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    2022年新概念英语第二册L学生用 .pdf

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    2022年新概念英语第二册L学生用 .pdf

    Lesson 82 Monster or Fish 一【词汇】按要求完成词汇的学习。1.monster 1)cn.怪物_ eg._ 2)adj.巨大的,庞大的_ _ adj.怪兽般的,巨大的2.sailor cn.1)水手,海员eg._ 2)乘船的人eg.good/bad sailor_ _ 1)cn.帆 _扬帆2)cn.航行,航程_乘帆船去航行3)v.扬帆,航行,驾驶(船)eg._ _ 3.sight 1)v.看见,见到eg._ 2)cn.视力,视觉_近视的_ 远视的_失明3)cn.名胜_ 4.peculiar adj.奇异的,与众不同的,独特的eg._ 5.shining adj.闪闪发光的 _ _ 1)v.(_)照耀,发光eg._ _ 2)cn.光泽,光辉eg._ _ adj.晴天的=_ 6.oarfish cn.桨鱼_ cn.桨put one s oar in 多管闲事eg._ 二【听力 1】听短文,然后回答问题。Who claims to have seen monsters in the sea?_ Do the monsters really exist in the sea?_ What color is the skin of the fish?And what about the tail?_ How long was the peculiar fish?_ What was the monster called?_ 三【课文分析】分析句子成分。1.Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.2.Though people have often laughed at stories told by seamen,it is now known that many of these monsters which have at times been sighted are simply strange fish.3.Occasionally,unusual creatures are washed to the shore,but they are rarely caught out at sea.4.Some time ago,however,a peculiar fish was caught near Madagascar.5.A small fishing boat was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line.6.Realizing that this was no ordinary fish,the fisherman made every effort not to damage it in any way.7.When it was eventually brought to shore,it was found to be over thirteen feet long.8.It had a head like a horse,big blue eyes,shining silver skin,and a bright red tail.9.The fish,which has since been sent to a museum where it is being examined by a scientist,is called an oarfish.10.Such creatures have rarely been seen alive by man as they live at a depth of six hundred feet.名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 3 页 -四【语法写作】汉译英,并用课文中有用短语造句。我把伞丢了,后来在失物招领处认领回来了。_ 他声称只用两天就把文章写成了。_ 你索取保险金了吗?_ 对不起,占了你这么长时间。_ 没有人喜欢被人讥笑。_ 有时我觉得他不诚实。_ 我将尽一切努力准时完成。_ claim to have done sth._ laugh at_ be washed to the shore_ at times _ out to sea_ make effort to _ 五【语法练习】被动语态。1.An exhibition of paintings _ at the museum next week.A.are to be held B.is to be held C.are holding D.will hold 2.Im sorry,sir.Your recorder isnt ready yet.It _ in the factory.A.is being repaired B.is repaired C.has been repaired D.hasnt repaired 3.Every possible means _,but none prove successful.A.has tried B.has been tried C.is being tried D.tried 4._ that they can pass the written exam this time.A.That is hoped B.It is hoped C.That hopes D.It hopes 5.My little sister has broken my watch.-My watch _ by my little sister.A.is broken B.has broken C.have been broken D.has been broken 6.He was cleaning his room when I entered the house.-His room _ by him when I entered the room.A.was being cleaned B.was cleaned C.was being cleaning D.has been cleaned 7.I shall have Finished reading the novel by dinner time.-This novel _ reading(by me)by dinner time.A.will have finished.B.will has been finished C.will have being finished D.will have been finished 8.You ought to keep these three rooms clean.-These three rooms _(by you).A.are oughted to keep clean B.ought to kept clean C.ought to be kept clean D.ought to have been kept clean 9.You are about to write a poem,arent you?-A poem _(by you),_?A.is about to be written,arent you B.is about to be writing,isnt it C.is about to be writing,arent you D.is about to be written,isnt it 10.She had better leave a note to him.-A note _ to him(by her).A.had better left B.had be better left C.had better be left D.had better been left 11.He doesnt do his homework every day.-His homework _ by him every day.A.doesnt be done B.arent done C.dont be done D.isnt done 12.We must take care of our parents when they are old.-Our parents _ when they are old.A.must be taken care B.must be took cars C.must take care of D.must be taken care of 13.People look down upon him because he is a liar.-He _ because he is a liar.A.is looked down B.is looked down upon C.looks down upon D.looks down 14.Father will give me a dictionary on my birthday.-A dictionary _ me by Father on my birthday.A.shall be given to B.will give C.shall give to D.will be giving to 15.We elected her leader.-She by us.A.is elected leader B.was leader elected C.was elected leader D.leader was elected 16.-People who live along this road receive their mail in these boxes.-Why are all of the_?A.grey painted mailboxes B.mailboxes grey painted C.mailboxes painted grey D.painted grey mailboxes 17.I saw him enter the room.-He _ the room.A.is seen enter B.is seen to enter C.was seen to enter D.was seen enter 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 3 页 -18.The question asked by him is hard _.A.to answer B.to be answered C.to be answering D.for answer 19.How sweet the music _!A.sounds to be B.is sounded C.is sounded to be D.sounds 20.In warm weather fruit and meat _ long.A.dont keep B.cannot be kept C.are not kept D.are not keeping 21.He received a telegram _ Mother Sick.A.written B.said C.reading D.writing 22.The classroom _ 30 feet long.A.measures B.is measured C.has D.has length 23.Do you remember _?A.how it is done B.it how to be done C.How is it done by D.how to do 24.to have been rich.A.They say B.It is said C.He is said D.That was said 25.Mathematics is difficult _.A.to learn B.for learning C.to be learned D.of learning 26.My hair is so long that I must go to a barbers shop and_.A.have to cut it B.have it cut C.get it to be cut D.to cut it 27.The pencil _ well.A.writes B.is written C.was written D.writing 28.-I cant see the blackboard very well.-Perhaps you need _.A.to examine your eyes B.to have your eyes examined C.to have examined your eyes D.to be examined your eyes 29.-Where is the coffee table?-Tom just had it _ away.A.move B.moving C.moved D.moves 30.Good medicine _ to the mouth.A.tastes bitter B.tastes bitterly C.is tasted bitter D.is tasted bitterly 31.Which girl won the prize?_ A.By which girl is the prize won?B.Which girl was the prize won?C.By which girl did she win the prize?D.By which girl was the prize won?32.-Where did you get that handsome picture?-It was _ by my father.A.given for us B.a gift to us C.given to us D.a gift for us 33.A young hen is _ a chicken.A.named B.known C.spelled D.called 34.-How does Alma like her new work?-She _ with the hour.A.cant satisfy B.isnt satisfied C.doesnt satisfy D.hasnt satisfied 35.-Why do you call your son Mouse?-He wants _ by the name.A.to call B.to be called C.to be calling D.being called 36.His idea,though good,needs _ out.A.being tried B.to try C.tried D.to be tried 37.The man living in the next door is known _the police.A.with B.to C.by D.of 38.Cotton is first made _ thread and then it was woven _ cloth.A.up of,up of B.into,into C.of,of D.from,from 39._ here last night.Something strange was happened B.Strange something was happened C.Something strange happened D.Strange something happened 40.-Id like to buy that coat.-Im sorry,_.A.it was sold B.its selling C.its been sold D.it had been sold 41.Gunpowder was discovered in the twelfth century,but_.A.man did not put it to use in war two hundred years liter B.until two centuries more it was used in war C.not used in war until two hundred years later D.in war did not use it two hundred years afterwards 42.The five-year-old girl by her parents.A.is looked B.has looked for C.is being looked for D.has been looked 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 3 页,共 3 页 -


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