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    Hey, Flojo, can you slow down a second?喂花蝴蝶你能慢一点吗?You know, this could be why I'm one of Manhattan Magazine's 50 most eligible men, 也许正因如此我才被排在曼哈顿杂♥志♥最合心意男士前50名 and you're not.而你却没有It's amazing how many times that comes up in a mile and a half.你挺厉害的能在2500米的距离内提这么多次Are you coming to the event tonight? I'm not the only homo on the list.你今晚要来参加活动吗?我不是邀请名单上唯一的同性恋You could snag an eligible single of your own.也许你能找到某个合你心苣的单身男士Is Stanley gonna be there?斯坦利会去吗?No.不会It's Friday.今天是星期五He's got his table for one somewhere. Remember?他总是独自外出吃晚餐记得吗?PS, if I ever start taking myself out to hot new restaurants on Friday nights 另外要是我开始在周五晚上独自去热门新餐厅吃饭and posting pics of my lonely Negroni, 然后发寂寞尼格罗尼酒的照片 please reintroduce me to my dick. 请让我重新认识一下我的鸡鸡Hah. Deal.没问题And, just asking.我只想问问.when is this teen girl nonsense between you two going to end?你们两个之间的这场少女别扭打算闹到什么时候?What? It's not nonsense. He fucking betrayed me.什么?这可不是胡闹他居然他妈的背叛了我W. Would you have gone to a dinner party at Colin's 你会在柯林甩掉我的一周后 the week after he kicked me to the curb?参加他的晚餐派对吗?-No! - Well.不会! 那么FYI, you know, Ben and I took some time off once 顺便说一句本和我曾经也分手过一段时间 when he was sleeping with his secretary. 他那时和他的秘书上♥床♥ 了 -1 was not. - Mom.-我没有-妈妈Please stop saying that. I just wanted space.拜托你别再说了我只是需要一些空间Yes, space between another woman's legs.是啊在另一个女人的双腿之间It's fine. We're fine now!没关系我们已经和好了 !I mean, these things happen, and you never think about them again. 这些事情很正常的之后你就不会再想了What.All right. Well, I should go.好吧我该走了Um.I'm glad you're feeling okay, Lisa.你没事真是太好了丽莎-Nice to see you, Michael. - Yeah, you too. Maybe.很高兴见到你麦克对我也是也许吧I'm not sure yet.我还不确定-Don't be a stranger. - See you soon!-别这么见外嘛再见!"You too, maybe?" What is wrong with you?“我也是也许吧” ?你怎么回事?-1 don't. - Clearly, he still cares about you.我没.他显然还是很关心你的-Go after him, fix this! - He never even told me why he left.快去追他把这件事解决掠!他都没告诉我为什么离开You're not gonna find out in here, knucklehead. Go!站在这里是永远不会知道的蠢蛋快去!Colin? Hey. Hey!柯林?嘿!I just, um. Hi.我只是嗨I just wanted to, uh, say sorry for the dumb goodbye.我只想为刚才的告别向你道歉It's, uh.-1 still donrt know how to act yet. -1 get it. Me either.我还是不知道该怎么面对你我明白我也是Oh. That's weirdly comforting.听着别扭但还挺舒坦Thanks for checking in on Mom. That was sweet ofyou.谢谢你过来看我妈妈真的很贴心Oh, of course. I spent 17 years with your family.没什么我和你家人相处了 17年I care about them. That won't change.我在乎他们这一点不会改变的I won't forget one of the five women who've seen me naked.我肯定不会忘记看过我裸体的五个女人之一Oh my God.我的天In that creepy house that my sister rented on the Jersey Shore.我妹妹在泽西海岸租的那间诡异的房♥子里I get shivers thinking about your mother一想起你妈妈撞见我洗澡accidentally walking in on me in the shower.我还是忍♥不住打哆嗦Accidentally, my ass! She knew you were in there.撞见个屁!她早就知道你在里面So how's work? I hear the market's pretty strong these days.你的工作怎么样?我听说房♥市最近挺兴旺的Yeah, sure.是啊Kinda.算是吧Kinda?算是吧?You need anything?你需要帮助吗?Um.No, I'm good.不用我挺好的I think I have a big sale cornin' up, so.我可能很快会卖♥♥出一间大房♥子Oh, that's great. I'm not worried. You're the best.太好了我不担心你是最棒的All right, I really gotta go.我真的得走了Dog's been locked away for hours now.狗已经被关了好几个小时rDo. dog?狗?You're joking. You got a dog?你在开玩笑吧你养了狗?Can we please end on the nice moment we just had?我们能不能以刚才的美好时光结束对话?Uh, if you want a nice moment, don't tell me that you just got a dog如果你想要美好时光那就不该告诉我你养了狗when I always wanted us to have a dog, and you said you never ever wanted a dog. 我一直都想养狗来着你却说你从来不想养狗Did you get an Eames lounge chair now too, or is that still a tired gay cliche?难不成你也买♥♥伊姆斯休闲躺椅还是你仍认为那是俗气的同性恋家具?What about cilantro?香菜呢?是不是突然变得好吃了 ?-Suddenly delicious? - No matter what I say,不管我说什么你总要浮夸地表达自己的感情you always have the biggest feelings.Was that it? My feelings were too big? I still don't know what happened with us.是吗?我的感情浮夸?我都不知道我们之间发生了什么-I'm not doing this now. - You're not.我现在没空跟你吵架我也不想听你冲我大吼大叫-And I'm not gonna be yelled at - Wh.I'm not yelling! I'm confused!我没有大吼大叫我只是很困惑This is my very confused voice!这是我非常困惑时的音量!And the Eames chair is a classic!伊姆斯休闲躺椅可是经典!-Hey, sorry to be so late. - It's cool. Claire's upstairs.嘿很抱歉我来晚了没关系克莱尔在楼EShe asked for some time alone in the loft.她说想在顶楼公♥寓♥里单独待一会儿Either she really can't stand me, or she's poopin'.她要么是真的受不了我要么是在拉屎What's wrong? You love a snooty lady pooping joke.怎么了 ?你不是很喜欢高傲女士拉大便的笑话吗?Sorry, I ran into Colin at my mother's. He got a dog.抱歉我在我妈家遇到柯林他养r 一条狗-What? After you. - Yeah.什么?在你是啊-And he kept sayin'. - Uh-huh.他之前一直说我彻底脱粉了Oh, I'm officially out of the fan club.I don't hate it Can't argue with the views.我倒是不讨厌这里景色确实不错It has a sexy feel that I would have loved when I was young and gorgeous.有一种性感的感觉年轻美貌时我会很爱这种感觉-Stop. You're gorgeous. - You're gorgeous.-别说了 -你依然很漂亮I mean gorgeous to men.我是指能吸引男人的那种美貌You know what I mean.你们懂我的意思Divorced, middle-aged lady moves to downtown in a feeble attempt to be hip? 离婚中年女士搬到市中心徒劳地尝试过上嬉皮生活?That's what people are going to be saying.人们一准儿会这么说No, they won't. And why don't we continue this conversation不不会的不如我们去曼哈顿最合心意男士派对at a party for Manhattan's most eligible men?继续聊一聊这个话题?-It's just up the block. - Oh. Can I go home and change first?离这里就隔一个街区我可以先回家换衣服吗?-No. - No.-不行-不行J I'm not good but you already know JJ I make music for the kids, you know JJ Bad-ass, frickin' let's hit the flow. J-Thank you. - One second.-谢谢等一下They're small.这杯子很小-So small. - No judgment.-真的很小-不予置评Oh! There's Billy.比利在那里我去告诉他我们来了-I'm gonna go tell him that we're here. - Mm-mm!No, no. No. Wh.别你So this is your plan to get me to accept the offer?所以这就是你们让我接受出价的计划?Mm.Hook me up with some eligible bachelor,给我找个合心意的单身汉show me that there's life after being left.让我明白被人甩掉之后生活依然可以精彩We just want you to have a good time, feel some hope.我们只希望你能玩得开心感受一些希望And, come on, we've read the books, we've heard the songs.再说我们都读过那些书听过那些歌♥You don't need a man to move on with your life.你不需要男人来继续你的生活太好了毕竟他们也不会为一个上了年纪的离婚母亲争先恐后Good thing. They're not exactly lining up for a divorced mother of a certain age. I heard that.我同意I mean, there is a line, but it's a little more urgent care than velvet rope. 倒也有人愿意只不过更像是应急需求而不是奢侈生活 Wait, you have children?等等你有孩子?That's so odd. I picture you alone.真奇怪我一直以为你是孤身一人Well, not sad alone, but independent.不是指悲惨寂寞而是独♥立♥自主Thank you for clarifying.谢谢你澄清这一点Uh, and I do have a son, yeah. Kai. He's 25.我有个儿子叫凯25岁了Husband?老公?Never married. I.我从未结婚有一年夏天我去欧洲背包旅行了一段时间I took a summer off to backpack through Europe, and. had a lot of fun.我玩得很开心Like a lot a lot.非常的开心Meaning?意思是?Kai's dad is one of three men that I had no idea how to find in 1997.凯的爸爸是我在1997年不知何以邂逅的三个男人之一My God!天啊!Your life is that horrendous ABBA movie.你的人生就像那部可怕的电影妈妈咪呀Except my life has Black people in it.只不过我的生活里有黑人角色Oh!You got it.你懂了That's much better. Thank you!这就好多了谢谢!-Hey! - Oh, hey!-嗨!-嗨!Hey!Yo, my people, this is Michael.哟朋友们这位是麦克-Hey. - Hi, hi.-嗨-嗨My best friend of many years.我多年的好朋友He's newly eligible himselt and any of you would be lucky to have him.他最近刚刚进入单身市场能搞到他你们可走运了Trust me. I've had him.相信我我搞过他的Years ago, when we were children.那是多年前的事了我们还年轻Like everyone Billy dates now.就像比利现在的约会对象一样-Ah! - You didn't tell me he was cute and funny. 你可没告诉我他这么可爱又搞笑Oh! Dive right in, okay. Michael, this is Alex.直入正题好吧麦克这位是艾利克斯He's on the eligible men's list too.他也入围了最合心意的男士排名Oh, cool. Congratulations.不错恭喜Alex has a big podcast about climate change from an LGBTQ angle.艾利克斯有个播客专门从性少数群体角度谈论气候变化It's called Emissions Control.叫做“排放中心”How funny is that?是不是超好笑?Ah, yeah, that is funny.是啊很好笑So why are you newly eligible?所以你是怎么变成单身的?My partner dumped me on his 50th birthday我的另一半在他的50岁惊喜生日派对上电了我at a surprise party I'm still paying off.而我还在给那个派对付尾款Damn. Are you serious?我靠真的吗?Sorry for eavesdropping. That sounds rough.抱歉我偷听了你们的对话听着太郁闷了It was. But we don't wanna talk about that right now, do we?是啊但我们现在不想谈这个话题对吧?I ran into him today, by the way,话说我今天碰到了他and, um, found out that he bought himself a dog.结果发现他给自己养了一条狗-Oh. - Can you fucking believe that?你&hearts他♥妈&hearts澈相信吗?我一直都想养狗可他总是拒绝I always wanted a dog, but he refused.Now that he's single, he is all about rushing home to walk a stupid dog.现在他单身了反而急着回家带狗出门散步-Jesus. - That's so cold.一天啊太冷酷了We're really doing this?真的要聊这个吗?You know,你知道么Pierce Brosnan once hit on me in the first-class lounge at Heathrow.皮尔斯布鲁斯南管经在希思罗的头等舱休息室跟我调情But I've been faithful for some goddamn reason.但谁知道为什么我一直对另一半忠心耿耿Oh, you shoulda hit that.你真该和他卜.♥床♥的Trust me, I pictured it more than once相信我我那个肥硕老公while Jabba the Husband was squirming around on top of me.在我身上蠕动时我可想象过不止一次Oh my God!我的天!-Oh! - You know.你知道么-This is fun. - Mm! This is fun.这还挺有趣的挺有趣的You're fun.你很有趣I have to say, I thought you didn't like me.我得说我本以为你不喜欢我No. I'm just chilly with people who work for me.不我只是对为我工作的人比较冷漠-Ah. - And also with family and friends.对家人和朋友也一样And Stanley kept the whole dinner party a secret, which is such a huge betrayal! 斯坦利一直瞒着我晚餐派对的事这简直是巨大的背叛!-Huge! - Sorry, that's awful.绝对的!真抱歉这简直太糟Thank you. It means a lot that you guys get it.谢谢你们的理解对我来说很重要Yeah, of course.是啊当然But don't worry, you're cute. You have a good job. You'll do fine.别担心你这么帅气工作又好你肯定不会有事的You know what you need?你知道你需要什么吗?To get out ofyour head and into your body,别想这么多尽情享受生活才对possibly with a not crazy, STD-free couple on PrEP.比如一对并不疯狂、没有性病而且吃暴露前预防药的情侣Did you say couple?你说情侣?I thought you were an eligible man.我还以为你是单身呢No, no, Luis and I have been together for years.不是路易斯和我在一起很多年了But single's better for the brand.但单身更适合我的宣传He doesn't care, and we get to be single together. 他也不在乎我们两个一起单身So what do you say?所以你觉得如何?Maybe Alex and I licking your wounds for a night 艾利克斯和我今晚可以为你舔舐伤口 could turn that frown upside down?帮你重新振作起来?Yeah. We don't want you to be sad.是啊我们可不想让你伤心Wait. Are you offering me 等等你们是想给我一次 a pity three-way?同情三人行?-Well, we feel bad for you. - So, yes, Okay, um. pass.-我们为你感到难过-所以是这样好吧不必了I'm not really feeling a charity fuck tonight, 我今晚并不想接受怜悯性♥爰♥施舍 but, um, good luck, and, um, thanks, I guess?不过祝你们好运吧谢啦?You know, 1 was at that party where they broke up. 他们分手的那个派对我当时也在场Just awful.真的太惨了It's been very, very hard on all of us.这件事对我们所有人来说都很难熬Oh.J How can I put it? You put me on JJ I even fell for that stupid love song J/ Yeah, yeah. ?Get it, get it, hey!来跳吧嘿!-You two sure seem to be having fun. - Oh, you know it! .看样子你们玩得很开心.你懂的I think it is time for me to go!我想我该回去了!-Good night, both of you. - Oh!但祝你们两个晚安Thank you so much.非常感谢-Tonight was very needed. - J But since you've been gone. J 今晚真是太及时了-You all right to get home? - Yes.-你能自己回家吗? 可以-All right. - J I can breathe for the first time. J好吧Do you really think that's the best price I'll get on the apartment? 你们真的认为这是我能收到的最好价格了吗?We. we do. We think it's a very valid offer.是的我们觉得这是个不错的出价Exactly. In this market?没错尤其在当前这个市场?I understood her.我听懂她的话了I trust your judgment.我相信你们的判断I'll sign the things and do the stuff.我会签合同把手续办完-Seriously? - Really?-真的吗?-真的吗?Onwards, motherfuckers, onwards.继续向前混♥蛋♥们继续向前Yeah!用;!-It worked! How did that work? - Honey, you know I'm magic!成功了 !你是怎么做到的?-亲爱的你知道我会施展魔法!J Since you've been gone JThank you, thank you, my chickens!谢谢你们我的孩子们!Mwah! Mwah!-I'll be back in just a moment! - Holy shit!我马上回来!一天啊!I think that drag queen was our couples therapist.那位变装皇后好像是我们的心理咨♥询♥师Man, it really is a gig economy.看来现在确实是零I .经济时期Dr. Sweeny.斯维尼医生But only partly out of loyalty to you.但只有一部分原因是出于对你的忠诚Your boy was a little dull.那家伙有点无趣-Bam! - Seriously? You always thought that?-哎呀!-真的?你一直都这公想?Oh no. We are not doing that.我可不想深聊今晚务必来参加-Just make sure you come tonight - Wha.I'll try. I've got a busy workday and lunch with my mom.我会尽量我今天的工作很忙中午要和妈妈吃午饭I'm gonna finally tell her that Colin left.我终于打算告诉她柯林离开这件事Oh, damn.我靠她不是超爱柯林的吗?Doesn't she love Colin?Yeah, for his looks and his money. She's deep that way.是啊超爱他的长相和财富她一点也不肤浅Hundred bucks says she was at that dinner party.打赌100美元我猜她也去了那个晚餐派对Wait, wait, wait.等等(东34街麦迪逊大道)Whew! That salad was overrated, right?那道沙拉也太名不符实吧?Eh.It's crazy. The Times gushes, like the chef reinvented the Nicoise,真扯淡纽♥约♥时♥报♥都给夸上天说是厨师重新发明( 尼斯沙拉everybody trips over themselves to go try it, and then it's like,大家争先恐后地前来品尝结果尝完之后"It was fine! It's a tuna salad. People, take a chill pill."“还凑合吧!就是金枪鱼沙拉而已你们吃片药冷静一下”"Chill pill?" Mom, don't say chill pill. That's not okay.“吃片药冷静一下”?妈妈别这样说这可不行Chillax, honey. I didn't mean to offend your super hip ears.淡定亲爱的我无意冒犯你那双超级时髦的耳朵What is going on with you?你怎么回事?All day, you've either been monosyllabic or kind of a bitch.这一整天你要么只说一个字要么表现得跟个贱♥人♥一样Oh, hello, Michael.你好麦克You should know, Colin walked out on me right after our session with you. 我想告诉你那次咨♥询♥结束后柯林立刻就和我分手了 A session you described as a terrific first step to falling in love again.而你还说那次咨♥询♥是再次坠人爱河的第一步 Oh.I'm so sorry you're hurting, Michael.看你这么伤心我真的很遗憾麦克But I'm not a psychic. I'm a therapist.但我也不是什么灵媒我是心理医生Maybe you're a better drag queen.也许你的变装皇后做得更好Drag performer, 变装演员 who has to take the stage again in 15 minutes, 而且15分钟后就要再次登场了so how about you take the bitter divorce shit down a notch, huh?不如你冷静一点别再把离婚的怨气发泄在我身上?Wow! Wow, what a professional way for a therapist to speak to an ex-patient. 作为心理咨♥询♥师你跟前病患说话的方式还真是专业 But I'm not a therapist right now.但我现在并不是心理咨♥询♥师I'm Miss Communication.我是通讯小姐And I can say whatever the fuck 1 want to you何况你在抨击我的工作时when you come for me about my job, 我他妈的想对你说什么都可以 which I am very good at, okay?因为我很擅长自己的工作好吗?Are you? Because with Colin and me, you were way off.是吗?毕竟柯林和我之间的关系你完全没解决好You wanna know what happened in that session?你想知道那次咨&hcarts;询&hcarts;中到底发生了什么吗?You heard exactly what you wanted to hear,你只能听进自己想听的话which was the sound ofyour whiny-ass voice你只会抱怨、发牢骚suckin' all the air out of the room.把整个房♥间的气氛都搞得窒息You didn't even let your man speak.你甚至不给你的男人机会说话Maybe that was the problem in your marriage,也许那正是你婚姻中的问题'cause it sure as shit wasn't me.因为问题肯定不在我身上Can I speak to Dr. Sweeny again? 'Cause Miss Communication's mean. 我能和斯维尼医生聊吗?通讯小姐太刻薄了No, I'm not done.不行我还没说完Stop lookin' for answers. Stop lookin' for someone to blame.别再寻找答案也别再找人来顶罪了He's gone. Let him go.他已经走了放过他You want someone to love?你想要爱别人?Love yourself.爱你自己吧Love the people in your life who still wanna be there,爱你生命中依然愿意陪伴你的人and keep your messy shit off of me, queen.别再来找我抱怨你的狗屁生活娘娘-Did you hear all that?


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