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    2022年人教版初中英语单词词性归类 .pdf

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    2022年人教版初中英语单词词性归类 .pdf

    初中英语单词词性归类(七上)一、名词A 1. actor 2. address 3. afternoon 4. age 5. alarm clock 6. answer 7. apple 8. art 9. August 10. aunt B 1. backpack 2. bag 3. ball 4. banana 5. band 6. baseball 7. basketball 8. bat 9. bed 10. biology 11. birth 12. birthday 13. blank 14. book 15. bookcase 16. boy 17. breakfast 18. bring 19. broccoli 20. brother 21. bus C 1. card 2. carrot 3. case 4. CD 5. chair 6. chess 7. chicken 8. China 9. city 10. class 11. clerk 12. clock 13. clothes 14. club 15. collection 16. color 17. comedy 18. computer 19. contest 20. conversatin 21. cousin 22. cream D 1. dad 2. date 3. daughter 4. day 5. December 6. description 7. desk 8. dessert 9. dictionary 10. dinner 11. documentary 12. dog 13. dollar 14. drawer 15. dresser 16. drum E 1. egg 2. e-mail 3. English 4. eraser 5. evening 6. example 7. family 8. father 9. February 10. festival 11. floor 12. food 13. fries 14. Friday 15. friend 16. fruit 17. furniture 18. game 19. girl 20. grandfather 21. grandmother 22. guitar 23. hamburger 24. hat 25. history 26. hobby 27. homework 28. hotel 29. ice 30. ice cream J 1. January 2. job 3. June 4. July K 1. key 2. kid 3. kind L 1. letter 2. life 3. list 4. lunch M 1. M arch 2. math 3. M ay 4. mom 5. M onday 6. month 7. morning 8. mother 9. movie 10. music N 1. name 2. night 3. notebook 4. number 5. November O 1. October P 1. pants 2. parent 3. partner 4. party 5. pear 6. pen 7. pencil 8. people 9. phone 10. photo 11. pencil case 12. pencil sharpener 13. piano 14. picture 15. ping-pong 16. plant 17. plural 18. price R 1. racket 2. ring 3. rock 4. room 5. ruler 6. runner S 1. salad 2. sale 3. Saturday 4. school 5. science 6. September 7. shirt 8. shoe 9. shorts 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页10. show 11. shower 12. singular 13. sister 14. skirt 15. soccer 16. sock 17. sofa 18. son 19. sport 20. speech 21. star 22. store 23. strawberry 24. student 25. subject 26. Sunday 27. survey 28. sweater T 1. table 2. tape 3. teacher 4. teeth 5. telephone 6. telephone number 7. tennis 8. thing 9. thriller 10. time 11. today 12. tomato 13. trip 14. trumpet 15. T-shirt 16. Tuesday 17. TV U 1. uncle V 1. vegetable 2. video 3. video tape 4. violin 5. volleyball 6. volleyball game W 1. watch 2. Wednesday 3. weekend 4. wish 5. word 6. work Y 1. year 二、形容词B 1. best 2. big 3. black 4. blue 5. boring 6. busy D 1. dear 2. difficult E 1. every 2. exciting F 1. favorite 2. first 3. fun (funny )G 1. good 2. great 3. green H 1. happy 2. healthy L 1. last 2. long M 1. many N 1. new 2. nice O 1. old R 1. red 2. relaxing S 1.sad 2.scary 3.short 4.small 5.some 6.sorry 7.strict 8.successful T 1.that 2.these 3.this 4.tired 5.those W A 1.welcome 2.white 3.yellow 三、动词1. am 2. afford 3. are 4. ask B 1. be 2. bring 3. brush 4. buy C 1. call 2. come D 1. draw 2. dance 3. dose 4. do E 1. eat 2. excuse F 1. find 2. found G 1. go H 1. has 2. have 3. help I 1. is J 1. join K 1. know L 1. learn 2. let 3. like 4. listen 5. look 6. lost 7. love M 1. meet N 1. need P 1. paint 2. play S 1. see 2. sell 3. sing 4. show 5. sound 6. speak 7. spell 8. start 9. swim T 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 10 页1. take 2. tell 3. thank 4. think W 1. want 2. watch 3. work 4. write 四、副词A 1. also B 1. Best H 1. here 2. home 3. how L 1. lot N 1. next 2. no 3. not O 1. oclock 2. often 3. only R 1. really S 1. soon T 1. then 2. today 3. too U 1. usually V 1. very W 1. well 2. when 3. where 4. why Y 1. yes 五、冠词1. a 2. an 3. the 六、介词1. about 2. at 3. after 4. before 5. for 6. in 7. of 8. on 9. under 10. with 11. from 12. to 七、代词1. all 2. any 3. some 4. anybody 5. anyone 6. both 7. something 8. anything 9. nothing 10. each 11. he 12. himself 13. her 14. hers 15. herself 16. his 17. I 18. it 19. little 20. me 21. more 22. my 23. mine 24. our 25. ours 26. we 27. us 28. other 29. myself 30. ourselves 31. she 32. someone 33. that 34. them 35. these 36. they 37. themselves 38. this 39. those 40. what 41. who 42. you 43. your 44. yours 45. yourself 八、连词1. after 2. and 3. because 4. but 5. or 初中英语单词词性归类(七下)1.名词A 1.accessory 2.activity 3.airport 4.animal 5.apartment 6.article 7.assistant 8.street B 1.bank 2.bank clerk 3.beach 4.beard 5.beef 6.beginning 7.belt 8.bird 9.bit 10. bowl 11. box 12. bridge 13. build C 1.cabbage 2.camera 3.camp 4.captain 5.cat 6.center 7.children 8.classmate 9.class 10. corner 11. country 12. culture D 1.dining 2.direction 3.dislike 4.district 5.doctor 6.dolphin 7.drink 8.dumpling E 1.elephant 2.exam F 1.fact 2.fashion 3.fish 4.form 5.French 6.front 7.fun 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页G 1.garden 2.geography 3.giraffe 4.glasses 5.grass 6.green tea 7.group 8.guide 9.gym H 1.hair 2.hall 3.hallway 4.heat 5.height 6.hospital 7.host 8.house I 1.idea J 1.Japanese 2.joke 3.juice K 1.king 2.koala L 1.language 2.leaf 3.left 4.library 5.like 6.lion 7.look M 1.madam 2.mail 3.mall 4.man 5.map 6.market 7.meat 8.menu 9.money 10. mountain 11. M s 12. museum 13. mutton N 1.neighborhood 2.news 3.newspaper 4.noodle 5.nurse O 1.office 2.onion 3.opinion 4.order P 1.pal 2.palace 3.panda 4.park 5.pay phone 6.pen pal 7.penguin 8.person 9.place 10. play 11. police 12. police station 13. pool 14. pop 15. porridge 16. post 17. potato R 1.reason 2.report 3.reporter 4.restaurant 5.rice 6.right 7.rule S 1.scarf 2.sex 3.shop assistant 4.singer 5.sir 6.sitcom 7.situation 8.size 9.skill 10. snow 11. soap 12. soap opera 13. song 14. soup 15. south 16. special 17. sports shoes 18. square 19. station 20. story 21. street 22. suggestion 23. summer 24. summer camp 25. sunglasses 26. supermarket T 1.talk 2.taxi 3.tea 4.team 5.test 6.thief 7.tiger 8.tour 9.toy U 1.uniform 2.unit V 1.vacation 2.verb W 1.waiter 2.walk 3.wall 4.wallet 5.water 6.way 7.weather 8.west 9.winter 10. world Y、Z 1.yesterday 2. zoo 二、形容词A 1.awful B 1.bad 2.beautiful 3.blonde 4.brown C 1.central 2.cheap 3.clean 4.clever 5.cloudy 6.cold 7.colorful 8.cool 9.crowded 10. curly 11. cute D 1.dangerous 2.delicious 3.dirty E 1.expensive 2.else F 1.fantastic 2.following 3.friendly G 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 10 页1.good-looking H 1.heavy 2.hot 3.humid 4.hungry I 1.international 2.irregular L 1.large 2.lazy M 1.middle 2.medium 3.most N 1.no O 1.open 2.other P 1.past 2.present Q 1.quiet R 1.rainy 2.regular 3.relaxed S 1.shy 2.smart 3.sunny T 1.tall 2.terrible 3.thin U 1.ugly 2.unfriendly W 1.warm 2.windy Y 1.young 三、动词A 1.agree 2.arrive C 1.cook 2.cry D 1.decide 2.describe 3.did 4.discuss 5.dislike E 1.enjoy F 1.feel 2.fight G 1.get 2.give 3.go for a walk 4.go shopping H 1.had 2.have 3.hope I 1.improve L 1.lay 2.live 3.look for M 1.made 2.make 3.mind O 1.order P 1.pass 2.pay 3.practice 4.put R 1.rain 2.read 3.relax 4.remember S 1.said 2.sat 3.saw 4.say 5.sit 6.sleep 7.snow 8.spend 9.stand 10. star 11. stay 12. stop 13. study T 1.take 2.take a photo 3.take a walk 4.talk 5.talk about 6.teach 7.turn V 1.visit W 1.wait 2.wait for 3.walk 4.wash 5.wear 6.went 7.were 8.would 9.wrote 四、副词A 1.always 1.back D 1.down E 1.else H 1.hard J 1.just L 1.late 2.later 3.left 4.loudly N 1.never 2.now O 1.outside 2.out P 1.pretty R 1.really 2.right S 1.sometimes 2.straight 3.sure 五、介词1.across 2.as 3.at 4.behind 5.between 6.by 7.down 8.during 9.in 10. near 11. next 12. on 13. through 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页六、连词1.if 初中英语单词词性归类(八上)一、名词A 1.according 2.achievement 3.act 4.advice 5.amount 6.aquarium 7.arm 8.artist 9.Asia 10. athlete 11. autograph B 1.back 2.balance 3.band 4.bargain 5.bicycle 6.bike 7.blender 8.boat 9.body 10. bread 11. brown bread 12. butter C 1.calendar 2.camel 3.car 4.champion 5.championship 6.cheese 7.chemistry 8.chip 9.chocolate 10. chore 11. cinema 12. clothing 13. coffee 14. cola 15. competition 16. concert 17. countryside 18. cow 19. cup 20. curry D 1.day off 2.deli 3.dentist 4.diet 5.difference 6.dinner 7.dish 8.distance 9.DJ 10. dream 11. drive 12. duck 13. DVD E 1.ear 2.end 3.engineer 4.Europe 5.exchange 6.exercise 7.exhibition F 1.fax 2.fever 3.fishing 4.foot 5.friendship 6.future G 1.gift 2.gold 3.golfer 4.grade 5.grandpa 6.grandson 7.Greece 8.gymnast H 1.habit 2.hand 3.head 4.headache 5.health 6.hen 7.herb 8.honey 9.host family I 1.ice skating 2.illness 3.information 4.ingredient 5.instruction 6.instrument 7.interest 8.Internet 9.interview 10. invite 11. Italy J 1.jazz 2.jeans 3.junk 4.junk food K 1.kilometer L 1.lady 2.lake (Lakers : Kobe Bryant )3.laundry 4.leader 5.leg 6.lesson 7.lettuce 8.lifestyle 9.living room 10. Los Angeles(洛杉矶)M 1.management 2.match 3.matter 4.meal 5.means 6.medicine 7.meeting 8.mile 9.milk 10. milk shake 11. minute 12. moment 13. monitor 14. mouth N 1.nature 2.neck 3.nose 4.note 5.number O 1.octopus P 1.pancake 2.part 3.passenger 4.performer 5.physics 6.pianist 7.pilot 8.plan 9.player 10. Poland 11. popcorn 12. popper 13. postcard 14. primary school 15. prize 16. problem 17. program 18. programmer 19. project 20. province 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页Q 1.quality R 1.radio 2.rain 3.raincoat 4.rat 5.reader 6.recipe 7.record 8.relish 9.resolution 10. result 11. river S 1.salt 2.sandwich 3.sauce 4.schoolwork 5.screen 6.sea 7.seal 8.service 9.shake 10. shark 11. sightseeing 12. single 13. slice 14. snack 15. souvenir 16. stomach 17. stomachache 18. stop 19. subway 20. success 21. talent 22. teaspoon 23. teen 24. teenager 25. the day after tomorrow 26. theater 27. throat 28. time 29. tofu 30. tomorrow 31. tooth 32. toothache 33. top 34. tourist 35. town 36. train 37. training 38. transportation 39. trash 40. turkey 41. twin UV 1.umbrella 2.university 3.view 4.violinist 5.visitor W Y 1.watermelon 2.way 3.weekday 4.wheel 5.woman 6.yard 7.yuck 二、形容词A 1.a few 2.a lot 3.a lot of 4.active 5.alive 6.America 7.angry 8.another 9.athletic BC 1.balanced 2.better 3.calm 4.central 5.close fortable 7.creative D E 1.different 2.dull 3.early 4.easy 5.enough 6.excited F、I 、K 1.famous 2.far 3.farthest 4.fast 5.few 6.fit 7.foreign 8.funky 9.kind LM1.less 2.loud 3.lovely 4.loving 5.more N 1.national 2.near 3.necessary 4.negative 5.north 6.northern O 1.off 2.opposite 3.outdoor 4.outgoing 5.outstanding P 1.part-time 2.positive 3.primary 4.professional R S 1.rich 2.safe 3.same 4.serious 5.sick 6.southern 7.super T 1.talented 2.thirsty 3.traditional 4.trendy 5.twin U W 1.unhealthy 2.unusual 3.weak 4.well-known 5.western 6.wet 7.whole 8.wild 9.worse 10. worst 三、动词AW 1.act 2.add 3.babysit 4.beat 5.become 6.begin 7.believe 8.boil 9.born 10. borrow 11. build 12. call 13. camp 14. care 15. check 16. communicate 17. could 18. cut 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页19. depend 20. drink 21. exercise 22. feed 23. finish 24. fold 25. forget 26. golf 27. grow 28. hang 29. hate 30. have 31. hear 32. hiccup 33. hike 34. hold 35. hum 36. invite 37. keep 38. laugh 39. lay 40. leave 41. major 42. make 43. mean 44. mix 45. move 46. must 47. peel 48. perform 49. pour 50. rent 51. rest 52. retire 53. ride 54. roll 55. save 56. send 57. send 58. should 59. shower 60. skate 61. skateboard 62. sneeze 63. stay 64. stress 65. surf 66. sweep 67. take 68. tour 69. travel 70. try 71. use 72. win 73. worry 四、副词AU 1.about 2.again 3.ago 4.as 5.away 6.early 7.ever 8.finally 9.hardly 10. however 11. luckily 12. maybe 13. much 14. once 15. over 16. seriously 17. so 18. somewhere 19. still 20. though 21. together 22. up 五、介词和连词1.for 2.into 3.without 4.although 5.than 6.until 7.初中英语单词词性归类(八下)名词A 1. accident 2. adult 3. advantage 4. agent 5. album 6. alien 7. amusement 8. area 9. argue 10. Asian 11. attendant 12. attractions 13. Australian 14. autumn B 1. baby 2. barber 3. barber shop 4. bathroom 5. bedroom 6. behavior 7. Beijinger 8. bell 9. bench 10. board 11. bookstore 12. border 13. building C 1. cake 2. capital 3. chance 4. character 5. charity 6. child 7. ChineseYoung Pioneer 8. cigarette 9. clean-up 10. coin 11. collector 12. comment 13. company 14. consequence 15. cruise D 1. danger 2. dark 3. daytime 4. decision 5. disadvantage 6. door 7. dormitory E 1. earth 2. earthquake 3. elevator 4. emperor 5. envelope 6. environment 7. equator 8. Erhu 9. etiquette 10. European 11. experience F 1. factory 2. fan 3. fiction 4. film 5. flight 6. flower 7. football 8. foreigner 9. fox 10. freedom G 1. globe 2. graduate 3. guide 4. guy H 1. haircut 2. hamster 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页3. hero 4. holiday 5. hometown 6. housework 7. human 8. husband I 1. influence 2. interview 3. island J 1.Jew K 1. kitchen 2. kite L 1. lawyer 2. line 3. litter M 1. marathon 2. meaning 3. message 4. meter 5. monster 6. moon 7. mouse 8. murder N 1. noon 2. note P 1. pair 2. paper 3. parrot 4. pet 5. pig 6. plane 7. playground 8. pollution 9. population 10. poster 11. prediction 12. present 13. pressure 14. progress 15. public 16. Putonghua Q 1. quarter R 1. rabbit 2. rating 3. report card 4. requirement 5. review 6. robot 7. rocket 8. roller coaster 9. route 10. Russian S 1.scientist 2.season 3.semester 4.shape 5.shell 6.silence 7.skate 8.skater 9.snake 10.solution 11.sound 12.southeast 13.space 14.space station 15.spider 16.spokesperson 17.spring 18.stage 19.stamp 20.start 21.statement 22.strategy 23.style 24.subtitle 25.suit T 1. task 2. temperature 3. term 4. terrorist 5. the World Cup 6. theme 7. thousand 8. ticket 9. tonight 10. toothbrush 11. topic 12. traffic 13. train station 14. tree 15. turtle 16. tutor 17. type V 1. village 2. voice 3. volunteer W 1. waitress 2. window 3. winner 4. writer Y 1. yard 二、形容词AW 1. able 2. amazing 3. annoyed 4. Asian 5. asleep 6. awake 7. bored 8. brave 9. bright 10. careful 11. certain 12. common 13. crazy 14. disappointing 15. either 16. electric 17. European 18. excellent 19. extra 20. fat 21. fewer 22. following 23. hard-working 24. huge 25. impossible 26. in style 27. Indian 28. injured 29. instead 30. interested 31. Jewish 32. low 33. lucky 34. mad 35. modern 36. modest 37. native 38. natural 39. neither 40. nervous 41. normal 42. okay 43. organized 44. original 45. own 46. perfect 47. personal 48. polite 49. poor 50. possible 51. pot-bellied 52. pushy 53. recent 54. rural 55. Russian 56. sandy 57. scared 58. several 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页59. simple 60. special 61. strange 62. such 63. thin 64. true 65. unpleasant 66. upset 67. wonderful 68. wrong 三、动词AW 1.allow 2.annoy 3.argue 4.ate 5.bake 6.became 7.been 8.behave 9.bought 10. break 11. brought 12. came 13. choose 14. climb 15. close 16. collect 17. compare 18. complain 19. copy 20. cost 21. cough 22. could 23. criticize 24. cross 25. destroy 26. discover 27. dress 28. drive 29. drop 30. encourage 31. enter 32. explain 33. fail 34. fall 35. fear 36. fell 37. fit 38. flew 39. fly 40. follow 41. gave 42. given 43. got 44. happen 45. heard 46. imagine 47. include 48. jump 49. kid 50. kill 51. land 52. made 53. mention 54. met 55. miss 56. murder 57. organize 58. pick 59. play 60. predict 61. push 62. raise 63. ran 64. rang 65. receive 66. return 67. rode 68. sang 69. seem 70. s


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