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    -高考英语范文:对让学生给老师打分的看法-第 3 页For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Students Rating of Their Teachers。You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.1. 学生给老师打分已经普遍2. 人们对其持不同态度3. 我的看法Students Rating of Their TeachersNowadays, it has become as common in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students rating has even become the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system, They hold that since students attend the teachers classes every day, they should have their opinion about their teachers effectiveness. Others, on the contrary, are strongly against it. They believe that there is much more to teaching than what is shown on students rating forms. Students should not be expected to judge whether the materials they use are up to date or how well the teacher knows about the subject. These judgments require professional knowledge, which is best left for the teachers colleagues.I think students rating of their teachers is necessary, but it should be conducted in a way that can really shed meaningful light on teachers performance. Instead of rating the teachers knowledge on the subject, students should be asked to estimate what they have learned in a course, and to report on such things as a teachers ability to communicate with students, his or her relationship with students, and his or her ability to arouse students interest in the subject.预测三:宿舍和谐生活Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic On a Harmonious Dormitory Life. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1. 宿舍生活有时会出现不和谐的情况;2. 一个和谐宿舍生活的必要性;3. 如何创造和谐的宿舍生活。On a Harmonious Dormitory LifeDormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory be disturbed in one way or another.As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and benefits all the members. On one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. Firstly, you have to evaluate your life-style and try to get rid of your dirty habits, if there are any. Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, youll just have to learn to tolerate each other and co-exist. Thirdly, youll have to share with each other and make good friends.In conclusion, we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory life for the sake of good study and good life.


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