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    备战2022高考各地模拟题分类汇编:完形填空夹叙夹议篇A2022·海南五校联考词数:255 体裁:记叙文 难度:4When I was in primary school, I got into a major argument with a boy in my classI cant 36 what the it was about, but I have never forgotten the 37 I learned that dayI was 38 that I was right and he was wrong-and he was sure that I was wrong and he was rightThe 39 decided to teach us a very important lessonShe 40 both of us up to the 41 of the class and 42 him on one side of her desk and me on 43 In the middle of her desk was a large, round objectI could 44 see that it was blackShe asked the boy what 45 the object was“White, he answeredI couldnt believe he said the object was white, 46 it was obviously black! Another 47 started between my classmate and me, this 48 about the color of the objectThe teacher told me to go stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where I had beenWe changed 49 , and now she asked me what the color of the object wasI 50 answer, “White It was an object with two 51 colored sides, and from his side it was white 52 from my side was it blackMy teacher taught me a very important lesson that day: You must 53 in the other persons shoes and look at the 54 through their eyes in order to 55 understand their view36Athink Bsuppose Cremind Dremember 37Alesson Blecture Cclass Dtext 38Atold Bwished Cconvinced Dallowed 39Aofficer Bteacher Cdoctor Dparent 40Atold Bcame Cbrought Dwoke 41Aback Bfront Cmiddle Dside 42Aplanted Bplaced ChadDfixed 43Athe other Banother Cother Dothers 44Ahappily Bfortunately CclearlyDnearly 45Awidth Bshape Ccolor Dsize 46Awhen Bunless Cuntil Dif 47Afight Bargument Cconversation Dgame 48Atime Byear Cmonth Dday 49AplacesBseats CattitudesDglasses 50Aneeded to Bwas able to Choped to Dhad to 51Asimilarly Bdifferently Cbeautifully Dsurprisingly 52AStill BSince COnly DAlso53Aseat Bstand Clie Dput 54Asituation Bmovement Ccondition Dbehaviour 55Aunexpectedly Bsuddenly Cquietly Dtruly36D从下文的never forgotten可知,我记不清为何争吵。37A从下文可知,这是我多年前得到的一个教训。38Cbe convinced of= be sure of,意为“确信,深信。从下文可知,当时我相信自己是正确的。39B下文屡次提到my teacher,所以应选B项。40Cbring指带到某处。其他选不符合文意。41B从下文的her desk可知,老师把我们带到讲桌边,讲桌应在教室前面,故B项最正确。42Bplace意为“放置,安放,安置。根据下文,老师让我们站安置、放在讲桌的两边。其他几个选项都不符合此文意。43A从上文on one side of her desk可推知我站到那个同学对面,即讲桌的另一边,应是the other side。44C从下文obviously和文意可知,从我这边,很清晰地看到那是黑色,应选择clearly。45C从black和white可知,老师在问我们物体的颜色。46A从上下文可知,当when从我的一边是黑色是,我的同学看到的是白色,所以A项when符合文意。47B从文意和上文的argument可知,我们不同意对方意见,又开始争吵。48A由上文又开始了新一轮争吵可知,time这一次是正确的。其他选项显然与文意不符。 49A由上句两个where可知,我们交换了地点。50D根据上下文,我们两人互相交换了地点,我看到了事物的另一面,不得不成认是白色的,即我的同学刚刚看到的颜色。51B由下文from his side it was white和from my side was it black可知,物体的两面颜色不同,故differently正确。 52Cstill仍然;since 自以来,到现在;only可是、不过;also而且。通过上句,从他那面看,物体是白色,可是从我这面是黑色。只有only符合文意。 53Bbein sbs shoes处于某人的境地。不及物动词stand代替了be在此表示动作。而put、seat都是及物动词,之后应加上sb。lie意思不符。54Asituation局面,情况,局势;movement动作;condition状况;behaviour行为。只有situation最适宜。55D通过上文可知,只有你自己处在别人的境况下,才真正理解别人,故D项truly适宜。B 2022·全国大联考预测卷大纲词数:278 体裁:记叙文 难度:4The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know a new classmateI 36 to look around when a gentle hand 37 my shoulderI turned around to find a wrinkled, little 38 lady looking up at me with a smileShe said, “HiMy name is RoseIm eighty-seven years oldCan I give you a hug? I laughed and 39 responded, “Of course you may! and she gave me a giant巨大的 squeeze“Why are you in college at such a young, innocent 40 ?I asked“I always 41 having a college education and now Im getting 42 ! she told meLater, we became close friendsEvery day we would leave class together and she 43 her wisdom and experience with meOver the 44 of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she 45 made friends wherever she wentAt the 46 of the semester学期we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet宴会Ill 47 forget what she taught usWhen she was introduced, frustrated and a little embarrassed, she cleared her 48 and said, “We do not stop playing because we are old; we 49 old because we stop playingThere are only two secrets to staying 50 , being happy, and achieving successYou have to 51 and find humor every dayYouve got to have a dreamWhen you 52 your dreams, you dieOne week after graduation Rose died 53 in her sleepMany college students attended her funeral in tribute to悼念the wonderful woman who taught 54 example that its never too 55 to be all you can possibly be36Alay down Bstood up Cfell off Dwent out 37Atouched Bfelt Cwounded Dclapped 38AbeautifulByoung Cold Dkind-hearted39Asadly Bcoldly Cabsently Denthusiastically 40Aage Bspeed Cpoint Dyear41Atalked about Btried out Clooked forward Ddreamed of 42AthoseBone Cthat Dthey 43AlearnedBtold Cshared Ddebated44Acourse Bpath Cdistance Droad45Aeasily Brarely Cunwillingly Dstrangely 46Amiddle Bbeginning Cend Dtop 47AeverBnever Cstill Dalready48Athroat Bface Cnose Deyes 49Agrow BproveClook Dstay 50Arich Bhealthy Ccheerful Dyoung 51AeatBcry Claugh Dshout 52Ahave BloseCget Dkeep 53Abitterly Bfortunately Cpeacefully Dhopefully 54AtoBfor Cin Dby 55Aearly Bbad Cgood Dlate 36B 根据文意和下文的looked up at me可知,听说来了新同学,我想看清是谁,应该是站起,应选B项stood up。37A 根据下文和常识可知,新来的同学很友好,在我肩膀上touch以示友好,应选A项。注意区别feel,意为“to deliberately move your fingers over sth in order to find out what it is like可以看出其不适宜。其他选项意思不符。38C 从上文wrinkled可知这位新同学是位老人,所以选C项old。39D 从下文可知我们一见面便非常热情,后来我们成为好朋友,应选D项最符合文意。40A 根据上下文可知这位新同学年岁已高,而我有些好奇,所以问她此问题,应选A项age符合文意。41D 从下文倒数第2段dream可知,Rose一直想接受大学教育,所以选择dream of适宜。42B those指代复数名词;one指代前面的单数可数名词的任一个;that指代前面的不可数名词或句子;they 指代复数名词主格。由上文的a college education,one最适宜。43C 提到我们成为好朋友, 后面有介词with, 应选C项share, 构成词组share sthwith sb。44A 从下文的the year可知,A项正确,course此处意为“的过程、进程。45A 从上下文可知,Rose在学校很受欢送,有很多朋友,所以A项easily正确。46C 根据上下文可知,Rose已经在校学习了大约一学期,那么大家邀请她应是学期快要结束的时候,因此end正确。47B根据下文可知Rose已经去世,但作者对她的话语仍然记忆犹新,所以never forget是符合文意的。48A 根据前面的clear和上文的we invited Rose to speak可知,Rose是在准备说话,应选throat,说话之前先清清嗓子。49A 根据文意,Rose在告诉我们不要stop playing,否那么就变老了,所以grow old正确。 50D 根据上文的old可知,我们没有了梦想,就会变老,所以保持年轻young的方法之一是拥有梦想,应选D项。51C 根据上文being happy和下文的humor可知C项laugh正确。52B 根据文意,have a dream是保持年轻、快乐和取得成功的秘诀之一,那么失去了梦想就意味着变老了,所以lose最适宜。53C 根据文意可知,Rose性格开朗,人缘很好,而且自己的梦想也实现了,由此可推测她在睡梦中安静的去世,应选C项 peacefully最符合文意。54D 由上下文可知,Rose虽然年老,仍保持着一颗年轻、快乐、上进的心,所以她从自身做起,成为大家学习的典范。所以此处用介词by最适宜,构成搭配teach by example,意为“以身作那么。55D 根据Rose的故事我们可以得出:实现自己的梦想,再晚也不为过。所以D项late最适宜。C 2022·河北石家庄市二模 词数:267 体裁:夹叙夹议 难度:4One cold evening, I was waiting outdide for a taxi in New York city. Later, I was 21 by a man in his thirties. Obviously, he was angry, complaining how 22 New Yorks were. I knew my 23 would only be about 10 minutes and a part of me wanted to keep 24 and just move on, but I also wanted to try and connect.I asked him why. He told me he had just come from JFK airport 25 a custmer, which means $70 in lost fare(车费), a fairly big deal. I tried to share his 26 . Gradually, he calmed down. He mentioned he had read an article 27 that the happiest people are those who give. 28 ,he hoped to have more chance to 29 in his life, I was starting to 30 being with him! Arriving at my destination , I paid him, giving a generous tip. I also pulled out an extra $20 and said, “Sir, I share the same 31 of giving with you. Here's an extra little bit. 32 it ,since youre alreday 33 $70 from JFK. But, if you want to experience the 34 of the gift, give it to the next 35 .For a monment I thought I was so 36 ! But the driver 37 me by saying, “Sir, I have a 38 idea. You give that $20 to a homeless person and I will gift the next rider for free.It was an honor meeting the driver and learning the lesson of 39 everyone is able to give and surprise 40 with their generisity.21Ataken upBpicked upCsent upDput up22AseriousBcruelChorribleDstrict23ArideBflightCwayDdistance24AfreeBcalmCbusyDsilent25AwithBwithoutCforDto26AdelightBworryCunhappinessDsurprise27AsayingBwritingCtellingDspeaking 28AOtherwiseBHoweverCBesidesDtherefore29AgiveBshareCtakeDforgive30AmindBregretCenjoyDhate31AideaBactionCpracticeDstory32AForgetBKeepCPutDPay33AupBin CdownDout34AforceBenergyCstrengthDpower35ApassengerBconductorCstrangerDtourist36AbadBcoolCsillyDsimple37AdisappointedBsatisfiedCsurprisedDencouraged38AbetterBfurtherCworseDnewer39AwhatBwhenCwhich Dhow40AoneBanotherCotherDsome21B考查动词短语的含义。此处pick up意为:用车接。我被一个三十几岁的人接上车。22C考查形容词词义。文意:显然,他很生气,一直在抱怨纽约人多么令人讨厌。此处horrible意为:令人讨厌的。23A考查名词词义。此处ride意为:乘车的路程。我知道我乘车的路程也只不过10分钟。24D考查形容词词义。因为路程短我只想保持沉默前行即可。25B考查介词的用法。他告诉我他刚刚从JFK机场来没有一个乘客。26C考查名词词义。因为没有乘客自然很不快乐,我分享他的不幸。27A考查分词短语的用法。他提到他看过一篇文章,文字上说着“最幸福的人们是那些给予的人们。28D考查副词词义。因为想成为幸福的人,所以他希望在生活中又更多的时机给予。 29A考查动词词义。参看解析2830C考查动词词义。我可是喜欢和他在一起。完形填空:2125 BCADB 2630 CADAC 3135 ABCDA 3640 BCADB31A考查名词词义。此处idea意为:想法。我和你在给予问题上有相同的想法。32B考查动词词义。此处keep it意为:拿着这些钱。33C考查介词词义。此处down意为:损失。你已经损失了70美元。34D考查名词词义。如果你想体会给予的力量,你把它给下一个乘客。35A考查名词词义及语境。参看解析34。36B考查形容词词义。那一刻我的感觉棒极了。此处cool意为:好极了,棒极了。37C考查动词词义。那位出租车司机说了一句让我吃惊的话。38A考查形容词的比拟级及语境理解。司机说出了一个更好的主意。39D考查how引导宾语从句。大家怎样才能给予并用慷慨感到另一个人。40B考查代词的用法。参看解析39。D 2022·河北唐山市二模词数:323 体裁:夹叙夹议 难度:4Tears clouded my eyes as I stood in our washing room, holding Bretts jeans and full of burn holes.Tired and defeated, I 21 to the floor. The clothes were just one more thing Brett had 22 .He often got almost everything in the house out of 23 .Many windows in our house needed repair due to his breaking 24 to steal money when he chose to live on the street. Yet none of this could compare to the emotional 25 Brett had done to our once quiet home.Brett came to live with us when he was 12 years old. During the next few years I had dealt with Brett a 26 as possible, but inside I was shouting.“I dont want him in my house another day, Lord! I just cant 27 him! Having wiped my tears, I continued 28 him as before.When Brett was nearly 18, he landed again in Juvenile Hall(少管所).After that, my husband and I had to send Brett to a boarding school for helping 29 teens.At the 30 ceremony, each graduate held a white rose to give to the person who had 31 the most to him or her.Brett spoke 32 to his parents and then spoke to me, “You did so much. You were always there, no matter 33 .My mom and dad, I was their kid. But you, 34 troubled enough by me, always 35 me such love. And I want you to know I love you for it. 36 , I stood as Brett placed the white rose in my hand and hugged me 37 . At that moment, tears 38 in my eyes again, this time not for disappointment but for 39 . Although I had struggled with silent 40 toward my stepson, Brett had seen only my actions. Love is action. We may not always have positive feelings about certain people in our lives, but we can love them.21. A. sat B. sank C. bent D. dropped22. A. ruined B. lost C. torn D. broken23. A. danger B. place C. trouble D. order24. A. off B. in C. up D. away25. A. pain B. injury C. damage D. harm26. A. patiently B. willingly C. strictly D. rudely27. A. forgive B. educate C. stand D. control28. A. parenting B. pardoning C. comforting D. feeding29. A. lazy B. troublesome C. disappointing D. careless30. A. opening B. official C. victory D. graduation31. A. afforded B. meant C. supplied D. owed32. A. lovingly B. sadly C. proudly D. nervously33. A. where B. how C. what D. who34. A. unless B. although C. because D. when35. A. cost B. lent C. taught D. showed36. A. Astonished B. Puzzled C. Encouraged D. Interested37. A. surely B. roughly C. tightly D. fiercely38. A. fell B. flowed C. moved D. gathered39. A. pity B. happiness C. luck D. success40. A. love B. anxiety C. anger D. care【文章大意】孩子的行为给作者带来了无尽的折磨,作者常常以泪洗面,但是她把愤怒无声地埋在心底,一如既往地履行母亲的责任。毕业典礼上,当孩子把玫瑰送给她时,她情不能已,流出了幸福的眼泪。21B 第一段提到作者在洗手间泪流满面,再结合本句前半句中的内容可知作者“倒在地上。sink to the floor表示“倒在地上。22A 根据句意可知Brett经常“毁坏,糟蹋东西。Lost丧失;torn 撕碎; broken打破。23D 根据句意可知他经常把房间里的所有的东西搞得乱七八糟。此处out of danger 表示“脱离危险;out of place表示“不适宜; out of trouble表示“脱离困境;out of order表示“杂乱,不整洁。24B 房子的窗户需要修理,因为他从窗户“闯入房子去偷钱。25C然而,所有这一切都不能和Brett对我们曾经安静的家造成的情感“伤害相比。Emotional damage意为:情感伤害。26A 根据文意可推测在随后的几年中,作者尽可能耐心的对待他。27C 本句中的but表示的是转折意义,且从I dont want him in my house another day可知,作者在内心深处无法忍受他。28A 作者把满腹心酸和愤怒埋在心底,擦干眼泪,像昔日一样一如既往地对他尽到父母的责任。此处parent用作动词。29B 他再次进入少管所说明他经常招惹是非,作者和丈夫把他送往帮助这些令人烦恼的青少年寄宿学校。30D 上文提到Brett被送到寄宿学校,可知这里是在毕业典礼上。31B 每一个毕业生都把一支白色的玫瑰送给对自己来说最重要的人。此处mean意为:意味着。32A 根据下文他所说的话可知他深情地和亲生父母和作者说话。33C 他所要表达的意思是无论发生什么事情,你总是在我身边。后半句可理解为no matter what happened。34B 虽然我给你添了许多麻烦,但是你总是无微不至的关心我。此处是although you were troubled enough by me的省略形式。35D Brett认为自己给养母添了不少麻烦,但是她始终对他表现出至诚的关爱。36A 作者完全没有想到他竟然把玫瑰送给了自己,并且说出了这样的话,所以感到无比震惊。37C Brett是在表达自己内心的感谢,发自肺腑,所以“紧紧地拥抱作者。 38D 在那一刻,作者非常感动,眼中的泪水越来越多。此处gather表示:聚集。39B 此时此刻,作者流出的不是失望的泪水,而是因为“幸福而流出。40C此处与第三段中间的局部内容相照应,说明作者过去在心里对他表示过无声的愤怒。


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