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    Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date英语1基础模块第二单元教学设计方案英语1基础模块第二单元教学设计方案阿克苏职业技术学院单元教学设计方案课程名称英语1基础模块教学项目名称Unit 2 I can do it!本项目学时数6课时课程教学团队中职英语课程教学团队学习目标分析语言知识目标: 学生能够理解并运用常用动词及can 询问并给出有关个人能力的信息。语言技能目标: 听 学生能够理解用情态动词can 表述的有关个人能力的介绍。说 学生能够用情态动词can 做有关个人能力的介绍。读 学生能够读懂有关个人信息及个人能力的表格及简单句。写 学生能够根据个人情况做简单介绍并用情态动词can 表述个人能力。学 习 策 略: 学生在英语学习中发现问题并及时寻求解决方法。文 化 意 识: 学生掌握中国人与英美国家的人们在询问个人信息时的不同习惯。情 感 态 度: 学生了解不同职业所需的技能,并明确自己在学习过程中需要掌握的技能。单 元 任 务: 学生能够运用所学语言填写简单的求职表。学习者分析中职新生英语水平普遍较低、离散度高;缺乏英语学习动力和自觉性,学习习惯不好,没有掌握正确的学习方法和策略。但是他们好奇心强,精力充沛,动手能力强,在自我认知和人际交往方面有较强的内在需求。因此,只要教师能从学生的实际水平出发,采用灵活多样的教学手段和方法,激发学生的学习兴趣和动力,并且在整个教学过程中,注意学习方法和策略指导,就能达到较好的教学效果。学习内容分析In "Lead-in & Listening and speaking", understand talks about ones abilities;Use”can”to talk about ones abilities In "Reading and writing", understand description of ones abilities; Use”can”to describe ones abilitiesIn "Language in Use and Vocabulary Practice", master the usage of “can”; complete a job application form for yourself in 2015.教学策略1.对于自主学习能力较强的学生,在掌握书本知识的的前提下,可以学习同步练习册上的内容。2.对于自主学习能力不强的学生,教师将给予相应的指导和帮助。3.对于英语基础较差的学生,教师应在其原基础上给予相应的指导和帮助. 使其在原基础上得到相应的提高.不必与学习成绩好的同学作同等要求。4.全体学生都要接受教师定期的课业抽查和测验,并在本学期内参加英语应用能力考试。 精讲多练,以练为主;侧重听说写,兼顾读译。5.采用启发式教学法、任务型教学反、交际活动教学法、讲授法、自主学习法等,结合多媒体教学设备。学习成果通过本单元学习,学生能够理解并运用常用动词及can 询问并给出有关个人能力的信息,掌握中国人与英美国家的人们在询问个人信息时的不同习惯;了解不同职业所需的技能,并明确自己在学习过程中需要掌握的技能; 学生能够运用所学语言填写简单的求职表。教学评价根据学生课堂及完成活动任务的表现,以教师给学生评价和学生互评的方式,对本堂课的教学反思及心得做出小结教学过程设计(I)(按照两课时的教学内容任务编写)步骤教学内容时间分配明确任务Lead-in & Listening and speaking掌握描述个人能力的词汇、询问和谈论能力的语句。2项目引导教师用英语列出自己的诸多能力,并告诉学生其中有两项是假的,让学生选出,在游戏中引出描述个人能力的词汇、询问和谈论能力的语句,导入本次课内容:Listening and speaking8知识讲解掌握描述个人能力的词汇,如speak Chinese, drive cars, repair computers, teach English, read in Chinese, serve customers。掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型,如:Can you say something about yourself?Can you sing English songs?Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese.听懂关于询问和描述个人能力的对话。能罗列个人能力,并询问和了解同学的个人能力。30操作训练1.Activity 4. Read and tick.2. Activity 5. Listen and circle. 3. Activity 6.Read and underline.4. Activity 7. Listen and repeat.25知识深化5.Activity 8 Listen and tick. 6.Activity 9 Read and underline.7. Activity 10 Listen and repeat.8. Activity 11 Act and practice.20归纳总结通过本课时的学习,学生应该掌握描述个人能力的词汇,掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型,学生能听懂关于询问和提供个人信息的对话,能够编写关于询问和描述个人能力的对话,能罗列个人能力,并询问和了解同学的个人能力。3作业布置1. Practice dialogue B with your classmate after class.2. Make a similar dialogue, talking about personal information. 3. Make an introduction of your classmate. 4. Copy key vocabulary five times in English ang one time in English.2课堂教学内容: Unit 2 I can do it (1-2)1、Have a revision of key words and expressions of Unit 1. 2. NewWords 3. Lead-in4. Listening & Speaking教学方法:Communicative teaching methodListening and speaking method教具:1. Teaching material2. The syllabus 3. The tape-recorder4. The blackboard目的及要求:1. Let students master the phonetics and spelling to pronounce words, phrases and sentences correctly. 2. Let the students work in pairs to make the conversations by themselves.3. Ask questions and help the students to understand the main idea of the lesson.4. Listen more and improve the listening ability step by step, keep the sound symbol in mind.5. Compare English with Chinese and find the differences in language points.职业素质渗透点:Let the students to know different people of different country have different habit to ask about personal information.重点、难点:1. Compare English with Chinese and find the differences in language points.2.Understand the words and sentence patterns for asking about personal information.教学过程:Teaching Procedures:教学备注 复习问题:Revision: We have learned Unit 1 Nice to meet you last lesson. Who can introduce somebody make use of this sentence pattern “Nice to meet you./I see./Where are you from?/I come from”教学内容:Teaching Content:Step one: Vocabulary1. repair1The roof should be repaired soon. 这屋顶应及早整修。He had his car repaired yesterday. 昨天他把车子送去修好了。Tom tried to repair his mistake. 汤姆努力纠正自己的错误。It took a long time for him to repair his health.他过了好长时间才恢复健康。The road is badly in need of repair. 这路急需修理。 That building was out of repair. 那幢大楼年久失修。 2. serve英音:s:v美音:sv  Children must be educated to serve their country when they grow up. 必须教育孩子长大后为国家服务。She served me a cup of coffee. 她给我端上一杯咖啡。 He served eight years in prison. 他坐过八年牢。 My old car has served me well. 我那辆旧汽车对我很有用。My father served in the navy during the Second World War. 我父亲在第二次世界大战期间在海军服役。Pearl is serving at the table. 珀尔在侍候进餐。 A simple example will serve to illustrate the point. 一个简单的例子可以说明这一点。3. customer'kstmThe store has a lot of regular customers. 这家商店有许多老主顾。Steven is a queer customer. 斯蒂文是个怪人。 4. teach英音:ti:t美音:tit  She taught us how to pronounce those difficult words. 她教我们如何发这些难字的音。I'll teach you to swim. 我教你游泳。Mr. Smith teaches us English. 史密斯先生教我们英文。What are you teaching this semester? 你这学期教什么课? That accident taught them a lesson. 那次事故给了他们一个教训。I'll teach you to call him names! 如果你辱骂他,我就要对你不客气了。He teaches in Berlin. 他在柏林教书。5. join英音:din美音:dn He joined the two pieces of wood together with glue. 他用胶水将这两块木料粘在一起。This path joins the highway up ahead. 与.会合;与.交接这条路在前面与公路相接。Will you join us for dinner? 你和我们一起吃晚饭好吗? I'll persuade him to join our club. 我将劝他加入我们的俱乐部。 The two houses join each other. 这两栋房子相互毗连。After a few days on shore the sailor joined his ship. 在岸上待了几天后,水手回到了他的船上。 He never joined in the usual sports of the boys. 他从不参加孩子们的一般体育活动。6. ability英音:'biliti美音:'blt She did the work to the best of her ability. 她已尽了力去做那件工作了。He is a man of great ability. 他是位能力很强的人。The acting abilities of both are well-known. 两人的表演才能都是众所周知的。-ability后缀 suf. (构成名词)表示"能力","可能性"(如:probability, reliability)7. application,æpli'keinBiology has practical applications. 生物学有实用性。I made an application for a loan. 我申请一笔贷款。The application of varnish made the desk shine. 上了清漆桌子发亮了。application to one's work专心工作 8. employmentA large office requires the employment of many people. 一个大事务所需要雇用许多人。He found employment as a mechanic. 他找到了一份机修工的工作。 The employment of airplanes sped up delivery.使用飞机加快了投递的速度。 Picnicking is a pleasant employment for our holidays. 外出野餐是我们假日喜爱的活动。 9. positionp'zin美音:p'znThe bed used to be in this position. 床原来是放在这儿的。He has a high position in society. 他社会地位很高。He made a study of the position of the middle class in Britain.他研究过英国中产阶级的状况。What's your position on this problem? 你对这个问题持什么态度? 10. apply'plaiThe nurse applied the ointment to the wound. 护士把药膏敷到伤口上。 We should apply both theories in the language classroom. 我们应把两种理论都运用到语言教室中去。 This rule can not be applied to every case. 这条规则并不是在每种情况下都能适用的。He applied himself to learning French. 他致力于学习法语。He has applied for a post in England. 他已申请在英国供职。Step two: Lead-in1. Draw the game into the activity and give the examples.2. Ask some students to discuss the answers according to the pictures on the book.3. Give the students some new words about the pictures and ask the studentsto practice the pronunciation of them.Step three : Listening 1. Give the students some sentences and ask the students to find out the wordsabout personal ability .2. Display the important words, expressions and sentences.3. Ask the students to finish the exercises themselves.4. Check the answers and let students use the important sentences to talk with their partner.Step four: Speaking1. Give the students some explanation about the words in the exercises. 2. Ask the students to discuss the answers with their partner.3. Give different tasks to the students and ask them to act out.4. Ask the students to make new conversations themselves.课堂小结(3分钟)教学备注Understand and Talk about ones abilities.After learning this unit, make sure the students can use the new words andexpressions they have learnt to talk about ones ablities. At the same time, the students can ask and give information by using theknowledge tey have learnt in this unit.课堂练习及作业布置(2分钟)1. Practice dialogue B with your classmate after class.2. Make a similar dialogue, talking about personal information. 3. Make an introduction of your classmate.4. Copy key vocabulary five times in English ang one time in English.后 记:教学过程设计(II)(按照两课时的教学内容任务编写)步骤教学内容时间分配明确任务Reading and writing :掌握求职申请表的内容、填写、阅读等,并能根据求职申请表为应聘者安排合适的工作岗位。5项目引导教师将一组表示个人能力的图片一ppt的形式展示给学生,并请几个学生用所学句型描述,使学生练习了can在陈述句,一般疑问句,以及简短问答中的用法,对上次课的内容进行了复习巩固,同时8教师适时简单介绍本部分的目的和任务,由此导入新课。15知识讲解掌握求职表中的各栏目名称:name, age, ability, phone number, e-mail, address, parents, family, position applied看懂求职表各项内容。(3)训练学生阅读表格并从中获取信息的能力 掌握辅音读音10操作训练Activity 12. Think and tick. Activity 13. Read and circle.35知识深化Activity 14 Read and answer.Activity 15. Compare and choose. 20归纳总结通过本次课的学习,学生应该掌握求职申请表的内容、填写、阅读等,并能根据求职申请表为应聘者安排合适的工作岗位。同时掌握阅读材料中所涉及的重点及常用词汇短语的含义及用法,并能够根据阅读材料所提供的信息,看懂求职表各项内容,根据阅读材料的表述,学生能够通过写作的方式操练阅读中获得的信息。3作业布置1. Review the key words after class. 2. Create ten sentences with the modal verb “can”.3. Finish self-check.4. Complete the application form in 2015.2课后体会课堂教学内容:Unit 2 I can do it (3-4)1. Reading and Writing 2. language in use 3. Mastering some useful expressions.教学方法:Communicative teaching methodListening and speaking method教具:1. Teaching material2. The syllabus 3. The tape-recorder4. The blackboard目的及要求:1. Master the words about ability and job application.2. Master the usage of modal verb “can”.3. Design a personal job application and describe the ability for job.职业素质渗透点:Write personal information required in a job application 重点、难点:1. the grammar structure “can” modal verb.2. the words about ability , job application and modal verb “can”.3. Writing Practice教学过程:Teaching Procedures:教学备注Step I Warming-up1. Review and check the homework; 2. Lead-inStep II Reading and Writing1. Ask students some questions about the content of the hobbies and discuss what job or jobs they can do in the future.2. Give the students some pictures and let them to choose correct words to describe. describe.3. The students will be asked to read the practice and find out the troubles.4. Explain the importance words, expressions and sentences.5. Ask the students to finish the exercises below themselves and check theiranswers.6. Give the students some questions and ask them to answer.7. Ask the students to discuss and write down how to fill in the application form.Use some useful phrases and sentence pattern below8. 1.Have a revision about ask for personal ability. List the important sentence pattern.pattern.9. Ask the students to present and talk about the ability for apply a job .Use the following sentence patterns.Step III Language in use1.Give some exmples to present the usage and meaning of modal verb “can”.2. Grammar focus (page 28) The teacher helps the students have a general ideaf the usage of “can”.Then the teacher offers the following form to help thestudents master the usage of “can” in a better and easy way.can用法can为情态动词, 不存在人称变化,所以无论是第几人称都一律用can原型但是can存在过去式,它的过去式为could,此外could也可以用在疑问句中表示请求情态动词在句中放在谓语动词之前, 谓语动词前若有助动词,则在助动词之前,疑问句中, 情态动词则在主语之前。  1. (表示能力、功能)能,会 The classroom can seat thirty students. 这教室能坐三十位学生。 June can drive now. 琼现在会开车了。2. (表示可能性)可能,可能会 I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。3. (表示允许、请求)可以 You can't take the book out of the room. 你不可以将这本书拿出室外。Can I use your pen? 我可以用一下你的笔吗? 4. (表示命令)必须 If you won't keep quiet you can get out. 你如不保持安静,就请你走。 5.表示可能性,常用于否定句和疑问句。 Can it be true? 那会是真的吗?  Today is Sunday. He cant be at school. 今天是星期天。他不可能在学校里。can 和 be able to 的比较 1.can 只有一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态,其他时态要用 be able to 的形式。I havent been able to get in touch with her. 我一直没能和她联系上。 2.通常can 和 be able to 可以互换 He will come if he can. / He will come if he is able to. 如果可能的话,他一定会来。 I couldnt understand him. / I wasnt able to understand him. 我不明白他的意思。 He said he could come and see me the next week. He said he was able to come and see me the next week. 他说下周他能来看我。 Step IV pronunciation practice2、辅音(1)辅音总数:bpmfvdtnlgkhzTjwdrtrrVdz与汉语拼音对照:b p m f d t n l g k h jq x zh ch sh r z s y w 辅音的分类: 清浊成对的:清:ptkfFsWtFtstr 浊:bdgvVzTdVdzdr课堂小结(3分钟)教学备注 In this part, we have learned reading ang writing and language in use.1.We have learned the words about ability and job application.2. Master the usage of modal verb “can”.3.We have learned the pronunciation rules of the given phonetics.课堂练习及作业布置(2分钟)1. Review the key words after class. 2. Create ten sentences with the modal verb “can”.3. Finish self-check.4. Complete the application form in 2015.后 记:教学过程设计(III)(按照两课时的教学内容任务编写)步骤教学内容时间分配明确任务Language in Use and Vocabulary Practice 掌握can的基本用法,掌握能力描述,词汇归类,对未来的职业设想, 完成求职表5项目引导教师对申请表上所涉及的信息用以下含有can的句型进行训练,导入本次课内容:eg: Teacher: I can drive a car. Ss: Can you drive a car? T: Yes, I can./ No, I cant.They can swim.He can use the computer.We can play basketball.She can serve visitors.You can speak English.10知识讲解学生能掌握描述个人信息和能力的词汇,如Class 3 Grade 1 , send e-mail, play computer games, drive a car, use the computer, speak English, write in English学生能掌握询问和描述个人信息及能力时所使用的句型,如:Whats your name?How old are you?Which class are you in?Can you use the computer?Yes, I can send e-mails, and I can play computer games.(3)掌握can的基本用法You/ I / He/ She/ We/ You/They can/cant Can you/I /he/she/we/you/they?Yes, I /you/she/we/you/they can.No, I / you/ she/ we/ you/they cant.(4)完成求职表25操作训练Grammar focus Activity 17. Think and write Activity 18. Talk and guess. Activity 19. Write and talk.30知识深化Vocabulary Practice :Activity20 read and mark; Activity21 Think and Write; Activity 22 Write and Talk15归纳总结通过本次课的学习,学生应该掌握can的用法描述个人信息和能力的词汇,掌握询问和描述个人信息及能力时所使用的句型,完成求职表3作业布置1.Recite the new words of this unit.2. Finish all the exercises in this section.3.


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