析学(psychoanalysis)的创始人弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud,1856-1939)认为,儿童在性发展的对象选择时期,开始向外界寻求性对象。对于幼儿,这个对象首先是双亲,男孩以母亲为选择对象而女孩则常以父亲的选择对象。小孩做出如此的选择,一方面是由于自身的“性本能”,同时也是由于双亲的刺激加强了这种倾向,也即是由于母亲偏爱儿子和父亲偏爱女儿促成的。在此情形之下,男孩早就对他的母亲发生了一种特殊的柔情,视母亲为自己的所有物,而把父亲看成是争得此所有物的敌人,并想取代父亲在父母关系中的地位。同理,女孩也以为母亲干扰了自己对父亲的柔情,侵占了她应占的地位。每个人的成长都会经历这样的时期,我们自己回想一下小时候或者说现在是否有过嫉恨自己异性父母的时候。正如故事中的俄狄浦斯当他知道了事情的真相的时候是多么的羞愧。因为在我们的伦理道德中这样是不被允许的,甚至说想一下也是被认为邪恶的。在这一时期,我们是很矛盾的,不过对于大部分的人来说,在我们的意识还未完全认识到这一点的时候我们已经成功处理了。以男孩子举例:当他开始嫉恨父亲,想要拥有母亲的时候,自然会表现出对父亲的敌视,但是越来他会发现自己不够强大来抵制父亲,转而,他会向父亲学习产生认同,慢慢的就成长起来了。在这个转变过程中,因为家庭情况的、个人的一些经历不同,在程度上就会是不一样的。父母亲在家庭中的地位角色会影响到孩子的成长,一个强大的父亲比之一个懦弱的父亲是更容易让孩子认同的,如果母亲过于强大在家中占主导地位的话,男孩子就很有可能认同母亲,对于孩子的成长就会有影响2.3 Greek Drama古希腊悲剧起源于祭祀酒神狄奥尼索斯(Dionysus)的庆典活动。在古希腊世界漫长的演进过程中,这种原始的祭祀活动逐渐发展成一种有合唱歌队伴奏,有演员表演并依靠幕布、背景、面具等塑造环境的艺术样式,这就是西方戏剧的雏形。  古希腊悲剧之父埃斯库罗斯古希腊戏剧大都取材于神话、英雄传说和史诗,所以题材通常都很严肃。亚里士多德曾在诗学中曾专门探讨悲剧的含义。他认为悲剧的目的是要引起观众对剧中人物的怜悯和对变幻无常之命运的恐惧,由此使感情得到净化。悲剧中描写的冲突往往是难以调和的,具有宿命论色彩。悲剧中的主人公往往具有坚强不屈的性格和英雄气概,却总是在与命运抗争的过程中遭遇失败。古希腊成就最高的三大悲剧作家是埃斯库罗斯(Aeschylus)、索福克勒斯(Sophocles)和欧里庇得斯(Euripides)。埃斯库罗斯(B.C.525B.C.456)是古希腊最伟大的悲剧作家。他对古希腊悲剧最大的贡献是在表演中引入了第二个演员,改变了过去古希腊戏剧中只有一个演员和歌队共同演出的传统模式,为戏剧情节的发展和戏剧道白的丰富多彩提供了可能和便利条件。埃斯库罗斯已知剧名的作品共80部,其中只有7部传世,包括俄瑞斯忒亚三联剧(阿迦门农、奠酒人和复仇女神)、乞援人、波斯人、七将攻忒拜和普罗米修斯。埃斯库罗斯是整个古希腊戏剧的第一位大师,对整个西方戏剧艺术的发展产生了深远的影响。索福克勒斯(B.C.496B.C.406)是雅典民主全盛时期的悲剧作家。他在27岁首次参加悲剧竞赛,即战胜了埃斯库罗斯。阿里斯托芬称赞他“生前完满,身后无憾”。索福克勒斯一生共写过100余部戏剧,却只有7部传世,成就最高的是安提戈涅(Antigone)和俄底浦斯王(Oedipus)。其中俄底浦斯王被认为是古希腊悲剧的典范。索福克勒斯的悲剧往往被称为“命运悲剧”,即通常表现个人意志行为与命运之间的冲突。欧里庇得斯(前485前406)是雅典奴隶制民主国家危机时代的悲剧作家。他一生从未参与过任何政治活动,而是醉心于哲学思考。他在自己的作品中提出了许多问题,包括神性与人性、战争与和平、民主、妇女问题等等。他一生共创作了80余部悲剧,有18部传世。其中最优秀的包括美狄亚、特洛伊妇女等。欧里庇德斯所处的时代是雅典由表面繁荣逐渐走向动荡的时代。伯罗奔尼撒战争爆发后,各种社会矛盾日益尖锐,信仰危机和道德沦丧现象出现。在欧里庇德斯的戏剧中,可以清晰的感到剧作家对希腊政治现实的怀疑态度。美狄亚被认为是古希腊最动人的悲剧之一,也是西方文学中第一次把妇女作为主要角色来塑造。由于欧里庇得斯的戏剧和传统的悲剧风格不同,因此他生前并不出名,死后名声却很大,他的戏剧对西方戏剧史有很大影响。阿里斯托芬(B.C.446B.C.358)生活于伯罗奔尼撒战争时期,雅典的城邦文明正在衰落之中,雅典社会出现了贫富分化、政治派系等现象,这些都称为剧作家创作的素材。阿里斯托芬一生共写过44个喜剧剧本,但完整流传下来的只有11部,比较著名的包括巴比伦人、云、鸟、骑士、阿卡奈人等。其中鸟是最优秀的作品,也是古希腊现存的结构最完整的寓言喜剧。阿里斯托芬是整个欧洲的喜剧之父,正是他奠定了西方文学中喜剧以滑稽形式表现严肃主题的传统。2.4 古希腊哲学Greek Philosophy古希腊哲学是在东方、埃及巴比伦文化的影响下发展起来的,它从神话传说中崭露出来以后,首先注意物理世界的起源与本性的问题,集中于对宇宙本原的追问。宇宙间的现象各式各样,千变万化,它们究竟由什么东西构成?怎么会产生这么多变化?哲学源于惊异,古希腊人惊异地追问这类问题。哲学产生以前人们用神话传说解释这类问题,哲学的产生意味着开始用理性、思维来解释。最早作这种解释和回答的有米利都学派,以后有毕达哥拉斯学派、赫拉克利特、爱利亚学派和原子论者,一般把这些叫作“自然哲学家”或“宇宙论者”。 米利都学派因为代表人物出生于小亚细亚的古希腊城米利都而得名。第一个代表人物叫泰勒斯(Thales,624B.C-550 B.C.)认为:万物都是由水构成的。他把多种多样的东西统一于水,这就使他成为西方哲学的创始人.泰勒斯名言:“宇宙的起源是水,一切都充满神明。”;“别人为食而生存,我为生存而食“。米利都学派的第二位代表人物Anaximander(阿那克西曼德,610B.C.-546B.C.)认为万物的本原不是水,而是“未定物”。他提出了宇宙论。第三个代表人物Anaximenes(阿那克西美尼,585 B.C-525 B.C.)认为“气”是万物的本原。他提出了变化原理。米利都学派这些人关于事物本原的探讨,从当时的时代来看,可以说已经有了科学的意味了。他们是从质料和性质方面研究多样性事物的统一性,他们主张Hylozoism(“物活论”)。“物活论”认为万物都是活的,有生命的,万物运动变化的动力就在万物的本原自身,而不在事物之外。“物活论”一词是17世纪的一个剑桥柏拉图主义者Ralph Cudworth所造的。毕达哥拉斯学派的创始人Phythagoras(毕达哥拉斯,数学家,哲学家,571B.C.-497B.C.)以“数”为本原,是从形式和量的方面来研究多样性事物的统一性。他的主张有(1)人有灵魂,灵魂不死而轮回。(2)一切生物皆有亲属关系。(3)万物的存在必须有形,数字是万物结构的根本要素。赫拉克利特强调“变”,认为只有“变”才是真实的,没有永久不变的东西,他认为“火”是万物的本原,就是因为在他看来“火”具有最鲜明的运动变化的性质;他关于对立面统一和斗争的思想使他成为西方哲学史上上辩证法的一个重要奠基人。后期自然哲学家恩培多克勒、Anaxagoras(阿那史萨戈拉,500 B.C-428 B.C.)和Democritus(德谟克利特,460 B.C.-370 B.C.)等哲学家的看法。他们认为“不变”的东西不是一个,既不是水,也不是火,而是许多个,如恩培多克勒的“四元素”(即:土、气、水、火),阿那克萨戈拉的“Seed”(种子),德谟克利特的“原子”,并且认为“变”不过是这许多“不变”的东西相互组合上的不同。 公元前5世纪,古希腊哲学的兴趣由注意自然转移到注意人,从Sophists(智者)的主要代表Protagoras(普罗泰戈拉,481 B.C.-411 B.C.)、Gorgias(高尔吉亚,483? B.C.-375? B.C.)就开始这样了。在他们看来,自然哲学时期的各派学说都有些武断,他们不相信有真正的存在和客观的真理。普罗泰戈拉有一句名言:“人是万物的尺度。”他认为:一切都同样的真,是非善恶都是相对于人的感觉而说的,他的思想是“相对主义”和“怀疑主义”的。高尔吉亚甚至认为:一切都同样的假,他的思想是“怀疑论”。苏格拉底(B.C469-B.C.399)是雅典人。他认为人若想善度此生,必须要有德行;为了实践德行,必须先知道何谓德行。他主张有客观真理,主张认识是可能的。在他看来,真理不在个人,而在人类一般,不在感觉,而在思维。他认为:真正的知识就是从具体的道德行为中寻找道德的普遍性定义,而寻找定义的方法就是“论辩诘难”,也就是以问答求知识的方法。苏格拉底在与人谈话中不断提问,引导对方陷入自相矛盾而承认自己“无知”,从而共同确定一个普遍性概念,也就是确定一个定义,这就达到了真理、真知识,比如:什么叫作善的概念、什么叫作正义的概念等等。这就是哲学史上所谓的“The Socratic irony”(“苏格拉底的反讽法”)。他的论辩诘难的方法是“辩证法”的最早来源。 苏格拉底的名言有:(1)我只知道一件事,那就是我什么也不知道。(2)人类最大的幸福就在于每天能谈谈道德方面的事情。无灵魂的生活就失去了人的生活价值。(3)我们的需要越少,我们越近似上帝。(4)这个世界上有两种人,一种是快乐的猪,一种是痛苦的人。做痛苦的人,胜过做快乐的猪。柏拉图(427B.C.-347B.C.)Plato was Socratesstudent. He was from a noble family and lived to nearly 80 years of age. Socrates death was a heavy blow to Platos political ambition. He didnt believe democratic politics. He established Academy in his 40s.( which was closed in 529).柏拉图的著作为对话录。他的名言有:(1)如果哲学家不能成为帝王,就只有设法使帝王成为哲学家。(2)与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。(3)耐心是一切聪明才智的基础。(4)孩子怕黑暗情有可原,人生真正的悲剧是成人怕光明。(5)爱是神圣的疯狂。亚里斯多德(384B.C.-322B.C.): Aristotle came from a doctors family. When he was 18,Aristotle went to Athens from his hometown, Stagira of Macedonia. He lived in Athens for 20 years at Platos Academy, and was regarded by Plato as the soul of the institute. Later he worked as tutor for famous Alexander the Great.他的著作很多,逻辑学著作有范畴篇、论辩篇,修辞学、诗学、伦理学、政治学、物理学、动物学等。亚里斯多德的名言有:(1)长期的无所事事最能使人衰竭和毁灭。(2)放纵自己的欲望是最大的祸害;谈论别人的隐私是最大得罪恶;不知自己的过失是最大的病痛。Epicurus(伊壁鸠鲁,341 B.C.-270 B.C.)的伦理学就是历史上著名的“快乐说”,也就是说:快乐是人生的目的,幸福是最高的善。伊壁鸠鲁名言: “幸福就是肉体无痛苦,灵魂无纷扰。“斯多葛派的创始人是塞浦路斯岛的Zeno(芝诺,336 B.C.-264 B.C.),他在一个画廊里办学,希腊人称那种画廊为Stoa(斯多亚),所以他这个学派就叫“斯多葛派”,意思就是“画廊学派”。此派的伦理思想是反对“快乐说”,主张摆脱欲望,“不动心”才是幸福。 “怀疑论”是古代的不可知论,认为我们不能说出任何肯定的东西,所以最高的善就是不作任何判断,以保持安宁。这就是皮洛的伦理学。据说有一次皮洛乘船遇上暴风雨,船上的人惊惶失措,皮洛却指着船上的一头猪说,哲学家应该像它那样安宁。2.5 古希腊建筑与雕塑 Greek architecture can be grouped into three styles: the Doric(多利安式) style which is also called the masculine style; the Ionic(爱奥尼亚式) style which is also called the feminine style; and a later style that is called the Corinthian(科林斯式)style.The Acropolice at Athens(雅典卫城) and the Parthenon (万神殿)are the finest monument of Greek architecture sculpture in more than 2000years.(1)、多立克柱式(Doric Order)是古典建筑的三种柱式中出现最早的一种(公元前7世纪)。多利克柱式一般都建在阶座之上,特点是


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