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    流变学基础及应用,S,MZ,HU,HH,Welcome,使用牙膏时挤出要容易,挤出后要求挺括,在牙刷上不能下陷,刷牙时又要轻松,这就是要求牙膏遇剪切时粘度迅速下降,而静止时又要具备一定的屈服应力,以保持坚挺。,牙膏一个典型的流变学问题,提 纲,I. 流变学基础 1流变学定义及发展历史 2. 粘度计及流变仪简介 3. 稳态流变学 4. 动态流变学 4.1 弹性行为及剪切模量 4.2 粘弹性行为 4.3 蠕变测试 4.4 弛豫测试 4.5 振荡测试 II. Physica MCR300流变仪简介 III. Physica MCR300流变仪应用演示,I. 流变学基础,The person in the picture: Thomas G. Mezger, Rheologist of Anton-Paar,1 流变学及其发展历史, 什么是流变学? 流变学:研究物质流动和变形的科学 Rheology = the science of deformation and flow of matter (Society Of Rheology, SOR),希腊语: rheos = to flow,流动,流 动 行 为,www.physica.de,变 形 行 为,古代 “万物皆流” 1676 虎克定律:弹性固体(形变与受力成正比) 1687 牛顿定律:粘性液体(流动阻力与流动速度成正比) 1905 爱因斯坦:悬浮液粘度方程(h = hs(1+2.5f)) 1920 宾汉(Bingham)提出“流变学”概念 1945 首台旋转粘度计面世(Brookfield) 1951 首台旋转流变仪Rheogoniometer(Weissenberg) 自1970年开始,流动曲线测试代替以前的单点测试 自1980年开始,大规模使用数控和计算机,流变学得到较大发展, 流变学的发展历史, 中国的流变学,“我国流变学的应用研究起步较晚,20世纪60年代还只有个别自发研究,目前的应用研究领域较少,甚至连流变学赖以发展的聚合物加工行业也知之不多。以塑料制品为例,塑料厂引进的模具吃进口的聚合物粒子时,制品光滑、美观,可以和国外的同类产品相媲美,而一旦换成国产原料粒子时,产品质量就下降。这是因为所使用的模具是按国外原料的流变性能设计的,而国产原料的流变性与进口原料并不完全相同,所以制品质量下降。尽管生产厂对模具进行完善修改,但也只是凭经验做机械上的改动,并未考虑到粒子的流变性。” 江体乾, 流变学的研究内容, 流变学的研究范围及方法,物质状态,性能表现,依据原理,研究方法,稳态流变学,动态流变学,Simple Test Methods,铲刀试验(trowel test) - 高粘流体:“稠” - 低粘流体:“稀”,手指试验(finger test) - 粘稠:“长” - 稀薄:“短”,2 流变行为的研究工具粘度计及流变仪,定性!, 简单测试,Bostwick稠度计(Consistometer),1 sample container, max. 100 ml 2 gate, to be opened by a spring 3 scaled flow path,测定流体(如番茄酱等)在一定时间内流过的长度,schematic presentation of a BOSTWICK-constistometer, 粘度计,Falling-Ball Viscometers,DIN 53015ISO 12058,measuring tubeincluding the ball,stand,thermometer,jacket,for temp. control, 落球粘度计,HAAKE,GENEQ,e.g. for pastes andpaste-like printing inks,weight,printing ink,falling rod,falling rod viscometer(Laray),Falling-Rod Viscometers, 落杆粘度计,according to ASTM D803 and D1545,check mark,Gas bubble rises afterturning the tube.Viscosity evaluationby comparison to a set of tubes, 气泡粘度计,Bubble Viscometers,Water-Clock (Klepsdra) for time measurements since 3500 years in Egypt e.g. 5 l corresponds to 6 min flow time, 流杯,Flow Cups,measurement of theflow time determination of the kinematic viscosity, 流杯,Flow Cups,ISODINFord (ASTM) ZahnEnglerShell,DIN ISO, 流杯,Capillary Viscometers, 玻璃毛细管粘度计, Stormer 粘度计,Preset: constant torque(shear stress) applied by a freefalling weight (in grams) Result: rotational speed of the measuring system,Krebs measuring system (Paddle)as a relative measuring systemdesignation in Krebs Units, KU, Brookfield 粘度计,spindles as relative measuring systems: cylinders disks pins T-bar, 旋转流变仪绝对测量系统,圆筒状转子(Cylinder) not recommendedfor pastes(air bubbles),锥板转子(Cone-Plate) with dispersionsonly useful forparticlesunder 5m,平行板(Parallel-plates) useful for gels and pastes,旋转及振荡流变仪(rotational and oscillatory rheometers)according to DIN 53019 and ISO 3219, HAAKE旋转流变仪,HAAKE Exten CaBer1,HAAKE RheoScope,HAAKE RheoStress1,HAAKE RheoStress600,HAAKE RotoVisco1, TA旋转流变仪,AR500,AR1000,AR2000,ARES,ARES-1s,ARES-rda,ARES-rfs, Bohlin旋转流变仪,BohlinCVO,BohlinC-VOR,BohlinGemini,BohlinV88, Physica旋转流变仪,RheolabMC1,SmartPave,MCR300、500,MCR301、501,ACS16/32, 毛细管流变仪,Poiseuille-Hagen定律,毛细管流变学的基础!,DP,2R, 毛细管流变仪,HAAKE RheoCap S20,HAAKE RheoCap T1000,RH7D 2. wide MMD,w %rel. amountM g/molmolar mass,Relaxation Test,Relaxation Test,Relaxation Modulus,Relaxation Time Spectrum,Relaxation Time Spectrum,Molar Mass Distribution,Oscillatory Tests: Basics (1),Two-Plate-Model Idealelastic Behavior of a totally stiff sample(e.g. stone, or steel) no shift betweenthe sine curves of shear stress and shear deformation: the curves of and are in phase,4.5 振荡实验(Oscillatory Test),Oscillatory Tests: Basics (2),Presetting: constant frequency andconstant amplitude,here: with the strain (deformation) amplitude Result: In most cases the samples showviscoelastic behavior with the phase shift between the sine curves ofpresetting and result.,physically:G for the strored and G for the lost (dissipated) deformation energy tan d 1 = G/G damping or loss factor(衰减或损耗因子)as quotient of the viscous and elastic portions,Oscillatory Tests: Basics (3),Vector diagram G* Pa complex shear modulus 复(数)剪切模量 elasticity law of Hooke (for oscillation): G Pa storage modulus, elastic portion 储能模量 弹性模量 G Pa loss modulus, viscous portion 耗能模量 粘性模量of the viscoelastic behavior,Oscillatory Tests: Basics (4),Vector diagram h* Pas complex shear viscosity 复(数)剪切粘度 h Pas=G/w=(tAsind)/(gA w) h Pa s=G/w=(tAcosd)/(gA w),h,h,h*,d,Raw Data and Rheological Parameters, 振幅扫描(Amplitude Sweep),Presetting: Result: constant frequency and Storage Modulus G (elastic behavior),variable strain (deformation) Loss Modulus G (viscous behavior), limiting value ot the linear viscoelastic (LVE) range,limiting value of theviscoelastic range,Amplitude Sweep,Amplitude Sweep, = 10 1/sT = 25C,Amplitude Sweep, = 10 1/sT = 25C,coat 1: GG,coat 2: GG,comparison of two spray coatings,Amplitude Sweep,comparison of two coatings,Amplitude Sweep, = 10 1/s,temperature dependence of butter,Amplitude Sweep, = 10 1/sT = 23C,comparison of two starch gels,Amplitude Sweep, = 10 1/sT = 23C,comparison of four starch gels, 频率扫描(Frequency Sweep),Presetting: constant amplitude (within the LVE range) and variable frequency,Frequency Sweep of an Unlinked Polymer,g = 10 %T = 23C,Frequency Sweep: Unlinked Polymers,Maxwell liquid the position of the crossover point(based on a single of G and G is depending on theMaxwell model) molar mass M (here: M1 M2),Frequency Sweep,g = 10 %T = 180C,comparison of two PE melts,Frequency Sweep,g = 1 %T = 170C,crosslinked PE: GG,unlinked PE: GG,comparison of unlinked and cross-linked polymers,Frequency Sweep: Cross-linked Polymers, Gels, Dispersions,polymers with different (1) polymer with unlinked molecules degrees of cross-linking and a narrow MMD (2) polymer with unlinked molecules and a wide MMD (3) sparsely cross-linked polymer, flexible gel or dispersion with low structural strength at rest (4) densely cross-linked polymer, rigid gel or dispersion with high structural strength at rest,Frequency Sweep,g = 1 %T = 23C,stable dispersion: gel character with GG at low frequenciesinstable dispersion: liquid character with GG at low frequencies,comparison of two coatings,Frequency Sweep,g = 1 %T = 23C,stable dispersion: no h0 plateau instable dispersion: with h0 plateau,comparison ot two coatings,Frequency Sweep,g = 0,3 %T = 20C,stable dispersion: gel character with GG at low frequenciesinstable dispersion: liquid character with GG at low frequencies,comparison of two cosmetic lotions, 步进实验:触变性(Step Test: Thixotropy),low-shear conditions high-shear conditions low-shear conditions,state of rest structure decomposition structure regeneration,as oscillatory test with 3 intervals,Time-Dependent Structure Decomposition and Regeneration,g1 = g3 = 0,2 %g2 = 100 % = 10 1/s T = 23C,3x oscillation,What are you doing?,Waiting forketchup,Time-Dependent Structure Decomposition and Regeneration,g1 = g3 = 0,3 % = 10 1/s dg/dt = 100 1/sT = 23C,Osc./Rot/Osc.,Application: Automotive Coatings,a) Plastisols: seam sealing, under body spraying, cavity conservationb) Primerc) Coatings: filler, base coat, top coat, clear coat,Time-Dependent Structure Regeneration,g1 = g3 = 0,2 %dg/dt2 = 15000 1/s = 10 1/s T = 23C,comparison of 3 spray coatings,Step Test: Decomposition and Regeneration of the Structure (Thixotropic Behavior),a) rotational tests (3 intervals),result: time-dependent viscosity (only viscous behavior!) b) oscillatory tests (3 intervals),result: two time-dependent functions G (viscous) and G (elastic): viscoelastic behavior,Temperature-Dependent Softening and Melting,g = 1 % = 10 1/smelting temperature Tm = 215C,Temperature Curve,1 = 0, 1 % (for T 35C) = 10 1/s,polymer modified bitumen (PMB),Temperature Curves of Polymers,amorphous partially crystalline cross-linked Tg.glass transition temperature Tm.melting temperature,Temperature Curve,= 0,1 %; 1%; 10% = 10 1/sglass transition temperature: Tg = -62C (G max) Tg = -39C (tand max),polymer melt with GG at high temperatures,unlinked partially crystalline polymer,Temperature Curve,glass transition temperature Tg = -22C (G max) Tg = -16C (tand max) no melting as G G at high temperatures,g = 0,25 % = 10 1/s,cross-linked polymer,Temperature Curves of Polymers,Comparison of G(T) curves of polymers with different internal structures: (1) amorphous,(2) partially crystalline, (3a) densely cross-linked (thermoset) and (3b) sparsely cross-linked (elastomer).,Temperature-Dependent Behavior,melting or crystallization of dispersions presetting: constant shear conditions (amplitude and frequency),Tk.crystallization temperature,result: steep decrease or increase, resp.,in a narrow temperature range,Temperature-Dependent Crystallization,g = 0, 1 % = 10 1/scrystallization temperature Tk = -1C,Time or Temperature-Dependent Behavior,gel formation, hardening or curing process presetting: constant shear conditions (amplitude and frequency),result: time-dependent time-dependent temperature-dependent G curve G and G curves G and G curves tCR.time point at the tSG.time point of TCR.temperature at the beginning of sol / gel transition beginning of gel formation, hardening, (with G = G) gel formation, hardening, curing or chemical curing or chemical reaction reaction,Time-Dependent Curing,g = 0,1 % = 10 1/s,epoxy powder coating at 3 different temperatures,Time-Dependent Curing,g = 0,1 % = 10 1/spreset: T = T(t),Time-Dependent UV Hardening,g = 0,1 % = 10 1/s,Temperature peakdue to the exothermiccrosslinking reaction,Temperature-Dependent Gel Formation and Curing,g = 0,2 % = 10 1/s,onset of gellation T = 65C end of curing T = 96C,from a plastisol paste to an elastomer,Temperature-Dependent Melting Behavior and Curing Reaction,g = 0,1 % = 10 1/s,Ih*minI at T = 129C,epoxypowder coat,Film reference temperature:T = 170C,.,Master Curve of a PS melt,Time / Temperature Shift,Master Curve of PS melt 2,Molar Mass Distribution,based on the Master Curveof diagram 10.10,Rotational and Oscillatory Rheometers,functional principles:,components: A.drive L.bearingMS.measuring system (here CP)PS.position sensor R.controller parameters: M.torque n.rotational speed .deflection angle,presetting: presetting: presetting: or n M or n Here the drive is separated from the MS test result: test result: test result: M or n M,基础研究 产品开发 质量控制,MCR 500 MCR 300 MCR 100 MCR 50 MC 10, Physica MCR300:应用范围,MCR=Modular Compact Rheometer, Physica MCR300测量系统:同轴圆柱转子, 同轴圆柱转子(Coaxial Cylinder)系统 别称:同心圆筒式(Concentric Cylinder), 组成:悬锤(bob)+ 测量杯(cup) 方式: - Searle模式:悬锤运动,杯子不动 大多数流变仪采用,缺点:采用高速测量低粘液体样品时易出现Taylor漩涡 - Couette模式:悬锤不动,杯子运动 极少流变仪采用,可克服Taylor漩涡,但杯子必须密封,以防止控温水浴的流体进入 要点:- 低粘流体宜采用较大的转子系统(直径大,剪切面积大),高粘流体宜采用宜采用较小的转子;- 所有的ISO转子,剪切速率仅与转速有关而与直径大小无关。, 优点:- 即使在高剪切速率下,液体都不会流出测量杯;- 测量杯的表面积较大,控温效果好;- 即使出现爬杆效应,环空中也会充满被测样品;- 砂磨和有刻痕的转子可防止“壁滑效应”;- 可使用样品盖防止容积蒸发 缺点:- 试样用量大;- 在浆状样品中易产生气泡;- 清洗耗时, Physica MCR300测量系统:双间隙转子, Double-Gap系统, 适合测量低粘样品 外壁和内壁都受剪切力作用,剪切面积大 控温容易,可通过测量杯的中央突出部分控温,圆柱状转子的特点 圆柱状转子主要针对需要高剪切速率的实验而设计的,因此剪切间距较小 在旋转试验中,可能会出现试样的剪切发热现象,尤其是在剪切速率高于10,000 1/s时很容易发生 由于制造的困难,间距只能销到一定程度,对于超高剪切速率,例如,1,000,000 1/s,宜采用高压毛细管流变仪, Physica MCR300测量系统:锥板转子, Cone-Plate系统, 1976年左右标准化,1993年左右开始大量使用 在测量低粘样品时,容易出现二次流动现象,并导致湍流和增大流动阻力,样品也会飞溅出测量范围 低粘液体宜采用较大的转子,因为其剪切面积较大;反之,高粘样品宜采用较小的转子, 一旦角度确定,剪切速率就确定,与半径无关 锥尖有一较小的平面,因此锥板之间有一定间距,现在的恶流变仪都采用自动设定此间距 装样,理想状况实际操作很难,正确,试样偏少, Physica MCR300测量系统:锥板转子, 优点 - 剪切十分均匀因为锥-板之间的间距中的剪切速率都相同(大部分研究人员都偏好锥板系统) - 试样用量小 - 不容易在试样中产生气泡 - 清洗方便, 缺点 - 如果测量分散液体系,其离子尺寸受限;不能测量固体和具有三维结构的试样 - 高粘试样,需要很长的弛豫时间达到平衡,有时长达30分钟 - 无法使用砂磨或带刻痕的转子,因为无法确定精确尺寸 - 试样容易飞溅,容积易挥发 - 控温不方便, Physica MCR300测量系统:平行板转子, Parallel-Plate系统, 间距H 圆板半径R 利用高剪切速率测定低粘液体时,已出现二次流动效应,从而导致湍流和流动阻力增大, 低粘液体宜采用较大的测量体系,高粘试样宜采用半径较小的转子 剪切速率不恒定,因为其取决于到轴心的距离,优点 - 可以测定含有较大颗粒的分散也和具有三维结构的试样、软固体和硬化材料 - 可以快速测定硅橡胶之类的高粘试样 - 可以通过调节板的间距而改变剪切速率范围 - 如果板间距较大,可以把因升温而造成的热膨胀效应将到最低 - 清洗方便 - 可使用砂磨和刻痕, 缺点 - 剪切速率不均匀 - 试样易飞溅、溶剂易挥发 - 如果仅是底板加热,板间距越大,式样的温差越大, Mooney / Ewart测量系统, 结合了圆柱状转子和锥板系统的优点 设计目的:在锥-板间和悬锤-杯壁间的剪切速率和剪切应力达到一致, Physica MCR300测量系统: Mooney / Ewart转子, Physica MCR300温控系统,液体温控系统 循环介质控温:方法成熟 控温精度较高 成本较低 控温范围取决于所用的液体介质 控温范围可达-20 +180 C. 软件RheoPlus可以控制不同厂家生产的液体控温系统,并可以实现程序化控温, Physica MCR300温控系统, Peltier控温系统 体积更小,便于安装 开机就可调控温度 由于其特殊的热电效应,Peltier装置既可升温,又可降温 控温范围-40 C +200 C 该范围可满足大部分流变学测试 Peltier效应Peltier效应是一种热电效应,通过在由两块金属组成的系统上施加电压而形成温差。Peltier效应现已广泛用于各类仪器中加热和冷却物体。, Physica MCR300温控系统, 电加热控温系统 适合高温测试 加热速度快 适合测试温度依赖型流变特性 温控范围:室温+400 C 通常用清水和空气冷却 新系统ETD 400可利用液体或氮气冷却,可降温至 -130 C, 对流加热控温系统 精度高 结合了电加热(高温、加热快)和对流加热(通过气体循环温度分布均匀)的优点 温控范围:室温 +600 C甚至+1000 C 使用氮气可冷却至-150 C 即使内部温度高达+1000 C,但冷却循环使防护罩足够冷却,不至于对实验人员造成伤害, Physica MCR300温控系统, Physica MCR300软件系统, 软件 RheoPlus,特征及优点 兼容性 利用早期版本的软件得到的数据可以在新版本中处理 数据和图表可以转移到MS Excel和MS Word中处理,也可以转化为ASCII数据 可靠性 RheoPlus根据 ISO 9001开发的 C/C+ 语言 与最新的Windows操作系统匹配 是第一个既提供串口 (RS 232)又能通过以太网与仪器连接的流变仪软件 同时与多台计算机连接 灵活性 实验的程序化设计和实验序列的连接没有极限 可以同时测定多个参数 可以监测其他外设,如电源、继电器、电磁阀 RheoPlus为模拟加工和应用的测试程序提供了一个完美的平台, Physica MCR300软件系统,III. Physica MCR300流变仪应用演示,说明及致谢 本讲座中使用了 Anton-Paar公司的相关流变学测试数据 Thomas G. Mezger所著、Hannoprint出版的“The Rheology Handbook”书中的相关内容 Anton-Paar公司Thomas G. Mezger讲义中的部分内容 特此致谢 本讲义仅用作内部培训,请勿散发及用作其它用途!,


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