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    关于初中英语语法介词连词现在学习的是第1页,共51页现在学习的是第2页,共51页v1.Look me.( )v2.He goes to school bike.( )v3.He is interested drawing.( )v4.The book is the desk.( ):通常用在_、_、_ 之前,表示某个人、事物/东西、事件与 另一个之间的_。关系关系现在学习的是第3页,共51页v1. at the cinema, in the hospital _v2. Write with a pen, go by bus _ v3. in summer, on Septemper 1st _v4. by the way, at last, in the end _地点介词地点介词方式介词方式介词时间介词时间介词固定搭配固定搭配现在学习的是第4页,共51页v1.at the village , at home, at the corner of the street. _v2.in Shanghai , in the country, in Asia, in the world, in space _v3. in the box, on the chair, under the desk, next to Kate, on the right of Lucy, in front of the house, behind the door _现在学习的是第5页,共51页inatbyinonininoutsideonin现在学习的是第6页,共51页1.write with a pen, cut with a knife, lock with a lock _2. see with our eyes, do with our hands, smell with our noses, eat with our mouths _3. in English , in French , in your own words, in three language _4. in a loud voice, in a low voice _5. in this way, by this means _现在学习的是第7页,共51页6.by bike, by bus, by train, by plane, by ship, by car (on foot) by land 陆路, by sea 水路,by air 空运 _on the bike, on the bus, on the train, on the plane, on the ship, in the car7. Shanghai lies _the east of China.( ) Japan lies _the east of China.( ) Hubei lies _the north of Hunan.( )8.in a read coat, the girl in yellow, the boy in white _9.lie in bed, after a while, in the sun(在阳光下) under the sun(天下,世界上;到底,究竟)intoon固定搭配固定搭配现在学习的是第8页,共51页1.at six oclock, at noon, at that time, at half past three, at mid-night _2.on Sunday, on New Years Day, on March 21st, on my birthday _3. in three days, in a week, in a month, in May, in 1998 _4. in the morning, in the afternoon , in the evening _ 但: on the morning of May 1st5. at night = _ _ night6. in the day = in the _intheday-time现在学习的是第9页,共51页later单独使用可用将来时或过去时态单独使用可用将来时或过去时态The others will join us later。later on 后来,再过些时候后来,再过些时候7. 具体时间用不同的介词具体时间用不同的介词:duringlateratafterin现在学习的是第10页,共51页 在岁时 _ the age of 有时 _ times/sometimes 开始,在起初 _ the beginning of 此刻 _ the/this moment = now 在结尾,在尽头_ the end of 例如 _ example =such_ 代替 instead _ 到的时候 _ the time=when 从到 _ 在户外,在野外 _ the open air atatatatatforofbyfromtoinas现在学习的是第11页,共51页 相邻,靠近 next _ 遍及 all_ 将来 _ the future 由于,幸亏 thanks _ 过了一会儿 _ a while 在地球上 _ the earth 到底、究竟_ earth 下课/放学/下班后 _class/school/work 展出 _ show 值日 _ duty 独立, 单独 all _ oneself 令(某人)惊讶 _ ones surprisetointoafteronafterononbytooveron现在学习的是第12页,共51页arrive _/_a place find _ (发现,找到)get on/along _ be afraid _ sth. hand _(上交) hand _(分发)be angry _ sb. be angry _ sth. be strict _ sb. be strict _ sth. be ready _ be full _=be filled_be good _=do well _ be busy _ sth. be late _ be interested _eat _ give _ (放弃) grow _ inatwithupinforatforupupoutofwithwithofinatoutwithinwithin现在学习的是第13页,共51页现在学习的是第14页,共51页现在学习的是第15页,共51页aboveoveronbelowunderoverabove onunder现在学习的是第16页,共51页现在学习的是第17页,共51页现在学习的是第18页,共51页现在学习的是第19页,共51页1.We usually have lunch_ noon.2.Lin Tao was born_ February 18th.3.Ann sits_ my right,_ Kates left.She sits_us.4.My father is leaving_ Suzhou tomorrow.5.We must learn_ each other. practice现在学习的是第20页,共51页6.They went_ the gate and entered the garden.7.We can do all things _our hands._the end of the last cap,he caught up _the others.9.Be kind_people.Dont shout _people.10.Last month he worked_ a teacher _three weeks. practice现在学习的是第21页,共51页1.There is a good play_TV this evening. A. on B. by C. in 2. How far is it _ Guangzhou_Beijing? A. fromto B. fromfor C. awayto3. Japan lies _the east of China. A. to B. in C. on4. Mr. Brown has gone to Canada. He will be back _ two weeks. A. for B. after C. in5. A: What time did you get there this morning? B: _ eight. A. In B. At C. On6. We all agree _you. Lets start at once. A. to B. for C. withpractice现在学习的是第22页,共51页7.He is rich _ unhappy. A.or B.and C.so D.but8.Paper is made_wood. A.from B.of C.by D.in9.The basket is full_apples. A.with B.of C.in D.by10.Kate cant come. Lets ask wei Hua instead_her. A.of B.for C.to D.with11.The heavy rain stopped me_getting to school on time. A. to B.from C.on D.for practice现在学习的是第23页,共51页12.Take a rest _ you finish the work. A.before B.after C.until D.while13.You cant pass the exam, _ you study hard. A.if B.of C.unless D.and14._our team tried best, _ we failed. A.Though,but B.Because,so C.If,and D. Though,/15.Dont get off _the bus stops. A.when B.after C.until D.sopractice现在学习的是第24页,共51页16. My aunt arrived here _a warm spring morning. A. in B. at C. on17. A:When did your uncle arrive _ China? B: He got to Guangzhou_the morning of the 16th of April. A. in, on B. in, in C. at, on18. Hawaii is famous _its beautiful beaches. A. in B. for C. with19. We must stop children from_with fire. A. play B. played C. playingCABC现在学习的是第25页,共51页连连 词词 (Conjunction)Conjunction)一、连词定义一、连词定义: 用来用来连接连接词、短语或句子词、短语或句子的词。的词。 e.g. I study English I study English andand Chinese. Chinese. Does he work at school Does he work at school oror in the hospital? in the hospital? I get up early, I get up early, butbut my brother gets up late. my brother gets up late. 现在学习的是第26页,共51页二、用法二、用法 1. 1.并列连词并列连词 - - 连接具有并列关系的连接具有并列关系的词,短语或句词,短语或句子子。 常见的有:常见的有:(1)表表并列并列关系的关系的and, bothand, not onlybut also, neithernor,as well as(也,和)(也,和)等。等。(2)表表选择选择关系的关系的or, eitheror等。等。(3)表表转折转折关系的关系的but, however等。等。(4)表表因果因果关系的关系的for, so等。等。现在学习的是第27页,共51页 考点一:考点一:1 1)判断改错:判断改错: They sat down They sat down andand talk about something. talk about something. They started to dance They started to dance and and sang.sang. I saw two men sitting behind I saw two men sitting behind and and ate there.ate there.FFFeatingsingtalkedand (“和,并且和,并且”) 与与 or (“否则否则”)“and”“and” 连接连接平行平行结构。结构。 现在学习的是第28页,共51页(1)肯定句中用)肯定句中用“and” 表表“和和”;(2)否定句中用)否定句中用“or”表表“和和” 。2 2)翻译:翻译: 我喜欢英语我喜欢英语和和数学。数学。 我不喜欢英语我不喜欢英语和和数学。数学。 I I likelike English _ math. English _ math. I I dontdont like English _ math. like English _ math.andand oror现在学习的是第29页,共51页= Study hard, = Study hard, _ _ your math will be your math will be worseworse. .3 3)用)用 “andand” ” 或或“or or” ” 填空:填空: Study hard, Study hard, _ _ your math will be your math will be betterbetter. .andand or or “and”意为意为“这样,那么这样,那么”; “or” 意为意为 “否则否则” 。现在学习的是第30页,共51页1. Which do you like better, apples, _ pears? A. and B. but C. or2. Now we have no time _ money. A. so B. and C. oror: 1. 用于用于疑问疑问句句, , 表表选择选择 2. 用于用于否定否定句句, , 表表并列并列(肯定句用(肯定句用andand)3.Christine, Aileen _ (和和) I are good friends. Study hard, _ (否则否则)youll fall behind. 4. Are you coming by bus _(或者或者) on foot? 现在学习的是第31页,共51页1. Its getting warmer _ warmer. A. and B. but C. or2. He or the twins _ the USA. A. comes from B. come from C. is from4. Not Tom but I _ going to give the talk. A. am B. is C. areadj.比比 + and + adj.比比 表示越来越表示越来越A or B 和和 not A but B 结构作主语时结构作主语时,谓语动词要使用,谓语动词要使用就近原则就近原则。and, or, but, so 特殊用法特殊用法现在学习的是第32页,共51页 表表转折转折的连词的连词butbut 和和howeverhowever: e.g. (他努力工作,但以失败告终。他努力工作,但以失败告终。) He worked hard, _ he failed at last. He worked hard. _, he failed at last.区别区别: : but but 后后没有逗号,直接连接分句;没有逗号,直接连接分句; howeverhowever 后后有逗号相隔,可放句末。有逗号相隔,可放句末。考点二考点二 :butHowever现在学习的是第33页,共51页观察句子观察句子 : (1)Although he is over sixty, but he works as hard as others.改为:改为:Although Although he is over sixty, he works as hard as he is over sixty, he works as hard as others.others.或或 He is over sixty, He is over sixty, butbut he works as hard as others. he works as hard as others.(2)“Because John was ill, so I took him to the doctor.”* *although/ though although/ though 和和butbut这两个关联词不能同时用。这两个关联词不能同时用。 ?同样,此句错误,同样,此句错误, because because 和和 soso 等关联词都不能同时使用。等关联词都不能同时使用。考点三考点三 :现在学习的是第34页,共51页either A or B either A or B “ “或者或者A A或者或者B”B”neither A nor B neither A nor B “ “既不既不A A也不也不B”B”not only A but also B not only A but also B “ “不仅不仅A A而且而且B”B” - 连词词组连词词组 :EitherEither you you oror I _ going to the party. I _ going to the party.( (或者你或者我将去晚会。或者你或者我将去晚会。) )Neither Neither I I nor nor he _ seen the movie. he _ seen the movie.(我和他都没有看过这部电影。)(我和他都没有看过这部电影。)Not onlyNot only you you but alsobut also he _ French. he _ French.(不但你而且他也讲法语。)(不但你而且他也讲法语。) 【连接主语连接主语 时,谓语时,谓语“就近原则就近原则”】amhasspeaks考点四考点四 现在学习的是第35页,共51页2. 2. 从属连词从属连词-用来用来引导从句引导从句。常见的。常见的从属连词从属连词有:有:(1)(1)引导引导时间时间状语从句的状语从句的after, before, when, while, as, until, till, after, before, when, while, as, until, till, since, as soon assince, as soon as等。等。(2)(2)引导引导条件条件状语从句的状语从句的if, unlessif, unless等。等。(3)(3)引导引导原因原因状语从句的状语从句的because, as, sincebecause, as, since等。等。(4)(4)引导引导目的目的状语从句的状语从句的so that, in order thatso that, in order that等。等。(5)(5)引导引导让步让步状语从句的状语从句的though, although, even ifthough, although, even if等。等。(6)(6)引导引导结果结果状语从句的状语从句的so that, soso that, sothat, suchthat, suchthatthat等。等。(7)(7)引导引导比较比较状语从句的状语从句的than, asthan, asasas等。等。(8)(8)引导引导宾语从句宾语从句的的that, if , whetherthat, if , whether等。等。现在学习的是第36页,共51页when,while,as连连 词词 用用 法法 比比 较较现在学习的是第37页,共51页 Mr. White was taking a shower _ the UFO landed on the street. A. where B. while C. when D. whetherCWhileWhile Mr. White Mr. White was takingwas taking a shower a shower,the UFO the UFO landlandeded on the street. on the street.考点一考点一 “when” “when” 和和 “while”while”whenwhen引导的状语从句的动作引导的状语从句的动作多为多为终止性动词终止性动词,也为,也为可持续动词可持续动词;但;但whilewhile只能只能是是可持续动词可持续动词。现在学习的是第38页,共51页考点二考点二 我父亲直到我们吃完饭时才回来。我父亲直到我们吃完饭时才回来。 My father _ come back until we had supper.notuntil/ till notuntil/ till 直到直到才才till till 直到直到为止为止翻译:翻译:他直到他直到3岁才会讲话。岁才会讲话。He _get up until his mother wakes him up.didnt 他经常等到妈妈叫他才起床。他经常等到妈妈叫他才起床。 He _ speak until he was 3.couldntdoesntdoesnt现在学习的是第39页,共51页1) sothat中的中的so是个副词,其后只能跟形容词或副词是个副词,其后只能跟形容词或副词 而而such.that中的中的such是个形容词是个形容词,后接名词或名词,后接名词或名词短语。例如:短语。例如:Im so tired that I cant walk any farther.It was such a warm day that he went swimming.2) 如果在如果在名词之前名词之前有有many, much, little, few时,用时,用so,不用不用such。例如:。例如:He has so little education that he is unable to get a job.sothat, such.that连连 词词 用用 法法 比比 较较现在学习的是第40页,共51页He took the MP3 player with him _ he could enjoy He took the MP3 player with him _ he could enjoy music during the trip.music during the trip.A. because B. so that C. whenA. because B. so that C. whenB考点三考点三 他起早是他起早是为了为了赶上早班车。赶上早班车。( (表目的表目的) ) He got up early so that he could catch the early bus.He got up early He got up early so thatso that he he caughtcaught the early bus.the early bus.他起早,他起早,结果结果赶上了早班车。(表结果)赶上了早班车。(表结果) He got up so early that he caught the early bus. sothatsothatso thatso that:为了;为了; 所以,结果所以,结果如此如此以致以致现在学习的是第41页,共51页我们讨论是不是该关掉商店我们讨论是不是该关掉商店if, whether连连 词词 用用 法法 比比 较较现在学习的是第42页,共51页连接连接条件条件状语从句:状语从句:1、Youll be late _(如果如果) you dont get up early tomorrow.2、Ill come to see you _(如果如果) Im free next Saturday. 3、Well have a picnic tomorrow _(如果如果) it doesnt rain tomorrow.* * 注意状语从句的时态:注意状语从句的时态:“主将从现主将从现”。ififif连连 词词 练练 习习现在学习的是第43页,共51页连接连接时间时间状语从句状语从句现在学习的是第44页,共51页连接连接原因、结果原因、结果状语从句状语从句 You should return the digital camera to Sally _ she will not be angry. A. so that B. because C. before 2. He was hurt _ badly _ he had to see a doctor. A. tooto B. so that C. so that 3.He took off his coat _ it was too hot in the room. A.And B. since C. but 4. Solo missed the bus _ he was late for school. A. because B. so C. or现在学习的是第45页,共51页连接连接让步让步状语从句状语从句 Tom is still doing his homework _ it is very late. A. so that B. even though C. if 2. I never seem to put on any weight,_ hard I try. A. though B. no matter how 3. I enjoy learning English, _ it takes me a lot of time. A. unless B. although C. because 4. I will never give up learning English _ (即使即使) it is difficult.even though现在学习的是第46页,共51页1. Ill tell your father the truth as soon as he _ here. A. arrives B. arrived C. arrives at2. We dont know if he _ us for the picnic. Ill call you if he _. A. joins; comes B. will join; comes C. will join; will come3. Nobody knows when the windows _. But Ill tell you when I _ the answer. A. broke; find out B. broken; will find out C. were broken; find out连连 词词 用用 法法 练练 习习现在学习的是第47页,共51页4. You wont understand until you _ him. A. meet B. meeting C. will meet5. You will fail in English _ you work hard. A. because B. unless C. if6. Just because we are young, _ we should work even harder. A. so B. / C. but7. It has been seven years since he _ here. A. left B. leaves C. leave连连 词词 用用 法法 练练 习习现在学习的是第48页,共51页8. The little boy _ when I came in. A. falls down B. fell down C. was fell down9. We were reading when the teacher _ in. A. came B. comes C. is coming 10. He became a doctor when he _the university. A. graduated from B. graduate from C. graduated for 现在学习的是第49页,共51页11. Tom works in a hospital _ Mary works in a company. A. because B. until C. while12. While his mother was washing, he _ his homework. A. do B. did C. was doing 13. The little boy fell alseep while he _ the music. A. was listen B. was listening to C. listened to 表示对比,表示对比,“然而,而然而,而” while表示表示“当当的时候的时候”。 两个动两个动词同时发生。必须使用词同时发生。必须使用延续性延续性动词。动词。 现在学习的是第50页,共51页感谢大家观看8/23/2022现在学习的是第51页,共51页


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