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    TB2ATB2AUnit 1 Making a differenceUnit 1 Making a difference基础基础(j(jchch) )落实落实.重点单词思忆重点单词思忆1.I know you dont like her but try not to 1.I know you dont like her but try not to make it so make it so ( (明显的明显的).).2.You should receive a reply 2.You should receive a reply ( (在在 之内之内) seven days.) seven days.obviousobviouswithinwithin第一页,共七十四页。3.He was a 3.He was a ( (毕业生毕业生) of Yale.) of Yale.4.They 4.They ( (寻找寻找(xnzho)(xnzho) in vain for somewhere ) in vain for somewhere to to shelter. shelter.5.It is impossible to 5.It is impossible to ( (预测预测) what ) what will happen. will happen.graduategraduatesoughtsoughtpredictpredict第二页,共七十四页。.考纲词汇拓展考纲词汇拓展(tu zhn)(tu zhn)1.1. n n. .分析;分解分析;分解 v v. .分析分析 n n. .分析家分析家; ;化验员化验员2.2. adjadj. .好奇的;好求知的好奇的;好求知的; ;爱打听隐私的爱打听隐私的 n n. .好奇心;求知欲好奇心;求知欲 advadv. .好奇地好奇地3.3. vt vt. .使丧失能力使丧失能力 adjadj. .残废的残废的 n n. .残疾残疾4.4. n n. .罪;犯罪活动;不法行为罪;犯罪活动;不法行为 n n. . 罪犯;罪犯;adj.adj.犯罪的犯罪的analysisanalysisanalyzeanalyzeanalystanalystcuriouscuriouscuriositycuriositycuriouslycuriouslydisabledisabledisableddisableddisabilitydisabilitycrimecrimecriminalcriminal第三页,共七十四页。5.5. adjadj. .理解力强的;有才智的理解力强的;有才智的 n n. .智力;理解力智力;理解力6.6. adjadj. .忍耐的;容忍忍耐的;容忍(rngrn)(rngrn)的;有耐心的的;有耐心的 n n. .病人病人 n n. .耐心耐心 adjadj. .没有耐心的没有耐心的intelligentintelligentintelligenceintelligencepatientpatientpatientpatientpatiencepatienceimpatientimpatient第四页,共七十四页。.重要短语识记重要短语识记(sh j)(sh j)1.work 1.work 继续工作继续工作2.go 2.go 过去;走过过去;走过3.go on 3.go on 继续某种行为继续某种行为4.dream 4.dream 梦到;梦想梦到;梦想5.turn 5.turn 结果(是);证明(是);原来(是)结果(是);证明(是);原来(是)6.use 6.use 用光用光7.the other way 7.the other way 相反地相反地8.be 8.be with with对对表示满意或满足表示满意或满足9.get/be 9.get/be to sb. to sb.与某人订婚与某人订婚ononbybywithwithofofoutoutupuparoundaroundsatisfiedsatisfiedengagedengaged第五页,共七十四页。10.take a 10.take a at at看看11.take 11.take to do sth. to do sth.采取采取 措施做某事措施做某事12.what 12.what 倘使倘使将会怎样;即使将会怎样;即使(jsh)(jsh)又有什么又有什么 要紧要紧looklookmeasures/steps/actionmeasures/steps/actionifif第六页,共七十四页。.经典句式再现经典句式再现1.1.( ) ) ( (好像好像 没多大意义没多大意义)working on my PhD)working on my PhDI didnt I didnt ( (指望存活那么指望存活那么(n me)(n me) 久久).).2.2. ( (没有放弃没有放弃),Hawking ),Hawking ( (继续他的研继续他的研 究究),got his PhD and married Jane.),got his PhD and married Jane.3.3. ( (他也他也 没有让疾病阻止他没有让疾病阻止他)from living the kind of )from living the kind of life life ( (他一直梦想的他一直梦想的).).There did not seem There did not seem expect to survive that longexpect to survive that longInstead of giving upInstead of giving upwent on with his researchwent on with his researchNor did he let the disease stop himNor did he let the disease stop himhe had always dreamt ofhe had always dreamt ofmuch point inmuch point in第七页,共七十四页。4.In the book,Hawking explains both 4.In the book,Hawking explains both ( (做一位科学家意味做一位科学家意味 着什么着什么(shn me)(shn me)and how science works.)and how science works.5.People who listen to Hawkings lectures 5.People who listen to Hawkings lectures sometimes sometimes ( (认为理解他很难认为理解他很难),.),.6.The Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei 6.The Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei was so curious that he used a microscope was so curious that he used a microscope and a telescope and a telescope ( (为的是能更加仔细地观察一切大大为的是能更加仔细地观察一切大大 小小的事物小小的事物).).what itwhat itmeans to be a scientistmeans to be a scientistfind it difficult to understandfind it difficult to understandhimhimin order to be able toin order to be able totake a closer look at things both greattake a closer look at things both greatand smalland small第八页,共七十四页。7.Knowing who we are 7.Knowing who we are ( (意味着我们怎样思考意味着我们怎样思考)and what we )and what we like to do. like to do.8.Everyone has his or her special skills 8.Everyone has his or her special skills and interests,and only by discovering and interests,and only by discovering what we do best what we do best ( (我们才我们才 能期望达到自己的目标能期望达到自己的目标(mbio)(mbio),真正有所作为,真正有所作为).).means knowing how wemeans knowing how wethinkthinkcan we hope to reach ourcan we hope to reach ourgoals and truly make a differencegoals and truly make a difference第九页,共七十四页。导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.undertake1.undertake It takes a very unusual mind to It takes a very unusual mind to analysis of the obvious. ( analysis of the obvious. (回归课本回归课本(kbn)(kbn)P P1 1) )观察思考观察思考 She undertook full responsibility for theShe undertook full responsibility for the new changes. new changes. 她为新变化承担全部责任。她为新变化承担全部责任。 He undertook to pay the money back in six He undertook to pay the money back in six months. months. 他保证他保证6 6个月内还钱。个月内还钱。undertakeundertake第十页,共七十四页。归纳拓展归纳拓展undertakeundertake词性:词性: . & . & . .意思:意思: undertake sth.undertake sth.承担某事;着手做某事;从事承担某事;着手做某事;从事(cngsh)(cngsh)某某事事undertake to do sth.undertake to do sth.承诺做某事;同意做某事承诺做某事;同意做某事undertake thatundertake that从句保证做某事从句保证做某事vt vtvi vi着手着手(zhushu)做;承做;承担;接受担;接受(jishu);保证保证第十一页,共七十四页。能力转化能力转化(1 1)他们)他们(t men)(t men)承担了北京奥运会的组织工作。承担了北京奥运会的组织工作。 They They of the of the Olympic Games in Beijing. Olympic Games in Beijing.(2 2)主任承诺在周三前完成这项工作。)主任承诺在周三前完成这项工作。 The director The director the job the job by Wednesday. by Wednesday.(3)(3)我不能保证你会从这一项目中获得利润。我不能保证你会从这一项目中获得利润。 I I you can make a you can make a profit from the project. profit from the project.undertook the organizationundertook the organizationundertook to finishundertook to finishcant undertake thatcant undertake that第十二页,共七十四页。2.curious2.curious The scientists name is similar to the The scientists name is similar to the English word English word ,. (,. (回归课本回归课本P P2 2) ) Im curious to know what is written in Im curious to know what is written in his letter. his letter. 我极想知道我极想知道(zh do)(zh do)他在信中写些什么。他在信中写些什么。 I opened the parcel out of curiosity.I opened the parcel out of curiosity. 出于好奇,我打开了包裹。出于好奇,我打开了包裹。归纳拓展归纳拓展 curiouscurious词性:词性: . .意思:意思: curiouscuriousadjadj好奇好奇(ho q)的;好求知的;的;好求知的;爱打听隐私爱打听隐私(yn s)的;稀奇的的;稀奇的第十三页,共七十四页。(1 1)be curious about sth.be curious about sth.对某事感到对某事感到(gndo)(gndo)好奇好奇 be curious to do sth.be curious to do sth.很想很想/ /渴望做某事渴望做某事 It is curious that.It is curious that.是奇怪的是奇怪的(2 2)curiosity n.curiosity n.好奇心好奇心; ;求知欲;古董;奇人(事、求知欲;古董;奇人(事、物)物) out of curiosityout of curiosity出于好奇出于好奇 satisfy ones curiositysatisfy ones curiosity满足某人的好奇心满足某人的好奇心(3 3)curiously adv.curiously adv.好奇地;(修饰整个句子)好奇地;(修饰整个句子) 奇怪的事情是奇怪的事情是第十四页,共七十四页。能力能力(nngl)(nngl)转化转化(1)(1) about wild plants that they about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research. further research. A.So curious the couple were A.So curious the couple were B.So curious were the couple B.So curious were the couple C.How curious the couple were C.How curious the couple were D.The couple were such curious D.The couple were such curiousB第十五页,共七十四页。(2)People have always been curious (2)People have always been curious how living things on the earth exactly how living things on the earth exactly began. began. A.in B.at C.of D.about A.in B.at C.of D.about 解析解析 be curious about sth.be curious about sth.对某事物对某事物(sh(shw w) )感到好感到好 奇的。奇的。D第十六页,共七十四页。3.seek3.seek Since then,Hawking has continued to Since then,Hawking has continued to answers to questions about the nature of answers to questions about the nature of the universe. ( the universe. (回归课本回归课本(kbn)(kbn)P P3 3) )观察思考观察思考 The singer is seeking to release a new The singer is seeking to release a new album. album. 这名歌手正在试图发行一张新唱片。这名歌手正在试图发行一张新唱片。 He was seeking after the truth all his He was seeking after the truth all his life. life. 他一生都在追求真理。他一生都在追求真理。seekseek第十七页,共七十四页。归纳拓展归纳拓展seekseek词性:词性: . & . & . .意思:意思:seek to do sth.seek to do sth.(=try to do sth./attempt to =try to do sth./attempt to do sth.do sth.)企图)企图(qt)(qt)做某事做某事seek for/afterseek for/after企图寻找企图寻找seek throughseek through找遍找遍seek outseek out找出,找到找出,找到seek ones fortuneseek ones fortune寻找发财的机会,寻出路寻找发财的机会,寻出路seek fameseek fame求名求名vt vtvi vi寻找,探索寻找,探索(tn su);追求;追求;企图企图(qt),设法,设法第十八页,共七十四页。能力转化能力转化(zhunhu)(zhunhu)(1 1)这个女孩向她的老师请教。)这个女孩向她的老师请教。 The girl The girl advice from her teacher. advice from her teacher.(2 2)他试图欺骗他的老板,但是白费心机。)他试图欺骗他的老板,但是白费心机。 He He his boss but in vain. his boss but in vain.(3 3)我们必须寻求解决问题的办法。)我们必须寻求解决问题的办法。 We must We must the the problem. problem.soughtsoughtsought to deceivesought to deceiveseek for/after a solution toseek for/after a solution to第十九页,共七十四页。4.match4.match Finally,the scientists test the theory to Finally,the scientists test the theory to see if it see if it what they have seen. what they have seen. ( (回归课本回归课本P P4 4) )观察思考观察思考 You need a new shirt to match the trousers.You need a new shirt to match the trousers. 你需要一件新衬衣你需要一件新衬衣(chny)(chny)与你的裤子搭配。与你的裤子搭配。 Match your spending to your income. Match your spending to your income. 你应该量入为出。你应该量入为出。 I am no match for you at running.I am no match for you at running. 在赛跑方面我不是你的对手。在赛跑方面我不是你的对手。matchesmatches第二十页,共七十四页。归纳拓展归纳拓展matchmatch词性:词性:vt. & vi. & n.vt. & vi. & n.意思:意思:(1)match sth.to/with sth.(1)match sth.to/with sth.使使和和相配相配/ /相符相符match sth./sb.against/with sth./sb.match sth./sb.against/with sth./sb.使某事物使某事物/ /某人和其他事物某人和其他事物/ /其他人竞争或较量其他人竞争或较量match up tomatch up to配得上;与配得上;与一致一致(yzh)(yzh);符合期望;符合期望match+n.+(in/for+n.)match+n.+(in/for+n.)(在(在方面)与方面)与匹匹敌,势均力敌敌,势均力敌和和相配相配(xin pi),和和相称;使较量;相配相称;使较量;相配(xin pi);比赛;对手;火柴;比赛;对手;火柴第二十一页,共七十四页。(2)strike a match(2)strike a match划火柴划火柴a close matcha close match一场势均力敌的比赛一场势均力敌的比赛find/meet ones match (in sb.)find/meet ones match (in sb.)遇到对手遇到对手be no match forbe no match for根本不是根本不是的对手的对手拓展拓展(tu zhn)(tu zhn)辨析辨析MatchMatch,fitfit,suitsuit(1)match(1)match意为意为“合适合适”,多指色调、形状、性质,多指色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。等方面的搭配。(2 2)fitfit意为意为“合适合适”,多指大小、形状合适,多指大小、形状合适,也可引申为也可引申为“吻合,协调吻合,协调”。(3 3)suitsuit意为意为“合适合适”,多指颜色、款式合乎安,多指颜色、款式合乎安排、需要、口味、性格、条件、地位等。排、需要、口味、性格、条件、地位等。第二十二页,共七十四页。能力转化能力转化(1 1)众口难调。)众口难调。 No dish No dish all tastes.all tastes.(2 2)这双鞋不合我的脚。)这双鞋不合我的脚。 This pair of shoes This pair of shoes me. me.(3 3)人民大会堂及历史博物馆与天安门极为)人民大会堂及历史博物馆与天安门极为(j wi)(j wi)协协 调。调。 The Peoples Great Hall and the History The Peoples Great Hall and the History Museum Museum the Tiananmen beautifully.the Tiananmen beautifully.(4)(4)你不适合留短发。你不适合留短发。 It doesnt It doesnt you to have your hair you to have your hair cut short. cut short.suitssuitsdoesnt fitdoesnt fitmatchmatchsuitsuit第二十三页,共七十四页。重点短语与句型重点短语与句型5.turn out5.turn out .and that even the best theory can .and that even the best theory can to be wrong.( to be wrong.(回归课本回归课本P P4 4) )观察思考观察思考(sko)(sko) The plan turned out well.The plan turned out well. 那项计划结果很圆满。那项计划结果很圆满。 It turns out that she has never been It turns out that she has never been married. married. 原来她根本没结过婚。原来她根本没结过婚。turnturnoutout第二十四页,共七十四页。归纳归纳(gun)(gun)拓展拓展turn out+adj./adv./n.turn out+adj./adv./n.turn out to be+adj./n. turn out to be+adj./n. It turns out that.It turns out that.turn downturn down关小;调低;拒绝关小;调低;拒绝turn upturn up调大;出现,到达;找到调大;出现,到达;找到turn on/offturn on/off打开打开/ /关掉(煤气、自来水、电灯、电视等)关掉(煤气、自来水、电灯、电视等)turn inturn in上交上交turn overturn over翻转,翻身;移交翻转,翻身;移交turn toturn to转向;求助于转向;求助于turn awayturn away把把打发走;不理睬打发走;不理睬结果是,后来结果是,后来(huli)证实是证实是第二十五页,共七十四页。能力转化能力转化(1 1)I hadnt intended to get much from I hadnt intended to get much from the business I ran the first year,while the business I ran the first year,while it it so well. so well. A.made out B.turned out A.made out B.turned out C.went out D.carried out C.went out D.carried out 解析解析 考查动词词组辨析。句意为:我本来没有考查动词词组辨析。句意为:我本来没有 打 算 第 一 年 从 我 经 营 的 企 业 中 挣 很 多 , 但 结 果 却打 算 第 一 年 从 我 经 营 的 企 业 中 挣 很 多 , 但 结 果 却 很好。很好。make outmake out辨认出;辨认出;go outgo out出去;熄灭;出去;熄灭; carry outcarry out完成;实现完成;实现(sh(shxixin)n);贯彻,均不符合句意。;贯彻,均不符合句意。B第二十六页,共七十四页。(2 2)The plan turned out a failure.The plan turned out a failure. 。(3 3)那谣言)那谣言(yoyn)(yoyn)后来证明是真的。后来证明是真的。 . .6.use up6.use up The couple The couple all their money to all their money to seek their 5 seek their 5yearyearold son,who was lost old son,who was lost six months ago. ( six months ago. (回归课本回归课本P P5 5) )观察思考观察思考 He has used up his strength.He has used up his strength. 他已经耗尽了他的体力。他已经耗尽了他的体力。 I have used up all my glue.I have used up all my glue. 我的胶水用光了。我的胶水用光了。这项计划这项计划(jhu)结果归于失败结果归于失败The rumour turned out trueThe rumour turned out trueused upused up第二十七页,共七十四页。归纳拓展归纳拓展(tu zhn)(tu zhn)use up use up be in/out of usebe in/out of use在使用中在使用中/ /不再使用不再使用bring sth.into usebring sth.into use使使利用起来利用起来come into usecome into use开始使用开始使用make use ofmake use of利用利用put sth.into useput sth.into use把把投入使用投入使用It is no use doing sth.It is no use doing sth.做某事没有用做某事没有用用完;耗尽用完;耗尽(ho jn)第二十八页,共七十四页。拓展辨析拓展辨析use up,give out,run out of,run outuse up,give out,run out of,run out这四个短语这四个短语(du(dunyny) )均有均有“用完,耗尽用完,耗尽”之意。之意。(1 1)use upuse up为及物动词短语,其后可接表物的名为及物动词短语,其后可接表物的名词作宾语,且此短语可用于被动语态。词作宾语,且此短语可用于被动语态。(2 2)give outgive out作及物动词短语时,意为作及物动词短语时,意为“分发;分发;发出,放出(气味、热等)发出,放出(气味、热等)”;而作;而作“用完,耗用完,耗尽尽”时,则为不及物动词短语,表示时,则为不及物动词短语,表示“某 物 用某 物 用完,耗尽完,耗尽”;以人作主语时,表示;以人作主语时,表示“某人筋疲力某人筋疲力尽尽”,这时它不可用于被动语态,只有主动语态,这时它不可用于被动语态,只有主动语态形式。形式。第二十九页,共七十四页。(3 3)run out ofrun out of为及物动词短语,表示为及物动词短语,表示(bi(bioshosh) )“某人用某人用光某物光某物”,主语为人,而不是物,主语为人,而不是物,ofof之后的宾语为之后的宾语为被用完、用光的物品。被用完、用光的物品。(4 4)run outrun out为不及物动词短语,主语为物,不为不及物动词短语,主语为物,不能用于被动语态。能用于被动语态。第三十页,共七十四页。能力转化能力转化(1 1)他花光了他所有的钱。)他花光了他所有的钱。 He He all his money. all his money.(2 2)实验失败多次之后,他们最终)实验失败多次之后,他们最终(zu zhn)(zu zhn)没了决心。没了决心。 After so many failures in the After so many failures in the experiment,their determination finally experiment,their determination finally . .(3 3)水快用完了。)水快用完了。 We are We are water.=Water is water.=Water is .=Water is .=Water is . .has used uphas used upgave outgave outrunning out ofrunning out ofbeing run out ofbeing run out ofrunning outrunning out第三十一页,共七十四页。7. 7. on my PhD on my PhDI did not expect to I did not expect to survive that long. survive that long.继续攻读我的博士学位继续攻读我的博士学位 看来看来(kn li)(kn li)已经没有多大意义了已经没有多大意义了我没指望活那我没指望活那 么久。么久。典例体验典例体验 in in the exam. the exam. 考试作弊没有什么用处。考试作弊没有什么用处。 ; ; it wont help much. it wont help much. 抗议似乎没什么用,于事无补。抗议似乎没什么用,于事无补。(There did not seem) much point in(There did not seem) much point inworkingworkingThere is very little point in cheatingThere is very little point in cheatingThere seems little point (in) protestingThere seems little point (in) protesting第三十二页,共七十四页。归纳拓展归纳拓展pointpoint在本句型中意为在本句型中意为“ ”, ,常用于常用于“There is no/not any/little point in doing There is no/not any/little point in doing sth.”sth.”意为意为“做某事没有做某事没有/ /没有任何没有任何/ /几乎没有意几乎没有意义义”。常用类似句型归纳:常用类似句型归纳:There is no doubt that.There is no doubt that.毫无疑问毫无疑问There is no need to do sth.There is no need to do sth.没有必要做没有必要做There is no probability of./thatThere is no probability of./thatclauseclause没有可能没有可能(knng)(knng)There is no sense in doing sth.There is no sense in doing sth.没有意义没有意义There are chances that.There are chances that.有可能有可能作用作用(zuyng),用处,用处第三十三页,共七十四页。能力转化能力转化(1 1)我认为继续调查这个案子没有什么意义)我认为继续调查这个案子没有什么意义(yy)(yy)。 looking further into looking further into the case,I think. the case,I think.(2 2)无疑这台电脑比我们去年使用的电脑先进得)无疑这台电脑比我们去年使用的电脑先进得 多。多。 the computer is the computer is more advanced than the one we used last more advanced than the one we used last year. year.(3 3)我想大可不必整天为那件事担心。)我想大可不必整天为那件事担心。 I think I think worrying wo


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