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    On the Primary English Teaching Games英语毕业论文.doc

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    On the Primary English Teaching Games英语毕业论文.doc

    On the Primary English Teaching GamesSummary: The key interest is to learn the language, to stimulate students interest in learning English is the primary stage of English language teaching is an important task. And now because of some of the teachers of primary school students a clear understanding of English language teaching purposes, for the psychological understanding of pupils is not enough in teaching can not effectively stimulate student's interest, so that English language teaching in primary schools into a corner. The English game is teaching is in line with the physiological and psychological characteristics of primary school pupils to help mobilize students with enthusiasm, initiative, and to enhance teaching effectiveness. In this paper, English Classroom games and teaching the principles of the design and organization to make an exploration.     Keywords: game enthusiasm, initiative and              Can bear fruit for children to learn English can not do without the charm of teaching methods. For primary school students, the interest is the best teacher, but games are what children like best, the most willing to accept the teaching. The so-called game is a teaching method in teaching the language as much as possible the phenomenon of boring for the students willing to accept change, the lively and interesting game format, students create a good atmosphere to learn English so that students play school, learning and play.          First, the theoretical basis     1, in line with the psychological characteristics and physiological characteristics of pupils        The level of primary school pupils in the appearance of thinking, intuitive stage, with naive romantic, lively nature, for any new and innovative activities have a "fun" mindset. The game just in line with the teaching of primary school students this psychological tendency. In the classroom can be applied to simulate performance, language, communication and other teaching methods to arouse the enthusiasm of the students. According to experts, studies have shown that poor people study, good results with their own state of mind has a great relationship, when a person's nervous system is excited levels, the efficiency of their study and work more with less. At the same time in teaching the introduction of competition, organizational activities in the English games activities, the use of language, be able to stimulate their motivation to learn, thus enabling students to form correct learning methods and good learning habits.     2, is conducive to language Development of students         A large number of language is acquired through practice, games, compared with children in the language of the environment, children must be with their peers in the game exchange, practice and understanding. Children's language development through play is full of diverse and interesting. For example, the use of drama games, children can play different roles, to understand the meaning of the text, but through dialogue, children can practice speaking. Studies suggest that the most in a game that children can quickly master the language.   Second, the purpose of teaching     1, to develop students interest in learning, increased motivation to learn         In the English game by adding the appropriate games help students interested in line with "music school" principle, the game students, teaching methods emphasize subjectivity, reflect the dominant teachers and students to play the main role. Pupils lively, using the characteristics of the game do not intend to pay attention to inspire the students initiative, while Technology can not do anything easy to reduce the burden on students.     2, the creation of democratic, harmonious, lively teaching and learning environment       Teachers will be teaching the game boring language phenomena into a lively play activities, and students together to participate in activities, participate in games, can arouse the student-friendly, pleasant emotional experience. To create a lively and active classroom learning atmosphere, students relaxed and happy feelings, ideas active, will be comfortable in their skills.     3, to improve children's English listening and speaking ability        Each lesson to the form of different games and competitions can promote feelings of students so that students from passive listening to active listening, in the game, said to stimulate the desire, and ultimately achieving the purpose of improving English language communication.          Third, the basic process of teaching the game     Singing warm-up - free to talk about - Game Guide Lesson - Learning & Products - Play practice with - role play - race to consolidate     1, singing warm-up         Before classes start singing mainly in English, 12 songs, to sing can join the appropriate action, through the singing to regulate emotions, creating an atmosphere of learning English, and through singing and focus the attention of students. However, if each lesson is to sing a long time, it is unavoidable so that students feel monotonous and affects their morale, then we will exchange students to play fast-paced manner, recited the refrain of the songs.      2, free to talk about         Primarily intended to review the previous learned content. The first five minutes of each lesson for students of self-presentation time. Students can apply what they have learned to free conversation in English, but also may speak on any topics to talk about. For example: greetings, asking directions, shopping, talking about people, talking about the weather and so on. To enable them to fully display themselves and express themselves, and for them to create a good atmosphere to learn English. Can also allow students to freely partner, composing dialogue, time for 1-2 minutes, in extra-curricular ready for class and then perform.      3, the game import          This is an important part of classroom teaching. The introduction of new courses using the right of the game is to stimulate student interest in an effective way to learn, but also a lesson key to success. For example: In the lecture on "the new standard English," The fourth module first unit, is a teacher so the introduction of new courses in: T: Hello, boys and girls, Let's play a game, OK? Ss: OK! T: Please guess : What's in my hand? (Teacher hand and in-kind hidden in the back) S1: Is it an apple? T: No, it isn't. S2: Is it an orange? T: No, it isn't. S3: Is this a book? T: Oh, sorry. S4: I think it's a pen. T: Now, Let's have a look. Oh, it's a pen. You're clever! Clap, everyone! Ss: Clap, Clap, Clap.         This method of introduction of new lesson not only review a large number of words and sentences, in order to pave the way to learn new courses were made, and because the students are anxious to know what teachers in the hands of what is, thus contributing to their mental and physical, moving mouth. This method of introduction of new lesson naturally relaxed, the students unconsciously acquire new knowledge into the state.     3, Horizon Learning         Teachers in this session as much as possible the use of material objects, pictures, electro-chemical devices to enrich the language of a lively scene. Names of family members, such as teaching, teachers ask students to bring their own family portrait photographs and let the students themselves introduced the family members. Animals in teaching, teachers can be made courseware, content, including the study of animals sounds and pictures, large-screen projection: In the beautiful large forest, what animals do not. Then, teachers, according to a mouse, there is an animal sound, to enable students to say the animal's word, (for example: bird) students guessed, the forest there will be a bird. Completion of a word, teachers, and then click the mouse, the forest can also occur in other animals, so that unconsciously learned knowledge, but also enriches the imagination, foster creativity.     4, playing and training with         After & Products to learn, and this was a good time to conduct gaming activities, the students have a certain understanding of the content of textbooks need to pass the practice to digest. As in exercises of this lesson the new delegated words, the teacher can put a card in the form of the word (positive for the pictures or English on the back of the blank) posted on the blackboard for students to see half a minute, and then use a large paper Shaohou cover all the cards, and then under the cover of large paper to turn to the opposite one card, finally won the big paper, the students determine which words are missing from memory. This phase can be carried out a number of lively games, such as puzzles, making phone calls, open train, drums transmission flowers.     5, role play         That is, ability to link knowledge into is that students are the most exciting moments, but also training students to use English to communicate opportunities. Students can now fully utilize their communicative competence. Teachers should seize this opportunity to work hard to create an atmosphere of English performances. Such as:     How many cookies do you want?     Two, please.     How much milk do you want?     A lot / A little.please.         Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download If you just read, although the students can recite every word, but I do not know how to use, teachers can give students some tips if they have already learned to use the sentence, teaching effectiveness will be greatly improved. Such as:     A: Waiter / Waitress?     B: Yes? Can I help you?     A: May I have some milk please?     B: Ok.How much milk do you want?     A: A little, please.     B: Wait a minute.        . .     B: Here you are.     A: Thank you.     B: You are welcome.         Teacher prompted, let go and allow students to perform an independent organization sub-groups, each at least as a waiter. The remaining three were customers, the final selected group performing on stage, the students fully develop their talent and rich imagination, can be studied independently to add a number of sentences.     6, competition to consolidate         This is a lesson summary. Contest is to learn and practice a good idea. Organization of each lesson in a different form of competition can promote student emotions, drills and consolidate the knowledge acquired. Competition generally throughout the entire process of teaching can also be carried out in class before the end of the final winner.          5, the game of teaching the basic principles of     1, arranged the game with a purpose and nature of teaching and the game recognize the relationship between the         Classroom teaching all activities have to be focusing on the teaching objectives, design and organization, classroom games is no exception, can not be one-sided pursuit of form, solely for playing and playing. Designing the game, we should take full account of the heavy teaching difficulties and other teaching requirements.     2, select the game should be inspiring, short amount of         To carry out the game is to learn and consolidate what they have learned the knowledge, active classroom atmosphere, but should also pay attention to the students in the game development and intellectual abilities, difficult to grasp on the game, especially for those students with poor academic performance, in the Teachers in the game may be appropriate to give them tips to inspire and encourage them to win the game. Game time should not be too long, the number should not be too much, too long, the brain will translate into the brain inhibit excited state; too much, the students will lose interest.     3, organize games in an orderly, live without chaos         Teachers should be made clear before carrying out the game rules, disciplinary requirements, scoring criteria, as students have a fight Yoshikatsu, easily agitated features, they sometimes forget what chaos phenomenon, teachers can not blindly blame the criticism, but to actively guide for students understand that: learning first, competition second.     4, attention to students to participate in carrying out the game, reasonable schedule,         Participatory teaching the game and sexual expression of all students "move" up, scrambling to assume the role of each of the game, another, only to make the game just right, can make the classroom there are ups and downs, interlocking key and difficult to fully to play a role in the game.     5, using the game and the level of attention to variability         As the saying goes "trick can not be a long time to play", which requires teachers to ever-changing practice of the game, constantly designing new games. A lesson from the junior to senior and orderly arrangement. In order to apply different levels of students to participate.     6, the evaluation should be appropriate for the game, teachers should encourage a timely manner         In the game of teaching process, teachers will inevitably lead to bias and unfair attitudes between students is not satisfied with the event of such a phenomenon, teaching would be difficult to carry out, therefore, teachers must have a keen insight and sound judgment, the evaluation should be appropriate. The teachers, two words of encouragement, a small red flowers, will make the students excited into their excited state is bound to lead other students to create a good atmosphere.                 English teaching is an art. Teaching method, teaching way is not fixed. In teaching, to follow the teaching laws and laws of physical and mental development of students to mobilize the enthusiasm of students and enhance their interest in learning is the bounden duty of every teacher. English classes in primary school teaching methods used in the game, and effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of students in language learning, so that students in a relaxed atmosphere to learn and master the knowledge to improve teaching quality. This play school, learning to play in a way very much in line with characteristics of primary school age. We might as well try to make English class filled with more laughter, so that students "Qiao Shu-shan had a road 'to Drive, Xue-Hai-free Cliff Lok' made into a boat."          References:      1. "Primary English Teaching Games" - LIU Jian-qing - "primary and secondary school foreign language teaching" in 1991 1 / 2 Total 54/55 Issue      2. "Primary English Class games teaching" - Zhou Xiaona -      3. "Competition - effective means of primary school English teaching" - Zhou Jian-Ying - primary and secondary school English teaching and Research in 2002 No.


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