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    七年级下册英语期末试卷及答案人教版人教版七年级下册英语加油,加油,为你加油。福星为你照,好运跟你走,美好日子就在你前头。今天高考,将最好的运气、最好的问候、最好的祝福送给你:祝七年级英语考试顺利!WTT整理了关于七年级下册英语期末试卷人教版,希望对大家有帮助!七年级下册英语期末试卷人教版试题一、听下面几段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。1.What does the girl want?2.What is the girl doing?3.What does the woman do?4.What do we know from the conversation?A.The man is driving fast.B.The tra ffic is heavy.C.The man is driving slowly.5.Why couldn't the woman help the man?A.She didn't like the man.B.Her bike was broken.C.Someone has borrowed her bike.二、对话理解,请听对话,根据其内容选择最佳答案,每组对话读两次。(5分)( )6.A、She cleaned her room and watched TV.B、She did her homework and watched TV.C、She did her homework and went shopping with her friends.( )7.A、Because its a busy job.B、He wants to be a policeman.C、Because its an e_citing job.( )8.A、Dumplings.B、A large bowl.C、Noodles.( )9.A、She has long blonde hair.B、She has short blonde hair.C、She has short brown hair.( )10.A、After class.B、On weekends.C、After school.三、短文理解,请听短文,根据其内容选择最佳答案,短文读两次。(共5分)( )11.It was yesterday.A、rainy B、cool C、cloudy( )12.The boy went to the Palace Museum with .A、his father B、his brother C、his cousin( )13.There were people in the museum.A、a lot of B、some C、no( )14.In the afternoon, they .A、went to the movies B、went shoppingC、went to the beach( )15.The boy bought some things for .A、his friends B、his cousin C、his parents四、听短文,根据短文内容完成表格,短文读三次(5分)Who Whats in it? What siz e?Father a tomato and two 16 large17 some chicken and some potatoes.18I some 19 20、单项选择(15分)( )21.There porridge in the bowl.A、is much B、are many C、are much( )22.sleep in class!A、No B、Not C、Dont( )23.Alice help her mother do housework on weekends.A、often B、has to C、have to( )24.Hed like a bowl of noodles.A、tomatoes and eggs B、t omato and egg C、tomato and eggs( )25.Our captain short black hair and he of medium height.A、is, has B、has, is C、is, is( )26.Nobody to help him.A、wants B、want C、to want( )27.He often a blue T-shirt, but today he a white T-shirt.A、wears, wears B、is wearing, wearsC、wears, is wearing( )28.Its too hot today, please stop soccer.A、play B、to play C、playing( )29.-What would you lik e?-Large.A、size B、number C、kind( )30.She is a tall girl glasses.A、wear B、with C、wears( )31.Lucy an interesting book yesterday.A、read B、reads C、readed( )32.He didnt his homework.A、did B、does C、do( )33.Its time lunch.A、to have B、having C、have( )34.We had great fun in the pool.A、to swim B、swimming C、swim( )35.At last we decided chess.A、play B、playing C、to play、完形填空。(15分)I 36 to Hawaii(夏威夷) last summer.Hawaii is a very 37 place.Many people go there for vacation every year.The 38 was pretty nice during my stay in Hawaii.It 39 sunny every day.I 40 many beautiful places and I 41 a good time there.I 42 to the beaches.I saw many people 43 .Some played 44 the beaches, some 45 the sky(天空), and others swam in the sea.Hawaii is the best place 46 water sports in the world.A very popular sport is surfing(冲浪).Its e_citing but 47 .People in Hawaii are very 48 .Many people are good at 49 .There, I saw they da nce very 50 .()36.A、went B、go C、am going()37.A、awful B、hot C、beautiful()38.A、water B、weather C、food()39.A、is B、was C、were()40.A、visit B、visited C、was visit()41.A、have B、has C、had()42.A、go B、went C、to go()43.A、there B、in there C、here()44.A、in B、for C、on()45.A、looked like B、looked at C、looked for()46.A、for B、in C、about()47.A、dangerous B、boring C、beautiful()48.A、friends B、friendly C、friend()49.A、singing B、painting C、dancing()50.A、well B、good C、nice、阅读理解(30分)AMr King is a reporter.He works for a magazine.He had a very busy weekend.On Saturday morning, he went shopping.On the way, he met Barry-one of his friends.Barry is a waiter.He works in a noodle house.In the afternoon, he cleaned his room.In the evening, he went to a movie.On Sunday morning, he first visited his friend Mona.Mona is a teacher.Then he went to a party.In the afternoon, he went to the City Library.In the evening, he had dinner with his parents in a restaurant.After he got home, he played puter games for two hours.He went to bed at ten oclock.根据短文内容,选择正确答案(10分)( )51.Mr King on Saturday morning.A、went shopping B、went swimming C、cleaned his room( )52.What is Barry?A、A reporter.B、A waiter.C、A teacher.( )53.When did Mr King visit Mona?A、On Saturday morning.B、On Sunday evening.C、On Sunday morning.( )54.What did Mr King do on Sunday afternoon?A、He went to a movie.B、He went to a party.C、He went to the City Library.( )55.下面哪项陈述是错误的?A、Mr Kings weekend was busy.B、On Saturday evening, Mr King had dinner with his parents.C、Before going to bed, Mr King played puter games on Sunday.BIts Saturday morning.My parents, my aunt, my brothers and I are at home.What are my father and mother doing? My father is reading a newspaper.My mother is watering the flow ers in the small garden.There are some beautiful flowers in it.Some are red, and the others are yellow.My aunt is my fathers sister.She is a shop assistant.She is watching TV now.She is a basketball fan(迷).And she is good at playing basketball.Now she is watchig NBA on TV.Where are my brothers? Mike is over there.He is listening to the radio(收音机).He likes popular music very much.Jim is in his room.He has a puter.Now he is surfing the Inter(上网).He is writing an e-mail to his pen pal.What am I doing? I am doing my homework.根据短文内容,选择正确答案(10分)( )56.Its today.A、Tuesday B、Sunday C、Saturday( )57.is reading a newspaper.A、Father B、Mother C、Aunt( )58.There are some in the garden.A、birds B、flowers C、trees( )59.The aunt likes best.A、ping-pong B、basketball C、baseball( )60.Which is right(正确的)?A、All the flowers are red.B、Mike is watching TV now.C、There are si_ people in the family.CHouse of Pizzas(比萨)We have three kinds of pizzas, small, medium and large.A small pizza with pepper(青椒), onions and olives(橄榄) is $ 3.5.A medium pizza with mushrooms(蘑菇), tomatoes and cheese(奶酪) is $ 4.7.A large pizza with olives and cheese is $ 4.Wele to our house!Lunch SpecialWe have some great specials.The pizza with cheese and tomatoes is just $ 2.50.The pizza for $ 1.5 has green peppers and onions.The pizza and salad lunc h special is $ 2.90.Pizza E_pressTel:825-3900The Californian(加利福尼亚的) pizza has mushrooms, olives and peppers is just $ 3.00.The pizza has pepper and olives is $ 2.50.The hot dog is $ 1.50.The lemonade(柠檬) is $ 1.00.The juice is $ 0.5.Order a meal today!根据表格内容,选择正确答案(10分)( )61.If you want to buy a small pizza, a medium pizza and a large pizza, you canpay(支付) .A、$ 12.20 B、$ 8.20 C、$ 12.70( )62.If you go to the House of Pizzas, you can buy a medium pizza with on it.A、pepper, onions and olivesB、green peppers and onionsC、mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese( )63.If you only have $ 1.50 with you, you can buy at lunch time.A、a pizza with green peppers and onions on itB、a pizza with cheese and tomatoes on itC、the pizza and salad lunch( )64.If you want to order a pizza, you can .A、go to the House of PizzasB、call 825-3933 C、go to the Pizza E_press( )65.In the House of Pizzas, you can buy .A、juice B、iced tea C、a large pizza(主观卷)40分、任务型阅读(共10分)Dear Mike,Thank you for your e-mail and your present(礼物).The present is nice.I like it very much.From your e-mail, I learn that your school life is very interesting.Now let me tell you something about my school life in China.I have to get up 630 in the morning.Classes begin at 800 oclock.We have a rest(休息) between two classes.Its about ten minutes.During the break(休息) we can eat and play games.I have to have lunch in the school dining room.I have to wear a school uniform on weekdays.I also have to wear sneakers(运动鞋) for P.E.lessons.School is over at 530 in the afternoon.I have to go home for supper.After supper, I have to do my homework.I have a lot of homework to do every day.I have no time to watch TV or play sports.I never have any fun.Yours,John根据短文内容,回答下列问题。66.Where is John now?67.What time does John have to get up in the morning?68.Where does he have lunch?69.Does he have supper at home ?70.Is John happy?、补全对话(共5分)根据对话内容选出可填入空白处的最佳答案,有两项为多余选项。A:Good afternoon.Wele to our restaurant.71B:Would you please tell us somethingabout Hainan food?A:OK.We have Wenchang Chicken, JiajiDuck, Dongshan Mutton.72B:That sounds good.Please bring usone Wenchang Chicken, one JiajiDuck and one tomato soup.A:All right.73B:Hainan Shanlan Wine(酒).A:74B:No, thats all.Thank you.A:75 I hope you will enjoy your dinner.、词语运用(10分)选择方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺、连贯。其中有两个是多余的。)homework,I,be,have,get,go,hour,parent,play,clean,see,buyI had a great weekend.On Sunday morning.I 76 up early.After breakfast, I went to the park with my 77 .I 78 some animals there.We went boating in the lake and there 79 some fish in the lake.On Sunday afternoon, I went to the movie with 80 friend.Then we 81 basketball for two 82 .In the evening, I watched a soccer match on TV.Then I did my 83 .I 84 to bed at then oclock.I was happy, because I 85 a happy weekend.、书面表达(15分)每个学校都有规章制度,请介绍一下你们学校的规章制度。(至少五条)七年级下册英语期末试卷人教版参考答案、21-25 A C B B B 26-30 A C C A B 31-35 A C A B C、36-40 A C B B B 41-45 C B A C B 46-50 A A B C A、51-55 A B C C B 56-60 C A B B C 61-65 A C A C C、66、In China 67、At 630 68、In the school dining room 69、Yes, he does70、No, he isnt、71-75 F E C A D、76、got 77、parents 78、saw 79、were 80、my 81、played82、hours 83、homework 84、went 85、had、略第 18 页 共 18 页


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