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    6A Unit 4 Then and now 重难点归纳1.那时和现在then and now2.六年前;两年后six years agotwo years later 反义词: ago-later before-after 引导句子 I usually read English before I go to school every day.3.做很多事情do many things4.写信给他的朋友们 write letters to his friends write-wrote5.他也写电子邮件。(2)他也会走路了。(2)He also writes emails.=He writes emails too .He could walk too.=He also could walk . too(放在末尾)6.用电话机给人打电话use the telephone to call people 7.在办公室 ;教师办公室in the office ; Teachers office8.他有一个手机。一般疑问句划线提问He has a mobile phone. Does he have a mobile phone? What does he have? 9.随处给人打电话我的猫丢了,我到处都找不到它。call people anywhere I lost my cat and I couldnt find it anywhere. 10.听广播;听我说listen to the radio ; radio复数 radios listen to me 11.看报纸获知新闻;一条新闻;多么好的消息啊!一张纸今天的报纸read newspapers for news read-reada piece of news ; What good news! news不可数, n: north北 e: east 东 w: west 西 s: south南paper不可数: a piece of paper. newspaper可数:todays newspaper12. 在网上观看新闻在电视上;在收音机里;在电话里watch news on the Interneton TV; on the radio; on the phone13.看电子书 ;一本电子书; 一位网友read e-books ; an e-book ; an e-friend补充:an email, an English lesson, an egg, an American, an answer, an angry teacher, an aeroplane,14.在学校交朋友和某某交朋友make friends at school make-mademake friends with. make friends with me15.从店里买东西buy things from shops buy-bought16.遍及世界各地from all over the world 17.在网上购物do shopping on the Internet18.你还记得这些单词吗?Do you remember these words?19.贴一张你自己的照片 stick a photo of yourself stick-stuck20.工作努力work hard21.我的堂(表)兄弟姐妹 my cousin 如:Hes my cousin, my aunts son.22.在度假; 他处于度假中。 be on holiday ; Hes on holiday. 23.美国人发明了飞机。英国人发明了火车。 The Americans invented the aeroplane. 发明家inventorThe British/ Englishmen invented the train.24.向窗外看 ;朝窗外看大海;朝着看; 照料; 寻找; 小心look out of the window look out of the window at the sealook at ; look after; look for; look out 25.继续; 继续做某事 go on; go on doing sth26.今天星期几?(2)What day is today?=What day is it today? 27.你会拼它吗? 拼这个单词Can you spell it? spell-speltspell the word28.变得生气;变得激动get angry; get excited get +adj 变得如何29.用鸡蛋造句我能用眼睛看。鸟能用翅膀飞。make a sentence with “egg” with介词,用I can see with my eyes.Birds can fly with their wings(翅膀).30.我昨天吃了个蛋糕I ate a cake yesterday. eat-ate31.等待答案等待某人(做某事)让我们等我们的老师(动词:问-答);(问题-回答);服务员wait for the answerwait for sb. (to do sth.)Lets wait for our teacher.ask-answer; question-answer; waitwaiterwaitress 32.一岁 ; 三岁一个八岁的男孩 one year old ; three years oldan eight-year-old boy33. review the simple past tense.复习一般过去时34.compare the past with the present比较过去时和现在时语法1:一般过去时情态动词Can的句型转换她会写信了。否定句一般疑问句肯否回答特殊疑问句:她会/还不会做什么?She could write letters. She couldnt write letters Could she write letters? Yes, she could. / No, she couldnt What could she do? What couldnt she do?语法2:行为动词三种时态对比一般现在时He usually watches TV after supper.否定句一般疑问句划线提问否定句:He doesnt watch TV after supper.一般疑问句: Does he watch TV after supper?特殊疑问句:What does he usually do after supper? When does he watch TV?一般过去式 He watched TV yesterday.否定句一般疑问句划线提问否定句: He didnt watch TV yesterday.一般疑问句: Did he watch TV yesterday?特殊疑问句: What did he do yesterday? When did he watch TV?现在进行时 He is watching TV at home now.否定句一般疑问句划线提问否定句: He isnt watching TV at home now.一般疑问句: Is he watching TV at home now?特殊疑问句: What is he doing at home now? Where is he watching TV now?语音:字母组合er的发音 / / mother sister teacher worker summer winter/ : / her term


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