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    2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 09(原卷版).docx

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    2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 09(原卷版).docx

    2022年暑假新高三【暑假提能】英语题型专练(通用版)09阅读理解+完形填空+语深填空一、阅读理解1Society has certain standards for beauty. But Romanian photographer Mihaela Noroc, who spent nearly four years shooting portraits of women from around the world, is challenging these standards.She believes that beauty can take on many forms. "Beauty just means being yourself,“ Noroc told NPR. K "I don't think we have to change ourselves to be in a certain way;I think we just have to keep ourselves as we are and don't necessarily need to change.,Inspired by a trip to Africa in 2013, Noroc has traveled to more than 50 countries and regions since then. In 2017, she compiled a book called The Atlas of Beauty:Women of the World in 500 Portraits to show how many different kinds of beauty there are in the world. A new edition of her book has recently caused heated discussion on social media.From a struggling Russian dancer to a talkative cafe owner in New York , Noroc's subjects engaged her in deep conversation. Noroc found out what moves them, what their daily struggles and joys are, and what brings beauty into their own lives. "No matter where I go, it's the women that carry all the culture and traditions of a place. I really try to focus on women's stories, how they face challenges and overcome them/ Noroc told CNN.Her encounter with Ala, a student at a self defense school in Jordan called “She Fighter;9 left a lasting impression on her.Ala raises her clenched fists as she looks into the camera while her face is covered by a white hijab. Noroc describes She Fighter as “the first self-defense school for women in the Arab world,“ and writes,、 discovered an amazing initiative and a splendid sisterhood.In Iran, Noroc met Norocmet Farnoush, a woman who lives in two worlds “In one she is an economist, by profession. In the other, she is an artist, because this is her passion.*' For Noroc,-the women's beauty lies in how natural and comfortable they appear while just being themselves.1. What does Noroc think of beauty?A. Beauty standards are to be obeyed.B. Beauty means accepting who you are.C. Beauty is valuing life and loving others.D. Beauty requires people to change bravely.2. Why was Noroc impressed by She Fighter?A. It encouraged women to fight for their own rights.B. Ifs the first female school in the Arab world.C. It showed strong unity and initiative.D. Its members were very good at fighting.3. The author wrote the article mainly to.A. recommend the book The Atlas of Beautyintroduce some women with true beautyB. share Noroc's traveling experiences around the worldLearn key study skills.B. Ifs never too late to break bad study habits.C. Do you study better in a group or by yourself?D. Then, find out how to tailor your habits to suit the way you learn.E. Naturally, each one of these test types needs a unique set of study strategies.F. You need to know how to make an efficient class schedule at the beginning of the term. 三、完形填空1We step out of the cold and into the warmth of the library. Before my children have even finished returning their books, my 2-year-old son has 42 the children's librarians down at the other end of the building.“Ms. Amie! he shouts. “Ms. Ann Marie! He skip-hops (蹦蹦跳跳)the 43 of the library, past the cozy fireplace. My 8-year-old daughter 44 at me: We're both delighted by his love fbr the library.When we arrive at the children's room, with a tree decorated with beloved children's-book characters, the two librarians bend down to 45 the kids, directing them to old favorites and brand-new 46. “Iordered this one just for you!” Ms. Amie tells my son, 47 him a book about tow trucks.The children settle in; this is their 48 place, and mine too.We left the city chaos and noise of Los Angeles for a(n) 49 life on a remote island in Alaska. While we sometimes miss what big 50 have to offer, I've been able to 51 and enjoy life with myfamily here.We don't have children's museums or a zoo. We don't have 52 ice cream shops or gyms orindoor play spaces that can be 53 for very expensive birthday parties.But we didn't move here fbr any of those. I've 54 my life used to move so quickly that I was overlooking opportunities to even 55 all those options available to me. I was always looking ahead tothe next thing. Now I look around me more and the56_ are impressive. I should have been doing thatall along.42. A. leftB. spottedC. approachedD. passed43. A. lengthB. linesC. fenceD.ropes44. A. shoutsB. laughsC. staresD. smiles45. A. touchB. teachC. greetD. praise46. A. erasB.booksC. startD. fashion47. A. buyingB. readingC. showingD. ordering48. A. luckyB. hopefulC. safeD.happy49. A. quietB. easyC. wealthyD. lonely50. A. companiesB. citiesC. librariesD. islands51. A. give upB. cheer upC. slow downD. calm down52. A. fancyB. profitableC. freeD. dirty53. A. removedB. separatedC. rentedD. exchanged54. A. forgottenB. realizedC. regrettedD. proved55. A. useB. seeC. recognizeD. appreciate56. A. achievementsB. benefitsC. storiesD. viewsFor years, Vince Rozmiarek has been the man behind the message board at Indian Hills Community Center. The father took up the job in 2013 after all his children had 57 the nest. He found himself with a lot of58 time and had no idea how to use it, so he figured this little side job would keep him 59. Atfirst, he took things 60, but when April FooPs Day came around, he found the perfect 61 tohave some fun.He used the message board to make a joke about the neighboring town, and it received a great 62from the locals. Realizing that his humor was 63, Vince decided to make his jokes more of a64 thing. He looked through books to find great things to write, and each one built up his 65 in the area. Soon enough, everyone in town knew him for his jokes, and they decided to 66 his humor with the world.It was in 2015 that a resident decided to bring his jokes and puns to social media. She created a (n)67 for the message board on Facebook, and she regularly 68 it with photos wheneverRozmiarek presented new jokes and puns. Soon enough, people from all around the world were laughing at hisjokes, just like the residents of Indian Hills. He now has over 84,00069 on social media, many of whom70 await every new picture that gets posted.Although Vince never did any of this for 71, he's glad he's able to make so many people smile with hismessage board posts.57. A. builtB. flownmessage board posts.58. A. builtB. flown59. A. free60. A. occupied61. A. responsibly62. A. right63. A. donation64. A. lost65. A. noble66. A. reputation67. A. exchange68. A. email69. A. decorated70. A. customers71. A. worriedly72. A. popularity 四、语法填空B. preciousB. satisfiedB. slowlyB. missionB. responseB. returnedB. creativeB. businessB. shareB. addressB. surfedB. followersB. curiouslyB. funC. featheredC. necessaryC. well-informedC. personallyC. opportunityC. conceptC. appreciatedC. moralC. fortuneC. takeC. pageC. postedC. volunteersC. eagerlyC. recognitionD. providedD. interestingD. admiredD. seriouslyD. resourceD. recommendationD. improvedD. regularD. confidenceD. studyD. groupD. updatedD. contributorsD. impatientlyD. memory阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A new way to restore Earth's biodiversity-from the airEvery year, humans change 10 million hectares of land, and not for the better. Right now, there is72 much damaged land around the world that we need to fix this fast. Fortunately, technology can help. Restoration is 73 enormous, complex challenge. It cannot be done by 74( simple ) plantingtrees. We need to bring native ecosystems back 75 life, which requires deep 76( ecology )expertise. Until now, we have been limited to poor copies, like vast plantations of a single kind of tree.But drones (无人机)change that by allowing us 77( gather ) data and plant the right mix ofvegetation (植被)quickly. And the machine-learning78( analyze ) enables us to monitor our restorationwork. For example, in Australia, we're using drone - based planting and ecology - trained AI to restore thousands of hectares of land mined for coal. Many native forests here in Australia 79( destroy ) by catastrophicbushfires over the last few years. This means reduced food sources and safe habitats for koalas. A new project will accelerate the restoration of thousands of hectares of koala forests.With these technologies 80( combine ), we're able to expand restoration from a small island to anentire continent. We can return forests to land 8j a mine used to be, or recreate ecosystems like theone we're hoping to restore on Lord Howe Island.2阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In recent days, a primary school principal 82 (become) an Internet celebrity for doing a special dance during a morning exercise routine with his students.Every morning, 40-year-old principal Zhang Pengfei would lead about 700 pupils on the playground in a “ghost shuffle" routine-83 dance that includes contemporary jazz 84 (step) with heel, toe and armmovements.The brave headmaster thought the fun and 85 (energy) exercise routine would better encourage students 86 (get) active instead of being addicted to playing on their mobile phones.“I thought we need a change 87 the students have been losing interest in doing the broadcast callisthenics routine(广播体操)J Zhang told Southern Metropolis News.The dedicated principal said he came 88 a group of people doing the ghost shuffle routine at a public plaza last summer. "I 89 (think) the dance would be great fbr kids J he said. “The music is full of energy and it really gets the happy feeling 90 (flow).“ So he introduced the dance routine to all of his students. “Now the students aren't 91 (constant) on their phones anymore!,9 the proud headmaster told reporters.3阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。From robots to aircraft, a new generation is providing thrust for innovation, Wang Qian reports.While most people 92 (stick) at home last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, feeling isolated and maybe even caged in, some young people were thinking outside 93 box and reached for the sky as they created an impressive array of work, from robots to rockets.Ifs difficult to predict what will be the next big thing to materialize from this tech-savvy generation.94 video sharing and live streaming platform Bilibili, it seems that anything is possible. No dream, it seemed, was beyond imagination. At first, they did not know each other but were united by a spirit of95 (create).When Bilibili uploader Lin Xiao, nicknamed Lingshiqi online, had too many bags to carry, instead of asking someone for help, the then 18-year-old spent 200 days 96 (handle) the problem. The devil was in the detail you could say. He built a robot, which can follow him 97 he goes, and upon which he can ride.The robot5s name? Devil!Tech influencer Peng Zhihui, 98 online name is Zhihuijun, is already a household name. A 16-minutevideo clip 99 (feature) the 28-year-old Huawei engineer designing and creating a robotic arm, namedDummy. Powered by Huawei's 5G technology, it can be remotely controlled to do the 100 (precise)activity. To prove 4阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Uploading a picture or video from a scenic spot to sites such as Douyin and Kuaishou 102 (know) in China as daka, meaning "punching the card”. The aim is not to produce a well-crafted video or beautiful photograph, but simply 103 (show) that you have also been to the places that are popular. The beauty of the attraction is 104 (important) than the fact that people are flocking there to daka.A subculture has developed of young people 105 embrace daka as a lifestyle. So-called daka zu一"daka tribes”-can be found wandering Chongqing and other cities, checking 106 at as many hot locations as possible within a single day.Just as shops and restaurants in other countries try to attract customers with decorations that might be a backdrop (背景)for Instagram pictures, 107 in China try to make themselves as daka-friendly as possible: a coffee shop 108 (build) inside a shipping container, for example.The daka craze may have 109 (practice) origins. China's young urban professionals have little vacation time. In their first year at a company, 110 (employ) can expect at most one day of vacation. They are JJJ(routine) expected to work overtime for no pay. So workers need to make the most of theirlimited leisure time. Douyin captures the mood with its slogan: “Make every second count.5阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Wu Ming is a young German bom after 1995. To dig into traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Wu came to China's Henan province in 2015,112 is the hometown of Zhang Zhongjing, the medical sage (医圣)ofancient China, and enjoyed the 113 (influence) TCM culture there.He 114 (learn) traditional Chinese medicine since 2016. In the early stages, Wu always tasted some Chinese herbal medicine 115(he). He also got over the language barrier by learning and practicingChinese, especially the Henan dialect (方言).Although sometimes he still has trouble 116 (distinguish) between Putonghua and the dialect, he can use the Henan dialect to communicate with others.117 a language barrier, Wu read some of the ancient Chinese medical classics. Hebelieves different aspects of traditional Chinese culture interact with each other. Taking Huangdi Neijing as an example, it is 118 (close) connected with culture from Yi Jing and Taoism, one of the ancient Chinese 119 (philosophy).Studying TCM also changed Wu's mind and lifestyle. He used to be addicted to electronic devices and stay up late every night, 120 (trap) in an unhealthy daily routine. But now, he lives a balanced and peaceful life. He also uses 121 he has learned to help his family. With acupuncture, various physical disorders of his families have been well-treated.D. show how Noroc challenged traditional standards of beauty2A Spanish rice dish; secreto de cerdo with pistoIberico Pork with tomatoes, onions, eggplant, and peppers; and chicken and mushroom paella, will be served aboard the International Space Station (ISS) throughout the next week.That, at least, is what four of the eleven crew members aboard the ISS will be eating, after a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off on April 8,2022 from Cape Canaveral, Florida, carrying the Crew Dragon spacecraft. The flight, sponsored by the Houston-based company Axiom Space and known as Ax-1, is commanded by Axiom vice president and former astronaut Michael Lopez-AIegna. Also on board are three business owners and charitarians: American Larry Connor, Canadian Mark Pathy, and Israeli Eytan Stibbe-each of whom paid an estimated $55 million per seat for their 20-hour journey to the station and the eight days they will spend aboa


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