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    Analysis of the English action movies and English teaching 英语毕业论文.doc

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    Analysis of the English action movies and English teaching 英语毕业论文.doc

    Analysis of the English action movies and English teachingAbstract: English language learning its own characteristics, we should find ways to improve student memory efficiency and ease the learning process due to difficulties in emotional weariness to help students maintain a long interest in learning. According to these features, I am thinking in the teaching of appropriate and effective use of English action movies for English teaching. As a very good secondary teaching methods, which for English majors and non-professional students are helpful.      Keywords: English Soundtrack; film; English Language Teaching      Introduction      English language learning for its own characteristics, we should find ways to improve student memory efficiency and ease the learning process due to difficulties in emotional weariness to help students maintain a long interest in learning. According to these features, I am thinking in the teaching of appropriate and effective use of English action movies for English teaching. As a very good secondary teaching methods, which for English majors and non-professional students are helpful. Although the action movies has long been used in English teaching into the teaching, but its scope of application and application methods should be further exploration and study.      An English film in teaching acoustic characteristics and advantages of      The film as an entertainment, set light, shadow, sound in one, very vivid, well received by everyone's favorite, especially among young people. Arrangements for the use of authentic audio-visual materials, teaching activities, not only to give students exposure to the environment in different languages, English as a mother tongue language materials, but also a true rendering of the alien culture, and help students understand the differences between Eastern and Western cultures, so can foreign human thought, culture and language with the "bubble" to eat, thus helping language learners to enhance language learning and cultural accumulation and cross-cultural communication of the practical ability to improve the learner's interest in learning, to stimulate enthusiasm for learning. For instance, some classic movie lines became an overnight fashion. "Titanic" in the lines "You jump, I jump", a time rife, and even those who had never studied English, will be said, from the movie plot is also to understand the meaning, we can see movies for people to learn a language played a catalytic role. We believe that the English applied to the teaching of action movies will be more figurative, intuitive, vivid, people learn quickly, remember the prison, and can continue to stimulate interest in learning.      Vocabulary learning, you can use words to make a detailed analysis, and tap the deep meaning of words, for words to have a full understanding of not just stop at "the word on the word" the. Such as "Forrest Gump", the Forrest Gump to express their great love of chocolate in, said that he could eat, "1.5 million chocolate", I could eat a bout a million and a half of these. "Million" word In this sentence is a lot of meaning, rather than Forrest Gump said, that special, through the "million" usage analysis, using everyday language of Americans, said the tone of exaggerated quantity of usage, with a a more intuitive understanding.      In addition, the film is the disseminator of culture, whether it is the story narrative, plot development and characters all have a lot of changes in the relationship and Chinese thought is not the same place, which are expressed through the language of cultural differences, but not just in words a thorough analysis, which requires us to Western culture, especially some of the features of American culture to be understood that a further in understanding the basis of point by point analysis, constantly sum up, a little reflection of the different values of East and West, and the resulting differences in ways of thinking through the aspects of Western history and culture, a comprehensive understanding of the language up to the true sense of the exchanges, so that English "live" together. This teaching arrangement, the advantage is not only the students from passive to look into the initiative to look at, but also to the teachers and students have provided a great play space for teachers and students to discuss cultural differences. Such as:      Which differences did you see in marriage between Chinese and western culture / life?      How would people from China react / have reacted in the situation?      What would we do now?      What do you think the character in the film will do?      Exposure to the real language environment in downright English. With sounds and images, students not only easy to understand authentic language materials, but also gradually come to understand those who speak English as a native feature of language use. Long-term commitment to help students get a big break through listening comprehension difficulties, while their spoken language, hearing is also facilitating role.      Second, the choice of films and Teaching Objects      1. The film choices. Most of the students to learn English through the course of the film have great randomness and blindness, more often in the movies rather than in learning. An appropriate choice of the English film determines the learning effect is good or bad, then, what the film is more suitable for learning English do? I think that the choice of movies to see there are three: a look at language content is great; two to see whether the contents of the realities of life; 3 to see whether the clear and authentic voice. Almost covers the three areas of language learning voice, intonation, rhythm, words, thought, emotion and a few major factor. In fact, Disney's family film very suitable for students to learn to use, on the one hand the film characters pronunciation is accurate, authentic, on the other content is more suitable for the tastes of the students, they will look with great interest. In addition, the "traveled the United States" This material nature of the film is also very good, video length of the medium, very close to life content, Speed is also moderate, is conducive to learning.      2. Teaching objects.      First of all, action movies should not only focus on teaching at the university, secondary and even primary school can be used. School period is a time to learn the best, but also laying the foundation period. During this period the person's curiosity and the ability to mimic is also very strong. At this time to the children of such a lively visual action movies teaching, will help lay a solid language foundation, to establish a good learning attitude. Bu Zhiyu at the university level examination requirement, as English a lot to do passive exercises, but not a very big effective. Early stimulate children's interest in language learning, develop self-learning for the future will lay a solid foundation.      Secondly, Soundtrack English language teaching should focus on different groups use different video. In the past, when the use of video tutorials are very blind to see which movie look good, or hit, you choose which movie. Actually, this approach is sometimes counterproductive, because the specific age groups or specific ability to understand there are differences, can accept video content is not the same. For example, in action movies released for primary school pupils, we should choose they are interested in animation. Such as "Lion King", or similar to "Beauty and the Beast" This kind of film. For middle school students and college students that we should pay attention to the characteristics of their age to choose the video, should also be noted to choose their sex videos. Boys generally like to see some relatively fast paced film, such as "Speed", etc., as well as more stylish films such as "Fast and the Furious" and so on; while the girls have always loved some of the more emotional film, but these films should also have a certain fashion elements. Such as "Titanic," "Ghost" and touching movie. Do not select the content of violent films and bad films. Another point is that for different professional choose a different video: For science and engineering students should select a few more science fiction films, because there are many things science fiction film science and engineering students who are interested in; the same token literature and history classes students should be to see more of an emotional film. All in all, action movies should be fun, rather than just entertainment.           Third, the use of acoustic film for English teaching           1. In the movies before, the teacher can first ask questions, and then let the students bring their questions to a movie. Such problems with the movies than the destination, ask questions after reading the results are much better. At the same time to remind students to film in the typical figure how to use the language, and how they use language reflect their personality traits. The film some of the episodes and dialogue to be able to fully understand, in a day, usually want to see more, more listening, more training, more than the accumulation. When looking at the same time, remind students to pay attention to their notes.      2. In the movies, when you can get a note to cover up the following subtitles. This will enable students to pay more attention to practice listening. If you do not cover, we will constantly look at the screen the following word orders, not going to pay attention character behavior, but also take the God, so that would not achieve the improvement of listening role. If you can find Chinese and English subtitles at the same time with the film, learning outcomes would be better, so that we can clearly see the original look, while also paying attention to their pronunciation, but also very easy to learn some very colloquial expression.      3. In the movie without interrupting the rhythm under the premise of the movie into several fragments, run into the cultural practices of the place, stopped to give us a presentation, to talk about the differences between Chinese and Western practices. Can also be exciting short excerpt of which allow students to imitate performances, so that you can greatly enhance students motivation and imitative, hone their spoken language, but also an active classroom atmosphere. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/      4. After reading also allows students to write about Feedback, and asked to make use of film in the sentences, attention to imitation. Also allow students to try to repeat with the original sentence in the entire movie, or let everyone share what their doing notes, to talk about their findings, because different people have different findings and experiences, this would enhance their understanding , a restatement of the ability and the exercise of their speaking and listening.      5. For the same film can be repeated several times to see that this is a good way of learning, as we watch the film not only for entertainment, but also to learn. Times we will each have different harvest, we can try to understand the contents of the first pass, a little to do under the notes, and the second times can be refined look fine to listen to, carefully taking notes, it is necessary to maximize the understanding of film, so watching the film there will be a great harvest.      This arrangement will enable the students to be actively engaged in the process of watching films, rather than negatively. Students actively involved in the teaching process, the learning effect is the best. Therefore, the arrangement in the film clips before and after the learning activities to help students understand both the original film, but also to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the students to learn. Most of the exercises to provide students with the opportunity to exchange the use of language to help improve the student's language communicative competence. After school writing exercises on their writing ability is also helpful. Therefore, the students listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation capacity of all aspects of training. Usually most of the students expressed satisfaction with the level of understanding of the film and can answer most of them understand the problem, complete the exercises, which are learning activities do not affect their right to enjoy the film. After the movie, teachers can bring some of the movie with the English expression of the special use of asymmetric singled out to students. Students usually can not think of this way of expression. Therefore, many students after school so that they reflect the movies to learn authentic expressions, and impressed by, so that they benefited from.      Conclusion      The film has a complete story, beautiful sounds of the theme music, videos give people the right to bring aesthetic enjoyment, stimulate students interest in learning English. Such teaching is not only to help students better understand the original film, but also helped the students to participate in learning activities, from passive to look into the initiative to look at and learn every inch of the English language. Thus, the arrangements original film is a kind of teaching and learning activities you can try the "happy teaching" new model. Our English language teaching should be with the times, a reasonable combination with modern educational technology, the use of more effective teaching methods to conventional teaching can not only enhance students interest in learning English, you can also get rid of boring monotonous mode of learning for language learning to develop a lively and interesting avenues of learning, which requires each of us an education and teaching workers to actively explore.      References:      1 Chen Mei-Mei. Exploration and change: the teaching of English in transition M. Beijing: Commercial Press, 2004.      2 HU Zhuang-lin. Linguistics M. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2001.      3 Liu Runqing. English teaching and research methods M. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.      4 Wang Du Kan. Teaching strategies in English on the M. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2002.      5 Li Xiao-wide. English teaching methodology in M. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2006.      6 Yuan Chunyan. Integrated English Teaching Theory M. Guangzhou: Zhongshan University Press, 2005.      7 Zhang. Foreign Language Education M. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Education Press, 1991.英语谚语警句100句精选Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.谚语是日常经验的结晶。1. Look before you leap./Second thoughts are best. 三思而后行。/再想而后行。2. Great minds think alike; (heroes have similar views.) 英雄所见略同。


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