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    第5讲练 七下 Unit 2(课本基础知识点梳理+练习)-冲刺2022中考英语一轮复习教材梳理(译林牛津版).docx

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    第5讲练 七下 Unit 2(课本基础知识点梳理+练习)-冲刺2022中考英语一轮复习教材梳理(译林牛津版).docx

    第五讲 七年级(下)Unit 1Unit 2基础知识即时训练一、易错单词1.人3.照料5.成员 7.百货商店9.海岸2.气味4.支持6.旗帜8.南方10.日期11.问候 12.地址13.忘记 14.想念15.笑 16.仍然是17.鼓励 18.位于19.更喜欢 20.完成21.快乐的22.勤勉的23.耐心的24.聪明的25.严格的 26.获得成功的27.可能的 28.优秀的29.完美的 30.很可能二、词汇测试i.从下面每题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线局部的最正确选项。1. Let me write down the date before I forget it.A. don't know B. don't see C. don't remember一I have to go to Beijing for a week.Don't worry about me, Mum. I can take care of myself.A. live withB. go afterC. look afterhaven't told others about this. So it remains a secret.A. is stillB. isn'tC. finds一John is smart. He's good at Maths.So he is.A. happyB. cleverC. nice4. I am afraid my daughter can't pass the math test this time.一Take it easy. Probably she'll pass it.A. Usually B. Hardly C. MaybeYou shouldn't make fun of others.一I am sorry.A. laugh at B. talk withC. make friends withThe room is full of balloons.A. is flying to B. is looking at C. is filled withPut the things behind vou. you will enjoy the sunshine in your life again.一Thanks for your advice.A. When the traffic is heavyB. Discuss the things carefullyC. Try to forget the thingsii.根据句子意思,从下面每题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。5. A means a thing that is said or done to cause laughter.A. joke B. flagC. picnicTo someone means to make someone feel brave enough or confident enough to dosomething.A. interview B. encourage C. remember一Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV?Sometimes. It is an interesting program, but I Sports News.A. preferB. decideC. wantIt was a difficult time, but we never hope.A. gave inB. gave outC. gave upLinda's father hates waiting in line. I think he's just not very.A. patient B. powerful C. popular三、词组英汉互译2.照顾4.取笑6.放弃8.夜以继日10.以而闻名12.去度假14.去观光1. as well 3. tell jokes 5. be strict about 7. go to work 9. department store 11. prefer to 13. be full of 四、课文语法填空根据所学课文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的 词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Ben's grandmother is a short woman with grey hair. She cooked tasty food, which Ben thinks was the 1.(delicious) in the world. She looked after her family. She was always 2.(cheer), kind and never lost her temper. However, she passed away two years ago. Ben 3.(real) misses her a lot.Joyce's best friend Alice is a tall girl 4. glasses. She often tells Joyce jokes 5. (make) her happy, but she never laughs at 6. (other). Alice is also 7. clever girl who does well in Maths. They two often study and play together. Joyce hopes they 8.(be) friends forever.Amy's Maths teacher Mr Li is tall and thin. He uses many games in teaching and 9.(he) classes are always interesting. 10. he's strict about their studies, he always encourages and supports them.必考词汇背记patient adj.: stay calm and do not get annoyed 耐心的Luckily, his mother was patient and didn't give up trying to help him.所幸他妈妈很有耐心,没有放弃尽力帮助他。We must be patient with children.我们对孩子要有耐心。拓展patiently adv.耐心地 patience n.耐心1. forget v.: fail to remember or keep in memory 忘i己I'm sorry, Tve forgotten your name.对不起,我忘记你的名字了。I forgot to turn off the light.我忘记关灯了。常用短语forget to do sth.忘记应该做或还没有做的事情forget doing sth.忘记做过的事情反义词remember也记得拓展forgetful健忘的encourage v.: make sb. feel brave enough or confident enough to do sth. 鼓励The good news encouraged all of us.这个好消息鼓舞了我们所有人。My friends often encourage me to learn new things.我的朋友们常常鼓励我学习新事物。常用短语encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事拓展encouragement比激励,鼓励encouraging。力.振奋人心的encouraged adj受到鼓舞的2. successful adj.: having done what one has tried to do 获得成功的It's a very successful thriller, but I think it's boring.那是一部成功的恐怖片,但是我认为它很无聊。拓展succeed v.成功 success n.成功 successfully adv.成功地3. give up: stop doing or having sth. 放弃Don't give up hope; keep on trying.不要灰心,继续努力。He decides to give up smoking.他决定戒烟。拓展give back 归还 give away 赠送give out 分发 give in 屈月艮give sb. a hand帮某人的忙4. as well: too 也;除之外He speaks French, and Spanish as well.他说法语,也会说西班牙语。拓展as well as 和;也He can play tennis as well as basketball.他会打篮球,也会打网球。5. lie v.: be situated 位于;坐落在(lay, lain, lying)The small town lies in the east of Gansu Province.这个小城镇位于甘肃省的东部。拓展lie还有以下几种意思:A.躺(lay, lain, lying)There is a child lying on the ground.地上躺着一个小孩。B.撒谎(lied, lied, lying)Don't lie to me.不要对我撒谎。6. prefer v.: choose one thing or an action rather than another 更喜欢Does she prefer pop music?她更喜欢流行音乐吗?常用短语prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.与相比更喜欢prefer to do sth. (rather than do sth.)宁可也不愿He prefers swimming to playing balls.他喜欢游泳不喜欢打球。I prefer to stay at home rather than (to) go out.和出门比起来,我比拟喜欢待在家里。7. finish v.: bring to an end; complete 完成Fve already finished my homework.我已经完成了家庭作业。常用短语finish doing sth.完成某事When did you finish reading this novel?你什么时候看完的这本小说?8. be famous for: be well-known for 以而闻名China is famous for china in the world.中国以瓷器而闻名于世。辨析be famous for因而知名,for后面接知名的原因。be famous as以身份而著名,as后接表示身份、职位的名词。Lu Xun was famous as a writer.鲁迅是著名的作家。写作句型运用would like to 愿意例句I'd like to introduce my best friend, Tian Tian, to you.我想把我最好的朋友田甜介绍给你。用法would like to常用于有礼貌地提出邀请、请求或建议。运用Would you like to come to supper?(英译汉)1. as . as .和样例句She is as tall as you.她和你一样高。用法as .as.,用于比拟句型,中间插入的是形容词或副词的原级。运用这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。(汉译英)写作模板狂背类型:人物介绍典例:介绍好朋友模板:Dear Rita,How is everything going? I'd like to introduce my best friend, Tian Tian, to you. She's going tCLStudy at the George Spencer School for one year. Tian Tian is a 16-year-old girl. She is as tall as you. She has big black eyes and black hair. She's always smiling. She's quiet. She likes reading, swimming and hiking. Ilmsure that you will like her and you two will be good friends. She should arrive at the Heathrow Airport at 4:00 pm August 1st.Will you please be kind enough to meet her at the airport? Many thanks.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua提醒:能力提升卷(五)的书面表达就写人物介绍真题链接11. Basketball is so exciting that people play it for fun. (2021 天津中考)A. millionB. two millions C. million ofD. millions of一How many friends will come to your birthday? (2021 黄冈中考)一About.A. fifteen; fifteenB. fifteenth; fifteenthC. fifteen; fifteenthD. fifteenth; fifteenHelen loves reading. She has read books this month. (2021 重庆中考)A. five B. fifth C. five of D. fifth of【真题链接】2一Have you finished the poster for the party? (2021 山西中考) Not yet. Iit in two days.A. finish B. finishedC. will finishStop smoking, Joe! You yourself if you keep on doing it like that! (2021 重庆中考)A. will kill B. have killed C. killD. killedIf you read a lot, your life full of pleasure. (2021 北京石景山一模)A. isB. will beC. beD. was第五讲 基础知识即时训练答案一、1. person 2. smell 3. care 4. support 5. member 6. flag 7. store 8. south 9. coast 10. date 11. greeting 12. address 13. forget 14. miss 15. laugh 16. remain 17. encourage 18. lie 19. prefer 20. finish 21. cheerful 22. hard-working 23. patient 24. smart 25. strict 26. successful 27. possible 28. excellent 29. perfect 30. probably二、i. CCABC ACC ii. ABACA三、1.也 2. take care of 3.讲笑话 4. make fun of 5.对要求严格 6. give up 7.上班 8.all day and all night 9.百货商店 10. be famous for 11.更喜欢 12. go on holiday 13.充满 14. go sightseeing四、1. most delicious 2. cheerful 3. really 4. with 5. to make 6. others 7. a 8. will be 9. his 10. Although/Though写作句型运用L你愿意来吃晚饭吗?2. This film is as interesting as that one.真题链接1. Do表示数字的hundred, thousand和million,前面有具体数字修饰时,不加-s,与of连 用表示一个概数时,要加-s。1 .Do根据句意,问句用序数词,表示“第十五个生日”,答语用基数词,表示“大约15个朋 友工Ao句意:Helen爱读书。她这个月已经读了五本了修饰books应该用基数词five。【真题链接】21. C。根据时间状语“in two days”可知应该用一般将来时态,答语为“两天内会完成海报”, 应选择C。2. Ao句意:如果你继续那样做,你将会杀死你自己。if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时 表示将来的意义,主句用一般将来时。3. Bo句意:如果你阅读很多(东西),你的生活就会充满乐趣。be full of固定搭配,表示 “充满时态属于“主将从现' 即主句是将来时,if引导的从句用一般现在时表示将来的意 义。


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