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    如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流从A到Z的性格词汇【精品文档】第 11 页A1.Active always doing something积极活跃的She's an active person and never wants to stay in.她是个积极活跃的人,从来不想宅在家里。2.Aggressive being angry or threatening好斗的,好强的He's aggressive and starts arguments.他咄咄逼人,先和别人争吵起来。3.Ambitious wanting to succeed雄心勃勃的He's ambitious and wants to lead the company.他很有野心,希望能够领导整个公司。4.Argumentative,:ju'menttivalways arguing with people贬 好辩的;好争论的He won't accept what you say he's argumentative and loves to disagree!他不会接受你说的他特别好辩,喜欢跟人抬杠。5.Arrogantthinking you are better than anyone else自负的He always behaves as if nobody else's opinion is important I find him very arrogant.他总是表现得好像别人的意见都不重要似的。我觉得他很自负。6.Assertivebeing confident, so people can't force you to do things you don't want to do独断的;坚定而自信的It's important to be assertive at work.在工作中,果断十分重要。B1.Bad-temperedin a bad mood脾气不好的、易怒的What's got into him lately? He's so bad-tempered.他最近怎么了?脾气怎么这么差啊。2.Big-headed thinking you're very important or clever自大的、骄傲的I've never met anyone so big-headed!我从来没见过这么自大的人!3.Bossy telling people what to do all the time爱指挥人的,专横的He's so bossy he never lets me do things the way I want to do them.他很专横他从不让我按照我自己想的方式做事。C1.Carelessnot taking care粗心的He's a careless driver . I'm sure he'll have an accident.他是个粗心的司机。我肯定他以后会搞出事故来的。2.Caringwanting to help people有同情心的,表示关怀的My boss is caring and often asks me how things are going.我的上司十分关心下属,总是问我事情的进展如何了。3.Catty saying nasty or spiteful things about other people令人讨厌的;恶毒、卑鄙的I know you don't like her, but calling her names is a bit catty.我知道你不喜欢她,但辱骂她就有点恶毒了。4.Cautiousbeing careful, so that you avoid mistakes小心的He's cautious about investing money in the stock market.他对股票投资这件事上十分谨慎。5.Charming pleasant and likeable富有魅力的What a charming man!多有魅力的一个男人啊!6.Cheeky rude or disrespectful厚脸皮的It was a bit cheeky of him to ask for more money.他脸皮有点厚,居然还想多要钱。7.Clever Intelligent聪明的She's a clever student and picks things up quickly.她是个聪明的学生,学东西很快。8.Conceitedthinking you're very clever, or better than others自负的He's so conceited he thinks everyone should admire him.他真的很自负,他觉得每个人都应该崇拜他。9.Conscientious,kni'ensdoing something carefully, because you want to do it well认真负责,凭良心办事的She's a conscientious student and always does her homework.她是一个认真的学生,总是能完成作业。10.Consideratethinking and caring about others体贴的My neighbour brought me flowers when I was in hospital he's very considerate.("That was considerate of him.")我住院的时候,邻居还送花给我。他真是太体贴了。11.Coypretending to be shy so that you don't have to give information腼腆的,忸怩的;含糊其辞的He's very coy about his qualifications maybe he doesn't have any.他谈到自己的资格证书总是很忸怩。也许他根本就没有呢。12.Creative someone who can make or design things, or can think of solutions to a problem有创造力的She's creative and artistic.她很有创造力和艺术细胞。13.Curious wanting to know things好奇的I'm curious to find out what you think of the situation.我很好奇你对这个状况是怎么想的。D1.Deceitful trying to make people think something, so that you get what you want欺骗的He lied to get this job he's so deceitful.他撒了谎才得到这份工作。他太不老实。2.Docile 'dusailquiet and submissive听话的,温顺的She's a docile child and always does what she's told.她是个听话的小孩,别人叫她做啥她就做啥。3.Dogmatic dmætikwanting others to accept your ideas without discussion教条的,固执己见的He's a dogmatic politician and always thinks he's right.他是个教条古板的政治家,总认为自己是对的。4.Domineeringtrying to control other people跋扈的,专横的He's domineering in the office it's difficult to get him to listen to us.他在办公室里很专横,想让他听我们的意见很难。E1.Enthusiastichaving a lot of interest in something热情的He's an enthusiastic supporter of equal rights.他是平权的积极支持者。2.Excitablesomeone who easily gets excited易兴奋的He gets very excitable about politics it's one of his passions in life.他一提到政治话题就很兴奋。这是他人生最大爱好之一。3.Extroverted outgoing and lively外向的She's extroverted and loves going out with people.她性格外向,喜欢和大家出去嗨。F1.Faithfulbeing loyal to someone or something忠诚的He's a faithful friend.他是一个忠诚的朋友。2.Fickle changing your mind and being unpredictable浮躁的,易变的Politicians can be fickle when it suits them!如果必要的话,政治家是可以很善变!3.Flakyslightly unstable and unreliable古里古怪的;不可靠的She's a little flaky at times, but otherwise she's a good worker.她有时有点不太可靠,除此之外她还是个好员工。4.Full of oneselfacting proud of yourself自负He was full of himself after he got the promotion.在得到提升后,他变得格外自负。5.Funny making other people laugh有趣的He can be extremely funny when he's in the mood.当他情绪好的时候,可以很搞笑。6.Fussyonly liking certain things爱挑剔的She's fussy about what she wears.她对自己的穿着很挑剔。G1.Good-naturedkind and thoughtful脾气好的She's good-natured and always tries to help.她脾气很好,总是想着帮助别人。2.Grumpysomeone who tends to be in a bad mood脾气暴躁、性格乖张He's always grumpy in the morning and never says 'hello'.他早上脾气比较差,连招呼都不爱打。H1.Happy-go-luckynot worrying about what might happen in the future随遇而安的;逍遥自在的He's a bit happy-go-lucky and doesn't think about the future.他比较随遇而安,从不思考未来。I1.Impulsivedoing things without thinking first冲动任性的If he sees something he likes, he just buys it he can be so impulsive at times!如果他看到什么喜欢的东西,立刻就买买买。他有时就是这么冲动任性!2.Inconsiderate not considering other people or their feelings轻率的;欠考虑;不体谅人的It was a little inconsiderate of him not to give you a get-well card.他也太不体贴了,都不给你寄一张问候卡。3.Introverted opposite of extroverted内向的He was introverted as a teenager, but became more confident as he got older.青少年时期他有点内向,但是长大以后变得越来越自信了。4.Inventive able to think up new ideas有创造力的As head of Marketing, he can often think of inventive ways to keep his customers happy.作为市场部的主管,他总是能想出创新的点子来取悦顾客。5.Irritating annoying others恼人的He can be very irritating to work with.和他一起干活,真的是很气人。J1.Jokeymaking jokes滑稽的,好开玩笑的You're in a jokey mood today, but we've got work to do!你今天很搞笑啊,但是我们有工作要做!2.Jolly happy and cheerful愉快的,欢乐的It was the weekend and everyone was in a jolly mood.周末到了,大家心情都不错。K1.Kind thoughtful and caring善良的My neighbour is kind she looked after my cat when I was on holiday.我的邻居特别好。我度假的时候,她还帮我照顾猫。L1.Loud-mouthed someone who talks a lot and often says offensive things夸夸其谈的,胡吹乱侃的Don't worry about what he said he's loud-mouthed at times.不要被他说的话影响情绪,他有时候就是这么口没遮拦。2.Loyalsomeone who is faithful and stands by you忠诚的、仗义的His colleagues were loyal to him when he was having problems with his boss.他和上司出了问题的时候,他的同事对他很仗义。M1.Manicbehaving in a slightly crazy way躁狂的;狂热的We're a bit manic at the moment we're rushing to finish the work before our deadline.我们现在有点躁狂了,要赶在最后期限前完成工作。2.Manipulativetrying to get people to do what you want, by influencing or deceiving them善耍手段、善于操纵别人的She's very manipulative when she wants something.当她想要得到什么东西的时候,就会非常善于操纵别人。3.Moodyhaving unpredictable moods喜怒无常的Some people think he's moody you never know if he's happy or grumpy.一些人认为他喜怒无常。你永远不知道他究竟是开心还是生气。N1.Nervousuncomfortable with a situation紧张不安的I'm always nervous before an exam.考试前我总是很紧张。O1.Old-fashionedbehaving or thinking in a way that isn't modern老派的,过时的He's a bit old-fashioned and thinks women shouldn't work.他有点守旧,认为女人不应该工作。2.Opinionated'pinjneitidhaving strong opinions固执己见的He's opinionated and dogmatic the last person you want to negotiate with.他固执己见,又很武断。是你最不想合作的人。P1.Passive doing what other people want you to do without arguing被动的He's passive at work, but domineering at home.他工作中被动,但在家里却很跋扈。2.Perfectionistsomeone who wants perfection完美主义者Her boss is a perfectionnist no spelling mistakes are allowed.他的上司是个完美主义者,不允许任何拼写错误。2.Persuasivebeing able to persuade people to do things or to accept your ideas有说服力的;善于说服人的He's a persuasive talker.他是个很有说服力的谈话者。3.Picky only liking certain things or people吹毛求疵的She's picky about her friends.她对朋友很挑剔。4.Playfulsomeone who likes to play and have fun开玩笑的,幽默的You're in a playful mood today!你今天有点调皮啊!5.Pleasantnice and polite令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的The bank manager was pleasant to me today.银行经理今天对我很友善。6.Polite showing good manners有礼貌的She's polite and never forgets to say 'please' or 'thank you'.她很有礼貌,从不忘记说“请”或者“谢谢”。7.Pragmaticbeing practical and aware of your limitations实际的;务实的She's pragmatic at work and only does what she can.她在工作中是个实干派,只做自己能做的事。Q1.Quick-tempered getting angry quickly易怒的,性急的He was quick-tempered when he was young, but he's more relaxed now.他年轻的时候性子很急,但现在和缓多了。R1.Reserved keeping your ideas and thoughts to yourself内敛的;矜持的He's reserved, but polite.他很内敛,但是很有礼貌。2.Rudeimpolite粗鲁的He's very rude and never says 'please' or 'thank you'.他很没礼貌,从不说“请”或者“谢谢”。S1.Scatter-brained / scattysomeone who often forgets things没头脑的;粗心的Don't you remember where you put your wallet? You're so scatter-brained!你不记得你把钱包放哪里了?你真是太健忘了!2.Seriousnot light-hearted严肃的He's a serious student and always does his homework.他是个认真的学生,总能完成作业。3.Shyquiet, because you are not very confident害羞的He's so shy and hates saying anything to people he doesn't know.他很害羞,不喜欢和不认识的人说话。4.Sincere saying what you believe (opposite of insincere)真诚的,诚挚的He's sincere in his beliefs.他笃信自己的信仰。5.Slapdash slæpdædoing your work quickly and carelessly匆促的,草率的He's got a very slapdash attitude I doubt he'll ever become a lawyer.他的态度非常草率,我很怀疑他是否能成为一个律师。6.Slimy'slaimitrying to get what you want by being over-friendly谄媚的That man is so slimy he makes me feel sick!那个人太谄媚了。他让我觉得恶心!7.Slydoing things in a secretive way诡秘的,狡猾的You never know what he's up to he's sly and manipulative.你永远不知道他要做什么,他做事诡秘,善于操纵他人。8.Spitefultrying to hurt other people because you didn't get what you wanted怀恨的,恶意的If she doesn't get what she wants, she can be quite spiteful.如果她没能得偿所愿,她会怀恨在心。T1.Thoughtful someone who thinks a lot: 深思的,多虑的;体贴的He's a thoughtful person and won't do anything unless he has considered the consequences.他是个深思熟虑的人,除非已经考虑了后果,否则他不会采取任何行动。2.Thoughtlessnot thinking about people or the consequences of your actions欠考虑的I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude he can be thoughtless at times.我确信他不是有意要这么粗鲁的,他有时候做事就是欠考虑。3.Trustworthy someone you can trust值得信任的My accountant is really trustworthy.我的会计很值得信任。V1.Volatile'vltailquickly changing moods反复无常的He's easily excitable and pretty volatile.他很容易感到兴奋,情绪反复无常。W1.Wittybeing able to make other people laugh by what you say机智的,诙谐的He's witty and charming the perfect person to invite to a party.他很诙谐,又富于魅力,是派对的绝佳人选。


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