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    眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Unit 12What did you do last weekend?七年级英语下 新目标 人第一课时眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did do last weekend?did my homeworkdo my homeworkdo did新课导入眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did do last weekend?went to the cinemago to the cinemago went新课导入眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did do last weekend?went boatinggo boatinggo went新课导入眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did do last weekend?camp by the lakecamped by the lakecamp camped新课导入眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did do last weekend?went to the beachgo to the beachgowent新课导入眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did do last weekend?play badmintonplayed badmintonplay played新课导入眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Match the activities with the pictures a-f. 1. did my homework _2. went to the cinema _3. went boating _4. camped by the lake _5. went to the beach _6. played badminton _faebdc1a眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观Sunday nightSaturday afternoonSunday afternoonSaturday morningSunday morningSaturday nightListen and write the day, morning, afternoon or night below each picture.1b眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观Listen to the tape again, and finish the chart.TimeActivitiesSaturdaymorningSaturdayafternoonSaturdayeveningSunday morningSunday afternoonSunday eveningPlayed badmintonWent to the beachWent to the cinemaCamped by the lakeWent boatingDid my homework眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观Well, on Saturday morning, I played badminton.I went to the beach. What did you do last weekend, Lucy?What did you do on Saturday afternoon?Role-play. Student A is Lucy. Student B asks Lucy about her weekend.1c眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did you do on Sunday morning?I went boating with my friends.What did you do on Saturday night?I went to a movie.眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观I camped by the lake.What did you do on Sunday afternoon?What about Sunday night?I did my homework at home.眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Unit 12What did you do last weekend?七年级英语下 新目标 人第二课时眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观.翻译单词或短语翻译单词或短语1.扎营扎营;搭帐篷搭帐篷 2.湖湖,湖泊湖泊 3.海滩海滩;沙滩沙滩 4.羽毛球羽毛球 5.做我的作业做我的作业 6.去看电影去看电影 7.去划船去划船 8.在湖边野营在湖边野营 9.去沙滩去沙滩 10.打羽毛球打羽毛球 camplakebeach badminton do my homework go to the cinemago boatingcamp by the lakego to the beachplay badminton眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1.你上周末做什么了你上周末做什么了?我写作业了。我写作业了。What you last weekend? I . 2.周六上午我在湖边宿营了。周六上午我在湖边宿营了。 morning I _the lake. 3.周日下午我去划船了。周日下午我去划船了。Sunday afternoon I . 4.周日上午我打羽毛球了。周日上午我打羽毛球了。 morning I . 5.汤姆昨天去沙滩了。汤姆昨天去沙滩了。Tom yesterday. did dodid my homeworkOn Saturdaycamped byOn went boatingOn Sunday played badmintonwent to the beach眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Listen and underline the words you hear.1. _ I visited my (aunt/grandma).2. _ I did my (homework/sports).3. _ I studied for (the English/math) test.4. _ I went to a (farm/beach).5. _ I fed some (sheep/cows).B2a眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Listen again. Write C for Carol, J for Jack or B for Becky next to the statements in 2a.1. _ I visited my (aunt/grandma).2. _ I did my (homework/sports).3. _ I studied for the (English/math) test.4. _ I went to a (farm/beach).5. _ I fed some (sheep/cows).BBCJJ2b眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Student A asks questions with who, what or where and Student B answers. Then change roles. 2c眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观He studied for his English test.What did he do?Who stayed at home last weekend?Carol. I think.眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观He went to the farm.Where did Jack go last weekend?What did he do there?He fed some cows there.眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观Paul: Hi, Lisa. How was your weekend?Lisa: Greathanks. Paul: What did you do?Lisa: I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum. Role-play the conversation.2d眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观Paul: Really? How interesting!Lisa: Yeah, it was fun. They have a butterfly house with over 200 kind of butterflies! I told the visitors about them and their living habits. Did you have a good weekend?Paul: Yeah, it was good, but Im kind of tired now. I stayed up late to watch the soccer game. 眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观Read the conversation and answer the following questions.(1)How was Lisas weekend?(2)Where did she go?(3)What did she do there?(4)How many kinds of butterflies do they have?(5)What did Lisa tell the visitors? (6)Why is Paul tired? Great.She went to the Natural History Museum.She worked as a guide there.Over 200. About the butterflies and their living habits.He stayed up late to watch the soccer game.眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did you do last weekend?I did my homework./We went boating.Who visited her grandma?Becky did.Where did she go last weekend?She went to a farm.Who did she go with?She went with her classmates.Grammar Focus眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观1. A: _ did you do last weekend? B: I played badminton on Saturday. A: Sounds fun! _ did you play with? B: I played with my father. Hes really good! Fill in the blanks with who, what, when, where or how.WhatWho3a眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观2. A: _ was your weekend? B: It was great! I had so much fun! A: _ did you go? B: The weather was beautiful, so I went to the beach with my parents.HowWhere眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 3. A: _ did Jim lose? B: He lost his keys. He often loses things. A: Thats too bad. _ did he lose them? B: I heard it was yesterday.WhatWhen眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观say be climb see run awayA family of mice were in the kitchen on Saturday morning when they _ a big cat. Baby Mouse _ afraid and _ onto his fathers back.Father Mouse shouted at the cat, “Woof, woof!” The cat quickly _.“Wow, Dad, youre good!” _ Baby Mouse. “Well, son, thats why its important to learn a second language,” answered Father Mouse.sawwasclimbedran awaysaidComplete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.3b眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Think of two things you did last weekend. Draw pictures of them. Your classmates guess what you did.3c眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did I do?You went with your daughter?You went boating.眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Unit 12What did you do last weekend?七年级英语下 新目标 人第三课时眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观.翻译单词或短语翻译单词或短语1.羊羊;绵羊绵羊 2.作为作为;当作当作 3.自然的自然的 4.蝴蝶蝴蝶 5.游客游客;访问者访问者 6.疲倦的疲倦的;疲劳的疲劳的 7.停留停留;待待 8.深夜不睡深夜不睡;熬夜很晚熬夜很晚 9.探望我姨妈探望我姨妈 10.为考试而学习为考试而学习 11.做做工作工作 12.生活习惯生活习惯 13.周末过得愉快周末过得愉快 14.有点儿有点儿; 稍微稍微 15.告诉告诉有关有关 sheepasnaturalbutterflyvisitor tiredstaystay up latevisit my auntstudy for the testworkasliving habitshave a good weekend kind oftellabout眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观1.上周末他去哪了上周末他去哪了? 2.他和谁一起去的他和谁一起去的? 3.你周末过得愉快吗你周末过得愉快吗? 4.多有趣啊多有趣啊! 5.你上周末做什么了你上周末做什么了?.翻译句子翻译句子Where did he go last weekend?Who did he go with? Did you have a good weekend? How interesting!What did you do last weekend?眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观Please write down the past forms of these verbs. play study go . do have sing . dance swimsee. run sayfeed .playedstudiedwentdidhadsangdancedswamsawsaidranfed 眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did Jim do yesterday?He flew a kite. 眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did Jim do yesterday?He swam in a swimming pool.眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did Sally do yesterday?She studied for a test. 眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did Jim do yesterday?He sang and played the guitar. 眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did Sally do yesterday?She went to the library. 眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观What did Jim do yesterday?He had dinner with friends. 眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观1. sang and played the guitar _2. studied for a test _ 3. had dinner with friends _4. went to the library _ 5. flew a kite _ 6. swam in a swimming pool _dfabce Here are some things that Sally and Jim didyesterday. Match the activities with the pictures.1a眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Do you think the activities in 1a are fun? Draw a happy face or an unhappy face under each picture.1b眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观Lets listen to the conversation again.Judge the following statements.(1)Sally went out on Saturday.(2)Sally only did her homework on Saturday.(3)Sally went to the library on Sunday.(4)Jim sang and played the piano on Saturday morning.(5)On Sunday Jim flew the kite and had dinner with his friends.FFTTT眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观SallyJimdid her homework Listen. What did Sally and Jim do last weekend? Complete the chart.studied for a testwent to the librarysang and played the guitarflew a kite in the parkhad dinner with his friends1c眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Make a conversation with a partner. Talk about what Sally and Jim did last weekend.Who went to the library? Sally did.1d眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观Did you do anything interesting last weekend? Make a conversation. Ask what your partner did last weekend. Not really, but I visited my sister. 1e眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 What kinds of animals are people sometimes afraid of? Why? Make a list.I think people are afraid of tigers, lions and snakes because theyre scary. 2a眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观spiderwolfbearmousetigerlionsnake眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 NameWhat kind of animals are you afraid of?Why Ask and answer in groups of four about what kind of animals you are afraid of and tell the reason.Make a list like this.眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观1. How was Lisas weekend?2. Where did Lisa and her family go last weekend?3. How did Lisa feel when she saw the snake?It was interesting but scary.They went to a small village in India.She was so scared that she couldnt move.Read about Lisas weekend and answer the questions.2b眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观4. What did Lisa and her sister do?5. What did their parents do? Why did they do that?6. What lesson did Lisa learn from the weekend?They shouted to their parents.Her father jumped up and down to scare the snake.Dont go near snakes./ Snakes cant hear but they can feel movements.眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Put the phrases in order according to the passage. Then use them to retell the story._ snake went into the forest_ put up our tents and cooked food_ learned a useful lesson_ saw a snake and shouted to parents for help_ snakes cant hear but can feel things moving_ my dad jumped up and down in his tent_ took a bus to a small village in India_ told stories under the moon, then went to sleep178654322c眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Unit 12What did you do last weekend?七年级英语下 新目标 人第四课时眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观.翻译短语翻译短语1.弹吉他弹吉他 2.去图书馆去图书馆 3.放风筝放风筝 4.和朋友共进晚餐和朋友共进晚餐 5.swimming pool 6.study for a test 7.高中高中 8.搭帐篷搭帐篷 9.生火生火 10.each other 11.sothat 12.look out of 13.上上下下上上下下 14.把把弄醒弄醒 15.对对喊喊 play the guitargo to the libraryfly a kitehave dinner with friendshigh school游泳池游泳池 备考备考put up the tentmake a fire彼此彼此,互相互相如此如此以至于以至于从从向外看向外看up and downwake upshout to眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观.选词或用所给词的适当形式填空选词或用所给词的适当形式填空1.My sister (take)us to the park two days ago. 2.Last weekend (be) interesting(and, but) scary. 3.We (make) a fire (keep) us warm when we went camping. 4.We just (sit) under the moon and (tell) each other stories yesterday evening. 5.We (get) a surprise when we looked out of the tent. 6.We saw a snake(sleep)near the fire. 7.I was so (scary) that I couldnt move. 8.We shouted (at, to)our parents to let them (know) about the danger. 9.We (wake) up the snake at last. 10.Finally the snake moved(into,onto) the forest near the lake. tookwas butmade to keepsat toldgotsleepingscared toknowwokeinto眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Look at the pictures and complete the passage.SundaySaturday眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I _ .In the afternoon, I _ . It was a little difficult. On Saturday night, I stayed at home and _ cook dinner. On Sunday morning, I _. I read a book about history. Then in the afternoon, I _ with my friends. On Sunday night, I _ . I saw an interesting talkshow.cleaned my roomhelped my momdid my homeworkwatched TVplayed soccerwent to the library眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观On Saturday morning, I On Sunday morning, I On Saturday afternoon, I On Saturday evening, I On Saturday afternoon, I On Saturday evening, I Write about what you did last weekend.眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观Last weekend was fun. On Saturday morning, I went shopping at the supermarket with my mother and then we had lunch at home. After lunch, I helped my father with some housework. Later in the afternoon, I played volleyball with my friends at the park. On Sunday morning, I wrote a letter in English to my pen pal. Then I had lunch with my friends at a restaurant near our home. In the evening, I watched a movie with my parents.眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Now interview your friend what her or she did last weekend and finish the following chart, then give a report.TimeHow was your weekend?What did you do?Saturday morning Saturday afternoon Saturday night Sunday morning Sunday afternoon Sunday night眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观Give a report like this:My friend, had a busy/nice/happy/great/colorful weekend.On Saturday morning, he/sheWhat a/anweekend!眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Complete the phrases. Then use some of them in the past forms to write a story._ out with friends_ for a walk_ apples_ photosfly a _milk a _camp _ the lakestudy _ a testgogoeattakekitecowbyfor眼睛是心灵的窗户,是人体中最宝贵的感觉器官,可很多孩子对眼睛的重要性不重视。在每学期的视力测查中情况都不容乐观 Complete the conversation.A: I had a school trip last week.B: Really. _ (go)?A: I visited the fire station.B: _ (go with)?A: I went with my classmates.B: _ (do)?A: We watched the firefighters work. What an interesting job they have!B: _ (learn anything)?A:


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