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    2021初中英语人教版八年级上册英语各单元词汇练习:八年级上英语练习 英语复习资料 姓名:_班级:_Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 词汇填空 .根据首字母提示填单词。 1.-Where did he go on v_? -He went to summer c.2.How w_the beaches? 3.What did these people t_of their vacations? 4.My parents w_to Shanghai last week.5.We had a wonderful dinner at the restaurant.The food was d_.6.The skirt is too e_.I cant afford it.7.Im r_tired.I want to have a rest.8.He c_the room yesterday.9.West Lake is a f_place.Many people go to visit it.10.How was your bus t_? .用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Yesterday was a _(sun) day.2.She _(stay) at home last night.3.I found a little girl _(cry) in the street at 7.4.The old man _(be) ill and went to see a doctor.5.We had great fun _(play) in the water.6.The boss made me _(work) for 12 hours a day.7.My father _(not e) to see me yesterday.8.He _(take) many photos in Beijing last year.9.They are _(friend) to all the students.10.They enjoyed _(swim)very much.二词汇填空 A.单词拼写 1.H_can lay eggs, but cocks cant.  2.Could you give me s_to eat? Im so hungry.  3.You can ask_(任何人)here for help if you are in trouble.  4.Most people_(不喜欢)selfish men.  5.Both of Johns parents are_(商人).Theyre very busy.  6.Whats the price of this _(雨伞)? 7.He never finishes his homework, so _(很少) teachers like him.8.Look after y_when youre in New York, Lucy.9.I cant d _where to go this weekend, Guilin or Guangzhou.10.It was r_raining hard.B、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.I look after my health and I am _( health )  2.My teacher wants me _( write ) a letter to you.3.We _(feed) the hens and saw some baby pigs.4.They _( hard ) ever go out of his small town.5.The boy is trying _(climb) the tree.6.The _(different) between the tow words are clear.7.He often helps me _(do ) some housework.8.You must try to eat _(little) meat.9.It was my _(first) time there.10.I _(buy) something for my father yesterday.C、用所给动词的适当形式填空, 完成短文。 I1(go)to Paris with my parents on vacation.The weather was fine.We2(have)a sightseeing(观光)tour of the city and we also3(visit)some of the famous places like the Eiffel Tower.From Paris we traveled down to the south of France near Marseilles by boat.We4(stay)there for three days.There we had a lot of fun.We5(swim)in the sea and6(take)many photos.We also7(do)lots of sports on the beach.We8(go)back a week later by train.The people there9(be)friendly.The food10(be)delicious.So the trip was really great.  1._2._ 3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._二 词汇填空 A.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1.Do you like surfing the I ? 2.How o do you wash your hair?Once a week.3.I dont think junk food is good for our h .4.Her grandmother is still healthy, a she is over 90 years old.5.Drinking milk every morning is g for us.6.There are many_(different) between you and your twin brother.7.There are many outdoor _(活动)in spring.  8.My mother didnt have _(足够的钱) to buy that beautiful umbrella.  9.He t _many photos in Beijing last year .10.Kung Fu Panda II is a fantastic film and I want to see it.But I cant d _when to go.  B.用所给词的适当形式填空  1. We_(play)basketball yesterday afternoon.   2. My uncle_(live) in Beijing in 20_0.  3. They_(plan)to build a new bridge last year.  4. I _(study) for a test last night.  5. Lilys father_(work)in the office two years ago.6.It is good for health _(take) e_ercise every day.7._(take) e_ercise every day is good for our health.8.What are the _(different) between your habit and _(she).9.My mother wants me _(drink) milk every day.10.One of the best ways _(learn) English is using it.C.综合填空 foot, tired, quiet, vegetable, idea, before, sound, healthy, early, good You are so 1 at night,but you cant sleep,Here are some good 2 .First,you should be in a 3 room,Thats important.You should put your 4 in some warm water 5 you go to bed,and thats a traditional way.You should have a glass of milk.Its 6 for sleeping.You should think you are in a beautiful place.It is very quiet.there and there are many trees and you walk slowly.That 7 like a good idea.It can help you to sleep soon.Sleeping is important to our 8 ,Dont be stressed out.Go to bed 9 ,eat more10 and do some e_ercise .And everyone will have a good sleep tonight.1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._Unit 2  How often do you e_ercise? 一 词汇填空 A.单词拼写 1. I went to the zoo t        _(两次).  2. He often s        _ the Inter at the weekend.  3. The boy is a      _ (活跃的) at school.  4. Whats your favorite p     _   ?  Chinese Cooking  5. Children like to s   _     (踩滑板) after school.6. Children like drinking _ (牛奶).  7. What would you like, _ (咖啡)or cola?  8. Im i_ to keep healthy.  9. Eating a lot of fruits is good for our h_.  10. There are some _ (不同) between you and me.  B.用单词的适当形式填空。  1.My father plays basketball _ (two) a week.  2. Jodie often _ (e_ercise ) in the park.  3. Maria is _ (act) at school.  4. He _ (watch) TV every night.  5. How often does your mother e_ercise ?  _ (one) a week.  二词汇填空 A.用单词的适当形式填空。  1. A lot of vegetables help you _ (keep) in good health.  2. My mother wants me _ (drink) some milk every day.  3. His _ (eat) habits are pretty good, so hes very healthy.4. You must try _ (eat) less meat.  5. Good sleep can help you to study _ (well).二词汇填空 A.根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。  1. My mother goes to Beijing_(two) a year.   2. There are many _ ( different ) between living in a big city and living in the country .   3. You should look after your_ (healthy).   4. How many _ (hour ) do you read English every day?  5. Tom usually _ (start ) the day with breakfast.    6. Ann_ (go) to the police station this morning.   7. Look! The students_ (swim) in the river.   8. Li Lei often _ (help) me with my Chinese.   9. Where _ (be) you last night?   10. What about _ (play) football now? B.根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。  1.Hamburger is a kind of j_ food. I hardly ever eat hamburgers.  2. There is much information on the  I_ .  3. My grandparents e_ercise  twice a week to s_ healthy.  4. He speaks so quickly that I can h_ catch him .  5. My favorite p_ is the CCTV news.  6. Some students watch TV three or four t_ a week.  7. Im a student. Im in Class One, G_ One.  8. Its very important to have a good eating h_.  9. Do you like drinking m_?  10. Here are the r_ of the students activity survey at Hilltop High School.  Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.二词汇填空 A.根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。  1. Is this your _ (eat) habit?              2. We must keep _ ( health ) .  3. She _ (e_ercise  ) three or four times a week .  4. Last week they met two _  ( interview ) from  BTV.  5. Look! The students_ (swim) in the river.  6. I_(hard) ever see him now.  7. The boy never _(go ) to school late.  8. Li Lei often _ (help) me with my Chinese.  9. Where _ (be) you last night?  10. What about _ (play) football now? B.根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。  1.How often do you s_  the Inter? Three times a week.  2.Drinking milk is good for your h_ .  3.I n_eat apples because I dont like them at all.  4.Tom plays the guitar o_ a week.  5.There are five d_  between the two pictures.  6.He didnt get good grades a_he worked hard.  7.The old man _(锻炼)every morning.     8.I often _ (购物).on weekends.  9.Everyone must _(设法) to work hard.10.Enough sleep is g_for your health.二词汇填空 A.根据首字母,填出正确的单词: 1. Iron man 3 is a very f_ movie. I like it very much.2. Her father is more s _than her mother. He hardly ever laughs.3. Jane isnt very o         , she likes to stay at home and do some reading.4. Mary and Kate are t_ so they look like the s_.5. It is n_    for us to go over our lessons carefully before the e_am.6. The weather in China is very d_ from that in English.7. Pete is not g_ at p_. He should work hard at the subject.B.用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. He _ (go) to school by dike every morning. But this morning he _ (go) by bus.2. “Do you like _ (drink) tea?”“Yes, I do.” 3. Im sorry. I cant. I have to _ (help) my mom.4. There _(not be )any bread at home yesterday.5. Tom _(have) no time last Sunday. He _ (visit) his friends ne_t Sunday.6. Please tell him _(wash) his hands before supper.7. The bus _ (stop) already. Lets get off.8. Doing morning e_ercise s _ (be) good for you.9. Toms brother _ (be) good at soccer.10. Finally he asked people to stop _ (talk).二词汇填空 A.用所给动词的适当的形式填空: 1.He is not as _(good) at sports as his sister.2.Can she _(run) as fast as Helen ? 3.We_(visit) the Great Wall ne_t week.4.Dont _(talk) now.5.Lets_(try) our best _(finish) the work in an hour.6.Please tell him _(wash) his hands before supper.7.The bus _(stop) already.Lets get off.8.Doing morning e_ercises _(be) good for you.9.Toms brother _(be) good at soccer.10.Finally he asked students to stop _(write).B.根据句意和汉语提示完成单词拼写: 1.Mr Morgan is a s_man.He hardly ever laughs.2.My daughter has an i_in singing.And she is also interested in dancing.3.People can get lots of i_from the Inter.4.I think s_is more difficult than math.5.My father always e_ in the morning.C.用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空: be good for, be away, grow, use, turn, do sport, have a good time, helpwith, put on, show 1.Could you _me _my lessons this evening, please? 2._Ling Feng _from school the day before yesterday? 3.The children _in the park now.4.Its time _.Lets begin.5.Can you _your picture to me? 6.-_taking a walk after supper _your health?  -I think so.7.Do you enjoy _vegetables? 8.Open your books and _to P age 50, please.9.Could I _your bike, please? Mine is broken.10.Its very cold outside.You must _your overcoat.Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? 二词汇填空 A.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1.I have two _(票)to the basketball match.2.Tam listens very c_in class.All the teachers like him.3.That restaurant has good s _.4.He can speak English _(更好 地)than I.5.The supermarket has the _(最新鲜的) fruit.B.用所给词的适当形式填空 1 .The girl is a good _ (perform).   2. Mr Brown is _ (funny) of all the teachers.   3.The _ (win) in the talent shows get good prizes.  4. His dream _ _ (e true) at last with his great effort.  5. Thanks for _ (help) me.   6. His brother is a _ report).   7: This coat is _ (e_pensive)than That one.   8.You can sit the most _ (fortable) at Sun Cinema.   9.一What do you think of Funky Fashions? 一I think its the _ (bad).It has really bad service .  10.Chen Daoming is one of the best _ (act)in China.  D.选词填空完成短文, 使短文内容完整、通顺。 (funniest, meal, service, closest, screens, performer,seats, fortably, talent show, all kinds of) I have a good friend.His name is Nick.Both of us like watching movies and1talent shows.Last Sunday afternoon, we went to the cinema together.The cinema is the2to our homes.So we walked there.It has the biggest3and the most fortable4in town.You can sit there5, watch great movies and enjoy your time with your friends.We saw a funny movie called Mr.Bean.I think its the6movie Ive seen.After we got out of the cinema, we went to a restaurant near the movie theater to have a7.There are different kinds of dishes on the menu.The food in the restaurant is really delicious.Whats more, its the cheapest in town and it has the friendliest8.  Then we watched a9on TV.Its very interesting to watch other people show their talents.Every10is good at something, but some of them are truly talented.Nowadays talent shows are getting more and more popular.  1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._二词汇填空 A.用所给词的适当形式填空。   1.My mom is _ (busy) in my family.   2.Which clothes store is_ (good),Trendy Teens or Jasons?   3. Which city is _ (beautiful)Beijing, Shanghai or Hangzhou?   4. Whats _ (bad) radio station in town?   5.Oldies 102. 1 FM is _ (bad) than All Talk 970 AM.   6. Movie Palace has_ (fortable) seats of the three.   7.Of all the bo_es this one is _ (heavy).  8.1 want to learn science hard. I think it is _ (difficult) of all 9. She is _ (old) of us all.  10. Which is _ (big) of the five ( oranges?   B.根据句意以及汉语或首字母完成句子   1.Tom is very _ (有创造力的).   2.Not e _ likes watching TV.   3.Lucy gets a good _ (奖品).   4.Bill Gates often helps the p _ in Africa.   5. His mother is s _  ill.  二词汇填空 A.用所给的适当形式填空。 1.Tom is quiet enough.Jim is _(quiet).Jack is the_(quiet).2.Dale was the _(early) in our class yesterday.3.Which boy is the _(thin) in your class? 4.I think English is the _(important) of all the subjects.5.Sharks are the _(danger) animals in the sea.6.Hens are the _(use) animals.7.He is _(good) at math than his brother.8.This is the _(e


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