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    广东省广东省 XXXX 年专插本英语真题年专插本英语真题Part I Vocabulary and Structure (35%)1. Nearly two thousand years have passed the Chinese firstinvented the pass.A. when B. before C. since D. after 2. They lost their wayin the forest, and made matters worse was night began tofall.A. that B. it C. what D. which 3. leisure was generallyconsidered a waste of time.A. Not until recently B. Not recently C. Until recently D.Recently until 4. that this region was so rich in naturalresources.A. Little he knew B. Little he did know C. Little did heknow D. Little he had known 5. After a meal in a restaurant,one asks the waiter for the .A. pay B. bill C. charge D. note 6. If you are walking awayfrom a clock tower, you will hear the ticking of the clockfade to a point it cannot be heard.A. which B. what C. where D. how 7. To our disappointment,Bill to win the very important game.A. served B. failed C. managed D. enjoyed 8. For the wholeperiod of two months, there no rain in this area. Now thecrops are dead.A. is B. was C. has been D. have been 9. You must try tolooking after yourself.A. get austomed to B. get along with C. get by D. get off10. I know this job of mine isnt well paid; , I donthave to work long hours.A. on the one hand B. on the contrary C. however D.otherwise 11. The and more educated people in the Easthave, to a great extent, taken up the table manners andcustoms of the West.A. rich B. richer C. poor D. poorer 12. suggestions youmake, he will turn a deaf ear to them.A. What B. Which C. Whatever D. However 13. Mr. Johnson,together with his wife and two daughters, to arrive on theevening flight.A. are going B. are C. will D. is 14. The meeting is forthe purpose of discussing how to prevent crime.A. detailed B. specific C. limited D. sophisticated 15. Theof College English Tests is to help students learn Englishbetter, isnt it?A. objective B. subject C. objecting D. aiming 16. Thenewspaper severe punishment for all who had been involvedin this incident.A. applied for B. called for C. looked for D. paid for 17.By trading, both countries get good products from abroadfor they would cost if made at home.A. less than B. more than C. little than D. fewer than 18.He was by the army because of his poor eye-sight.A. rejected B. stopped C. declined D. prevented 19. At themoment, people from all corners of the country offeredtheir help to the earthquake survivors.A. meaningful B. critical C. beneficial D. useful 20. I waswhen I learnt that your application for the post ofsecretary had been unsuessful.A. regretful B. regretted C. regrettable D. regretting 21.Who is the greatest man ?A. living B. lively C. live D. alive 22. I never had theto hear him play the piano.A. contact B. contest C. possibility D. opportunity 23. ofmoney prevented us from taking a holiday this year.A. Limitation B. Freedom C. Expense D. Lack 24. These shopsnormally in old antique (古董) items, not in modern ones.A. major B. pull C. specialize D. get 25. Physics is theequivalent of used to be called natural philosophy.A. that B. all C. which D. what 26. The government usesopinion polls to learn what people think about many social .A. issues B. subjects C. questions D. objects 27. Herfather nothing in her education that might make her themost aomplished (有造诣的) woman of the age.A. omitted B. thought C. paid D. thanked 28. Manydifficulties have as a result of the exchange over to anew type of fuel.A. existed B. raised C. arisen D. aroused 29. We moved tothe front row we could hear and see better.A. so as B. so that C. because D. such that 30. My fatherme by saying that I could win in the speech contest, so Itook part in it.A. discouraged B. encouraged C. prevented D. asked 31.While your imagination, you should be alone and pletelyundisturbed.A. exercising B. exercises C. to exercise D. exercised 32.You must have said something to her, as she was cryingafter talking with you.A. defend B. offend C. confuse D. offer 33. The roommatesshould to clean their dormitory.A. take sides B. take turns C. give up D. give off 34. Wewill manage to all the debt within two years.A. pay for B. give back C. give away D. pay off 35. Jackand Jane announced their to their colleagues and everyoneis waiting for their marriage.A. engagement B. investment C. appointment D. arrangementPart II Reading Comprehension (40%)Passage 1 Once it was considered good to keep the carengine idling a minute or two following cold starts. Today,with modern technology, the opposite is true. An engineoperating under road conditions will warm up faster and nunmore efficiently than the one that is idling. Idling justburns gas (on average, about a gallon an hour) .When you have a full tank of gas, park the car downhill.This will prevent any gas from ing out of the tank. Parkingin areas of less or no sunlight helps prevent the gas fromsteaming that would our if you parked in the hot sun. Yourcar will stay cooler, too, and that means less gasconsuming work for the air conditioner once the engine isstarted.Stay away from wide-track tires if you want top mileage (汽车消耗 1 加仑油所行驶的路程)。Narrow-track tires produceless friction and thus less rolling resistance. The sameeffect is achieved by adding three to five pounds aboveremended pressure to each tire; while this wont noticeablyaffect your cars sliding quality, it will increase tirelife and gas mileage.Check tire pressure often, especially when the weatherturns cold. The difference between winter and summer tirepressure can be as much as eight pounds. This could costyou two miles per gallon.36. The main purpose of the passage id to tell us .A. how to drive faster B. how to drive a car properly C.how to make a car run smoothly D. how to make your carconsume less gas 37. Aording to the passage, keeping theengine running idly .A. will just waste gas B. will warm it up more quickly C.will make it work more efficiently D. is necessary in coldweather 38. Parking your car in a cool place .A. will take it longer to warm up the engine B. means lessgas consumption for the air conditioner C. prevents any gasfrom ing out of the tank D. helps start your car moreeasily 39. Wide-track tires .A. wont noticeably affect your cars sliding quality B.can increase tire life C. will increase rolling resistanceD. helps attain top gas mileage 40. Tire pressure changes .A. in different weather conditionsC. in different road conditions B. when narrow-track tiresare usedD. when wide-tiack tyres are used Passage 2A major incentive(动力)for college attendance is the beliefthat it will prepare you for a career. Chances are that thecareer you want, whether in nursing, counseling, law, ormanagement, requires a college education. Even if thereturn of your education isnt as great as it used to be,you would probably rather he a relatively poorly paidlawyer than a secretary or a construction worker; you wouldprobably rather be a manager than a managee. In the sensethat a degree is increasingly required for even middle-level jobs, your investment in a college education willstill pay off.It can pay off in other ways too. It is a value judgment tosay that a college education will make you a better person,but it is a value judgment that the vast majority ofcollege graduates are willing to make. Survey after surveydemonstrates that people feel very positive about theircollege education, believing that it has made them betterand more tolerant people.


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