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    活动单导学教案Unit3 Cross-cultural communication活动单1.Warming up and listening课前预习活动单: I.找寻并写出该局部10个左右你难读、难写的单词留意词性转换; experience/ appoint(appointment, appointed) /expect(except, expert)/ excite (excitement. excited, exciting)/ shock(shocking, shocked)/ accept(acceptable, unacceptable)/ recover(recovery) II.翻译10个左右英汉互译短语英汉各半;1. 认为-是- 2.在西方国家 3.按时 4.在国外生活 5.始终、总是1 have different attitudes towards the same thing2 prefer to live on their own 3. at this point 4. experience four stages5. become accustomed to the life in the new country III.找出并翻译5个左右关键句或重要句型;1. In China it is the sons duty to live with their parents and take care of them when they are old, while in western countries their parents usually prefer to live on their own.2. They greeted me as if they had come on time.3. While in the United States, being late is usually considered to be disrespectful and unacceptable.4. It seems hard to make friends.5. It is said that we may experience four stages when we live in a new country. Teaching Task: Unit3 warming up and listening Teaching Aims: 1. Train the students listening ability. 2. Learn and master the words and expressions in the listening: Teaching Important Points and Difficult Points1. Train the students listening ability2. Learn to use the words and expressions in the listening.Lead in T: We need communication in our daily life, especially cross-cultural communication. Cultures are different from place to place. People in different countries may have different attitudes towards the same thing and do things differently. Today well learn about the differences between cultures. Teaching ProcessWarming up Activity 1 : Task 1and task 2 Group work: discuss task 1 and 2 then collect the information to finish task 1. Listening Activity1.Pair work- Listen to the tape and discuss the exercise of task 1. Activity2.Group work -Listen to the tape and discuss the exercise of task 2Summary Collect and deal with the important and difficult words and impressions.Homework1. Keep the important words and impressions in mind after class.2. Preview Speaking活动单2 Speaking课前预习活动单找并写出该局部10个左右你难读、难写的单词留意词性转换;suggestion(suggest, advice, advise)/reunion/relative/traditional/shower/special/appreciate互译短语英汉各半; 1事先、预先 2.燃放焰火 3. 走亲访友 4. 提建议两个 5. 陷入交通堵塞 1some toys for the kids 2. an excellent cook 3. with the help of the following information 4. make it 5. accept a dinner party invitation 6. wish one another a happy new year III.翻译5个左右关键句或重要句型;1. The idea is to bring a nice “token gift that says “I thought of you,-.2. If you have accepted a dinner party invitation and cant make it, you must call just as soon as you know, preferably at least a week in advance.3. Knowing little about our traditional festival, he/she asks some questions to know better about it.4. I suggest(advise) you (should)-/My advice(suggestion) is that you (should)-5. Would you please give me some advice on-Teaching Task: Unit 3 SpeakingTeaching Aims: 1. Train the students speaking ability. 2. Learn to give advice and make suggestionsTeaching Important Points and Difficult Points: 1. Train the students speaking ability2.Learn to use the important words and expressions in the speaking.Lead in: Free talkE.g. T: Im putting on weight these days. Im really worried. What do you think I should doTeaching Process Activity 1: Read the dialogue silently, then answer the following questions .1. What did an American friend invite Lily to do2. What did Jim advised Lily to bring3. Is it necessary for Lily to bring some expensive gifts Why4. What do you think will Lily bring at lastActivity2 : Reading aloud1. reading by yourself2. Ss reading3. group readingActivity 3: Acting the dialogue outActivity 4: Fill in the blanks with a proper word: One day, an American friend invited Lily _ his home _ dinner. Lily planned to bring some gifts to the host. But she didnt know what to bring. She asked Jim _ some advice. Jim _ her bringing some small, _ gifts. Because Lily was an excellent _, so she decided to bring a Chinese _ at last.Activity5: Tell the students useful expressions for giving advice. Activity6: Group work-Make up dialogues according to Situation 1 and Situation 2 on page 29 the act them out.Summary Collect and deal with the important and difficult words and impressions.Homework1.Choose the best answer( ) 1. During the Spring Festival, Chinese people often let _ fireworks and hand _ lanterns. A. out; out B. off; in C. off; out D. out; to( ) 2. Tom will _ me the day after tomorrow. A. call on B. call at C. call for D. call off( ) 3. Are you accustomed _ here A. to live B. lived C. living D. to living( ) 4. I advised that a doctor _ immediately. A. has been sent for B. sent for C. will be sent for D. be sent for( ) 5. The advice that he _ me just now is that I _ abroad for further study. A. should give; go B. gives; went C. gave; should go D. gave; will go2. Write down the dialogue of Situation 2 which the students has just finished and learn it by heart.活动单2 Reading Section 1课前预习活动单 I.找寻并写出该局部10个左右你难读、难写的单词留意词性转换; imagine(imagination)/worth(worthy; worthwhile)/independent(depend; dependent; dependence; independence)/widen(wide; width); deepen(deep; depth); strengthen(strong; strength)-/fearful(fear n./v.; fearless); careful(care; careless); hopeful(hope; hopeless);- II.翻译10个左右英汉互译短语英汉各半;1. 在国外学习 2. 偶让遇到 3. 想象做- 4. 改善你的外语技能5. 防止做- 6. 依靠、依靠1. widen your horizons 2. have a lot of memories 3. overcome homesickness4. my experiences abroad 5. be away from your family and friendsIII.翻译5个左右关键句或重要句型;1. Imagine as many difficulties as possible, and discuss whether it is worthwhile to go abroad.2. All these things make it worth going abroad.3. As you know, when you go to a new place, you meet many new people and make many new friends.4. My biggest wish is for all of you to go for a cultural exchange. Teaching Task: Unit 3 Reading Section 1Teaching Aims: 1. Train the students reading ability. 2. Learn and master the words and expressions in the text.Teaching Important Points and Difficult Points: 1. Train the students reading ability2.Learn to use the important words and expressions in the reading.Lead in: A question T: If you go abroad for further study next week, do you know what difficulties you will meet and do you know how you can solve themTeaching ProcessActivity 1: Read the passage quickly and then solve the following questions.True or false questions. (Ask the students to discuss these questions with their partners and then solve them 推断题全部列在多媒体屏幕上)( ) 1. The writer considers going abroad to be exciting and a little worrying.( ) 2. In a foreign country, you learn how to do things you cant learn from books or the Internet.( ) 3. When you are away from your family and friends, you have your family and friends to depend on.( ) 4. When you go to a new place, you meet many new people and make many new friends.( ) 5. When you go to a new county, you can improve your foreign language skills, because your teacher teaches you all the time.( ) 6. If you go abroad for a cultural exchange, you can widen your horizons.Activity2. Discuss the choice on page 31 with your group and try to deal with them together.Activity3. Read the passage carefully and then complete the table on page 32.Activity4. Ask the students to check it out.Activity5. Collect and deal with the important and difficult words and impressions.1.worth/worthy/ worthwhilebe worth +n./doing sth.be worthy to be done/be worthy of being doneIt is worthwhile doing sth./ It is worthwhile of being done./ a worthwhile experiment E.g. The clock is _ ten dollars.(填词或选择) The book is _ worth _ again.A. very; reading B. very; being reading C. well; reading D. well; being read It is _ visiting the museum. The article is _ of careful study. The work is _ to be mentioned. 2. avoid/imagine/appreciate/enjoy/finish/


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