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    -绝密启用前绝密启用前20162016 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷)年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷) 英语试卷英语试卷考生注意:1.考试时间 120 分钟, 试卷满分 10 分。2.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。 试卷分为第 I 卷 (第 12 页) 和第卷(第 1页) ,全卷共 1页。 所有答题必须涂 (选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反而清楚地填写姓名。第卷第卷( (共共0303 分分) ). Li. Lit tninig gComprehensComprehensononSection ASection ADiDiions:ions: In ectonA, yo willhear e sortcesaionsbetwe to peker. At the endof eah coversain, queton ill b ae out what as ad. Teonvrsatios antheuestion wl b soe only once. fterou hear cnerso ad th quesi au it, read th four posible aswesonyour ape, ad dede ih on is tebes answrtote questionyou hae hard.1A. It is satisfctory.B I iluuriouC t is o-faiond.D. I is spontin.2 A. On Aug 5th.B. O Auust 6th.C.On August h. Agust8th.3 A iteB. Abutcher. AtrD. Afrmr4. A. n theate.B.In libray.C. In a b okng ffice.D.I furitresto5. Se eectedto a ttr sho She could ardlyind herse. She wsnt nterese nh owD. She idnt et favoura seat.6 . The womnoten eas u f reakfa.B. heaftei sves godreakfast.C.Th mndoesnt hvebeakstD The aeeia doesntserv breaks.7Aein ucumbes.B. Plantig vgetables.C.Cokn a mea.D. Pckng totoe.-8. . Th n sholdworkard. Te man shouldtun dn te job ffer.C.Theman may haveaotr haD Th man cnappyfor thjb again9 . It is hotand smoday.B. hereisa traffic jam n Kng tree.C ehcle s pllutigthe ai.D.Th manis readingreortonlin1. .It eding is nogoo nough. Itspal effects ar otsaisfg.C. It deseves a ad.D. It good xcetor the caryar.SeSetion Btion BDirecton: nSecionB, you wl hear two hortpsa,nyo llb ased theeuetion on ach of he paes. he pssgeswill b rea wice, ut th uetonswil bespoen only one.Whenyou ear aquesio, rad theourposible nswr noupaper adecidhichne wu be the bst answer o th questoyou have erd.Quesions 11 through 13 ar bsed o t folow pasage.1. A. $1. B. $2 C. 3 D. 5212. A. ay te bils fst. . Spend o the salr on livn epnses. Deosi $100 ee onth. D ut prt te mone n a sans acont13 Mehds o sang oney B avi money f famly ergncis C. The importnce of sag mone D. ecret of spn money wiseyQustion 1 hrough 1 are based the follwing asag.1. A. Free ducation. B. um of ony. Doti rom a local newspaer. D. Gifts ro many people.1. A. Let studnts n before shl. B Ofe e eam an coffe. . troduc a bank ino th u. . Reduc the traffic jm around.16. A. It las potive B I hold gw it a bi city. C. I is a plac rt vng in. D. t emin ecu n quiet.ectioectioC CDirection: In ecion C, you wl er two lerconveatin.Thecnvrati ill e read wc.Ate uhear ec -onvrsat, u ae quie to ill in thembered bawih the infomaoyu hve har.Wrte youranswers on youranswershBaks 7thuh 0 arebed othe followin cneratn.Comleth form.Write O OE WE WRDRD fo ecnswer.Clss iry (Jne1319)错错误误! !未未定定义义书书签。签。SUN错误错误! !O错错误误! !未未定定义义书书签。签。E16 WD错错误误! !未未定定义义书书签。签。H错错误误! !未未定定义义书书签。签。FRIoac(,9)Slank21 through4 ar baseon folon conrsaion.Compete theform.rite N NMOMOE E T TA ATHRETHREWOWODSDS for ecanswer.ho i SuWlter?ha i usugtion for plewith dffculties?In Suseyes, hatis the betprtbout her job?What do Sue hi happinss is?II. GrammarII. Grammarand Vand Vc cbularybularySecSeci in An ADirecions: fterai he pasagesbelow,illinthans toak hepsagesoerent dgramally corre.he s1in courtandwiter.2223in decison-main.417foratr-class aiity applicationHading intee tudent18Basketbal Clb eetinTime:12:51:30pmPlace: The19Filling i a form with up-toaeperoaldaaTime:20beakla:compt room-For the lans with given or, illieach blank wi theppro. fthe gven ord; fthe her banks, ue on wrd hatbefis eah blank.(A)ags of LoveLast yea, I wasssigned to wok at a ffice earymoers oue, so staedwit heror a mnh.Duigthat time, I helpe ut wh thhouserk d contibute to the grocres.Ater less han a wee,I sartdnotici ht thegoceries wee runnng outpetty ckly we werealways sddelyout f somthin (25)_(wnde) o mymumcudconsume them so quic ly, I bgn obsrig her daiy routne or twowees. To my surprise, I found tasheould pck a paper bag ull f anned goos andhead outvey ogat about nine ntually, I decided tofollow he and (26)_happnetly amaed me.Shewa tkn thefd to th refugecamp,n (27)_she dstributed t to chidre.Iaked arounad o ut that y masvry wel nownn the aea. T kis wevery fiendl wihhrandeven lokedupto he as ifhwerhei owmother. The it hitm shy would hemot want toelme abott she (28)_(d)? Was sheworred abuthw I woul rect thtIold stp (2)_(buy) t groceries f Ifun out?Whense got hme, Id her bout my diory. (3)_ she ould rect, I gave he a bi hug adtlher he int ned keepit asecre (3)_ e. She told me tatsome of hechilren livd wit nollady in a helwile othes sltn thstet. oras,my mu has en helping out y gvng them watever fod she uld are. wass resse by (32)_ elfes h was.(B)Stres: Good or Bad?Stres use tobn lmot unnownord, bt nw tt we ae usedto kigabot,I have found tat people r eginnig o ge stssd bout bein stesed.Irnt years, stres(3)_(read)as a aus f a wole ran of edcal pbles, from ighblood sre ontaillns.utlie somny other ting, itis onlytomuch stress(34)_ os yo hm. It is timeou nsirdthat i he wer no stressinu lif, yu woul achievea itle. If you are stuck at home with nostrs, hen yr level of efrmancewill low Up to crtnoin,temore strss ou a under, th (35)_(god) yur peformnc wlbeBeyo certainpoin, hug , further srss wilony lead to exhausto, lless and finally a bekdwn.You can ell when u r ovrthe-t an the dowwad slop, b skinyurelf(36)_ num of quesosDo yu,f instane, fethat too mchi being execed o()_,an yet find iimposble toa o? Doyo fidorself gettig mtiet of () _(anoy) withle overunimporan things?. If te anero all thoe questions isyes, yo a ter(39)_(ontrol ) yorres,s yo probaby r undermoresess hisgood for oo somextent you can rol the amount of strs n or . Dctors have wokdoutaoighow uh stress i involved i vaious evtGeting married s 0,regnanc 0,mving hous 20,hrisas 2,etc. f he toal sres in yorlie i over 0,yu retwice as liely (4)_ (ge)ill.e eionion Dirctions: Cmple theollowgpassagbyuing he ords inthe box. ac wor canonly e used one. Note tht he s one wormore tha younee.A utB.adjubC. appiacesD. atreE. dcoratons.dic.exientH.intendedI. oerJ. oullessK. suezeGoldn Rules of Goo Desghat ak goodign? Over te yeas, designes rtists ave en tryinto1te essnias f ood degn. Tey hve found thatsoe sayincaeppeple derstd te ieas ofgood deign. hee are our as olowLessisore. Th sying sasociatedwith teGrman-or rhitct Mies an er Rh. nhs dernist iw, eauty ies siplicit d elegance, andt aim of the dsgnerst creat solutions tprbemshrough he ms fficient meas. Dignshould aoinneceary42More isot a bore The American-bon acitect Robert Vr concude that ifsimplity s doebdl,theresult s4deig. Ps-Modrit desners bega t4ith dcoraon and color ain.Produt dign was hav ifluenced by this wan cn be seen inkthen45uch as ovesad kettlesFitnesso pupose ccsul pouct esin takes nto cnidran a rodut nctin, uos, sa, fm, clo,andso o.The most iporant resultfor heuser isthattherodu dowhat s6. or expe, infa(n)47desk ap. Itned t beconstructed frm ateial tht wltadh eat fth lmp an reular adustnts y te uer. taso nds to e stabl. importantly, itedst8liht whee it is needed.-Frm folows eotio. This phraseisssociate wih theermn desger Harut Essger. Hebelievesdesgn ut aen49the sensoy sid frnaursght, sme, tu antase. Theseare as ortat as rtonal(理性的). Wh choos evrydapuctssuc as toothpaste, we appre at a cool-lokng device tha alo to esil5the oothpsteonto ourbrus.IIIIII R Rdidig Comprehensg Comprehensononectecto o A ADiretios: For eac blan ithe folowng passge there ar fou osor prases marked , B, nd . Fill i eacla wth theword or hre hatbestfitsthe cox.In the 960s, Dogla McGregor, nefthe key thin in h atof maget,elped emw faous eory a Theory heory st ieatht peopleinstinctively5work an will doanthgo void i. hory Y is thviewthateveyoe has the ttia t fi satifatinn work.In any cas, dsp so much edeceo e52,man anaers till greto Theor . hey belie,53, ththi emloyes ned nsntupeion i the re t work effectively, orat cisons mst b imposed from5hou cosultatio Ths,oforse, ms fo authoritaian (专制的) anagDffrn cultres havdifferen ays of5eolUli uthoriaria aagmen, oe utes, patcuary in ia, a well know orthe coulttie nture ofdeciio-makngal embeso hedpartmen orwok roupare skdto56to thisprocess Thisi anagmen b thecolectv opiion. Manyestercompanies have ted to imiae such Asan ways ofdointhing, wih are bas eneal57 Sme expers say tht omen wll becom more efecemnaers thn men becas tyhae he ow rach mmngoal in ay that raditonal58managers cn.centtedas been toncourage mploys o thioinitiativ, o make dcisions heir ow hout9nges first his empwerment (授权) hs bn partft tn toward ownszin:60te nmber of managment lersin compni. fte d-aerng inti y,acompa ay bwithjust ao levlof enor maaes,ont-li mnaers an mployeewith dirctcontact withtepuli. moermenttaks h idea f elgatio (委托) much furter tan hasbeen the cs. Epowerment anddelegation meanewfoms omnaeent ontro t63tha theoll business lanibing followd, ndthat opeatisbecmo pritbunder he new rgaition, ather th ess.nother td i offitor4maagement, whee tes f-eleinke y a an theIntenet work o rojecs fom hirown huses Proct mngsevaluate the6of th tem brs n emsf ha ey pruce or prjets,the than the mot of tim t edon them.51. . desireB. sek. loseD. iike52. conrryB epectatoC. degeD. extrem5. A. vie vesaB. oxampleC her D.oterwise5. A. outsideB. inieC. belwD aboe55.A.replcig B.sessingC.naingD ncourging56 A. reerB. tute C. oje D.pl57. A agreeeB praticeelectionD. imprssion5. ossyB. eerieeC. wetnD. mae59 A. asgB. taiingC wanig . firig6. A. doublig .mnaiingC. educing. estimai61. A honoured BleftC. oded. compared2. conomiclly. tradiionalyC. inadeual.occasnaly63.A. denB admitC. asumeD.ere6. A.rtualB. inefetivC day-o-day. n-sene65 . opninB. riskC.erformance D attracieneS Stion Btion Birection:irection:Readte ollowig threepsage. Each paage s fowb sevalquetions or unfinished attments. For ech f them there are four cho cesre, B, ad D Choo te one tat fit est accodig toth iformton give i te ass you hveus ed(A)One aly mng,Iwent ntot ivingooofin my mther rading thickbo calldBest Lovd Pemo Read AgainndAgain. y interest wa arousd onl e fact thatheword “Poems” appereinb, hotpnk lette.“Isi good?” I akd her.“Yeah,” sheaswerd. “Theres one ly like ad yoll lit,too.”I leaned forwad.“Patty Pem,”h red thele.W istty? I wondeed. hepoembegan:he neveruts hr toyawy,uleas themcaterdwherehely,散乱的-Th omwas shree shortsection. The finaon camquickly:Whshe grws ad gathers poise,稳重Ill mishr harumsarmnie,莽撞的Alook innor scatte oys.徒劳地d Ill be sadA rrilesorrowwasedover .Wher Paty w,she was amean girl. Then, thhoc“Itsyou,honey,”M mother said sal.To m mothr, th poem revaed a pensaffecton wen her chldgrowsup n leavs Tome, he“she” in he o wa orror. It wsmy ama who wld be . twas so teril burt outcring“Whats wrog?” mother asked.“Oama,” ried. “ dontwant to gro p ever!”She smiled “Hoe, is ok. oenot gron up anyie son. Andw y do, Ilstl love y, oka?”“Okay,”I as stil eeping. y pnic hs on. ButIcoul not lpthing aot th ill pom. Afe wha seemedlikea safeamu o ime, I ad hepemgain and was conused. tal fitwel togte, lik puzzle Thlanguge was simpe, osimle I culdlainly nersand its meng,yet it w till beautifl w nwfascnatd heidea fety, words tt hd tepower to meor brek a persn word.Ihv sinefaln inlve th oth oms, b“PttyPoem”remains mpoem. Afer , “Ptty Poem” gave me myloe for poetr nobecase t wath oe at lifted my sp ris, bt base t wstheonethat hr me the most.66hy wasthe wrtrttrcted thebooksoved PosoRdAaiand Agin?A. It wa tickenugh booB Sometin n is ver aught hr ey.C. er mohe wasedingitwih intrst.D. t has ameaninfl ttle67.After her mtherread pem o her, teritr flt _ at firt.sadB eitdC. oriie. osed68 Te wirs otheik to red “Patty Pem” probly caue_A itreflected her own childhood.it wswritten in simple laguaeC. twa comsed yafamus poet- t gae he int of wha wod pe69.Icane couded from th passag that“PatyPoem”leads tewrte o _ discerthe pwer of poeryB. reonz eve for puzlesC. fnder eaeres t ow up. exeece gre hosicknes()Is the lnk beween mans nclimatechang orot? Tis questo ws rtstid n the earl 900s Sne hn, an scetiss have thught that racton o ke dfrnce 997,h Kyt rotocolexplaid ou role i Erths cngiatmsher adsetinternainl limisfor geissions(排放) rm 008t 201 Some conre hav decided o cotinue ts edctionsutl 020. re recently,theas Agremnt, tcky ney 20coutrs,lso ais t lmi gobal rig. Btust now howmucare itilgt depens n hdeeplycountriesut crbon eissins.3 35 5Thi ihwmuh empeatures wuld b 1 evnf naos ive p to he initil Papomises redc carbon emission; this ise ouldstil utastal ti uder water and driv over haof all speiesto entio.2 2To met his miimum go, the Ageet reurescontri totigtemissions tres everyfive years.Eventiseasecolin some lands, worerouht(干旱) and riea elieo up to thr in the nuber f eci.1.51.5his is the most ambitiou goalf tmperaure ieset bythe Pai Areemen,afr a push bylwlyin islnations likKiriati, whisay limg temeature riseto 1.5 oldav tem frm sinin.0 0Thisishowmuc tm atures havrisen snceteindusral gebg, puin 0 of he way o-e2 pin.0 0h baslne hr is aerag gobal temerture bfore the star of theiustril age70. It can be concludrom pragrap 1tat _.A.he poblem globawarmig l av ben qite slved by 200B. gas misons have ben efectiely euedin evelpeduntris. the ris reeets is re infuential ha the yo rtclDhuman have mae continuueforts oslw downgbl wing1. I nations could ly kep theitlroises o te Pars Ageemnt, wht would appen th yea 200?AThe human ppultin would nrease y ne tir.B. Litteover 0% o al spciswoud still exist.Natons wouldno nee toghten ther missions ats.D. Te Ageemnts minimum goal ouldnotbe reach2I tse islan nion ot ar aovesealel areto survve,he maximum tempeate rise, snce t tar o the ndusti ge, soul be_.A. .8B. 15C. .5(C)Enoug “memeninglesningles d div iv” Thtsthe messagfroma grup membrs of th UK governmet who havebe eamining how oca medafirms le Linken gteran use sal mediadata.TheoseofComons Sce nd Tchnoly Committeesreprt,relas last k, a blamefirmsfo mkig peolesign to log nomrehnsible legl cotracts ndals for an nttnal sadadr kitemark(认证标记) to ideny sitesthat havcear rmandondtin.“The rmadcondiion tament tht we allcarelesy agree to ismemeninglningls s drivedrive o anyoe,” says Andrew Miler, the cairof committee. Insted,esys, firmsshoul provie plain-Eglish verion of eiterms The siid ersionwouldbecheked by athrparyandaardd a tif it i an acuraterelctionofeoriginl.-Itis not yet clearwo would adminite h scheme, bu the U gere is lokn ainrcing i on aolunary bis. “weehink trough howe makehat w in practce,” sa Mller.Wold wepany morttenin a iemark? “I hi if yu nt ad dith rvey, pep u liketo thin theywou,”sy Nig Shadolt a te Universy of Souhampt, K, who studiespe ta. “We do knw pepe orrya l aou the inaproriate use ohei information.” But wh oud happen n pracice aner mate,hesy.Ot orgnisains such as banks askustomerst ignlog cotractshey my no ead r understand,but Miler beiee scial medirequirsspecialttention beauses sone.“We stil dont knowosfcant the logterm impc is gngt beo unwistigs tht kidsput o social mdia th cme back and bite th m in 0 ers tm,” sas.Shabolt, ho ae eidne t th commee, ays he prlm s at we do nw how copanie il use u data becaue ther usines modls and ue of daa a till evolving Lage c


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