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    2022年VISUALC键盘快捷键大全 .pdf

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    2022年VISUALC键盘快捷键大全 .pdf

    visualc+键盘快捷键大全2008年 05 月 08 日 星期四 21:56vc 里面所有快捷键,贴出来共享。共分四部分: dialog,image, main and text 。每部分里面有若干项,每项由命令、快捷键和注释组成。Dialog:ControlHeightDecreaseShift+ 上箭头 Sizes the selectedcontrolor dialogup one dialogunitControlHeightIncreaseShift+ 下箭头 Movesthe selectedcontrolor dialogdown one dialogunitControlMoveDown 下箭头 Moves the selectedcontrol(s)down one dialogunitControlMoveLeft左箭头 Moves the selectedcontrol(s)leftone dialogunitControlMoveRight右箭头 Movesthe selectedcontrol(s)rightone dialogunitControlMoveUp 上箭头 Moves the selectedcontrol(s)up one dialogunitControlWidthDecreaseShift+ 左箭头 Sizes the selectedcontrolor dialogleftone dialogunitControlWidthIncreaseShift+ 右箭头 Sizes the selectedcontrolor dialogrightone dialogunitLayoutAlignBottomCtrl+ 下箭头 Alignsthe bottom edges of the selectedcontrolswiththe dominant controlLayoutAlignHorizontalCenterShift+F9Alignsthe horizontalcentersofthe selectedcontrolswiththe dominant controlLayoutAlignLeftCtrl+ 左箭头 Alignsthe leftedges of the selectedcontrolswiththe dominant controlLayoutAlignRightCtrl+ 右箭头 Alignsthe rightedges of the selectedcontrolswiththe dominant controlLayoutAlignTopCtrl+ 上箭头 Alignsthe top edges of the selectedcontrolswiththe dominant controlLayoutAlignVerticalCenterF9 Alignsthe verticalcentersof the selectedcontrolswiththe dominant controlLayoutArrangeButtonsBottomCtrl+Shift+BPlaces the selectedbuttonsalong the bottom-centerof the dialogboxLayoutArrangeButtonsRightCtrl+BPlaces the selectedbuttonsinthetop-rightcornerof the dialogboxLayoutCenterInDialogHorizontallyCtrl+Shift+F9Centers the controlshorizontallywithinthe dialogboxLayoutCenterInDialogVerticallyCtrl+F9Centers the controlsverticallywithinthe dialogboxLayoutSizeToContentShift+F7Resizes the selectedcontrol(s)to fitthecaptiontext名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - LayoutSpaceEvenlyAcrossAlt+ 右箭头 Evenly spaces the selectedcontrolshorizontallyLayoutSpaceEvenlyAcrossAlt+ 左箭头 Evenly spaces the selectedcontrolshorizontallyLayoutSpaceEvenlyDown Alt+ 上箭头 Evenly spaces the selectedcontrolsverticallyLayoutSpaceEvenlyDown Alt+ 下箭头 Evenly spaces the selectedcontrolsverticallyLayoutTabOrder Ctrl+DSets the orderof controlswithinthe dialogResourceTest Ctrl+TRuns the dialogbox to testappearance and behaviorSelectDialogGuideTypeCtrl+G Cycles between no grid,guidelines,andgridfordialogeditingImage:ImageAirbrushToolA Draws usingan airbrushwiththe selectedsizeImageBrushLarger + Increases the brush size by one pixelin each directionImageBrushLarger = Increases the brush size by one pixelin each directionImageBrushOutlineToolShift+OOutlinesthe brush or selectionwiththecurrentdrawing colorImageBrushPixel. Sets the brush sizeto one pixelImageBrushSmaller - Reducesthe brush size by one pixelin each directionImageBrushTool D Draws usinga brush withthe selectedshape and sizeImageColorNext Changes the drawingcolorto the next palettecolorImageColorPrev Changesthe drawing colorto the previouspalettecolorImageColorSelectTool, Adopts a colorfrom the image fordrawingImageEllipseToolE Draws an ellipsewiththe selectedlinewidthImageEraseColorNext Changes the erase colorto the next palettecolorImageEraseColorPrev Changes the erase colorto the previouspalettecolorImageEraseTool Shift+PErases a portionof the imageImageFillToolF Fillsan area withthe currentdrawing colorImageFilledEllipseToolShift+EDraws a filledellipseImageFilledRectangleToolShift+RDraws a filledrectangleImageFilledRoundRectToolShift+NDraws a filledround rectangleImageFlipHorizontalX Flipsthe image or selectionhorizontallyImageFlipVerticalY Flipsthe image or selectionverticallyImageLineToolL Draws a straightlinewiththe selectedshape and sizeImageMagnify MChangesto the highestmagnificationfor the currentviewImageMagnifyTool Shift+M Changesthe magnificationforthe currentviewImageNewDevice InsCreates an image fora differentdisplaydeviceImageOutlinedEllipseToolCtrl+Shift+EDraws a filledellipsewithanoutlineImageOutlinedRectangleToolCtrl+Shift+RDraws a filledrectanglewith anoutline名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - ImageOutlinedRoundRectToolCtrl+Shift+NDraws a filledround rectanglewithan outlineImagePencilToolP Draws usinga single-pixelpencilImagePickupBrush Ctrl+BCreates a custom brush from the selectionImageRectSelectToolS Selects a rectangularportionof the image to move,copy,or editImageRectangleToolR Draws a rectanglewiththe selectedlinewidthImageRotate90 Z Rotatesthe image or selection90 degreesImageRoundRectTool N Drawsa round rectanglewith the selectedlinewidthImageTextToolT Draws textImageToggleGridG Toggles the gridon and offImageToggleOpaque O Makes the currentselectioneitheropaque ortransparentImageToggleTileGridCtrl+GToggles the tilegridon and offImageZoomIn Increasesthe magnificationforthe currentviewImageZoomOutCustomize-Keyboard-Category里面选择 Build-Commands里面选择BuildRebuildAll-点击 Press new shortcut编辑筐-按下 ALT和 R-Assign-Close一切 OK了。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - -


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