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    2020外研版七年级英语下册学案:Module12 Unit 1 It's so beautiful !.docx

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    2020外研版七年级英语下册学案:Module12 Unit 1 It's so beautiful !.docx

    2020年外研版七年级下册Module12 Unit1学案导学教学目标1. 熟读M12unit1的单词 2. 理解M12unit1的对话内容 3. 掌握重点词汇和句型的用法课前预习根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语1. 活泼的; 轻快的 adj. _ 2. 现代的 adj. _3. 流行的; 受欢迎的 adj. _ 4. 摇滚乐 n. _5. 小提琴 n. _ 6. 穿过 prep. _ 7. 歌剧 n. _8. 鼓 n. _ 9. 相信 v. _课文呈现2 Work in pairs.Answer the questions about the conversation in Activity 1.(1)Which modern music does Tony like?_(2)What does Tonys mum think about rock music?_(3)Why doesnt Tony like traditional Western music?_(4)Which music does Tonys dad think is too noisy?_3. Listen and read语言知识知识1 noisy adj. 吵闹的(1) 副词为 _, 意为“吵闹地”。名词为 _, 意为“吵闹; 噪音”。_意为“制造噪音”。(2) noise , voice 和sound的区别 【练一练】 用voice, sound和noise填空Dont make any _! Its time for class! The man shouted in a very loud _. At midnight he heard a strange _. 知识2 介词through, across, over与past【练一练】(1)The moonlight is shining in_the window.Everything in the room looks so nice.A over Bacross Cthrough DPast(2)You must look at the traffic lights before you go _(穿过) the road. 知识3 both pron.两者;两个(1) both.and.连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数形式(2) both涉及两者,其反义词是neither;all涉及三者或三者以上,其反义词是none【练一练】( )Which singer do you like, Zhang Liangying or Zhou Bichang? _. I love their songs very much. A. AllB. Neither C. Both( )Both Mike and I _ ready for the new high school life. A. beB. amC. isD. are知识4 反义疑问句其句子结构如图所示【练一练】( )Steven had nothing for breakfast this morning, _?No. Because he got up late. A. hadnt heB. had he C. didnt heD. did he( )He has few friends in his new school, _? A. hasnt he B. does he C. is heD. doesnt he( )There is a beautiful park near your school,_?Yes, I often go walking there.A is thereBisnt there Care there Darent there知识5 感叹句What + _/ _ +(形容词)+_名词+(主语+谓语)!What a nice girl she is! 她是一个多么漂亮的女孩儿啊!What+(形容词)+_数名词或者可数名词_数+(主语+谓语)!What bad weather it is! 多么糟糕的天气啊!How + _+(主语+谓语) How beautiful the garden is! 这个花园真漂亮啊!How +adj. +a/ an +单数名词(+主谓)【练一练】选择what或how 填空1. _ a nice day it is! 2. _ hot it is today!3. _ delicious food it is! 4. _ old a building that is!课堂练习1、 单选题1. There are many tall trees on _ sides of the river. A. both B. all C. either2. My sister never fights with her classmates over small things, _?A. doesnt she B. is she C. does she D. isnt she3. My twin sister is shy. We are different. I am very _. A. lively B. quiet C. unfriendly D. friendly4. _ wonderful report he wrote! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a5. Father brought his little boy to a concert. But he was too young to sit _ the whole concert. A. for B. with C. during D. through6. _beautiful flowers they are! Yes, my grandmother plants them. A. What B. What a C. What an D. How7. There were only two paintings for sale and he bought_. A. all B. any C. both D. some8. Who was the song_? Liu Huan. A. at B. with C. of D. by9. Give her a_. She is doing her homework. A. test B. break C. call D. music10. Tom likes outdoor activities. He is_football. A. a fan B. fan of C. a fan of D. fan for11. Last week, we met a new classmate_Zhang Ling from Wenchuan. A. call B. calls C. calling D. called12. You went to the cinema with your mother yesterday, _? A. dont you B. didnt you C. were you D. werent you13. Sam likes trekking _ the jungle, because he thinks its exciting. A. over B. under C. across D. through14. Which do you prefer, tea_ coffee? Tea, please. A. but B. so C. or D. and15. Kate didnt go to school yesterday, did she?_, though she did not feel very well. A. Yes, she did B. Yes, she didntC. No, she didnt D. No, she did二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Do you know the boy _ (call) Mike?2. Beijing opera is _ (differ) from classical music. 3. Many football _(fan) went to watch the football match. 4. You _(write) a diary, didnt you?5. The old man likes _ (tradition) music, but he doesnt like rock music. 6. I didnt hear the bell because it was too _ (noise) in the classroom. 7. Mr Liu is popular with the students because his class is _(live) and interesting. 8. Greece is a_ (west) country. 9. No one _ (believe) Tom when he told them the news. 10. Lang Lang is a great_(piano) in China. M12U1参考答案课前预习1.lively 2. modern 3.pop 4. rock 5. violin 6. through 7. opera 8. drum 9. believe 课文呈现2. (1)He likes pop and rock music. (2)Its lively.(3) Its too slow. (4)He thinks pop music is too noisy. 语言知识知识1 (1)noisily , noise , make a noise 【练一练】noise , voice , sound知识2 【练一练】C , across知识3 【练一练】C , D知识4 D B B知识5 (1)a/ an,单数 (2)不可,复 (3)adj. / adv. 【练一练】what , how , what , how课堂练习1、 单选题: ACAAD ACDBC DBDCA2、 变形: 1. called2. different3. fans4. wrote5. traditional6. noisy7. lively8. western9. believed10. pianist


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