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    如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流电大英语II(2)期末复习资料82980【精品文档】第 7 页英语II(2)期末复习资料第一部分      交际用语Are you on holiday here? C.    No, we arent. We live here     Can you help me clear up the mess? D. No problemCan you tell me where I can park the car? C. Well, just over there Could I talk to Prof. Lee? A. Yes, speaking     Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop? C. Its on the right corner just ahead Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? B. Go ahead, pleaseHave a nice holiday, Ted. C. Thank you, and you too   Have you ever been to Tokyo? B. No, but I hope to go there next yearHere you are, Sir. D. Thank you very muchHow are you feeling now? A. Much better              How are you this morning? C. Very well, thank you How long will you be away from Italy? B. About a monthHow was the journey to London? A. It went very well        I wish you success in your career. D. The same to youIve got a bad cold today. B. Oh, dear! I hope you get better soonIs it going to be warm next week? A. Yes, it is             May I speak to Jack please? D. Im afraid youve got the wrong numberMay I use your bike to go shopping? B. Certainly. There it isSam, this is my friend, Jane.C. Glad to meet you, Jane            So sorry to trouble you. A. Its a pleasure   What do you do? A. Im a teacher     What do you usually do in your spare time? B. GardeningWhat does your English teacher look like? D. She looks much like her motherWhat time does the train leave?   C. At half past five   Whats the best way to get to the Empire Hotel from here? B. Walking through the woodWhats the fare to the museum? D. Five dollarsWhats the matter with you? C. I feel a bit sick      Whats the weather like in this area? B. Its rainyWould you like a tea? A. Yes, please     You neednt do the work till after the New Year. B. Oh, good! Thank you.第二部分:词汇与语法结构_ of them has a bedroom and a study. C. Each_ you change your mind, I wont be able to help you. B) Unless    _ she couldnt understand was why fewer and fewer went to him for help. B.      What1 have taken many photos. Im going to get the film _  B. developedBefore joining the army, he spent a lot of time in the village _ he belonged. B. to whichChina is no longer what it _. A. used to be   Could you tell me _? C.      how long you have lived hereCould you tell me _? A. where I can find a toilet     Do you think Tommy is _ the truth? C.      tellingDoes this patients record need _ now? Now, you can finish it later. C. completing  He _ his father for both of them love walking in the countryside. B. is like   He didnt want anything to drink because he _ already drunk. C. had             He has three companies _. A. employing 50 people each      I _ reading the book by the end of this week. D. shall have finishedI was sick, but I _ it at the weekend. D) got overIf he _, he _ that food. B) had been warned; would not have takenIf the weather had been good, the children _ out for a walk.    C. could have goneIt is one of the best concerts I _. C.have ever been to  John fell asleep _ he was listening to the music. C. whileJohn Walters claimed that this lack of information _ in negative feelings towards the media.   B) had resulted    John was bored, _ he left his life in England.   B) so       Last year _ of new books were published on environmental protection. A. hundredsMary said to me, “If I had seen your bag, I _ it to you.” B. would have returned      My boss is _ holding pointless meetings. It really annoys me. B) always          My watch has been losing time for the past week. It probably needs      A. cleaning    .Robert is said _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. A) to have been studying    She is very careful. She _ very few mistakes in her work.  C. makesShe was _ late that she missed the last train. C. so   Since this road is wet and slippery this morning, it _ last night.  C. must have rainedThat dinner was the most expensive meal we _.   D) had ever had       The best thing _ to leave. A. to do is The car wont start because the battery has_. A. run outThe doctor advised her _ enough rest before going back to work.  B. to getThe food was _ good, but not good enough for me to eat there again. D. quiteThe hall was almost empty. There were _ people in it. C. fewThe new computer allows me _ work more efficiently. A. to       The trip to the countryside was great _. C. fun   The workers are busy _ models for the exhibition.  D. making  Then she cheered _ a lot when they got _ the taxi. D. up intoThere are many cities _ very fast. D. expandingThere is a lot of crime on television. _ other issues are pushed out. A. Therefore    These new processes _. A) should be controlled      They were asked to avoid _ any water which had not been boiled. A. drinkingThis is very important. You _ remember to shut down your computer every evening. C) should   Unfortunately the poor girl cant do anything but _ all her belongings at a low price.  B. sellWaste electrical goods _ safely. B. must be disposed of  We are going to have our office _ to make room for a new engineer. C. rearranged                 We shall have an opportunity to exchange _ tomorrow. C. viewsYou had better _ an umbrella with you. C. take           You will get used to _ here when you have settled down. A. living第三部分:完形填空(短文只保留文章开头)Passage 1The biggest adventure Ive ever had was trekking in Thailand. 1. C        2. B        3. A          4. A            5. C6. D         7. B       8. A          9. B            10. D           Passage 2Scientists are working hard to develop better aerials for mobile phones, a spokesman11. A       12. C          13. B       14. A       15. C       16. D       17. B                     18. D       19. C       20. B       Passage 3Ian and Shiree are a very unusual couple. Although they (21) _ in the heart of London, 21. A        22. C        23. B           24. D            25. B26. C         27. D       28. A          29. C            30. B           Passage 4Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing (31)_ about a recent stay at your hotel, 31. B              32. D             33. A              34. D             35. C36. A              37. D             38. B              39. C             40. APassage 5I was travelling alone in Western Australia last year, and one day I set .41. A              42.B               43. C             44. D             45.B 46. C             47. A              48. B              49. D             50. C    Passage 6Dealing with waste is a huge global problem. Unfortunately, 51. A              52. B              53. D             54. D             55. C56. C             57. D             58. C             59. A              60. B第四部分:阅读理解(单项选择)Blocks of “high-rise” flats have been built in large numbers in London and in manyCDABCSura Elmer came to Shanghai last July from the Netherlands, and will remain ADBBCI used to think education was the most important thing in my life. Recently my CADBB35 Forest Avenue Dear Bob, Im just writing to let you know our new address and to invite ADBCADear Uncle Ric,We were very sorry to hear that you are in hospital again, ACDBBGood children must be good students at school. CABDDThe AIDS virus has been around for a very long time, but the spread of CDABCAre you the happiest man in the world?" When asked this question, most people would say no. .DCBADNo country in the world has more daily newspapers than the USA. CBDDACash of all kinds, the French franc, the German mark, and the Italian lira, CADBC第五部分:短文理解(正误判断)The Internet has become a part of everyday life for most Britons, says a report 1.  More than seven out of 10 people feel they cant manage without the Internet. T2.  Young people use the Internet for emails mainly. _NG3.  The most common use of the Internet is surfing the web.F4.  On average, people visit 13 websites a day.F5.  About 40% of adults use the Internet. TThe tiny poverty-stricken South Pacific state of Tonga has always had serious problems raising6. Tonga was previously a rich country. F7. Tonga was the first country to welcome the new millennium on 1st January 2000. T8. The US government wants to use Tonga to launch rockets. F9. There will be training before the tourists go into space. T10. It costs about $ 20 million to launch a spacecraft. NGPoll reveals TV news too negative 11. The majority of people polled think that the news media is accurate.      F                   12. There is not enough time to talk about a wider range of subjects on the news.    T              13. 53% of all crimes committed are murders.    F  14. Advertising companies invest in TV programmes with high ratings.        T            15. TV stations make too much money from news.          NG                            When Steven King published his book Riding the Bullet, around two million people downloaded 16. The writer warns that the publishing industry should be ready for an important change.   T   17. E-books will become much cheaper in the near future. NG                             18. One advantage of e-books is that you can find the meanings of individual words  easily.   T19. Students will use libraries less in the future.  NG   20. Sales of e-books are expected to increase rapidly in the future.   F  Many people in the UK have done parachute or bungee jumps for charity. 21. If you want to parachute or bungee jump in the UK you must do it for a charity.F22. People like to have fun and help charities.T23. A lot of sponsorship is needed before you can do a jump.NG24. People always receive a certificate after doing a parachute or bungee jump.F25. The sponsors pay their money after the person has done the jump.TIt is unusual these days for people not to have a TV, in fact many homes have two or three. 26.  The majority of homes in the UK have more than one television.NG27.  The trend of not having a television is not new. T28.  Joans son was an unhealthy child F29.  Paul thinks his life has improved since he sold his TV. T30.  The latest trend is to have more than one television. F第五部分短文理解(正误判断)答案1. T       2. NG          3. F          4. F          5. T第六部分:书面表达因特网与现代社会。因特网对生活的影响The Internet has become a symbol of modern society. For example, via the Internet, we can send a message to a friend or a relative in a distant place within seconds ;we can talk to each other or even see each other; we can do shopping without going out; we can stay home and do business with foreign companies. In fact, we can do many things more easily and more easily and more cheaply using the Internet. So I cannot imagine what society would be like without the Internet.1  事件发生的时间和地点2  人物3 事件的经过One morning last week,I ate breakfast in a small restaurant not far from my school, Unfortunately, I found than I did not have any money with me . I had for gotten my wallet at home. I tried to explain this to the manager to the manager if the restaurant, but he did not believe me and wanted to call the police. I tried to call my wife, but she was nor at home .Just then,I saw a former classmate walking past the restaurant, and I asked him to pay for breakfast.Saying something about going abroad for holidays (谈谈出国度假), 可以包括以下内容:1.         How to choose a certain country.2.         Why are you willing to go abroad for holiday.3.         Advantages and disadvantages.4.         What are you going to do in the country.The best vacation place for me is an island called Bora Bora in French Polynesia in the South Pacific. The reason I like it is because it's so beautiful and warm, and people are very friendly there. However, the not so good aspect is that everything is so expensive there. When I am there, I would spend all day at the beach, swimming, snorkeling, beach-combing, or just laying under the tropical sun and doing nothing.写一篇论述短文,描述你本人学习英语的体会。可以包括以下内容:5.         The importance of learning English.6.         How to learn English well?7.         What are your good experience and failing lesson?English is always my favorite subject and I am good at English. I would like to share 4 good studying habits with you. First, remember 20 new words, and never give up. Second, go over grammar points I have learnt in English class regularly. Third, read an English article in China Daily every day. Fourth, write an English composition every week and ask teacher to revise that for me to improve the writing level. If you do things above, I am sure your English will also be improved.1  接受邀请下星期到英国观光旅游2  希望对方能到机场接你3 告诉对方你抵达的日期和航班号等Im very pleased to accept the king invitation you extended in your last email. Im planning to spend my holiday in Britain next week. Since this my first visit to your country, I hope you will be able to meet me at the airport.My flight details-the plane leaves Beijing at 12:30 next Thursday and arrives in London at 14:30(local time).The flight number is CA1347.Thank you and looking forward to meeting you in London.With best wishes, Zhang Lin1  你刚接到妻子电话2  你不得不回家带小孩上医院看病3  晚上跟老板联系Dear Mr. Burns,Im sorry to say that I cannot attend this afternoons meeting. I just received a phone call from my wife. She told me our child has a fever and is coughing all the time. He has refused to eat or drink anything since this morning, so I will have to go back home now and drive them to hospital. I will phone you this evening to discuss my new business plan. Sorry for the inconvenience.1童年的梦想 2目前的情况 3对未来的希望1st August 2005Dear Jennifer,Thank you for telling me about yourself. Id like to let you know more about me too.As a child, I wanted to be a detective. I thought a detective was really great because he could solve criminal cases to do justice. But my dream never came true. Im now a librarian,dealing with books every day. The work is nothing thrilling,but I like it. Since there are more and more electronic materials,I hope that we will have an e-library built soon. protected Looking forward to hearing from you again. Best wishes,


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