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    人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit4Journey Across a Vast Land精品学案:Using Language & Other Parts.docx

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    人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit4Journey Across a Vast Land精品学案:Using Language & Other Parts.docx

    Using Language & Other Parts语篇理更梳加练萃取文本精华I .Read the passage quickly and get the general idea of the passage.1. What' s the main idea of the passage?A. Li Daiyu and her cousin' s journey to Halifax.B. Li Daiyu and her cousin' s encounter with Lin Fei.C. Li Daiyu and her cousin' s stay in Montreal.D. The wonderful sights of Quebec.K答案ARead the passage and match each part with its main idea.Para. 1A.Paras.24B.Paras.59C.Para. 10D.K 答 案 X Para. 1 C Paras.24 AThe cousins' meeting with Lin Fei.The cousins continued (heir trip to Halifax.Li Daiyu and her cousin arrived in Toronto.The cousins? stay in Montreal.Paras.59 D Para. 10 BII .Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer.1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about Toronto?A. It is the biggest and richest city in Canada.B. There are many tall buildings there.C. People can enjoy Chinese cuisine there.D. All the signs and advertisements arc in French there.K答案U DWhat languages do people speak in Montreal?A. English and Chinese.B. French and English.C. English and German.D. French and German.2. How long did the two girls stay in Montreal?A. For half a day.B. For three days.C. For one day.D. For a week.R答案1CWhat is Jean-Philippe? s opinion about his city-Montreal?A. It is a city that is well worth visiting.B. It is the wealthiest city in Canada.C. Il consists of many people coming from China.D. It is greatly influenced by English culture.K答案UA基础自测 自主学习落实基础知识I .重点单词idiom n.习语;成语1. contrary adj.相反的:相对立的n.相反的事实(或事情)如血出a面.(结束交谈或转换话题时)不过;反正2. alongside me,在旁边;与一起ado.在旁边proceed式行进:继续做3. shore n.岸;滨steel n.钢;钢铁工业4. dusk n.黄昏;黄昏accent n. 口音5. 处些”.欠(账、债、情等)toast h.烤面包片;吐司:干杯vt.为干杯况.烤(尤指面包)6. coherent adi.有条理的:清楚易懂的astonish W.使十分惊讶;使吃惊-*astonished吃惊的-*astonishing。的.令人吃惊的;惊人的一astonishment .惊讶;惊奇;令人惊讶的人或事photographer n.摄影师;拍照者-Dhotograph .照片;相片“7. advertisement n.广告;启事advertise v.做广告;做宣传;通知"mist n.薄雾;水汽f misty 力.多雾的:模糊的掌握规律巧记单词photograph照片;相片+-erphotographer摄影师;拍照者例:box-*boxer n. 拳击手 garden-*gardener n. 园丁advertise。.做广告;做宣传;通知+ -mentf advertisement广告;启事 例:slate-*slatemen(n.陈述;声明 pay-*paymentn.付款;支付 manage-*management n.管理 improve-*-improvement n.提高;改进;增进Il .核心短语. contrary to相反的;相对立的1. roll by驶过;(时间)流逝3 contrasi to 相比之下2. be close to 离近owe sth, to sb.欠(某人情):把归功于某人3. drcam of梦见:梦想HL经典句式1 .现在分词短语作宾语补足语At the station, in contrast to Toronto, they heard people talking in French.在车站,与多伦多不同 的是,她们听到人们用法语进行交流。2 .现在完成进行时Chinese people have been coming here for more than a hundred years.一百多年来,一直有中国人来到这儿。互动探究 探究重点互动撞击思维重点词汇 I Well, contrary t。what many people believe, there are a lot of vast and empty spaces in China, actually.与很多人认为的相反,其实在中国有很多辽阔空旷的区域。contrary to相反的;相对立的conirary 4力.相反的;相对立的.相反的事实(或事情)on the contrary与此相反;恰恰相反to the contrary 相反的 be contrary to与相反/相违背(1 )Contrary to my expectation, the boy didn' t like the coat I bought for him.与我期望的相反,那个男孩不喜欢我给他买的外套。(2)Unless I hear anything to the contrary, I shall assume (he meeting will be held on time.除非有人反对,否那么我会认为会议将如期召开。(3)It wasn' t a good thing; on the contrary, it was a huge mistake.那不是什么好事,相反,那是一个巨大的错误。(4)To my astonishment, the results were conirary io my expectation.让我惊讶的是,结果与我的预期相反。国 Anyhow, the next station is my stop!不过,下一站就是我的目的地!anyhow 小(结束交谈或转换话题时)不过;反正(I)It may rain» but anyhow, I shall go out.可能会下雨,但无论如何我都要出门。K 易混辨析 3anyhow/somchowXanyhow(=anyway)意为“无论如何;即便如此”等,可以放在句首、句末或者句中 派5011110¥意为“以某种方式:不知怎么地;不知为什么”,表示某种未知的原因 K选词填空anyhow, somehow(2)1 am not worried whether there is anything to eat.Anyhow I am not hungiy at all. (3)Somehow, the right chance never seemed to come to the little girl.B Standing in the distance, they were astonished to see misty clouds rising from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.她们站在远处眺望,看到湖的南边从尼 亚加拉大瀑布上升腾而起的水雾,感到非常震撼。astonish W.使十分惊讶;使吃惊Xastonished adj.感到惊讶的(指人的主观感受)be astonished at/by sth.因某事感到惊讶be astonished to do sth.对做某事感到惊讶be astonished that.对感到惊讶Xastonishing令人感到惊讶的Xastonishment惊讶in astonishment 吃惊地 to one' s astonishment让某人惊讶的是(1)1 was astonished at the news that a series of problems | arose| from the new policy.新政策引发一系列问题的消息让我很吃惊。(2)We were astonished to hear(hear) that their football team had won the champion.听至U他们的足 球队获得了冠军的消息,我们很惊讶。(3)Much lo my astonishment, only after three days, my grandfather couldn' t remember my name. 让我异常惊讶的是,仅仅过了三天,祖父就记不起我的名字了。(4)Human beings will continue to adapt to the changing climate in both ordinary and astonishing(astonish) ways.人类将继续以平常和令人惊讶的方式适应气候的变化。R 语境申记 To my astonishmentr they weren, t astonished at the astonishing news» so I looked at them in astonishment.让我吃惊的是,他们听到这个令人惊讶的消息时并不吃惊,于 是我惊讶地望着他们。El At the station, in CQiitrjast to Toronto, they heard people talking in French.在车站,与多 伦多不同的是,她们听到人们用法语进行交流。contrast /.比照;对照;差异忧&泣(使)形式比照;对照Xby/in contrast 相比之下in contrast with/lo与形成比照(对照);与相反make a contrast with.与形成比照Xcontrast.with.把和相 比照(1 )In his speech, he mentioned the economic and social contrasts between the poor and the rich. 在他的演说中,他提及穷人和富人之间的经济和社会差异。(2)In contrast to his wife, Bush has little appetite fbr foreign (ravel.与他的妻子不一样,布什对出国旅游没什么兴趣。(3)To our astonishment, his actions contrast sharply with his promises.让我们惊讶的是,他的行 动和诺言形成鲜明的比照。(4)By/In contrast, Mrs Yang was much more oulspoken.So she was more suitable for the post. 相比之下,杨夫人坦率多了。因此她更适合这个职位。目 That' s too bad.You q双e it to yourselves to stay longer.那太可惜了。为了你们自己,你们应该多停留几天。owe %欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于;归因于。认© sb.sth./owe sth.to sb.欠某人某物owe sth.to sb./sth.把某事归功于某人或某事owe it to sb.that/to do.把归功于某人Xowinglo因为,由于(1 )Thank you for the magazine you bought for me.How much do I owe you?谢谢您给我买来这本杂志,我该付您多少钱?(2)He owes his good health to plenty of exercise and a regular life.他把他身体健康归功于充分锻炼和生活有规律。(3)He owes jt to his doctor* s care that he is quite well again.他再次痊愈是靠医生的关怀。(4)Was it owing io the bad weather that they had to change the schedule of leaving?是因为恶劣的天气他们才不得不改变了离开的日程吗?经典句式At the station, in contrast to Toronto, they heard people talking in French.在车站.与多伦多 不同的是,她们听到人们用法语进行交流。talking in French为现在分词短语作宾语补足语。宾语people与作补足语的动词talk之间存 在逻辑上的主调关系,所以用现在分词形式;假设宾语与作补足语的动词之间存在逻辑上的 动宾关系时,就应该使用过去分词形式。(1 )Hearing the loud noise, I looked up and found thousands of bats flying aimlessly in the sky. 听到巨大的响声,我抬起头,看到成千上万只蝙蝠在空中漫无目的地飞着。(2)She opened the window and felt freezing wind blowing(blow) on her face immediately.她翻开窗户,立刻感觉到刺骨的冷风从脸上吹过。(3)1 was astonished to see their car stuck(stick) in a pool by the side of the road. 看到他们的车陷在路边的一个小池塘里,我感到很惊讶。达标检测 当堂检刑基础达标演练I .单句语法填空1. It was an astonishing(astonish) performance for such a young musician.2. Turning his head back, he found a fierce dog coming(come) at a little girl.3. I never consider myself a stupid boy.On the contrary, I know I * m on the road to success.4. Conlrasting(contrast) the imported goods with the domestic products, you can see the difference.5. We owe it to Marconi and Bell that we can now talk to the people on the other side of the world, n .完成句子The car stopped suddenly and I couldn' I siarl i【anyhow.汽车突然熄火了,我怎么也发动不起来。6. I was so astonished at the result that I could not believe my eyes.我对这个结果大为惊异,以至无法相信自己的眼睛。7. Conlrary lo wha mosl people believe, many cats dislike milk.与大局部人认为的相反,很多猫并不喜欢牛奶。8. Owing to bad weather, this morning * s flight will be delayed.由于天气不好,今天上午的航班将延误。9. At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.有时候 人们甚至会看到她骑着毛驴到遥远的村庄给人看病。in.选词填空下面的短文是P44的课文改写,请从下表中选择合适的词汇并用其适当的形式完成此文。kill; proceed; astonish; accent; photograph; reject; advertisement; mistBefore 11 .proceeding for Montreal» Li Daiyu and her cousin had a few hours 12.to kill.Standing on the top of the CN Tower, they were 13.astonished to see the 14.misty clouds rising from the great Niagara Falls.In Montreal, (hey found a surprising fact: all (he signs and 15.advertisemenis were in French and many people spoke English with a(n) 16.accent.While sitting in a restaurant, they met a(n) 17.photographer* who suggested that they should stay longer in Montreal to enjoy the unique Quebec culture and traditions.Of course, they 18.rejected the kind offer and went on with their journey to Halifax.


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