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    -冀教版小学英语六年级上册第一单元测试题-第 3 页。根据汉语提示,补全单词(9分) 1. m_k_ ( 制作 ) 2. d_y (擦干,干的) 3.t_il_t(马桶) 4. cl_ _n (干净的) 5. d_rt_ ( 脏的 ) 6.st_v_ (炉灶)7. s_ _k ( 水池 ) 8. mi_e (我的) 9.r_ _m (房间).按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。(6分) 1dish (复数形式)_ 2.sit(现在分词)_ 3. go (单三形式)_ 4.quiet (副词形式)_ 5.clean (反义词)_ 6.my(名词性物主代词)_,单项选择,把正确答案的序号写在题前括号里。(15分)( )1.What would you like _breakfast? A. to B . for C. at ( )2.Mum is _ eggs on the stove. A.cooking B. cooks C.cook ( )3._ time is it ? A.Where B.How C.What ( )4.The green toothbrush is _ A.my B.mine C.me ( )5.I need _my hand. A. to wash B.washing C.wash ( )6.Im_the dirty daishes. A.wash B.washing C.washs ( )7.Jenny is _in a chair. A.siting B.sitting C.sit ( )8.Everyone in the living room _ quite. A.am B.is C.are ( )9.They are playing _ A.quite B.quitely C.quite ( )10.He is _ a letter. A.write B .writeing C.writing ( )11.Is this a refrigerator_ a stove? A.at B.to C.or ( )12.The peas are _ the stove. A.in B.on C.at ( )13. She _ some vegetables.A.need B.needs C.needed( )14.Can you help _find it ? A.she B.he C.him( )15._these your suitcases? A.Is B.Are C.Am.读句子,选出错误的一项,并将其序号写在题前括号里。(5分)( )1.Liming is comeing to Canada. A B C D ( )2.Nice to see you, to ! A B C D ( )3,Lets put some dish on the table. A B C D ( )4. My hands is dirty A B C D ( )5. They are read the newspaper. A B C D.情景选择,并将对应答案的序号写在句子后面的横线上。(5分)(1)当你的朋友要去旅行时,你可以对他说:_(2)当你想问别人“几点了”,你可以说:_(3)当你想问别人早饭吃什么时,你应该说:_(4)当你想夸赞别人事情做的好时,你应该说:_(5)当你想问别人“正在干什么时”,你应该说:_ A:What time is it ? B:Good work! C:What would you like for breakfast? D:Have a good time! E:What are you doing?,连词成句。(10分)1time it is What_?2. cooking Mum is the in kitchen_3. good trip a Did you have_?4.breakfast It is time for _.5.What doing they are_,根据I栏中的问句,在栏中找出相应的答语,并连线。(5分)1.What is he doing ? A.Its 7:002.What time is it? B.He is washing dishes3.What would you like for breakfast? C.I would like cereal.4.Where is the toilet? D.Nice to see you ,too!5.Nice to see you ! E.Its in the bathroom. ,读短文,根据问题选择正确答案,并将其序号写在题前括号内。(5分)My name is Lily,This is my house ,There are five rooms in my house ,This is my father and mothers room.There are three pictures on the wall,There is a desk near the window.There are two chairs behind the desk.On the left of the room, There is a toilet.On the right,its my room,There are four pictures on the wall.I love my house.( )1.There are _rooms in Lilys house. A. four B. three C.five( )2.There are three_on the wall of Lilys father and mothers room? A.desks B.pictures C.chairs( )3.The two chairs are _the desk A.behind B.under C.on( )4.Is there a toilet in Lilys house? A.No,there is B,Yes,there is C.No, there isnt( )5.There are _pictures in Lilys room. A.two B.three C.four 一、英汉互译。1.watch TV 2.坐在沙发上 3.坐在椅子上 4.写信 5.在墙角 6.读报纸 7.浴室 8.浴缸 9.厨房 10.房间 11.脏的 12.做 13.干的 14.洗 15.我的(名词性物主代词) 16.起居室 17.冰箱 19.淋浴器 20.马桶 二、选择正确的答案。( )1.Jenny and Danny to go to the park.A.wants B.want C.wanting D.wantes ( )2.Mr.Li said with his friends.A.loud B.quiet C.quietly D.quitely( )3.Everyone in the room supper.A.haves B.have C.has D.eat( )4.Zhangli is beside LiHong.A.sit B.sitting C.siting D.sits( )5.What LiGang and I doing?A.is B.are C.does D.do( )6.Is this is a girl or boy?A.Yes, it is. B.Its a girl. C.Its a girl or a boy.( )7.She is washing the dishes.A.What is LiMing doing? B.What is Jenny doing? C.How is my mother doing?( )8.Where is the toilet?A.Its in the bathroom. B.Its made of china. C.It isnt good.( )9.Your books are in the bag.A.Where are my books? B.Where are my shoes? C.Where are you from?( )10、This is my book. That is A.your B.yours C.our D.mine三、句型转换。1.Danny is playing games with his friends.(对画线部分提问)2.Are they old or young?(请任选一个回答。)3.Jim is Kates brother and Lynn is Kates sister.(用Kate作主语改写,使句意不变)4.Do you see LiMing in the picture?(作肯定回答)5.They are reading the newspaper.(加doing their housework改为选择疑问句)1.Danny is playing games with his friends.(对画线部分提问)2.Are they old or young?(请任选一个回答。)3Do you see LiMing in the picture?(作肯定回答)


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