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    Unit 8Is there a post office near here?知识点知识点1:单词:单词 1.邮政_ 2.办公室_ 3.警察_ 4.旅馆_ 5.银行_ 6.医院_ 7.大街_ 8.付费 _ 9.在附近_10.穿过_policeofficepost hospitalhotelpaybankstreetnearacross11餐馆_12.前面 _ 13.在后面_ 14.镇,市镇_15.北方_ 16.大约 _ 17.沿着_ 18.转向_ 19.右边_ 20.左边_frontbehindtownnorthrestaurantalongrightturnleftaround 21.十字路口_ 22.花 _ 23.爬 _ 24.路 _ 25.时常 _ 26.空气 _ 27.免费的_ 28.享受 _ 29.容易地_ 30.钱 _ 31阳光_oftenfreeeasilymoneyenjoyairclimbroadspendcrossingsunshine1.在附近 _2.在旁边_ 3.在中间_4.在前面 _5.在后面_6.在上面_7.在对面 _ 8.在.和.之间_ 9.向左/向右转_ 10.在左/右边_across from on the left/rightturn right/leftbetween.and.next to behind on/over/abovein front ofin the middle ofnear 11. 沿着这条街走_12 沿着北路走 _13. 在大桥街上 _14.在第一个十字路口_15.离这里很远_16.在中心大街上_17.在城里 _18.为了到那儿 _19.邮局 _20.警察局_go/walk along the streetgo down North Roadon Bridge Streetat the first crossingfar from hereon Center Streetin townto get therepost officepolice station21.付费电话_22.花费时间_23.喜欢阅读 _24.下中国象棋_25.擅长_26.去购物_27.在上学日_pay phonespend timeenjoy readingplay Chinese chessbe good atgo shoppingon school days28.打扰,劳驾_29.在某人的左边/右边_30.between与amongeg.B is between A and C. B在A和C之间 (A和C之间为两者之间) The teacher is among the students.老师在学生们中间。(学生三者以上)between用于用于两者之两者之间间among用于三个或三个以上事物或人物之间用于三个或三个以上事物或人物之间excuse meon ones left/right1.There is a restaurant _ _ (在前面) the post office.2.The basketball is _ the football _(在和之间)the volleyball.3.The pay phone is _ _(在对面)the hotel. You can cross the street to make a call.4.Tom is _ _ (在旁边)me, I can see him clearly. in front ofbetweenandacross fromnext to5.She likes to work _(在周围) her home.6.There is a bank _(在附近) the post office and the hospital.7.The driver is sitting _ the bus.A. in front of B. in the front of C. in the front8.I want to eat something. Is there a _ near here?A. pay phone B. school C. restaurant around near B C 知识点3:重要句子1_在第几个十字路口向右/左转。2_ 花费时间/金钱在 _ 花费时间/金钱做某事。3._ 观看某人正在做某事。4_ 喜欢做某事。turn right/left at the序数词 watch sb doing sth spend时间/金钱(in)doing sth. spend时间/金钱on sth. crossingenjoy doing sth.5._ 这附近有医院吗?是的,有。它这附近有医院吗?是的,有。它(医院医院)在桥街上。在桥街上。6._ _ 噢噢中心大街在哪里中心大街在哪里?它离这儿不太远。它离这儿不太远。-Is there a hospital near here?-Yes,there is. Its on Bridge Street. Oh.wheres Center Street? Its not too far from here. 7._ 沿着长街走,它在右边沿着长街走,它在右边.8._. 在第一个十字路口向右转。在第一个十字路口向右转。 Go along Long Street,its on the right.Turn right at the first crossing.9.我能帮你什么吗?_10.我能和你一起走过去 _11.银行在医院旁边,公园对面。_How can I help you?/Can I help you?/May I help you?/What can I do for you?I can walk with you. The bank is next to the hospital and across from the park. 12.我喜欢在那里度过周末时光。_13.要到达那里,我通常步行出去,在桥路向右转。_ I like to spend time there on weekends. To get there,I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Street. 知识点3精练:1.Dont forget to _ right when you see the library.2.-_ there any students in the classroom? -Yes,there are.3.The hospital is _ from the bank.4.There are many _in our city.5._(向右转) at the first crossing.turnAreacrosshospitalsTurn right 知识点4:There be 句型1. There be 句型表示“某地有某物”,其结构为:“_。 否定句是_ 一般疑问句是_,其回答“Yes,_ is/are.或 No,_ 例如: There _some books in the desk. There _ _ books in the desk. _ there _ books in the desk?把be动词提到句首There be + 某物/人+ 某地be 动词之后加nottherethere isnt /there arent.arearentanyAreany知识点4精练中考链接:例1. Police: Whats in your wallet? Owner: There _ some money and two tickets for todays e-sports competition.(2015年山东东营)A. is B. was C. are D. were例2.There _ some milk and apples in the fridge.(2015年新疆)A. has B. have C. is D. are 解析:money与milk为不可数名词。there be句型为就近原则AC1.-_a pay phone on Center Street? -No,there isnt. A. There is B. Is there C. It is2.There _ two pay phones here. Aare Bis Chave3.这儿有动物园吗? 不,没有。 _ _a zoo here? _ ,_ _.解析:1.there be句型就近原则 2.there be 句型一般疑问句直接把be提到there前BAIs thereNo there isnt知识点知识点5:固定短语搭配:固定短语搭配_ 在中心大街上在中心大街上_ 在左边在左边/右边右边_ 在在.对面对面_ 挨着挨着_在第一个十字路在第一个十字路口口on Center Streeton the left/ rightacross fromnext toat the first crossing 知识点5精练: 1.The bank is across _the library.2.The hospital is _ Center Street.3.Mike sits _ front of me.4.The hotel is next _ the restaurant.5.Is the pay phone _ the post office and the library? Yes,it is.fromonintobetween知识点6:across/through的用法例题:1.They walk _ the bridge. 他们步行走过了这座桥。2.He walks _ the park. 他步行穿过公园。3.Light comes _the window. 阳光透过窗户照进来。解析:“穿过桥”是从桥的表面过去;“光线透过窗户照进来”,指从窗户中通过。词意思用法across 穿过,通过从表面通过through 穿过,通过从.中通过acrossthroughthrough知识点6精练:1.When I go_ the street, I must be careful.2.Look, the sunshine go_ the window.3.The old man walked _ the street slowly.解析:穿过大街是从表面穿过,用across。阳光穿过窗户是从内部穿过,所以用through。 acrossthrough across知识点7:固定短语 _ 喜欢做某事 _ 想做某事 _ 让某人做某事例子:1.He enjoys _. 2.I want _home. 3.Let me _ you. enjoy doing want to do let sb.+动原 reading books to go help 例题解析:enjoy doing 喜欢做某事 want to do 想做某事 let +动原 让某人做某事知识点7精练:1.We enjoy _ football after school. A. to play B. play C. playing2.Lets _ a bus to school. A. take B. to take C. taking3.He wants _ a walk. A. to take B. takes C. taking解析:enjoy doing 喜欢做某事 want to do 想做某事 let +动原 让某人做某事C AA知识点8问路用语法:1.Is/ Are there ._/ _/ _?2.Where _?3.Could/Can you_?4.Which _?例题:1.-_ a police station near here? - No, there isnt. 2._ the bank? Its on the center street.near hereWhere isaround herein the neighborhoodis/ are.tell me the way toIs there is the way to知识点8精练:1.-_ is the hotel? -Its behind the police station. A. What B. How C. Where2. _ is the way to the post office? -Go down this road and turn left. A. Where B. Which C. Who3._ _ a library in your town?CBIs there知识点9:辨析spend, pay 与takespend指花费时间或者金钱,指花费时间或者金钱,人作主语人作主语。常用于。常用于sb. sb. spend some time/money (in)doing spend some time/money (in)doing sthsth. .结构结构中,意为中,意为“做某事花费某人多长时间做某事花费某人多长时间/ /多少金多少金钱钱”sb. spend some time/money on sb. spend some time/money on sthsth. .结结构中,意为构中,意为“在某方面花费某人多长时间在某方面花费某人多长时间/ /多多少金钱少金钱”paypay指花费金钱,指花费金钱,人作主语人作主语。常用于。常用于sb. pay some sb. pay some money for money for sthsth. . 结构中,意为结构中,意为“为为付款付款”taketake花费时间,常用花费时间,常用itit作形式主语作形式主语,动词不定式作,动词不定式作真正主语。常用于真正主语。常用于It takes (sb.) some time It takes (sb.) some time to do to do sthsth. . 结构中,意为结构中,意为“(某人)花费多(某人)花费多长时间去做某事长时间去做某事”How much time do you spend _ your homework?你做作业花了多长时间?你做作业花了多长时间?My mother _ 80 yuan _ the meal.我的妈妈为这顿饭付了我的妈妈为这顿饭付了80元。元。It _ her three hours to repair her bike. 她花了三个小时修她的自行车她花了三个小时修她的自行车onpays fortakes 中考链接:中考链接: Its said that well have to _ Its said that well have to _ at least one hour _ to Shang at least one hour _ to Shang hai.(2015hai.(2015贵州贵州) ) A. take; flying B. takes; to fly A. take; flying B. takes; to fly C. spends ; to fly D. spend; flying C. spends ; to fly D. spend; flying解析:解析:sb. spend some time/money (in)doing sb. spend some time/money (in)doing sth./on sth.sth./on sth.结构中,意为结构中,意为“做某事花费某人多长时做某事花费某人多长时间间/ /多少金钱多少金钱” ” It It takes (sb.) some time to do sth. takes (sb.) some time to do sth. 结构结构中,意为中,意为“(某人)花费多长时间去做某事(某人)花费多长时间去做某事”D知识点9:作文假如你是李明,请根据你周边的生活环境,发挥合理想象,写出一篇英语短文,不少于70字。知识点9:作文


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