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    如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流牛津译林版7B英语期中复习专题练习单项选择【精品文档】第 7 页牛津译林版7B英语期中复习专题练习单项选择( ) 1. Look at the clouds-it _in a few minutes.Yes, I think so.A. rains B. to rain C. is raining D. is going to rain( )2. What did the man say just now? He told us_ any noise. They are having a meeting. A. don't make B. not make C. to make D. not to make( )3. The mother with her little son in my home that rainy night. A. was; on B. was; in C. were; on D. were; at( )4. Remember to give my wishes to your mother. _.A. No, I won't B. OK, I will C. Yes, I would D. Yes, I do ( )5. There _ two basketball matches on TV tonight, arent there? A. are going to have B. is going to be C. will be D. are going to be( )6. -How old is your sister? -_. We had a special party for her_ birthday last Sunday. A. Nine; ninth B. Nine ; nineth C. Ninth; nine D. Ninth ; ninth( )7. I must thank Andy _helping me so much_ my Chinese A. with;for B. for;for C. for;with D. with:with( )8. Are you tired? Why a rest? A. don't stop to have B. not to stop having C. not stop to have D. not stop having( )9. The snow made them_ cold, so they decided to make a fire_ warm. A. feel; keep B. to feel; keep C. feel; to keep D. to feel; to keep( )10. We say this number "9,075,010"_. A. nine millions, seventy-five thousands and ten B. nine million and seventy-five thousand and ten C. nine million, seventy-five thousand, ten D. nine million, seventy-five thousand and ten( )11. I often see David_ TV. Just now when I walked past his room, I saw him_ TV againA. watch;watch B. watch;watching C. watching;watching D. watching;watch ( )12.Is the young man in red shoes your good friend? No, he isnt. Nobody _ a person _ him. A. like; like B. likes; likes C. like; likes D. likes; like( )13.Mum, do you know where _of my shoes is? I just find_ under my bed.A. other; one B. others; it C. another; them D. the other; one( )14. Sandy, you are late. The museum _ just half an hour ago. It_ from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. every day. A. closed; opens B. close; opens C. closed; is open D. closes; is open( )15. Can you go boating with me tomorrow? . Ill go to the Helping Hands ClubA. Sounds great B. 1m afraid not C. Im not sure D. I dont think so ( )16. That music sounds_. I dont want to listen to it.A. well B. good C. badly D. bad ( )17.There is no bridge the river, so we the river by boat.A. cross; crossB. cross; across C. across; crossD. across; across( )18.- Why are you standing there, Anna?- I can't see the words on the blackboard. Two tall boys are sitting me.A. in front ofB. behindC. next toD. beside( )19.Could you help me ?A. with open the windowB. open the windowC. to opening the windowD. opening the window( )20.- You're coughing badly. Have you gone to see a doctor?- No, but I .A. am going to B. will not C. am not going to D. haven't( )21.Wu Yan wants to buy dress for her mother on Mother's Day.A. an; theB. /; aC. a; /D. the; a( )22.Turn right the second crossing and the bank is your left.A. in; onB. in; atC. at; inD. at; on( )23.- have dinner with my wife and me next weekend?- Yes, I'd like to. Thank you.A. Would you like B. Do you like C. Would you like toD. Do you( )24.There is a bridge the river. Many boats go it every day.A. over; throughB. over; belowC. on; throughD. above; under( )25.- Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?A. Never mindB. Sorry, I am new hereC. That's OK( )26.- What does your English teacher ?- He is tall and thin. He's really handsome.A. lookB. likeC. look likeD. be like( )27.Help others, you'll feel happier!A. andB. orC. butD. when( )28. more, and you will improve your spoken English.A. To speakB. SpeaksC. SpeakD. Speaking( )29. he forward a class trip?A. Is; looking; to haveB. Does; look; havingC. Is; looking; to havingD. Does; looking; to having( )30.- I don't care what my teachers think.- Well, you .A. couldB. wouldC. shouldD. might( )31. Kitty is _a letter and it _Bill will not come to her party. A. looking; reads B. looking at; reads C. reading; says D. reading; writes ( )32. _ bike is broken. Can I use _, Jim?A. My, your B. Mine, your C. Mine, yours D. My, yours ( )33. Why are you in a hurry, Jack? There _ a basketball game in ten minutes. A. are going to be B. will be C. is going to have D. will have ( )34. _ is it from your home to school? Its _ by bike. A. How long, a ten-minute B. How far, ten minutes C. How long, ten minutes D. How far, ten minutes( )35. The exam is very easy, but I dont think _ can pass it.A. anybodyB. everybodyC. nobodyD. somebody( )36. Taiwan is _ of China.A. south-east B. to the south-east C. in the south-east D. on the south-east ( )37. _ the bridge, and youll see the elephants.A. AcrossB. Cross C. Crossing D. To cross ( )38. Im sure I will do well this time. _ ,Simon, dont sit there dreaming.A. Come on B. I hope so C. I think so D. Yes, you will( )39. My uncle stopped _ to talk to me when he saw me.A. working B. to work C. workedD. works( )40. Do you know some butterflies taste with their feet? I cant believe it.A. Yes, youre right.B. Oh, I think so.C. Certainly. D. Oh, really?( )41. Do you know fish sleep with their eyes _?A. opens B. open C. opened D. opening ( )42. Look at the elephants. Their ears _ open fans. Oh, thats right. A. likeB. likes C. is like D. look like( )43. The building there _ fourteen floors or more. A. is B. are C. has D. have( )44. She can't eat anything, because she _ about her_ son these days. A. worried, sick B. worries, ill C. is worrying, ill D. is worrying, sick ( )45. Some social workers_ different skills often meet at the centre. A. have B. has C. with D. are( )46. What do you usually do when it rains?_.A. I am reading a book B. I read a book at homeC. I want to read a book D. I like this book( )47. Do you like to _ with me? Yes, I do. Lets go to the Great Cinema A. take a walk B. play computer games C. go to the zoo D. go to the movies ( )48. Alan, come here. I need your help. Sorry, Dad. He _ the dishes. A. wash B. Washes C. is washing D. are washing ( )49. _ is the weather in Canada? Look at the ! Its heavily now. A. How; rain; raining B. How; rainy; rainyC. What; rain; raining D. What; rainy; rainy( )50. Who often cleans the living room on weekends?Either my mother or I _ it. A. clean B. cleansC. is cleaning D. am cleaning ( )51. Can I take a _ for Mike?Yes. Please tell him to take his basketball to school tomorrow. A. walk B. photo C. message D. shower( )52. -The handbag is very nice. Is it_? -Yes, but I'll give it to my sister as_ birthday present.A. your; her B. you; her C. yours; hers D. yours; her( )53. There are_ students in this school. My brother is at school in it, too.A. three hundred of B. hundred of C. hundreds D. three hundred ( )54. Which stress(重音) is on the second syllable(音节)? A. communityB. palace C. shower D. double ( )55. -There _an international marathon in Yangzhou _the morning of 23April, 2017.-Really? I cant miss it.A. will have, inB. is going to have, on C. will be, on D. is, in( )56. How long does it take him _ to school every morning?A. by bikeB. on a bikeC. to by bikeD. to ride a bike( )57. -What _ Simon going to buy for the trip? -He will buy some bread. What _ we buy then? A. is; shall B. does; shall C. is; are D. does; are( )58. -I hope you _to my birthday party tomorrow. -OK, I_. A. come, do B. to come, will C. can come, will D. will come, do ( )59. -I am sorry I cant help you _ your maths. -Thank you all the same. I can ask Millie _ help.A. with; for B. for; with C. about; for D. with; to ( )60. Its_ drive from the Slender West Lake to Ge Garden.A.20 minutes B.20 minutes C.20 minutes D. 20-minutes( )61. Here is a number “six million four hundred and twenty-five thousand two hundred”. Which of the following is right?A. 6,425,200 B. 64,252,000 C. 6,420,250 D. 64,250,200( )62. Taiwan is _ the south-east of China.A. in B. to C. at D. on ( )63. ._ useful message it is! Thank you very much. A. How B. What an C. What D. What a( )64.-Which floor do you live _? -The _floor. A. on , nine B. on , ninth C. in , nineth D. in , nine( )65. - Excuse me. May I speak to Jill, please? -_. A. Yes, I am B. Who are you? C. I am speaking. D. This is Jill speaking.( )66. Can you find _to fix the machine? _,of course.A. one; Yes B. someone; No C. anyone; Yes D. anyone; No( )67. To the north of the park _many tall buildings.A. have B. has C. are D. is( )68. _can we do in the park?We can fly kites.A. How B. What C. When D. Where( )69. _his family often busy getting ready _ the Chinese New Year?A. Is; at B. Are; for C. Does; at D. Do; for( )70. Everyone wants _know _in next class.A. to; what to do B. /; what to do it C. to; how to do D. /; how to do it ( )71. Can you play volleyball with us after school? Id love to, but Im _ I have no time. I have to do my homework first. A. Afraid B. Free C. Busy D. happy ( )72.Do you know the woman very well? Yes, shes an old friend of _. This is _ first time to come here. A. my mother; she B. my mother; her C. my mothers; her D. my mothers; hers( )73. There is a river _ the two hills. _ the river there is a bridge. A. in; In B. between; Over C. between; On D. outside; Across( )74. The children stopped _ when the teacher walked _ the classroom. A. talking; outB. to talk; inC. to talk; outD. talking; into( )75. _ Mr. Smith visit Beijing last week? No, but he _ Beijing with his son next month. A. Did; visitsB. Did; will visit C. Does; visitsD. Will; will visit( )76. Can you _ anything strange? It _ like a small mouse.A. listen; sounds B. hear; hears C. listen; hears D. hear; sounds( )77. We say the number “10,206” as _. A. one thousand, two hundred and six B. one thousand two hundred and sixC. ten thousand, two hundred and six D. ten thousand, two hundred, six( )78. If you see any rubbish(垃圾) on the school playground, youd better_. A. put it upB. turn it upC. put it onD. pick it up( )79. I hope you _our English party. A. to enjoy B. enjoying C. can enjoy D. enjoys( )80. If you have any problems, be sure to call me. _.A. Im glad to hear thatB. I have no problemsC. I will. Thank you D. Ill think it over ( ) 81. There are about _days in a year.A. three hundred sixty five B. three hundreds and sixty fiveC. three hundreds and sixty-five D. three hundred and sixty-five ( )82. Shanghai is _ the east of China while Japan is _ the east of China.A. in , to B. to , to C. at, to D. to, in( )83. Where does your aunt work ? She works in Paris , the capital of _.A. Russia B. France C. Japan D. China ( )84. What is your friend like? _.A. He is quite friendly and helpful.B. He likes drawing. C. He often watches films. D. He has fun with his dog.( )85. There are _ days in a year.A. three hundreds and sixty five B. three hundred and sixty fiveC. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundred sixty-five( )86. Would you like to go fishing with me now? _ But I must finish my work first. A. No, thanks. B. Cant you fish? C. Id love to. D. Thats right.( )87. There _ be a fashion show in our town tomorrow. A. are going to B. will have C. has D. is going to( )88. Mrs. Li works hard to buy a large house _. A. of his own B. of her own C. of his owns D. of her owns( )89. Id like to invite him _ to my birthday party. A. to come B. coming C. came D. come( )90. There is _ with my fridge.Im afraid you have to ask someone to check it. A. nothing wrong B. something wrong C. wrong nothing D. wrong something( )91. I was born _the morning _ June 2nd, 2003. A. on, in B. on, of C. in, of D. in, on ( )9


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