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    人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit5 First Aid优质学案:Using Language (2)—Text Learning & Other Parts.docx

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    人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit5 First Aid优质学案:Using Language (2)—Text Learning & Other Parts.docx

    Using Language (2)Text Learning & Other PartsLearning Aims(学习目标)Grasp the main idea of the passage on P56.(重点难点)1. Learn the following language points: desperate, help sb.to one, s feet, face down/up.(重点 难点)Learn the following language points: panic, out of shape.(重点)目标一精深阅读课文理解Taskl宏观架构整体理解Chen found ZhangTao was 1. chokingChen found ZhangTao was 1. chokingI .Read the passage quickly and then fill in the blanks.An ambulance2. arrivedChen did the Heimlich manoeuvreWhat Chen thought about the accidentThe history and 3. way/pocess of doing the Heimlich manoeuvreII .The main idea of the passage is that Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, did the Heimlich manoeuvre on Zhang Tao and saved his life.Task 2微观剖析细节把握What did Chen do to Zhang?A. With the help of Zhang' s friends, he was able to help Zhang lay on the ground.B. Chen did the Heimlich manoeuvre without hesitation.C. Standing in front of Zhang, Chen did the Heimlich manoeuvre.D. With the help of the doctor, Chen rushed Zhang to the hospital at once in an ambulance.K答案B2 . Why did an American doctor, Henry Heimlich, create the Heimlich manoeuvre ? Because .A. victims will always die because of chokingchoking is an urgent case without time to wait for an ambulanceB. an ambulance will not come in timeit is quick, practical, and easy to do the Heimlich manoeuvreK答案BWhat can we know from Paragraphs 45?A. If someone is choking, first slap the victimJ s back.B. When doing the Heimlich manoeuvre, wrap your arms around the victim? s neck.C. If slapping does not work, do the Heimlich manoeuvre right away.D. Make a fist with one hand and place it in the lower part of the victim' s stomach.K答案U cWhich of the following is NOT true?A. We should not do the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child in order not to hurt him/her.B Lay the child face down on your lap, with the head lower than the rest of his body.C. Don' t stop performing firm slaps to the child' s upper back unless he can breathe again.D. If a child chokes, call 120 at once and wait patiently.K答案X D5 . From which is the text probably taken?A A health magazine.B A biology textbook.C. A research paper.D. A travel brochure.K答案A目标二目标二核心考点讲练互动He was now holding his throat with his face turning red, while his desperate friends were slapping him on the back.(教材 P56)desperate a切.绝望的;铤而走险的;非常需要的;渴望的 (l)be desperate for sth.渴望某物be desperate to do sth.渴望做某事(2)desperately ado.绝望地;拼命地;极严重地desperately need sth.=be in desperate need of sth.,急需某4勿K佳句赏读U感悟句意背诵I am desperate for the precious opportunity to be a volunteer in the summer camp.=1 am desperate to gain the precious opportunity to be a volunteer in the summer camp.I desperately need your practical suggestions, because I have great difficulty making friends.- I am in desperate need of your practical suggestions, because I have great difficulty making friends.K一词多义IThe paramedics were fighting a desperate battle to save the little girl' s life.铤而走险的The elderly operator was so desperate upon learning that he was infected with deadly viruses.绝望的(3)The man who got lost in the forest was desperate for water.渴望的1. With the help of Zhang' s friends, he was able to(教材 P56)help sb.to one' s feet帮助某人站起身来struggle to one' s feet 挣扎着站起来rise to one? s feet 站起来;起身jump to one, s feet 浮光起来drag one' s feet 拖着脚stamp one' s feet 跺脚"圭句赏读感悟句意背诵©Seeing the boy fall off the stairs, I rushed to help him to his feet.©When taking a bath, she slipped, but she struggled to her feet.When the visitors come in, please rise to your feet to show our politeness.He jumped to his feet, grabbed his overcoat and stormed out of the living room.She dragged her feet as she reluctantly followed her parents.她拖着脚不情愿地跟在父母后面。She was stamping her feet impatiently, which made others uncomfortable.K完成句子R当听到这个消息时,她激动地跳起来,无法言语。When hearing the news, she jumped to her feet excitedly, unable to say anything.他站起来紧紧地拥抱妻子,眼角闪着幸福的泪光。He rose to his feet and hugged his wife tightly, with tears of happiness shining from the comers of his eyes.2. Instead, lay the child face down on your lap with the head lower than the rest of his body.(教 材 P56)face down/up面朝下/上be faced with = face 面 临in (the) face of 面对lose face丢面子make/pull a face (at)做鬼脸K佳句赏读H感悟句意背诵He was driving along the road when a boy fell off a school bus, face down.Faced with many difficulties, I will insist until I accomplish my dream.=Facing many difficulties, I will insist until I accomplish my dream.=In face of many difficulties, I will insist until I accomplish my dream.Only if you aren' t afraid of losing face can you study a foreign language well.K句型转换/完成句子DI am desperate to tackle the urgent matters I face as soon as possible.flam desperate to tackle the urgent matters I am faced with as soon as possible.老师离开教室的时候,男孩子们互相做鬼脸。The boys made/pulled faces at each othe】 when the teacher left the classroom.目标三易学考点自主研读When listening to instructions in English, you should listen carefully and don' t panic.(教材 P55)panic vi.& vt(panicked; panicked; panicking)(使)惊慌 n.惊慌,惊恐(l)panic over 因而恐慌(2)get into a panic 陷入恐慌in panic惊慌失措地;处在恐慌中I panicked over the fierce bear so much that I left there at once.我如此害怕这只凶猛的熊,以至于我立刻离开了那里。I was in panic > too scared to move an inch.我惊慌失措,太害怕而不敢挪动一寸。1. .Nancy Jones felt that she was getting(教材 P58)out of shape健康状况不好;变形的in good/bad shape健康状况良好/不佳keep/be in shape 保持健康in the shape of以的形状/形式I hadn, t been training for months and was really out of shape.So I had no choice but to take exercise to keep in shape.我已经好几个月没锻炼了,身体真的不行了。因此,我别无选择只能锻炼身体以保持健康。Some lanterns were in the shape of fruits.一些灯笼是水果形状的。达标检测I.单句语法填空1. His ankle got sprained and he desperately (desperate) need first aid to ease his terrible pain.2. Seeing an elderly man slip on the ground, I immediately helped him to his feet.3. Faced(face) with such a severe illness, the paramedics didn' t know what to do.4. My dog panicked(panic) over the man who beat it heavily with a stick.5. I must make up my mind to give up smoking to be in shape.IL完成句子Thinking of the wolf' s bloody mouth, I got into a panic. 想到那只狼的血盆大口,我就陷入了恐慌。6. Seeing a snake coming out of the bushwood, I jumped to my feet and fled in panic.看见一条蛇正从灌木丛中出来,我跳起来,惊慌失措地逃跑了。7. Exchange students will be taught how to make mooncakes in the shape of a heart.将会教给交换生如何制作心形的月饼。


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