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    学习目标学习目标1. 能正确朗读、理解能正确朗读、理解Sound time中含有中含有ing的词块。的词块。2. 能正确朗读、理解能正确朗读、理解 词汇词汇:clean, cook, busy ,make the bed ,wash clothes; 句型句型:What is/aredoing? . is/are 3. 能根据提示进行核心词汇、句型的缺空填写。能根据提示进行核心词汇、句型的缺空填写。4. 能了解能了解“现在进行时现在进行时”的基本结构,并根据提示描的基本结构,并根据提示描 述正在发生的事情。述正在发生的事情。5. 能够理解父母,乐于帮助父母做家务。能够理解父母,乐于帮助父母做家务。Unit 5 Helping our parents(Sound time, Fun time, Grammar time& Checkout time1)growing生长生长blowing吹吹watch the flowers growinglisten to the wind blowing4 On Saturday afternoon, is are On Saturday morning, is areLets retell.复述课文内容复述课文内容 Dad is cleaning the car near the house. On Saturday morning, 你能用这样的长句描述吗?你能用这样的长句描述吗?描述的内容越多得到的星星越多噢!描述的内容越多得到的星星越多噢!同桌练习,一人说或两人齐说。同桌练习,一人说或两人齐说。 ingcleanLets say.说一说说一说 cooking Look, is busy. is SaturdayFriday eveningI want to play with Tim.Listen and match 听音配对听音配对 clean the kitchencook with toysmake the bedwash clothes你能用一个短语描述图片内容吗?你能用一个短语描述图片内容吗?8What is he doing?He is cooking with his toys.Read and talk 读一读,说一说读一读,说一说 Tips 1 选择一幅图片。 2 读文本,圈出对 应的句子。 3 用屏幕上的句型进行问答。What is he/she doing?He/she isWhat are they doing?They areRead and talk 读一读,说一说读一读,说一说What is she doing?She is What is ?What iswashing clothes.What is he doing?He is making the bed.What are they doing?They are cleaning the kitchen.What is she doing?She is washing clothes.What is he doing?He is making the bed.What are they doing?They are cleaning the kitchen.描述正在发生的事情现在进行时 I amcooking with toys She iswashing clothesHe ismaking the bedTheyarecleaning the kitchen.Grammar time.语法课堂语法课堂What is she doing?She is washing clothes.What is he doing?He is making the bed.What are they doing?They are cleaning the kitchen.描述正在发生的事情现在进行时 I amcooking with toys She iswashing clothesHe ismaking the bedTheyarecleaning the kitchen.WhatdoingGrammar time.语法课堂语法课堂 I she he theyamisisare.Whatdoing?What you doing?making the bedwashing the dishessweeping the floordoing her homeworkcleaning the tablewashing clothesLets check.P56 makingeTim: Hello, this is Tim. Whos that?Jims Mum: This is Jims mum . Good evening, Tim.Tim: Good evening, Aunt.Jims Mum: What are you doing, Tim?Tim: Im cooking.Jims Mum: Really? Can you cook?Tim: Im cooking with my toys.Jims Mum: Haha, wheres your mum?Tim: Shes in the bathroom.Jims Mum: What is she doing?Tim: Shes washing clothes. Read in roles.两人分角色朗读或者四人齐读两人分角色朗读或者四人齐读Jims Mum: How about your Dad? What is he doing?Tim: Hes making the bed in my bedroom.Jims Mum: Where are Mike and Helen? What are they doing?Tim: They are cleaning the kitchen.Jims Mum: Oh, they are busy. Tim, Jim wants to play with you . How about tomorrow afternoon?Tim: Great! See you tomorrow afternoon! Jims mum: See you! They are busy but happy! They help each other. They love each other!季建宇晏永康龚俊倩王雨轩冯诗宇冯佛喜杨成晔 It is seven oclock in the evening. What are the children doing?选择选择 一位同学和同桌问答:一位同学和同桌问答:A: Whos he/she? A: What is he/she doing? B: Hes/Shes B: He/She is in the Choose and say! 选择一位或两位同学说一说。选择一位或两位同学说一说。 It is seven oclock in the evening. is in the / are in the is in the / are in the is/are helping parents. is/are child/children.选择一位同学描述选择一位同学描述选择两位同学描述选择两位同学描述Homework:1.1.熟读文本熟读文本2.2.完成写话完成写话Thank you!


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