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    The use of body language in the teaching of primary English英语专业毕业论文.doc

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    The use of body language in the teaching of primary English英语专业毕业论文.doc

    The use of body language in the teaching of primary English Abstract: In the education of primary school English, if the teacher can use the body language accurately and properly, and can take advantage of the facial expression, gesture, eye contact and body distance, then these body languages may be a great help to their organization of the education. In this way, it can be an aid to enhance the teacher-student interaction, highlight the key points and improve the teaching effect, etc. The oral language and written language have been in use for a long time in the language learning, and the nonlinguistic (mainly the body language) isnt regarded as an important mean to communicate in the class. According to a research learnt by the USA, more than 90% of the information is delivered by pitch of voice and facial expression in the communication of emotion and attitude. Therefore, we are in a position to make a conclusion that the body language has made a great contribution to the English teaching and actual communication. In the New Curriculum Reform, we make it a new rule that teaches must play the leading role as well as fully reflect the students cognitive main role. Task Based Language Teaching is applied in the teaching of primary English. In the class, the teacher may make it more vivid if he could use the bogy language properly, such as the expression, gesture, eye contact and body distance. The body language can be not only thought of as substitution for the communication function of the language, but also can be treated as a way to expand the communication circle and to hide the inner emotion, in this way, the communication be more dramatic and more concise. In the English teaching, the utilization of body language for the teacher has the following functions: 1, During the process of class, it benefits for the bilateral communication, and helps to stress the important point, thus to improve the students understanding and memorizing of the knowledge. 2, The feedback of teaching information. 3, Control the students act in the class. As regard to the students, body language is an effective method for the English learning and therefore to enhance their communication skills.Key words: primary English, body language, aid 摘要:在小学的英语教学中,如果老师能够准确而又适当的利用体态语,并且运用面部表情,手势,眼神以及身体距离等技巧,这将有利于老师更好的组织教学,增进老师与学生之间的感情,提高学生的学习热情, 并且突出英语教学的重点知识,这样便可以提高教学的效果。很久以来,口头语言和书面语言在英语教学中是重要的交流方式。而对于非语言(尤其是体态语)的运用则少之甚少,并没有引起老师的太大重视,而美国的一项研究层表明,在交流的过程中,90%以上的信息可以运用声调的控制和面部的表情,而这些就是非语言。所以,体态语在英语的教学过程中的作用不可忽视。在新课程改革中,教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用是很重要的。任务型教学法则是新课改中的一个重点,如果老师能够适当的运用体态语,那么课堂将会更生动,体态语不仅能代替语言的功能,更可以隐藏情绪和扩大交流圈。这样使得交流更生动简洁。在英语课堂中,体态语的运用具有以下几个功能:一、在课堂讲授中, 有利于师生间情感交流, 突出重难点,提高学生对知识理解及记忆。二、反馈课堂教学信息。三、控制学生的课堂行为。而对于学生来讲, 学习应用体态语能达到有效的学习效果, 增强学生的交际能力关键字:小学英语,体态语,辅助Content1, Brief introduction of the body language in the English education .52, The means of body language .52.1 The utilize of facial expression .52.2 The use of gesture .62.3 The appliance of eye contact.62.4 The importance of body distance .73, The conclusion .81, Brief introduction of the body language in the English education In the English class, the nonlinguistic communication couldnt be ignored. Body language is the combination of facial expression, gesture, pose and clothes, a compressive use of them is necessary, only in this way can it be a great method for the teacher. But we should have the knowledge that the oral is still in the lading role in the teaching process, and then is the body language. On the other hand, body language can help the students to have a better understanding about the new knowledge, however, the body language sometimes delivery vigorous information which is hard for the students to know fully, so the teachers must pay attention to the use of body language. So how does the teacher use these body languages in their English teaching, we will explain in the next parts. 2, the means of body language 2.1 The utilize of facial expressionAs we all know that facial expression can reflect everything that a man wants to show, the joyless, the sorrow, the anger, the sad and the horror, etc, all of which can be judged by these facial expressions. So it is important for the teachers take advantage of the body language to regulate the atmosphere in the class and improve the teaching effect according to the different situation. As for a teacher, fully body language can be applied in the situation whether the students answers are correct or wrong, smile is a sort of confirming and praise of the students for the students answer right, while smile can encourage the students to work harder if the students reply improperly; on the contrary, if the teachers expression is stiff and forced, it will puzzle the students and make them fell at a loss. The appliance of smile is very important. For most students, the English learning is a second language which is more difficult and sterile for them to study, providing the teachers smile at them, they will gain an optimistic and confident attitude towards the English learning. Some educators once point out that teachers should always smile in the class; it is a method to capture the hearts of the students and play it ultimately, in this way, the students may fell it as a fun rather than a burden. 2.2 The use of gestureThe use of gesture in the English teaching can have the function of expressing the ideas and show the emotion, which make the teaching more convictive and more influential. In the class, English teachers may stretch out the hand to show what he wants to. In order to teach the sentence form, such as “This is a pen/coat/book/map/bag” he may use the teaching instruments or his clothes as an explanation to make it clear for the students. Or else this sentence “He is not”, just shake his hand to show his opposing, “She is four years old”, the teacher can show his four fingers to show the age, and “It is OK”, the teacher can put his thumb up or make a gesture of OK all of these gestures can let the pupils to understand more easily and master it, increase his interest in English learning as well. To sum up, the gesture is more flexible in all the body language and equipped with rich expressiveness. So it is of significance for the teachers to grasp the core of the gesture. 2.3 The appliance of eye contact Peoples eyes can a window into their hearts, we can see a mans doubt, good or evil, pro or against in his inner world. We can know everything from the eyes. Among all the facial expressions, the eye can express softer emotions. If the teacher uses his eye in the teaching, it will be an assistance to improve the teaching effect. First of all, teacher can know his teaching effect from the expression so as to adjust his speed of teaching. For example, if pupils stare at the windows or something else at intervals, this is evidence showing that they are mind absent. If they murmurs in a low voice, this is a prove meaning that they find out the teachers mistakes. It their eyes are full of joyful flash, this is a proof indicating that they have already mastered what the teacher tells. The teacher of special grade Sixia in our country has pointed out that much attention should be paid to the eyes of the students. The teachers must equip with some skills to distinguish the eye of student. When they are teaching, the whole class should be glanced at which make the pupils have the felling that you are talking to him and to arouse their interests. Some pupils may be wandering, and this can be a way to warn them to listen to the class carefully. In addition, more concentration on the pert can breed full mental investigation on the students, and to know the teaching effect. After his conclusion from the eye of the pupils, he can inspire and encourage students to have their opinions in the class, what is the most important is that this contact can prevent from some of the students wandering or making noise in class. For instant, if some students behave improperly in class, the teacher can send a sign of warning by staring at him strictly, all in all, a well use of the eye contact can be of great assistance to the English teaching. 2.4 The importance of body distance Actually, the body distance is another body language. In the class, different location of the teacher could give students various kinds of mental activities, there are researches showing that 2-3.5 meters distance between the teachers and students would produce an effect of controlling, if one of the students doesnt listen carefully or acts badly, great changes will taken place in the student if the teacher shows a tendency walking towards him. In the English class, when it comes to the leading time for the teacher, the teacher enter into the students space, he can dominate the class and find out students mistakes and then correct it, I think therefore the class will be more lively. If students are mind-absent, when the teacher approaches them, he will soon follow the pace of the class. So if the teachers teach while he is walking in the class, the teaching effect will be more obvious. However, the distance between the teachers and students is 4 to 5 meters, changes may be delicately. Some teachers have mentioned that the teaching effect in the audio visual classroom is worse than that in the class. So the body distance is an significant factor for the English class. 3, the conclusion In one words, it is important for a teacher to combine the oral language and body language to gain a well teaching effect in the English class. And even to perfect the use of body language for fear that it may produce some bad effects if the teachers apply it improperly. Thus, we can arouse the pupils interest in English learning and improve quality of English teaching. Reference 1 任新玉 . “Body Language” 让语言插上灵巧的翅膀浅谈体态语在小学英语中的教学作用. J. 教育革新, 2011(5)2 高红 . 谈体态语在小学英语教学中的运用. J. 时代英语报(教师版), 2011(9)3 徐美娟 . 浅谈体态语在小学英语教学中的运用. J. 教书育人, 2009(4)4 张滨 . 如何在小学英语教学中有效地利用体态语,提高英语教学效果. J. 新课程.教师, 2010(5)9


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