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    第3讲练 七上 Unit 5-6(课本基础知识点梳理+练习)-冲刺2022中考英语一轮复习教材梳理(译林牛津版).docx

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    第3讲练 七上 Unit 5-6(课本基础知识点梳理+练习)-冲刺2022中考英语一轮复习教材梳理(译林牛津版).docx

    第三讲 七年级(上)Unit 5 Unit 6基础知识即时训练一、易错单词1.日记_ 2,太空3.照相机_ 4.明信片5.机器_ 6.指南7.地区_ 8.观光9.中心_。.建筑H.方向_ 12.美丽13.桥 _ 14.饺子15.我们自己_ 16.离开17.系;捆 _ 8.呼吸19.运行_ 20.返回21.照亮_ 22.紧张的23.虚弱的_ 24.能够25.传统的_ 26.现代的27.自然的_ 28.没有29.在的对面_ 30.在外面二、词汇测试i.从下面每题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线局部的最正确选项。1. 一Excuse me. How long can I keep the book?一You can return it by the end of this month.A. give it awayB. come up with itC. give it back一How long has he been here?一For more than two years.A. less thanB. anotherC. over一Jerry 3 able to swim across the Pacific Ocean.It's amazing.A. canB. should C. must一Are you nervous before the exam?A little.A. happy B. calm C. worriedHe asked me to come here around ten o'clock.A. aboutB. atC. inTm afraid I have to leave now.A. shouldB. mayC. mustThere are many places of interest in Beijing.A. delicious dishesB. beautiful parksC. famous places一What time should I arrive at the airport?一You should be there at 8:00.A. go to B. get to C. leave forii.根据句子意思,从下面每题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。2. A means a daily record of events, thoughts and so on.A. postcardB. diaryC. guideThe candles on the Christmas tree the room.A. lit upB. lit onC. lit in一I am really before the exam.一Take it easy. You are the best.A. nervous B. comfortable C. confident一We failed in the singing competition., Better times are waiting for you.A. No way B. Best wishes C. Cheer upWhat are you going to do this weekend?the fresh air.I want to go to the countryside toA. takeA. takeB. breatheC. provide三、词组英汉互译1. be able to1. be able to2.多于3. so that4.不得不5. take photos6.像一样7.such as8.也就是说9 . in the centre of10 .名胜11 . light up12 .在的西北部_四、课文语法填空根据所学课文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的 词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Jerry is very happy because he'll be one of the 1.(one) students to travel into space tomorrow. A spaceship will take them to the Moon. It 2.(leave) at 9 a.m. and take them about four days 3.(get) there. During the journey, they'll have to float in 4.spaceship because there9s no gravity in space. They will also need to tie themselves to their beds so 5.they won't float away when they are sleeping. What's more, without gravity they must do 6.(exercise) every day in order not to get weak. When they arrive there, Jerry is 7.(go) to walk on the Moon. Since there's no air on the Moon, he'll have to wear a spacesuit to help him 8.(breath). And if his camera still 9.(work) up there, he'll take as many photos 10.possible, too.必考词汇背记1.1.nervous adj.: being worried about something 紧张的Sometimes, I am very nervous and I cannot answer their questions.有时我非常紧张,回答不出他们的问题。拓展(近)anxious忧虑的(反)calm平静的;relaxed放松的leave v.: go away from 离开They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow.他们后天将前往日本。常用短语leave a message 留口信leave sb. by oneself/leave sb. alone 把某人单独留下able adj.: have the power to do sth. 能; 能够Are you able to come tomorrow?你明天能来吗?She is able to sing the song in English.她会用英语唱这首歌。常用短语be able to do sth.能够做某事have the ability (h.) to do sth.有能力做某事拓展unable adj.不能的;不会的breathe v.: take air into the body and send it out again 口乎吸They want to go to the countryside to breathe fresh air.他们想去乡村呼吸新鲜空气。拓展breath九呼吸常用短语take/have a breath 呼吸 take/have a deep breath 深呼吸out of breath上气不接下气return v.: give back/come back 归还; 回来Last week, she borrowed my math book and didn't return it.上周,她借了我的数学书,还没有还给我。Has your father returned from Beijing?你爸爸从北京回来了吗?2. more than: a larger number or amount of 多于More than one hundred people took part in this activity.有一百多人参加了这项活动。同义词over prep.(在数目、程度方面)超过I have known Henry for overlmore than 20 years.我认识亨利已经二十多年了。反义词less/fewer than 少于The snowstorm lasted for less than half an hour.这场暴风雪持续了半个小时不到。拓展more and more 越来越多 what's more 而且3. if conj.如果We'll go (fit doesn't rain.如果不下雨,我们就去。/fyou run, you'U get there in time.如果你跑的话,你就会及时赶到那儿。拓展even if即使 only if只要 as if好像4. so that: in order that; with the result that 以便;结果He got up very early so that he could catch the train.他起得很早,以便能赶上火车。拓展so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了SO+形容词/副词+ that.引导结果状语从句。She is so friendly that everyone likes her very much.她很友好,大家都非常喜欢她。5. as . as像一样;如同Try to get as many books as you can.你要尽可能多拿一些书。This film is as interesting as that one.这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。注意:asas中间是副词或形容词时,只能用其原级。拓展as . as one can/possible 尽可能6. beauty n. being beautiful 美; 美丽We enjoy the beauty of nature.我们欣赏大自然的美。She was a famous beauty in her youth.她年轻时是个有名的美人。写作句型运用with具有;带有;加上;与在一起;和例句Recently I've had a discussion with my friend Dave about whether people should go travelling with a travel agent.最近我和我的朋友戴维讨论了一个关于人们是否应该跟团旅游的话题。拓展with结构构成方式如下:(1) with +名词/代词形容词;(2) with +名词/代词副词; with + with +名词/代词介词短语;(4) with +(5) with +名词/代词动词不定式;(6) with +名词/代词分词。运用(1)史密斯太太是一位大眼睛、长头发的妇女。(汉译英)1) ) The famous actor often plays his children in the park.A. about B. inC. with写作模板狂背类型:旅行与交通典例:人们是否应该随团旅游模板:Recently I've hajl a_dissugsion with my friend Dave about whether people should go travelling with a travebagent. Dave thinks travelling with a travel agent is expensive. People must spend too much time on it. And he thinks it is not convenient, because you must follow the tour guide all the time. You can't choose your own favourite.InjnLopinion, people should go travelling with a travel agent. We can easily get to one place. We don't need to look for hotels or restaurants. We can't be lost on the way. A tour guide can intiQdu££la££S£jnt£rfesLtQLUsdnJini£【真题链接】1. is your father? Does he still work as an engineer?Yes, he has been an engineer for thirty years. (2021 安徽 中考)A. Who B.How C. What D. Which1 .does your father go to the fitness center?一He exercises there twice a week. (2021福州中考)A. How soon B. How often C. How long2 ._will the invitations be sent to our guests? ( 2021 广州中考) 一In three days.A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far.is it from the New Town to the old city centre?一Less than 30 minutes by underground. (2021 无锡中考)A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How far【真题链接】21. There are fifty in our school. They are all friendly to us. (2021 安顺中考)A. woman teachers B. women teacherC. woman teacherC. woman teacherD. women teachers2. Lily, let's make vegetable salad. How many do we need?一One is enough. (2021 贵阳中考)A. orangesB. potatoC. tomatoes3. Mum, it's so hot. Could I have some? (2021 龙东地区中考)A. hamburgersB. breadC. ice-cream第三讲 基础知识即时训练答案一、1. diary 2. space 3. camera 4. postcard 5. machine 6. guide 7. area 8. sightseeing 9. centre 10. building 11. direction 12. beauty 13. bridge 14. dumpling 15. ourselves 16. leave 17. tie 18. breathe 19. work 20. return 21. light 22. nervous 23. weak 24. able 25. traditional 26. modern 27. natural 28. without 29. across 30. outside二、i. CCACA CCB ii. BAACB三、1.能够 2. more than 3.以便 4. have to 5.拍照 6. as . as 7,例如 8. that is 9.在的中心 10. place of interest 11.照亮 12. in the north-west of四、1. first 2. will leave 3. to get 4. the 5. that 6. exercises 7. going 8. breathe 9. works 10. as 写作句型运用(1) Mrs Smith is a woman with big eyes and long hair.C【真题链接】11 .Co询问职业,用what。后面的回答是职业,所以选C。2.Bo由答语“twice a week”可知是问频率,所以选择how often。3. Bo in+一段时间,常用在一般将来时,对“in+一段时间”提问时,要用How soon,意为“多 久”。4. Do由题意可知间距离多远,要用how far提问。【真题链接】21. Do句意为“我们学校有五十名教师,他们都对我们很友好。"woman的复数是women, teacher的复数是teachers。当woman修饰名词时,单复数要和后面的名词单复数一致。所 以答案是D。2. Co句意:Lily,让我们一起做蔬菜沙拉吧。我们需要多少个西红柿? “一个就够了”。 此题考查名词辨析。orange橘子;potato 土豆;tomato西红柿。"how many”后通常跟可 数名词复数形式,排除B,而A是水果不是蔬菜也排除,应选C。3. Co本句意为:妈妈,太热了;我能吃点冰淇淋吗? A. hamburgers汉堡;B. bread面 包;C. ice-cream冰淇淋;由“hot”可知此处应该选Co


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