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    如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流1. 牛津中小学英语网6Aunit1,unit2知识点复习【精品文档】第 6 页7. 写出下列单词聪明的: 愚蠢的: 大笑: 指着: 大叫:Story time1.There be 句型中be 动词填空1)be 动词有: 注意点:先判断时态,一般现在时、现在进行时用 一般过去时用 was + 单数名词或不可数名词(water, juice, coffee, milk, tea, bread, rice) were +可数名词复数2)就近原则3)there be 不能和哪个单词连用? 2. :为.做 3.show sb sth= 4.try on put on take off试穿鞋子: 试穿他们 5.these this that those 6.in + on+人 7.people: 8.point at cartoon time1. 告诉某人某事 给某人某物2.each的用法Each student says one sentence. 每个学生说一句话。 Each后面接名词,表示“每个”,谓语动词(be动词或者行为动词)用 形式3.turn的用法(1)Its Bobbys turn. 该轮到Bobby了。turn 作名词,意为“轮流”“依次轮流的顺序”。例如:  轮到你了: 轮到他们了: 轮到我妈妈了:(2)向右转:4. have to 不得不 have to + 5. Look after:课堂练习选择题1.  Long long ago,there _ a prince.   A. is   B. were   C. was2.  Let me make a puppet _ you.       A. with   B. to   C. for3.  Mike _  at the plate on the table .A. pointed   B. points   C. pointing4.       There are a lot of _ in the classroom.   A. a people   B. peoples   C. people5.       _ beautiful clothes!   A. What   B. Whats   C. How6.  Ben ofen _ with his parents in the park after dinner .A. walk   B. walked   C. walks7.  Who can _ clothes for me?A. making   B. makes   C. make8.  It is _ turn.A. Helens   B. Helen   C. Helens9.  The king isnt wearing _ clothes.A. a   B. any   C. some10.  The king walked through the city _ his new clothes.A. try on   B. wear   C. in用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There _ (be) some tigers here a year ago.2. Can you see _(they)?3. Look at the two _ (man) over there?4. Look! Shes _(wear) a new clothes.5. _(this) are new pencils.6. An old woman _(walk) by the house this morning.7. Can you give _(I) your book?8. l look after _(he) every day.9. Long long ago, there _(be) a king.10. This is the _(lion) house.连词成句。1.       people, street, there, a, were, lot, in, of, the (.)_2.       clothes, the, liked, king, the, new (.)_3.       king, a, little, pointed, boy, at, and, the, laughed (.)_4.       me, can, make, you, the, clothes, new, for (?)_5.       clothes, the, isnt, any, king, wearing (.)_Unit21. 天气状况云:雨:太阳风: It often           (rain) in summer. Its          ( rain) in spring in New York.2. 写出下列单词的原形went: was: saw: became: flew: brought:were: could: rained: took:3. 去公园: 去学校: 回家: 去那里:4. by bike=5. a parrot show:show:作名词 作动词 把某事展示给某人看:6. interesting: 一个有趣的鹦鹉: interesting parrot7. weather: 是否可数?8. 放风筝:9. 在空中10. 该吃午饭了: 是吃午饭的时间了:11. bring和take的区别?12. 又饿又湿:13. 在几月几号用介词:in/on/at ?14. 对because的回答是:15. 干的好:16. 在操场上:cartoon time1.meet:2.看起来伤心: 看起来高兴:3.whats the matter= 你怎么了?:4. want: = 想要做某事:5. 发生了什么? 然后发生了什么? 6. This morning: 7. too : 8. 飞远了: 9. find 和look for的区别 10. near: 近义词:11. 写出下列单词的过去式:Loss: happen: fly:climb can: find:课堂练习用所给词的适当形式填空1.Three days ago,I _ (bring)a new bike.2.I_ (live) with my grandparents when I was young.3.The king _ (not wear) any clothes that day,all the people _(point)at him.4.Long long ago,there_ (be) many old men in the mountain.5.Look,the girl _(wear) a nice dress.选择正确答案。( )1. Long long ago, there a boy called Ma Liang. A. was B. were C. is D. sre( )2. I _ TV a moment ago. A. watch B. watched C. looked D. look ( )3. Tom visited the farm _ his family yesterday. A. with B. for C. in D. and( )4. The teacher the blackboard,then we copyed the words. A.point at B. pointed at C.is pointing at D. points at( )5. Do you want _? A. visit the forest B. visiting the forest C. to visiting the forest D. to visit the forest ( )6. Each student one picture. A. draw B. draws C. drawing D. to drawing( )7. She usually _ new clothes his doll. A. makeswith B. makefor C. makesfor D. makewith( )8. The lion always walks _ the forest every day. A. on B. under C. through D. behind( )9. Were there _ people in the street? A. some B. any C. much D. a( )10. What _ beautiful girl!


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