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    高中英语人教版选修六教案Unit 2单元教案(word版)(15页).doc

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    高中英语人教版选修六教案Unit 2单元教案(word版)(15页).doc

    -高中英语人教版选修六教案Unit 2单元教案(word版)-第 15 页Unit 2PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching material:NSEFC Book 6 Unit 2Lesson type:warming up & speaking Teaching aids:1. a tape recorder2. a projector3. Slides and PicturesTeaching Objectives:1. To present the topic of this unit poetry2. To help students form concept of poetry.3. To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.4. To cultivate students interest of poetry.Teaching Important Points:How to improve the students speaking ability.Teaching Difficult Points:How to make the students gain enough information to express themselves.Teaching Methods:1. Pair work or group work to make every student join in the class activities2. Discussion to make every student express himself freely.Teaching Procedure:Step 1: Daily Greetings (1 minute)T: Good morning, students!Ss: Good morning, Miss Huang!Step 2: Warming up (11 minutes)T: Last unit we have learnt something about art, right? Ss: yesT: It is a kind of art. This time we will learn another kind of art. What is it? Ss: Poetry.T: Yes, poetry. From now on, we will begin a mysterious trip of poetryUnit 4: a garden of poems. Here “poem” means 诗,它是指一首具体的诗。It is a countable noun. We can say “a poem” or “poems”. For example, we can say “a love poem”. Well, the word “poetry” refers to 诗歌,它是指诗歌的总称。So it is an uncountable noun. Is that clear?Ss: Yes.T: Ok. Who are the people that write poems? Ss: Poet.T: Yes, we call them poet. Can you name some famous poets in China? Ss: T: Very good. So many. Now, Id like to introduce you two of them. Who is he? (show a picture of Li Bai on the Blackboard)Ss: Li Bai.T: Good. Li Bai. Can you recite any of his poems? Ss: T: Good job. (show a poem written by Li Bai on slide 1)So from his poems, we can see that Li Bai is full of imagination, right? His poems are always very romantic. So we say Li Bai is a representative of Romanticism. What about another famous poet? Who is he?(show a picture of Du Fu on the blackboard)Ss: Du Fu.T: Yes, youve got it. Do you know any of his poems? Ss: T: Wonderful, thank you. Compared with Li Bai, most of his poems present us a real life in that period. For example, “朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨” . It tells us the living condition of the people at that time, right?Ss: YesT: So, we call Du Fu realistic poet. Now, Id like to take a poem written by Du Fu for example. (show a poem written by Du Fu on slide 2)Xxx, would you please read it for us?S1: (reading)T: Thank you very much. Well, can you understand the meaning of this poem? Ss: No.T: I dont know, either. I think if we dont know the background of the poem and some necessary explanations, it will be very difficult for us to understand a traditional poem, right?Ss: YesT: Well, what about this one? Whod like to read it for us? (show a English songs “DoRiMi on slide 3)S3: (reading)T: Do you think it is easier to understand? Ss: YesT: Im sure all of us know what it talks about.Step 3: Reading (5 minutes)T: Today well learn some English poems. They includes many kinds. Ss: (reading)T: Thanks for your sweet voice. Look at the first poem , can you tell me what is the Nursery Rhymes?S4: Strong rhythm and rhyme, a lot of repetition, easy to learn and to reciteT: Yes. Good.What the matter is. OK?T: Can you understand the meaning of this poem? It talks about a football match, right? With him? S5: They lost the game.Step 4: Discussion (10 minutes)T: OK, up till now, we have collected several words to describe different styles of poems. Well, what other words will we need to talk about poems? Now, would you please form a group of four and have a discussion.What other words will we need to talk about poems? Are you clear?Ss: YesT: Ok. Ill give you three minutes. After that, Id like some of you to list some words you need. Now, go!(Three minutes later)T: OK. Times up. Whod like to be the bravest one? S6: funny, happy.T: Good. Any other opinions? S7: Boring, dull, sad.T: Very good. Any other words?S8: Moving, meaningful, meaningless.Step 5: Pair work (10 minutes)T: Well, what about this one?(Sing an English song of another style by myselfJingle Bells) Do you think it is very sad?Ss: No.T: Do you think it is happy? Ss: YesT: Yes, it sounds very happy. It is also very lovely, right? Ss: YesT: Well, compare with these two songs, which one do you like better? This time, Id like you to discuss with your desk-mates and make up a dialogue.Which song do you like better? Why?You can make up your dialogue with these useful expressions and sentence patterns. Maybe this sample may help you a lot. (show the useful expressions and a sample on slide 5) Is that clear?Ss: YesT: OK, go. You have five minutes to prepare. (five minutes later)T: Who is ready?(check some pairs.)Step 6: Conclusion (3 minutes)T: Today we just begin our magical journey of poetry. We have talked about some famous poets and learnt many words to show our ideas about poems and songs, right? Besides, we also enjoyed two beautiful songs. Do you feel good this class?Ss: YesT: Thank you.Step 7: Homework (5 minutes)T: Here comes your homework. Next period well make a further study about poetry, especially English poetry. So:1. Please preview the reading part and look up the new words in the dictionary.2. Try to find an English song or poem, and write a review. Are you all clear?Ss: YesT: Ok. So much for today. Thanks for your attention. See you! Ss: See you!Blackboard Design:Unit2Poems具体的一首诗romantic 浪漫主义的realistic 现实主义的poetry 诗歌(总称)poet诗人interestinguninterestingfunny 滑稽的,可笑的dull / boring 枯燥的limerick 打油诗sad 悲伤的style 风格happymeaningfulmeaninglesslyric 抒情的豪放的bold and unconstrainedmoving 感人的lovely 可爱的encouraging 振奋人心的附:Slide 1:Slide 2望庐山瀑布冬日有怀李白李白杜甫日照香炉生紫烟,寂寞书斋里,终朝独尔思。遥看瀑布挂前川。更寻嘉树传,不忘角弓诗。飞流直下三千尺,短褐风霜入,还丹日月迟。疑是银河落九天。未因乘兴去,空有鹿门期。Slide 3:Slide 5:沁园春考试考场风光,千里纸飘,万里眼瞟。望教室内外,风景甚好,交头接耳,互打手势,欲与考官试比高;需来日,看试卷成绩,互喜互贺。惜八股取士,摇头晃脑。死记硬背,甚是苦恼。一代天骄,时代骄子,考试作弊出高招。俱往矣,数风流高手,还看今朝。Useful expressions:1. Im interested to but 2. Im (not) interested in so 3. I think it will be too to 4. Ive never heard of so 5. I dont know much about but 6. Id like to Example:A: Which song do you like better?B: Im interested inA: Why are you interested in ?B: Because What about you?A: Well, I prefer to Because I think Slide 4:the lyric of the song “My Heart Will Go On” (omit)Unit 2PoemsPeriod 2 Reading (content) Teaching material:NSEFC Book 6 Unit 2Lesson type:ReadingTeaching aids:Multi-media1. a computer2. a tape recorderTeaching Objectives:1. To learn the main develop steps of the history of English poetry.2. To learn the characteristics of poems during different periods.3. To master some extra-curricular knowledge about some famous poets.4. To improve students reading ability.Teaching Important Points:1. The extra-curricular knowledge of English poetry2. The similarities and differences between the Chinese and English poets and poems.Teaching Difficult Point:How to grasp the information presented in the reading material.Teaching Methods:1. Fast-reading to rasp the main idea of three most important paragraphs.2. The introduction of some famous poets to widen their background knowledge about English poetry.3. Pair work or group work to get every student to join in the class activities.Teaching Procedure:Step 1: greeting and revision (2 minutes)T: Good morning, girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Huang Likui.T: Yesterday, we started our trip of poetry. We mentioned a lot of things. Some new words and some famous poets in china, right?Ss: YesStep 2: While-reading (30 minutes)(Deal with paragraph 3, 4 and 5)1. Fast-reading (10 minutes)T: What about English poetry? Now, please open your textbook and turn to page 10. Lets have alook at the poems first. Please listen to the tape carefully.Ss: YesT: OK, here we go. (Several minutes later)2. Intensive-reading (20 minutes)T: Despite its short history, there are a lot of good English poets around. This time, would you please red the third paragraph more carefully and answer the questions on the screen?1. How many poets are there in this text? Who are they?2. Whose poetry reminds Chinese readers of the poems by WangJian?3. What is Haiku? Are you clear?Ss: Yes(Several minutes later)T: Thats right, thank you. How time flies! The windmill of the time accompanied us going through many kinds of poems .T: Very good. Thank you very much. No matter how well a poem is translated, something of the spirit of the original work is lost. So wed better learn English well, thus we can read poetry in English.Step 3: Post-reading (3 minutes)(Adopt the first paragraph as a conclusion of the whole passage)T: So, today, we have learnt a lot of things about English poetry, including some famous poets and their representative works, right?Ss: YesT: Although we are Chinese, they are English; although we are modern people, they are ancient men; poetry can bring us together, right? Just as Mu Dan wrote: Quietly, we embrace in a world lit up by words.Step 3: Homework (2 minutes)T: Here comes your homework.1. Finish exercises in post-reading2. Review the information we have collected this class.3. Read the whole passage again and underline some language points. Is that clear? Ss: YesT: So much for today. See you tomorrow! Ss: See you!Unit 2 PoemsPeriod 3Reading (Language points)Teaching material:NSEFC Book 6 Unit 2 Lesson type:readingTeaching aids:1. a tape recorder2. a projector3. slidesTeaching Objectives:1. To learn some new words and phrases.2. To master the main idea of each paragraph.3. To learn some complicated sentence patterns.Teaching Important Point:The usage of some useful words and expressions.Teaching Difficult Point:How to grasp and remember the detailed information of the reading material.Teaching Methods:1. Explanations of words and phrases to get the students know their meanings.2. More examples to get the students know the usage.3. Pair work or group work to get every student to join in the class activities and learn self-study.Teaching Procedure:Step 1: greeting and revision (2 minutes)T: Good morning, girls! Ss: Good morning, Huang!T: Yesterday we talked about English poetry, especially some famous English poets, right? Ss: YesT: I think you must have got a first impression of English poetry. This class lets study the passage in details. In my opinion, this passage is not easy. So some language points may help you to understand it better.Step 2: Language points (32 minutes)T: OK, now would you please open your textbook and turn to page 18English poetry. Have you noticed that in slime paragraphs, there are some words in bold? Please pay attention to these words and make clear “what do the words in bold refer to?”. Ok, lets read the first paragraph together. Reading poetry, one two start.Ss: (reading)T: Thanks for your sweet voice. Whod like to translate the second sentence into Chinese? Xxx, would you please?S1: Step 3: Homework (3 minutes)T: I believe you must have something in your mind. Here comes your homework.1. Review the language points we have discussed this class and try to retell the whole passage.2. Finish exercise 2 in word study. Are you clear?Ss: YesT: So much for today. See you tomorrow! Ss: See you!Blackboard Design:Language points1. There are various reasons why people write poetry. a poemvarious: different, its root is varypoetry is a collective noun, used as an uncountable noun.2. Some poems tell a story orOthers try to convey certain emotion Some others One the other(s) 常常以固定的搭配形式出现Convey : communicate ideas, feelings to sbColors like red convey a sense of energyand strength.Body language conveys much more information than language spoken.3. emotion情绪emotional易动感情的4. learn about sth. learn sth5. I saw a person twelve-feet high. It is appropriate to “tall” here6. We would have won if Jack had scored that goal.Unit 2 PoemsPeriod 4 GrammarTeaching material: NSEFC Book 6 Unit 2 Lesson type: grammarTeaching aids: Tape recorder, Slides, Pictures1.英语动词有三种语气, 陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气。2. 定义:用来表示说的话不是事实,或者是不可能发生的情况,而是一种愿望,建议,假 设的语气叫虚拟语气。3. 在条件句中的应用条件句可分为两类,一类为真实条件句,一类为非真实条件句。非真实条件句表示的 是假设的或实际可能性不大的情况,故采用虚拟语气。1).真实条件句真实条件句用于陈述语气,假设的情况可能发生,其中 if 是如果的意思。 句型: 条件从句主句一般现在时shall/will + V 原形.If he comes, he will bring his violin 2). 非真实条件句。D 非真实条件句用语虚拟语气,假设的情况不可能发生,或者可能性很小,其中 if 是“要是、如果”的意思。即: “要是就好了”;“如果,就会”Unit 2 Poems Period 5ListeningTeacher:Teaching material: NSEFC Book 6 Unit 2 Lesson type: listeningTeaching aids:1. a tape recorder2. a projector3. slidesTeaching Objectives:1. To improve students ability of listening2. To help them learn how to enjoy English poemsTeaching Important Point:How to get the students to grasp the main idea of a passage by listening.Teaching Difficult Point:How to direct the students to grasp the detailed information to finish the listening task.Teaching Methods:1. To create a situation that helps the students know what they will hear from the conversation2. To present an English poem and cultivate their interests.Teaching Procedure:Step 1: Greeting. (1 minute)T: Good morning, girls!Ss: Good morning, Miss Luo!Step 2: Pre-listening (7 minutes)


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