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    Step by step 3000 第二册- Unit2 答案.doc

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    Step by step 3000 第二册- Unit2 答案.doc

    如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流Step by step 3000 第二册- Unit2 答案【精品文档】第 6 页Unit 2 Shaping and reshaping personalityPart I-A1- h, 2-d, 3-j, 4-k, 5-b, 6-i, 7-g, 8-e, 9-l, 10-f, 11-c, 12-aTape script:1. Taurus April 21- May12, is represented by a bull.2. Virgo is represented by a young woman.3. Capricorn. by a goat.4. Pisces.by two fish.5. Aquarius.by the water-bearer.6. Leo.by a lion7. Cancer .by a crab8. Aries.by a ram9. Gemini.by twins10. Sagitarus.by a centaur shooing an arrow11. Scorpio.by a scorption12. Libra.by a pair of measuring scales.Part I - BVery, not very, extremely, sort of, veryTape script:W: Hey, Kevin. Help me fill out this personality survey. It'll be fun.M:Oh, I don't know.W: Oh, come on. Ok, here's the first one-what should I put for "aggressive"?M:Oh, I.I'd say "very".W: Very? Really?M: Yeah, sure. Look at the way you drive!W: Well, Ok, so I'm a very aggressive driver. But. You have to drive like that in this city, or you're gonna be hit, because.M:Uh,. What's the next one?W: "Selfish".M:Oh, not at all. W: Really? Well. Maybe just a little. I mean, a lot of people are, right? Just a little bit? You know, I mean, I try to think of other people, but sometimes I do just think of myself, I guess.M: Ok,Ok, so put "not very."W: OK. M: But you can put "extremely " for the next one. W: What? Oh, "kind"?M: Yes. Don't you think you are an extremely kind person?W: I am? Ok, if you say so. Oh, look t this next one. W: Yeah.M: Hmm. I don't know. Sometimes you can be really patient, but other times you are not patient at all. Like remember that time in line at the supermarket when you got.W: Ok, ok, I get your point. I'll put "sort of"/.M: Ok, that's right.W: Next one."jealous". I guess I am sort of jealous.M: Sort of? I'd put "very". Remember how angry you got when my ex-girlfriend called the other day? I remember you are gonna raise the roof.W: All right, all right, " Very".Part I- CAmbitious and proudHelpful and honestSelfish and unreliableTape script:GeorgeW: So what are you going to do after you graduates, George?G: I' m going to start my own business. W: Oh, really? What type of business?G: Well, I haven't decided yet, but I know I'll be successful in anything I do. In fact, I am going to be one of the top business people in town in less than five years. Just wait and see! I have everything it takes -I am smart, I can organize people. And I am full of ideas that can make money.KarenK: Hey! Look at this wallet on the sidewalk. Wow! There's lot of money in it. But no identification. Mmm.I wonder how I can find the owner? I guess I will take it to the police station and see if anyone has reported a lost wallet.PamM: What are you doing tonight, Pam?P: Well, I was supposed to meet Bill after work for a movie, but I don't feel like going. I think I will go shopping instead.M: Won't Bill get mad?P: Oh, I am sure he can find something else to do.M:Oh?P: Besides, I really need some new clothes. I haven't bought any for nearly a month!M:Huh!Part IIYoung boys1. Measure the boys' abilities and how they felt about their own abilities;2.Three groups-those with high self-esteem/middle self-esteem/low self-esteem3. In all situation-at home/ at work/ in school/ with friends1. Active/able to express ideas/successful in school and in relations with other people/creative/led in discussions/interested in world problems/seldom tired or sick2. Like the boys with high self-esteem/express ideas freely/saw the world as a good and happy place/ not sure of their own value3. Sad most time/ afraid to start activities/ felt no love/ couldn't express ideas/ afraid of anger/no talk in discussiona. closenessb. good behavior b.almost anythingc.definite, strict, kind and thoughtful c. no definited. rewards d. harsh punishment e. democratic, respectedf. importance, taken away f. didn't love themTape script:Scientists have learned a great deal about the parts of brain and their functions. They have also studied the development of the personality, for example, how a baby learns to love. In recent studies at two universities in the United States, scientists have investigated the development of self-esteem.Self-esteem is the respect a person has for himself, his belief in his ability and in the value of what he does. The scientists studied self-esteem in young boys. They gave them many tests. These test measured the boys' abilities and also how they felt about their own abilities. After the tests, the boys were divided into three groups-those with high-esteem, those with middle-esteem and those with love self-esteem. The scientist continued to study the boys in all situations. They studied them at home, at work, in school, and with their friends.From their studies, the scientists made some observations. Boys with high self-esteem were active. They were able to express their ideas. They were successful in school and in their relations with other people. In discussions, they led. They didn't just listen. They were interested in world problems. They were creative and believed that they could finish whatever they started. They seldom became tired or sick. In many ways, the boys with middle self-esteem were like the boys with high self-esteem. They too expressed their ideas freely and saw the world as a good and happy place. However, they were not sure of their own value as people. They did their best work when they were sure that other people liked them. The boys with low self-esteem were different from the other two groups. They were sad most of them time. They were afraid to start activities. They felt that no one loved them. They could not express their ideas. They were afraid of anger. In a discussion, they listened, but they didn't talk.The scientists asked, "How do some boys develop high self-esteem?" :"What is different in their lives?" Some of the answers were surprising. High self-esteem did not depend upon physical appearance, or money, or size of family. It did not depend upon how much the mother was at home. The scientists found that there was a closeness between the boys with high self-esteem and their parents. Their parents showed real interest in them, and spend time with time . They listened to their sons and gave them help when the boys asked for it. They knew their sons' friends. The son knew that they were important to their parents. These parents demanded good behavior. They mad definite rules. They were strict, but not harsh. They corrected their sons' behavior by rewards, not by punishment. They never took away their love. On the other hand, the parents of boys with low self-esteem let their sons do almost anything. If a boy made a mistake, the parents punished him harshly. They boys believed that their parents didn't love them. There were no definite rules. The family life of the boys with high self-esteem was democratic. The parents made rules, but they led in a kind and thoughtful way. They showed respect for their children's ideas, even when they did not agree with them. They let the boys give their opinions in discussions of family plans. These boys were productive citizens. Now these scientists are studying other groups of children. They want to learn how to help children with low self-esteem feel better about themselves. In this way, these children can become productive citizens too. Part III- ASad, temporary, long, suffer from mental, Anyone, ten , developing,80 percent, drugs, effective, carefullyWithout, activity, minor, walking, 30, four, improve, physical, traditional, hour, talking, doctors, Discussion, ways, problemsEducation, understand.Part III - B1 Joyous, warm, lovingManifest anger vent anger on somebody Dump angerTape scriptSpeaker 1I actually very rarely get anger. I've quite a long tether when it comes to anger, which doesn't mean, I really don't believe I'm suppressing any anger at all, but it manifest itself in a very sarcastic way with me. Like if for example, if I'm buying a railway ticket or something and the guy behind the counter is very surly and you now refuses to treat me like a human being, I won't get angry with him but I'll get very sarcastic with him and try to make very very clever remarks. And that for me severs its purpose. I do feel cleansed after a situation like that. Of course I do sometimes, if it's absolutely necessary I do get very angry, if I'm taken that far. But I certainly don't suppress any anger. Speaker 2Well, my anger is tied up with my sleepless nights. I mean, if I don not sleep well, I wake up in the morning, I am angry. I use any excuse to vent my anger on anybody. If I sleep well, then everything is fine. I'm a joyous, warm, loving person. Sleepless nights, I'm full of anger and my anger does not ebb away unless I use a thing or somebody to vent it upon. As weak as that may sound, that's how I work. And it's terrible sort of admission to make to everybody here. If I'm looking for excuses for having woken up in a particularly bad way, in a way, anger is something that I have to get out. I do not carry it around by weeping, and like crying. I believe in dumping it. Part III - B1Punch bags with pictures of their bossLaughing at it. Tape script:A: Apparently, I don't know if this is true, but in Japan, if factory workers get a bit uptight or angry, they can go out into the gym or something which is usually attached to the factory and there are punch bags with pictures of their boss. And they can go and they can spend twenty minutes punching hell out of this punch bag. And they go back to work and they feel great. B: Oh,God yes, well, that brings us on to laughing then. That made me laugh. C:Well that's one way of dealing with anger as well, I suppose, if you can actually remove yourself from the situation and just laugh at it. I think laughter is one of the most wonderful releases, and I think that it's actually been proved that you know that chemical that is released when you laugh is life-enhancing and life elongating too, you know. It promotes a healthy, a healthier being. Part IVClassifying and organizing ideasAbility, the facts or ideas, are related to one anotherRoman, Arabic, letters, standard form, decreasing importance, capital letters, small letters,To the left, to the right, equal, the same distance, easy to see, the ideas before and after it. No punctuationOutlining, practice.


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