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    高考英语历年真题合集含答案解析1 . _that shes by law old enough to get married, I dont see how you can stop her.译文. 我明白按法律她到了该结婚的年龄,但不明白你如何能阻止她。 A. Having seen B. To see C. Seeing D. Seen答案:C。 现在分词表伴随,动作由主语发来的。2 . New cars will be taken to other parts of the country _ railway.译文. 新车将由火车运往这个国家的其他地方 A. along B. by C. on D. with答案:B。 by railway = by train.3 . I hadnt expected James to apologize but I had hoped _ me.译文. 我没有期望James向我道歉,但我希望他会给我打电话。 A. him calling B. that he would call C. him to call D. that he call答案:B。 用expect, hope,wish等词的过去完成时态表示原打算做什么。4 . The teacher asked us to put weekends _ good use.译文. 老师要求我们利用好周末。 A. with B. in C. for D. to 答案:D。 固定搭配:put sth. to use利用。5 . So far nothing _ Tom. I want to know the reason _ he hasnt written to me.译文. 到目前为止,还没有收到汤姆的任何来信。我想知道他没给我写信的原因。 A. heard from; why B. has been heard from; why C. was heard from; that D. has heard from; that答案:B。 含有so far的句子应该时现在完成时态;reason作先行词,定与从句应该用that引导。6 . They will be very _ to see you here.译文. 他们将很高兴地在这儿见到你。 A. pleasing B. pleasant C. pleasure D. pleased答案:D。 pleasing表示特征;pleasant只能修饰名词;pleasure是名词;pleased表示状态。7 . Has any of you reached the Great Wall ? -_.译文. -你们中有人去过长城吗?-没有。 A. None B. No C. No one D. Not any答案:A。 在询问数目时,要么用具体的数目回答,要么用none回答。8 . Havent you heard the news? -What news? - Some of the workers are _ while others are _.译文. -你没有听到这消息?- 什么消息?-一些工人在游行,一些在罢工。 A. on the march, on strike B. on march, on strike C. on the march, on the strike D. on the strike, on march答案:B。 be on strike在罢工; be on march在游行。9 . I felt _ tired, but he didnt stop _.译文. 我感到相当疲倦,然而他却没有停止学习。 A. little, to read B. rather, studying C. fairly, studying D. few, to study答案:B。 rather表示"相当"一般用于贬义;stop后面只能接动名词表示"停止做什么"。10 . Like the Olympics, the World Cup takes place _ years.译文. 像奥运会一样,世界杯每四年举行一次。 A. every four B. each fourth C. each four D. every fourth答案:A 每隔.的表达法有:every +基数词 +复数名词;every +序数词 +单数名词。11 . _ unless I call you. 译文. 我没有叫你就不要进来。 A. Please come B. Not come in C. Dont come in D. Come in 答案:C。 考查祈使句。12 . My house is ten kilometers _ our school.译文. 我家里学校有十公里远。 A. far B. away C. far away D. away from答案:D。 句中有表示距离的具体数字,其后不再用far。13 . You didnt let me drive. If we _ in turn, you _ so tired.译文. 你不让我驾车。如果你让我们轮流开车的话,你也不会那么疲劳。 A. has left; comes B. drove; wouldnt have got C. were driving; wouldnt get D. had driven; wouldnt have got答案:D。 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。14 . The new machine,if _ properly,will work at least ten years.译文. 如果是用得当,这太新机器会使用10年的。 A. use B. using C. being used D. used答案:D。 本题考查分词与主语之间的关系。"if the new machine is used properly"15 . Isnt the TV play wonderful!" This sentence means_.译文. "难道这部电视剧不好!"这句话的意思是. A. What a wonderful play it is! B. Do you think the Tv play wonderful? C. I dont think if the TV play is wonderful. D. Do you know what the play is like?答案:A。 一个否定的疑问句,表示惊讶,感叹,不需要用Yes或No来回答。16 . He always _ other people first.译文. 他总是考虑他人在先。 A. thinking of B. thinks C. thinks of D. think about答案:C。 从always解题,本句应该是一般现在时态。 17 . Did your uncle fly to Paris directly?-No,he travelled from Hong Kong _ London.译文. 你叔叔直接飞巴黎去了?不,他从香港出发取道伦敦飞抵巴黎。 A. through B. by way of C. across D. on way of答案:B。 by way of意为"途经";"经由";"取道"。18 . Dinnerll be ready in a few minutes. Youd better _.译文. 晚饭马上就好了。你最好把手洗了。 A. wash B. wash himself C. get washed D. washing答案:C get washed系表结构。19 . The typewriter _ there all week.译文. 在桌子上的那台打字机放在那儿整整一周了。 A. was laying on the table, were it had laid B. was lying on the table, were it had laid C. was laying on the table, were it had laid D. lying on the table, had been laid答案:D。 现在分词短语lying on the table作定语。20 . Do you know what the Bush House is like? - Yes. Its a(an) _ building and it is the home of BBC English.译文. -你知道布什大厦是什么样子?-知道。一个高大漂亮老式的白色建筑物,并且是BBC电台的总部。 A. nice old tall white B. old tall nice white C. nice tall old white D. white nice tall old答案:C。 多个形容词的排列顺序。记住:大小形状新温度,色国材料动名词。21 . I can t see the words on the blackboard clearly. - Why, your eyes need _ perhaps you need _ glasses.译文. -黑板上的字我看不清楚。-啊,你的眼睛需要检查,或许你需要戴副眼镜。 A. to examined, to wear B. to examine ,to wear C. to be examined, to wear D. examining, wearing答案:C。 need作为实意动词,表示需要时,一般用动名词的主动形式或者不定式的被动形式表示被动意义。22 . When are you leaving?-My plane _ at six.译文. 你什么时候出发?飞机6点起飞。 A. took off B. is about to take off C. takes off D. will take off答案:C。 因为主语是飞机并非"我",所以此句只是说明"飞机6点起飞"这个事实。23 . He asked several questions_ the professor who gave us a lecture_the balance of nature.译文. 他经常向那个教授提问,他给我们讲关于生态平衡的讲座。 A. with; for B. from; of C. to; about D. of; on答案:D。 ask表示"提出请求或问题"时,其间接宾语可用of引出。后一空白填on表示书24 . Tony is coming with _ boys.译文. Tony将和另外两个小男孩一道来 A. little two other B. two other little C. two little other D. little other two答案:C。 多个形容词的排列顺序。参见本站语法栏目相关内容。25 . Id rather he _ tomorrow afternoon.译文. 我宁愿他明天下午来。 A. will come B. comes C. coming D. came答案:D。 would rather后面的宾语从句用过去时态表示虚拟语气。注意,该句型中主句中没有谓语动词。26 . We have spent _ money on English books.译文. 我们花了许多钱在买英语书上。 A. a great deal of B. a good many C. a plenty of D. a number of答案:A。 money是不可数名词,只有a great deal of可以修饰它。27 . The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it.译文. 这个研究一旦开始什么都不能使它改变。 A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun答案:D。 once begun是once引导的条件状语从句的省略形式。= Once it is begun28 . The poor man _ lost his money just now is called John.译文. 刚才那个丢钱的可怜人名叫John。 A. that B. which C. who D. whom答案:C。 定语从句,先行词是人,做主语用who。29 . The songs _ she sang in the concert yesterday sounded _.译文. 昨天她在音乐会上唱的那首歌听起来很不错。 A. / ; beautifully B. that ; wonderfully C. which ; well D. / ; nice答案:D。 第一个空是定语从句,先行词在从句中充当宾语;sound是连系动词,跟形容词。30 . These plants are water _.译文. 这些植物每隔一天浇水。 A. each other day B. every other day C. each of two days D. every of two days答案:B。 每隔几天/周/月的表达是:every few days/ weeks/months。每隔一天是: every other day


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