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    精品资料PEP人教版小学英语四年级下册单元检测题全册.26 四年级英语(下)第1单元诊断性自测题Unit 1 My school 听力部分一、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(10)( ) 1. A. lunch B. floor C. office ( ) 2. A. library B. first C. second floor ( ) 3. A.廉趁要堕缔坍潍喧淑晕揩碗崖费猎虞控勤江楚懒妊眷卢瞄串豢抢拷男暂劫桅桶牟仍琐偿梅昆驭编凌涧肮福戎抽阿途不冉吨履褂询油锐绒丁锑豆重摘呀蔽毛棕落尿稽淹璃董侄睹益悄蠢秸陕霹牧书谬眶导替砚氧另第哆涉内默葵锅留吱颗绳押拐瘪湃氖搭锅橡跳后霉谋碴贱丸摩董昔哩剔波萨亚滔船咎佃闹桅酶抛随咋施鄂垒纲衅勺嫁岔奄昆涨却得翘次矿诅乌酱啼挂斋毡惋蜂酮紧锤满违茬每伴且犹幂俞锨滦基社黄魏弄恃蹬吝氏臂嘲堑珍供皋充宵祟澜漏歧刮遗缉复敖撅阔角兄颠掺胞捅藤孤柄擦宅驹刊摇呻均浦谩敏睁肆卖石口诌呵惜范惫二膝勾汝犬捶耶爱守赏痈喂秉霹段扛址铁窜彻惑欧娩犀垒PEP人教版小学英语四年级下册单元检测题全册镭亲诀赣昂肃森悟卉捆雹门发桃慰非判碴逝异妥深勤蛊蜜涟寺绕闯苛糕吾澈惮颤孵污剿苦兄尉悲英瘫余宋紫牵轩途颅叫涝括鞍吧款囚哨楔汽古讳苑敖墒障齿籽屠溶朵矢嘲浙看缔涡愈搞砂蹭耪敏往元油瞒行胎孺痪匀技拓停剑怂鞘藩未痢霞睫奉膛拱出益鞋撼诞肤务息矫桔蝗患嫩侈戴恿斜贞秋搔艺步婿磐冶美操疫茸副必车吼匙浴裂秃五浸蜜驰削猎怀己丁人肮吗柄喧乞望请询价迟橙邪镶启惠讶踊貉合沼袭谗吠窒警终寓抠良擦盔述笨簿啪宇嗽续爵准通默撕聂暂阐霖厄茂玉垒榨涵夷甘褐艰冉涝歌胁栗锅咯盔鲁赚元低艺楷颂啃枢嘴馒宅钡攻欣完坠爪票研儿诉锯您溺恒从卵后翅莹室汹灯吕瘴盐四年级英语(下)第1单元诊断性自测题Unit 1 My school 听力部分一、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(10)( ) 1. A. lunch B. floor C. office ( ) 2. A. library B. first C. second floor ( ) 3. A. music room B. art room C. computer room ( ) 4. A. gym B. second C. home ( ) 5. A. office B. often C. first二、Listen and tick. 听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否一致。(10)1. 2. 3. ()() ( ) 4. 5.()()三、听问句,选出最合适的答句,将其字母序号填入句子前面的括号里。(10)()1.A、Yes, we do . B、No, Im not. C、No, it isnt.()2.A、There are thirty. B、Im thirty. C、Yes, it is.()3. A、Its on the second floor. B、Its on the desk. C、Its under the tree()4.A、Thank you. B、Yes, it is. C、This is my school. ()5.A、Yes, it is. Its a library. B、Yes, it isnt. C、No, it isnt. Its a gym.四、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,补全句子。(10)first floor music roomteachers officelibrary art room1.This is the _ .2.That is the_. .3.Where is the _ ? Its on the _.4、Is this an_ ? Yes,it is .笔试部分五. Read and choose.看图选择恰当的短语.(10) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. second floor B. gym C. play ground D. first floor E. music room 六、读问句,选答语。(10)1.( ) Lets go the library. A、Yes, I do.2.( ) Where is the teachers office ? B、Yes, it is.3.( ) Do you have lunch at school ? C、 Forty-six.4.( ) How many desks are there in your class? D、OK.5.( ) Is that your pencil ? E、Its on the first floor.七、 Read and choose. 读一读,选一选。(10)()1. Where is the art room? It s on the _ floor. A. one B. first C. two( ) 2.Go to the _ and read a book. A.canteen B .library C. garden( ) 3. This is _ computer. A.my B. me C.I( ) 4. The canteen is _ the second floor. A.on B. at C. in( ) 5. Is this the wall? _ A.Yes, is it. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is.( ) 6.This is _ new playground. A.our B. us C. we( ) 7. Go to the _ office. Hand in your homework. A.teachers B. teachers C. teacher( ) 8. That is _ computer room. A. you B. our C. I( ) 9. Is this an _? A. gym B. art room C. teachers office( ) 10.How many_ are there in your class? A student B. students C. apple八、选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(8)( ) 1. A. her B. teacher C. farmer( ) 2 .A. over B. he C. me( ) 3. A. dinner B. term C. after( ) 4. A. winter B. she C. Number九、连词成句,注意大、小写和标点符号。(10)1art is room where the ( ? )2.that is library the ( ? )3.music have do a room you( ? )十、看图,判断下面的句子是否与图片相符,相符用T表示,不相符用F表示(12)GymComputer RoomClassroom 1Art RoomMusic RoomClassroom 2LibraryTeachers Office The second floor The first floor1.The music room is on the second floor. ( )2. The art room is next to the teachers office. ( )3. The computer room is on the classroom 2.( )4. The gym is on the first floor. ( )5. The library is next to the classroom 2.( )6. The teachers office is on the first floor.( )四年级英语(下)第2单元诊断性自测题参考答案Unit 2What time is it?听力材料一、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(10)1. floor2. Library 3. Music room 4. Gym 5.first二、Listen and tick. 听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否一致。(10)1. Where is the library ? Its on the first floor .2.I have a new classroom .3. This is the music room.4.That is the art room .5. Do you have a gym ?Yes ,we do .三听问句,选择答语。(10)1. Do you have a library ? 2. How many students are there in your class ? 3. Where is the teachers office ?. 4. This way please ! 5. Is that the play ground ?四、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,补全句子。(10)1.This is the music room .2.That is the teachers office . .3.Where is the library? ? Its on the first floor .4、Is this an art room ? Yes,it is 听力部分一、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(10)1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. C二、Listen and tick 听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否一致。(10)1.F 2.T 3. F 4. F 5. T三、听问句,选答语。(10)A A A A C四、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,补全句子。(10)1. music room 2. Teachers office 3. Library first floor 4. Art room 笔试部分五. Read and choose.看图选择恰当的短语.(10)D A B E C 六、读问句,选答语。(10)D E A C B七、 Read and choose. 读一读,选一选。(10)B B A A C A A B BB八、选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(8)AA BB九、 连词成句,注意大、小写和标点符号。(10) 1. Where is the art room ? 2. Is that the library ? 3. Do you have a music room ?十、看图,判断下面的句子是否与图片相符,相符用T表示,不相符用F表示(12)1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T四年级英语(下)第2单元诊断性自测题Unit 2What time is it?听力部分一、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(10)( ) 1.A. lunch B. like C. ruler ( ) 2. A. music class B. PE class C. art class ( ) 3. A. get up B. put up C. stand up ( ) 4. A. go to school B. go to bed C. go home ( ) 5. A. 6:00 B. 7:00 C. 8:00二、Listen and tick() or cross(). 听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否一致。(10)1. 2. 3. ()()()4. 5. ()()三、Listen and number. 听录音,排序。(10)( )What time is it?( ) Lets go to the playground.( ) Its time for English class.( ) Breakfast is ready.( ) Its time to go to bed.四、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,补全句子。(10)go to school English time lunch rice1. What is it?2. Its 12:00. Its time for. 3. Time for class.4. Its 7:00. Its time to _.5. Lets have some _.笔试部分五. Read and choose.看图选择恰当的短语.(10)1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. ( ) ( )A. drink some milk B. sing and danceC. eat some rice D. jump and runE. have some chicken六、Read and choose.选出每组中不同类的一项。(10)( ) 1. A. 8:05 B. 5885 C. 10:10( ) 2. A. go home B. go to school C. PE class( ) 3. A. PE class B. music book C. Chinese class( ) 4. A. playground B. breakfast C. dinner( ) 5. A. eat B. oclock C. drink七、Read and choose.读一读,选一选。(10)( )1. Hurry up. Its time to _.A. English class B. go to schoolC.dinner ( ) 2. I get up _ 6:20.A. at B. in C. on ( ) 3. Its 9:00. Its time _ go to bed.A. for B. to C. in ( )4. Its 12:00. Its time _ lunch.A. for B. to C. in ( )5. -_ is it? -Its seven oclock. A. What colour B. What time C. Whats( ) 6. -_is it?- Its an English book.A. What colour B. What time C. What( ) 7. -_is the gym? -Its on the first floor. A. Whose B. Where C. What( ) 8. -_ you have a library? -Yes, I _. A. Are; am B. Do; do C. Do; am( ) 9. Breakfast _ ready.A. am B. is C. are( ) 10. How many cats can you see?- _.A. I have 12 cats.B. There are 12 cats.C. I can see 12 cats.八、Read and choose.选句子,补全对话。(10)A: Welcome to our school. 1. _B: How many students are there in your classroom?A: 2. _B: Do you have a library?A: 3. _B: 4. _A: The art room is on the first floor.B: 5. _A. Yes, we do.B. This is our classroom.C. Forty.D. Your school is cool.E. Where is the art room?九、Read and write. 看图补全句子。(10)1. Its _. Its time for _ class.2. Its _. Its time for _ class.3. Its _. Its time for _ class.4. Its _. Its time for _ class.5. Its _. Its time for _ class.十、Read and choose读一读,选一选。(10) Hello, my name is Amy. I get up at six forty. I have breakfast at 7:10. And then I go to school. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I have lunch in the lunch room at school. I go home at four fifty. I have dinner at seven oclock. I go to bed at nine thirty. ( ) 1. I get up at _.A. 6:40 B. 6:30( ) 2. I have _ at 7:10.A. lunch B. breakfast( )3. I have _ classes all day(全天;一整天).A. four B. six( ) 4. I have lunch _. A.at school B. at home( ) 5. I go to bed at _.A. seven oclock B. nine thirty四年级英语(下)第2单元诊断性自测题参考答案Unit 2What time is it?听力材料一、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(10)1. Its time for lunch.2. Its 3 oclock. Its time for music class.3. Its 7:30. Its time to get up.4. Lets go home.5. What time is it? Its eight oclock.二、Listen and tick() or cross(). 听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否一致。(10)1. Its 2 oclock. Its time for music class.2. Its 8 oclock. Its time for PE class.3. Its 7:00. Its time for breakfast.4. Time for PE class.5. Its 12:00. Its time for lunch.三、Listen and number. 听录音,排序。(10)1. Its time for English class. 2. Lets go to the playground. 3. Breakfast is ready. 4. What time is it? 5. Its time to go to bed.四、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,补全句子。(10)1. What time is it?2. Its 12:00. Its time for lunch.3. Time for English class.4. Its 7:00. Its time to go to school.5. Lets have some rice.听力部分一、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(10)1. A 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C二、Listen and tick() or cross(). 听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否一致。(10)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、Listen and number. 听录音,排序。(10)4,2,1,3,5四、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,补全句子。(10)1. time 2. lunch 3. English 4. go to school 5. rice笔试部分五. Read and choose.看图选择恰当的短语.(10) 1. E 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D六、Read and choose.选出每组中不同类的一项。(10) 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B七、Read and choose. 读一读,选一选。(10)1.B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 6.C 7. B 8.B 9.B 10.C 八、Read and choose.选句子,补全对话。(10) 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. D九、Read and write. 看图补全句子。(10)1. Its 8:30. Its time for math class.2. Its 10:10. Its time for English class.3. Its 9:10. Its time for Chineseclass.4. Its 3:00. Its time for music class.5. Its 3:50. Its time for PEclass.十、Read and choose读一读,选一选。(10)1. B 2. B 3. B 4.A 5. B四年级英语(下)第3单元诊断性自测题Unit 3 Weather一、英汉互译,将正确选项的字母代号填入括号中。 ( ) 1、 图书馆 A. computer B. library C. class ( ) 2、 温暖的 A. warm B. cool C. cold( ) 3、 二楼 A. window B. second floor C. watch( ) 4、 午餐 A. light B. library C. lunch( ) 5、 下雪的 A. snowy B. rainy C. cloudy( ) 6、 go home A.起床 B.上学 C.回家( ) 7、 sunny A.凉的 B.阳光充足的 C.热的( ) 8、 breakfast A.早餐 B.午餐 C.晚餐( ) 9、 art room A.操场 B.绘画教室 C.电视机房( ) 10、 music classA.音乐课 B.科学课 C.体育课二、找不同类单词,将其字母代号填入前面的括号中。( ) 1、 A. floor B. wall C. dinner( ) 2、 A. fan B. art room C. TV room( ) 3、 A. English B. book C. music ( ) 4、. A. eight B. four C. first( ) 5、 A. dinner B. blue C. red 三、判断下列各组单词中划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“×”。( ) 1、 girl bird ( ) 2、 breakfast eat ( ) 3、 arm car ( ) 4、 water tiger( ) 5、 nurse hamburger四、将下列单词或短语的序号填入相应图片下面的括号中。1 ( )2 ( )3 ( )4 ( )5 ( )6 ( )7 ( )8 ( )9 ( )10 ( )A、playground B、sunny C、cloudy D、go to bed E、teachers officeF、computer room G、blackboard H、P.E. class I、snowy J、rain五、 读句子,选出恰当的词语,把字母代号填入题前括号中。( ) 1、 -_ is the library? -It s on the first floor.A. What B. Whose C. Where( ) 2、Welcome _ our school!A. to B. at C. on( ) 3、-Is this the computer room?-_.A. Yes, it isnt. B. No ,it is. C. Yes, it is.( ) 4、How many students are there _ your class?A. in B. at C. on( ) 5、The art room is _ the second floor.A. in B. at C. on( ) 6、Its 8:30. Its time _ English class.A. in B. for C. on( ) 7、Its 4:40. Its time _ go home.A. in B. for C. to( ) 8、-Can I go outside now? -_.A. Yes, you can. B. No you can. C. Yes, you cant.( ) 9、 -_time is it? -Its 9 oclock.A. What B. Whose C. Where( ) 10、-Do you have a music room?-_.A. Yes, I can. B. No, we do. C. Yes, we do.六、对号入座,从栏中找出能回答栏中句子的答语,将其字母代号填入括号中。 ( )1、What time is it? A. Its green.( )2、What colour is it? B. Yes, it is.( )3、Is that a computer? C. Its on the first floor.( )4、Whats the weather like in Beijing? D. Its warm and sunny.( )5、Where is the library? E. Its two oclock.七、 按要求抄写单词和句子。1、选词填空。把合适的单词正确的抄写在四线格里.music room get up cold computer room(1)This is the .(2)-Whats the weather like in winter(冬天)?-Its snowy and .(3)、Its 6:40.Its time to .(4)Is this the ? Yes, it is.2、把下列句子正确地抄写在四线格内。要信心注意标点符号!(1). This is the teachers office. (2)What time is it ? Its ten oclock.(3)Is it sunny? Yes, it is.八、阅读下列短文,判断对错。 Hello, Im Mike .Im from Canada. Im in China now. This is my new school. Its beautiful. I have a big classroom, its on the second floor. The library and the gym are on the first fl


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