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    -!Import 3D ModelThe 3D model feature allows you to place a pre-prepared 3D object at any point in the 3D terrain. These models can be created using external design tools. The Import 3D Model object supports OpenFlight (FLT) and Direct X (X) file formats, as well as their compressed versions (FPC and XPC).Supported also is the XPL file format which provides better performance for the Direct X models. A set of XPL files is created from a single X file where each file contains data for one Level of Detail (LOD) only. TerraExplorer displays the best LOD file based on the viewer position in relation to the object. In addition, when downloaded from a web server, each file is downloaded independently. As a result, the model overall display performance and download rate are improved. Only the first LOD file of a set can be opened, and the other files are read automatically To Add a New 3D Model1. Select the Load 3D Model icon from the Toolbox “3D Objects” tab (icon #1), or use the Create Menu, to open the Browse for 3D Model Dialog Box.2. Select a model in the Browse for 3D Model Dialog Box., type, or browse, a path to an .x, .xpc, xpl,.flt or .fpc file to insert as the 3D model.3. With the cursor in the 3D Window, click the mouse to define the position of the 3D models pivot point on the terrain.Note: The pivot point of a 3D model is set at the 0,0,0 point in the objects coordinate system. It is recommended to create the object with the pivot point located at the center of the bottom surface of the object. To change an objects pivot point, you should edit it with the original tool from which it was built.4. After the object has been placed on the terrain, you can change its properties using the Properties Sheet.Example of a 3D Model Object:Objects Parameters:Appearance: Name Type the description or name of the 3D model. This text appears in the Information Window as the name of the object. Activation Action Type the action to perform when selecting the 3D model from the Information Window. Model: File Name Type, or browse, a path to an .x, .xpc, .flt or .fpc file to insert as the 3D model. Flip Texture Flips the horizontal mapping of the models textures. Model Type Select "Animation" to play the object animation or "Still" to stop object animation at the first frame. This option is enabled only for Direct X animation models that comply with the DirectX specification. Animation Speed Rate Selects the animation speed rate.Position: Altitude Method Sets the altitude method to be used by the 3D model: Select “Relative to Terrain” to place the 3D models pivot point at a specified altitude above the ground. Select “Absolute” to place the 3D models pivot point at a specified altitude above the terrain database vertical datum base ellipsoid. Altitude Enter the altitude, as defined in Altitude Method, for the 3D models pivot point. X Enter the X-coordinate for the 3D models pivot point. Y Enter the Y-coordinate for the 3D models pivot point. Yaw Determines the direction angle of the 3D model. Pitch Determines the tilt angle of the 3D model. Roll Determines the spin angle of the 3D model.Geometry: Scale Determines the dimensions, in Meters per pixel, of the 3D model. The actual size of the model in the 3D World is the size of the model in its internal coordinate system times the Scale value. (i.e. if the model has a width of 5 units and the scale is set to 10 meters per pixel, the width of the object in the 3D World is 50 meters.) Set Best Fit Clicking the Capture button sets the current object size as the size where the best level of detail is used. When zoomed out from the best fit size the object is displayed using data retrieved from a lower Level Of Detail file (XPL file). For more information Best Fit Size Enter the minimum size of the object, in pixels, at which the object is displayed in the best level of detail. When zooming out from the best fit size the object is displayed using data retrieved from a lower Level Of Detail file (XPL file). For more information See: “Import 3D Model” in the “3D Objects” chapter for further information. This size can be set automatically by clicking the Capture button in the Set Best Fit field (See: Set Best Fit) above.General: Show In Basic Determines if the 3D model appears in the Information Window when the file is viewed with the TerraExplorer Basic viewer. Message Shows the number of the message associated with this object. To create a new message or update an existing message, open the Create Message Dialog Box by clicking in this field and selecting Edit. Tool Tip Type a ToolTip text to appear when the mouse cursor is placed over the 3D model in the 3D View. Default Viewing Distance Determines the viewing distance of the camera from the 3D model. This distance is used as a stop mark for any “Fly-to” or “View Object” operation. It is also used when selecting to edit the object from the Information Window. Max. Visibility Distance Sets the distance from the camera at which the 3D model disappears. Ground Object Determines if the object is calculated as part of the terrains elevation. This applies for the measurement tools and for navigating in the 3D world.BuildingThe Building feature allows you to add 3D models to the project by manually defining the geometry of the building roof-top and stretching it above the basic terrain, or by importing the roof-top geometry from external feature layers. You can define the shape of the roof as a flat surface, or as an angular surface. After defining the building geometry you can assign fill color and texture from external files, or apply texture from the terrain to the roof and side walls.To Create a New Building1. Select the building icon from the Toolbox “3D Objects” tab (icon #4), or use the Create Menu.2. With the cursor in the 3D Window, click the left mouse button to add the first point of the roof. 3. Click again to add additional points of the roofs polygon until you have marked the entire shape. You must place at least three points to define the roof.Note: When creating a building, the lines of the roof polygon should not overlap each other. This may result in an irregular object. 4. Click the right mouse button to finish the roof polygon.It is recommended to keep the number of roof points to the minimum required to define the shape. Adding unnecessary points may adversely affect performance. 1. If there is a horizontal offset between the roof and the building base in the aerial/satellite imagery, use the mouse pointer to drag the base polygon (in green) to its place on the imagery and left click to finish the operation. 2. If there is no horizontal offset between the roof and the building base in the aerial/satellite imagery click again on the right mouse button to finish the operation. 3. Enter the roof height of the building under “Geometry” in the Building Properties Sheet. 4. You can continue to edit the buildings parameters and shape, or you can close the properties sheet to finish the operation.Example of a Building Object:Defining Roof and Wall TexturesYou can assign fill color and, texture from a file, or use texture from the terrain pattern for the buildings roof and side walls. You can set a different fill type for each wall in the building. To change the fill type select the surface from the “Selected Face” field in the properties sheet and choose the desired type in the “Face Fill Type” field. You can select the “Terrain Texture” option for side walls only if the building has an offset between the roof and the base frames.When selecting “Terrain Texture” you should assign, for each wall, the “Face Terrain Texture” parameter. If a wall has an exposed texture on the satellite/aerial imagery you should use its own texture. If the walls texture in not available, you can assign the texture from one of the other exposed walls.It is recommended not to break an exposed wall into sub-walls. This allows you to use the entire wall texture for non-exposed walls.Modifying the Building Geometry and PositionAfter creating the buildings initial geometry you can still modify it by selecting one of the top bar tools and editing the building shape in the 3D view. 2D view mode While editing the buildings base, roof and angular roof geometry, the building is displayed in 2D view mode. In this mode you can view and edit the buildings outlines and nodes. 3D view mode This option displays the building as a complete 3D model. Use this option to edit the height of the building and view the result of your 2D editing. Building properties window top bar: Edit roof/base position Select this option to move the buildings roof, base or the entire shape. Click and drag the green polygon to move the base frame. Click and drag the red polygon to move the roof frame. Click and drag the yellow line to move the entire building. Edit roof/base nodes Select this option to move, add or delete nodes on the base or roof frames. Click and drag a node on the green polyline to move a node on the base frame. Click and drag a node on the red polyline to move a node on the roof frame. Click and drag the yellow lines to move the base and roof nodes simultaneously. Select a segment between two nodes on the base or on the roof to add an additional corner to the building. Right click on a base or roof node and select the “Delete Node” option to delete the corner of the building. Edit angular roof - Select this option to modify the angular roof geometry. This feature is enabled when the “Angular Roof” option is selected. 3D view mode Select this option to view the building model in its final view. To move the building select “Move in the XY plane” mode and drag the building to a new position. You can also change the building height: select “Move in the Z axis” mode, click on the left mouse button in the 3D view and drag the pointer up and down. Move in the XY plane All movements are limited to the X and Y plane. Move in the Z axis All movements are limited to the Z axis. This option is only available when working in a 3D view mode.Creating Angular Roof1. After creating the building geometry select the “Angular Roof” Rooftop Style under “Appearance” group in the building properties window.2. In the building properties window top bar select the “Edit Angular Roof” icon 3. In the 3D view select the angular roof points and drag them to the top-most position of the roof. The angular roof points are located between the connecting lines (cyan) and the roof top frame (purple). The points of the angular roof shape should not overlap each other.Note: For adding additional angular roof points you must switch to “Edit Nodes” mode, add additional roof point in the desired location and switch back to “Edit Angular Roof” mode.4. In the building properties window set the rooftop delta height. Setting angular roof geometry:Working with the Building Lean Ratio ParametersIn many cases the aerial imagery in large parts of a city has the same pitch angle. This means that all the buildings in this area have the same leaning ration on the imagery. After manually setting one building you can select all the buildings in this area and set the “Building Lean X Ratio” and Building Lean Y Ratio” parameters according to the values of the building you have set manually. TerraExplorer automatically calculates the roof and base locations according to the buildings height and the leaning ratio you have set. The calculation is valid only when the roof-top frames are located in the correct geographic location and not according to the distorted imagery.Note: This feature is mostly relevant when importing the roof-top geometry from an external feature layer.Objects Parameters:Appearance: Name Type the description or name of the building. This text appears in the Information Window as the name of the object. Activation Action Type the action to perform when selecting the building from the Information Window. Building Style Determines the type of building: Stretch Terrain The buildings roof has the same coloring and texture as the terrain. In essence, the building is created by “pulling” it out of the terrain. In polygonal display mode the buildings roof and walls have solid colors with shading. Polygons The building is created using a 3D polygon. You can assign textures to the side and roof polygons, or you can just colorize them. Rooftop Style Determines whether the roof is flat or angular.Position: X Enter the X coordinate for the buildings pivot point, the center of its base. Y Enter the Y coordinate for the buildings pivot point, the center of its base. Altitude Method Sets the altitude method to be used by the building: Select “Relative to Terrain” to set the buildings altitude values at a specified altitude above the ground. Select “Absolute” to set the buildings altitude values at a specified altitude above the terrain database vertical datum base ellipsoid. Base Altitude Enter the altitude, as defined in Altitude Method, for the base of the building. Roof Altitude Enter the altitude, as defined in Altitude Method, for the roof of the building. Geometry: Building Height Determines the height of the building above its base. This is identical to the difference between the Roof Altitude and Base Altitude. Rooftop Delta Height Determines the height of the top of the angular roof above the building. This field is available only when Rooftop Style is set to Angular roof.Texture: Note: These fields are unavailable if you have selected the Stretch Terrain style. Selected Face Select the face to modify. Roof Select this option to change the roof color or texture. All Walls Select this option to change the color or texture for all walls in the building Wall # Select a single wall to editNote: The walls are numbered according to the creation order. You can view the numbering labels above the center of the roof segment for each wall.


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