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    -新版PEP小学英语四年级上册期中试卷-第 4 页一、选出不同类的单词,把序号写在括号里。(10分)( ) 1.A.math book B Chinese book C. teachers desk( ) 2.A. red B. yellow C. door ( ) 3.A.storybook B. desk C. math book( ) 4.A.tall B. short C. computer( ) 5.A.fan B. pencil C. pen ( ) 6.A.ruler B.one C.nine ( ) 7.A.thirty B.bag C.book ( ) 8.A,cute B.thin C. fan( ) 9.A.door B.picture C.very ( ) 10. A. strong B. quiet C. hair二、为图片选择合适的单词,把单词写在横线上。(10分)A. key B. long hair C. fan D. notebook E. candy F. door G. computer H. window I. picture J. maths book _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _三、单项选择。(10分) ( )1. We _ a new classroom. A. have B. are C. has( )2. Look, he is tall _ strong. A. to B. and C. or( )3. A boy_a girl? A boy. A. or B. in C. and( )4. Let_ help you. A. go B. me C. I( )5.Whats his name?. -_name is Zhang Peng. A. me B. His C. her(   )6. I  have  English  book.       A . a      B . an     C . two (   )7.How  many do you have?       A.  pencils   B . pencil   C . pen (   )8. I  have a sister. name is  Chen Jie .      A . His   B.  She      C.  Her( )9. is she? She is Amy.       A. What     B .Where     C. Who (   )10.colour is it?  A. What     B. Where    C. Who ABC四、为下面的图片选择正确的句子。(5分)( )1.Close the windo A.( )2.Clean the blackboard.( )3.Open the door. B. C.( )4.Turn on the light. ( )5.Clean the windows. D. E.五、为下列短语或句子选择合适的汉语意思。(5分)( )1.an English book A. 一本英语书 B. 一本漫画书 ( )2. A boy or a girl. A. 男孩还是女孩 B. 又高又壮 ( )3. some toys A. 一些糖果 B. 一些玩具 ( )4.Let me clean the windows. A. 让我们来擦窗户。 B. 让我来擦窗户。( )5.Who is he? A. 他是谁? B. 你是谁? 六、选择合适的词或短语把句子补充完整,把单词填在括号内。(5分)A. classroom. B. tall and strong C. friendly D. glasses E. storybook( )1.He is my friend. He is._.( )2.We have a new_. Its very big.( )3.This is my grandfather. He has_.( )4.I have a_ in my schoolbag.( )5.Hui Tailang is not_.七、情景交际。(5分)( )1.班里新来了以个男生,你想知道他叫什么名,应该问A. Whats his name? B. What is he?( )2. 你找不到自己的书包了,你应怎样询问别人:A. We have a new classroom . B. Where is my schoolbag?.( )3. 你想告诉妈妈“我有一个好朋友。”你应该说A. Mum . I have a good friend . B. A Chinese boy?.( )4. 打扫卫生时,你看到同学提不动水桶,你想说A. Really? Lets go and see. B. Let me help you.( )5. 你们有了新教室,你想跟同学一起去看看,你应该说A. Lets go and see. B. Open the door.八、根据课文排序。(10分)( ) Excuse me. ( )I lost my schoolbag.( )Here it is.( ) OK.( )What colour is it?( ) Whats in it?( )Its blue and white.( )Thank you so much.( )An English book, two toys and a notebook.九、阅读短文,判断对错,对的写T 错的写F 。(5分)This is my new friend. He is Tom. He is very tall and strong .He has short hair and two big eyes. He has a new schoolbag. Its orange and white. Whats in the schoolbag? Let me have a look. There are three storybooks, a maths book, a Chinese book , two English books and a pencil box . Its so heavy. ( )1. Tom is my new friend. ( )2. Tom is short and thin. ( ) 3. He has short hair and two big eyes. ( )4. Tom has a new black and white schoolbag. ( )5. Toms schoolbag is heavy.十、连词成句。(10分)1. Theres pencil on the a desk ._2. long has She hair ._3. Whats name his ?_4. very she English likes much ._5. shoes his are blue._6. a friend I good have_7. tall thin he and is_十一、从B 栏中找出A栏相对应的答语。(10分)A B( )1、How many pencils do you have? A. His name is Mike.( )2、Where is my picture? B.Ten story books.( )3、What colour is this bag? C.Thank you.( ) 4、What is his name? D.I have three pencils.( )5、Whats in the schoolbag? E. It is near the door.( ) 6、Let me help you. F.Lily is my good friend.( )7、How many English books can you see? G.It is orange.( )8、Who is your good friend? H.She is my sister.( )9、What do you like? I.I see five.( )10、Who is she? J.I like English.十二、单词分类。把同类单词写在相应的横线上。(15分) tall under purple seven quiet near strong blue like four so on red friendly six computer very short 1.thin_ 2. nine_ 3. in_ 4.pink_ 十三、根据汉语意思写英文单词 教 室 窗 户  黑 板 电 灯 图 画 门 讲 台 电 脑 风 扇  墙 壁 地 板 真 的 距离近  电 视  打 扫 帮 助  书 包 数学书 英语书  语文书 故事书  糖 果  笔记本 玩 具 钥 匙  哇;呀 丢 失  非常地 可爱的   强壮的  友好的 安静的 头 发 鞋 眼 镜 他 的  或 者  正确的 对 的  帽 子 她 的 


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