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    关于定语从句与分词短语的转换第一页,讲稿共十八页哦第二页,讲稿共十八页哦 We can see the rising sun.正在升起的太阳正在升起的太阳 Look at the sleeping baby.So cute.Watch out that a moving lorry 移动的卡车 Dont eat too many like fried chicken legs He is a retired worker.退休的工人退休的工人分词做前置定语第三页,讲稿共十八页哦 The boys who are playing tennis are my friends.The boys playing tennis are my friends.I know the boy who is running in the park.I know the boy running in the park定语从句转换成现在分词短语做后置定语,有主动或进行的意思。先行词与现在分词有主动关系第四页,讲稿共十八页哦 The man driving the car didnt see the old lady crossing the street.The man who was driving the car didnt see the old lady who was crossing the street.Who is(was)the boy standing on his hands?Who was the boy who was standing on his hands?Who is the boy who is standing on his hands?第五页,讲稿共十八页哦 There is someone knocking at the door.There is someone that is knocking the door.There was nothing that was important.There was nothing important.The noise woke up the sleeping dog.The noise woke up the dog that was sleeping.第六页,讲稿共十八页哦 I know a man who works in that factory.I know a man who is working in that factory.I know a man who worked in that factory.I know a man working in that factory.The girl who sits beside me is my cousin.The girl who is sitting beside me is my cousin.The girl who sat beside me was my cousin.The girl sitting beside me is(was)my cousin.第七页,讲稿共十八页哦 She bought a computer which was produced in China.She bought a computer produced in China.He received a letter which was written in English.He received a letter written in English.She is the girl called Mary.She is the girl who is called Mary.过去分词作定语有被动或完成的意思第八页,讲稿共十八页哦 When we are angry,we are the ones who are usually affected.When are angry,we are the ones usually affected.I lived in a house which has been painted brown recently.I live in a house having been painted brown recently.第九页,讲稿共十八页哦 The boys playing tennis yesterday are my friends.The boys who played tennis yesterday are my friends.He received a letter written in English.He received a letter which was written in English.I know the boy running with my sister in the park.I know the boy who ran with my sister in the park.第十页,讲稿共十八页哦The man standing under the tree is my brotherDo you know the girl talking with the teacher?Liu Li likes the singers writing their own lyrics.第十一页,讲稿共十八页哦 1.Yao Ming is a famous basketball star _ in the NBA.A.who playingB.playedC.playing 2.The boy _ the prize is called Ray.A.wonB.winsC.winning 3.The girl _ under the tree is my sister.A.readingB.winsC.won 4.The town _ by us years ago is much larger than before.A.visitsB.visitedC.visitingChoose the best answer第十二页,讲稿共十八页哦 5.The trees _ then have grown into big ones?A.plantedB.plantingC.are planting 6.The E-mail _ last night gave us much information.A.receivedB.receivingC.receive 7.Have you met the lady _ at the meeting?A.spokeB.speakC.speaking 8.Tom is the boy _ in the accident.A.got injuredB.injuredC.injuring第十三页,讲稿共十八页哦 1.The scientist _ us a talk just now is from Tsinghua University.(give)2.The teacher _ by her students came in.(follow)3.The girl _ for us at the party is Toms sister.(sing)4.The play _ last night was written by Shakespeare.(perform)5.I love the movie _ on TV last night.(show)Fill in the blanks with proper participles givingfollowedsingingperformedshown第十四页,讲稿共十八页哦Rewrite the following sentences1.A boy is mending a radio in the corner of the room.I dont know him.I dont know the boy who is mending a radio in the corner of the classroom.I dont know the boy mending a radio in the corner of the classroom,2.The noise terrified the girl.She couldnt describe it.The girl couldnt describe the noise that terrified her.The girl couldnt describe the noise terrifying her.第十五页,讲稿共十八页哦3.The painting has been found by the police.It was stolen from the museum.The painting which was stolen has been found by the police.The painting stolen has been found by the police.4.The house is very old.We visited it two years ago.The house which we visited two years ago is old.The house visited by us two years ago is very old.第十六页,讲稿共十八页哦第十七页,讲稿共十八页哦感谢大家观看第十八页,讲稿共十八页哦


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