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    精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除学校_ 班级_姓名_-装-订-线-小学英语6B第一单元测试卷听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(每小题听两遍。10分)(        )1. A.   large                   B.   laugh                       C.   loud (        )2. A.   shout                  B.   sharp                       C.   show (        )3. A.   strong                 B.   small                        C.   sad (        )4. A.   way                    B.   what                         C.   weak (        )5. A.   happy                 B.   happily                     C.   glad (        )6. A.   wake                  B.   waking                     C.   woke (        )7. A.   sad                     B.   wanted                     C.   asked (        )8. A.   in the hole        B.   in the forest             C.   in the ground (        )9. A.   come out            B.   get out                     C.   look out (        )10. A. cheer for             B. look for                       C. well done 二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(每小题听两遍。10分)(   )1.A.He is in the forest.   B.I was in the forest.  C.She was in the forest. (      )2.A.Yes,it is.     B.Yes, he does.         C.Yes, he did. (      )3.A.Hes sad.   B.Because hes in the net.  C.Because hes happy.(      )4.A.Yes,I do.     B.Its my car.             C.By bus. (     )5.A.I'm in the library.   B.I watch TV.   C.I read an interesting book.三、听录音,完成短文。(听三遍。10分)1.A mouse_ by and_the lion up. 2.There was a_in the _ .3.The mouse made a big_ in the net with his_.4.He is a_boy. He laughs_ . 5.He is_at table tennis. _done!笔试部分(70分)一、根据要求写单词。(10分) 1. catch(过去式)_ 2. wake(过去式) _3. bite(过去式)_ 4. let(过去式) _5. sad(副词)_ 6. quiet(副词) _ 7. loud(副词)_ 8. happy(副词) _9. strong(反义词)_ 10. small(反义词)_ 二、翻译词组。( 10分)1.就在那时 2.出来 3.第二天 4.走过,路过 5.把水倒入洞里 6.from then on 7. too deep 8. become friends 9. wake the lion up 10.in the forest 三、单项选择。(10分)(         )1. The man is too short. He cant_ the apples on the tree. A.  take                       B. reach                         C. eat (         )2.The teacher came into the classroom_some books in his hands. A. for                         B. of                               C. with (         )3. _ , an old man walked by the house. A.  The next day        B. Sometimes                C. Today (         )4. The teeth of the lion are very_ . A. sharp                    B. large                         C. weak (         )5. Father is tired. Dont wake_ . A. up him                  B. him up                      C. he up (         )6. The lion was strong, but the mouse was_ . A. strong                   B. weak                         C. sharp (         )7. The lion didnt_ from the net. A. get in                    B. get                            C. get out (      )8. _ did the man catch the parrot? A. How                     B.    What                       C.  Who (         )9. Willy looks at the beautiful picture on the blackboard_.A. happy                      B. happily                    C. sad (         )10. Wang Bing is good at_ . A. run                        B. runing                     C.running 四、句子配对(5分)(         )1.Who woke you up yesterday?          A.They like living in the forest. (        )2.Did Mike eat the fish last night?               B. No,he didnt. (         )3.How did you go to school yesterday?        C. They became friends. (         )4.What did the lion and the mouse become?  D. My mother. (        )5.Where do the animals like living?                 E. By bike. 五、完成下列句子。(8分,每空0.5分)1. 这只狮子很生气想要吃那只老鼠。The lion was _and _ to eat the mouse.2. 从那以后,这只狮子和那只老鼠成了朋友。_ _ on, the lion and the mouse _ friends.3. 那只狮子用他的尖牙咬网,但是那无济于事。The lion _ the net with his _ _, but that did not _.4. 比利和威利为他们大声地欢呼。 Billy and Willy _ _ them _.5.他很快弄来些水,并把它倒进了洞里。He _ some water _ and _it _ the hole.六连词成句。(10分。)1. woke   the   walked   up   by   and   the   lion   mouse   ( . ) 2. lion    did    the   how   men   the   catch    ( ? ) 3. water   from  the  on   fish   in   the   then    lived  ( ,  . ) 4. is  a   there   in   the   hole   ground   deep   ( . ) 5. bowel   pour   Miss Li   the   the   into   did   tea ( ? ) 七、用所给词的正确形式填空。(7分)1. The man laughed_(loud). 2. The boy said_(happy). 3.He always _(hit)the ball hard. 4.My brother swam_(quick). 5.We were very_ (excited). 6.Sam _ (have)an idea. 7.David _ (play)table tennis now. 八、阅读理解。 (10分)The mice and the cat    A man lives in a big house. He likes his house,but he hates(讨厌)the mice in it. One day, he buys a big cat from the market to eat the mice. After a few days,the cat kills(杀)many mice. This time, the mice become very worried. They decide to do something to save(挽救) their lives, so all the mice come together to discuss(讨论)it. They have many plans, but none(没有)of them is good and useful.       At last, a young mouse stands up and says, “Ill show you what we can do. We can put a bell around the cat's neck. Then if the cat comes we can run away because we can hear the bell ring. All the mice agree and say its a good idea. Then an old mouse stands up and asks,“The point(重点)is which of us will tie(系)the bell to the cats neck?” No one says anything because no one dares(敢)to do it. (         )1. What does the man worry about? A. His house is too big. B. His cat is too big. C. There are many mice in his house. (         )2. Why do all the mice have a meeting one day? A. They want to live in another house. B. They dont want, to be killed by the cat. C. They want to kill the cat in the house. (         )3. What do the mice think of the young mouses idea? A.Its a bad idea. B.Its a dangerous(危险的)idea. C Its a good idea. (         )4. Do the mice dare to tie the bell to the cats neck? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don't. C. Sorry,I dont know. (         )5. What can we learn from the story? A. To say is one thing, to do is another thing. B. The mice are very clever. C. The cat is clever. 听力稿一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(每小题听两遍。10分)1.large 2. sharp 3. strong 4. weak  5. happily 6. woke 7.asked 8. in the hole  9. get out 10. cheer for 二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(每小题听两遍。10分)1. Where was your friend?  2. Did the lion let the mouse go?  3. Why is the lion sad?  4. How do you go to school?  5. What did you do last night? 三、听录音,完成短文。(听三遍。10分)1.A mouse walked by and woke the lion up.   2.There was a lion in the forest.   3.The mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth. 4.He is a happy boy. He laughs happily. 5.He is good at table tennis. Well done! 宁可累死在路上,也不能闲死在家里!宁可去碰壁,也不能面壁。是狼就要练好牙,是羊就要练好腿。什么是奋斗?奋斗就是每天很难,可一年一年却越来越容易。不奋斗就是每天都很容易,可一年一年越来越难。能干的人,不在情绪上计较,只在做事上认真;无能的人!不在做事上认真,只在情绪上计较。拼一个春夏秋冬!赢一个无悔人生!早安!献给所有努力的人.【精品文档】第 5 页


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