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    人教新目标七年级下册英语 Unit 7 练习题.doc

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    人教新目标七年级下册英语 Unit 7 练习题.doc

    I.根据句子意思完成下列单词。1.When the sun comes out, sunny its_. 2.When there are some clouds, cloudy its_.3.When its raining, its_. 4.When its snowing, its_. 5.When the wind is blowing(吹), 吹 windy its_.6. What bad w_ it is today!    7. What are you doing? Im _(做饭).II、单项填空(   )1. _ is the weather _ in Shanghai?A: How, like  B: What, like  C: How, about  D: What,/(   )2. How is it _? Not bad.  A: go  B: going  C: goes  D: to go(   )3. There _ snow in Canada every year. A: has many  B: has much  C: are many  D: is much(   )4. Whos cooking? - _.  A: Linda does B: Linda is C: Linda has D: Lindas(   )5. -_? Its windy.   A: How is it going B: How is the weather     C: How is it like      D: Do you like the weather(   )6. What are they doing? They _ a story. KA: listen  B: listening  C: are listening  D: are listening to(   )7. Uncle Sam _ TV every night. A: watch B: watches C: watching D: is watching(   )8. His family are all _ vacation now.  A: at B: of C: on D: for(   )9. - _ is it going? Pretty good.  A: What B: When C: How D: Why(   )10. Thank you for _ me so many books. A: give B: giving C: is giving D: giving(   )11. Where is Boston? Its in _.A: the United States  B: Japan  C: Canada  D: the United Kingdom(   )12. Tigers can eat people. That sounds _.A: really B: terrible C: well D: usually(   )13. Look! The old man is _ a book!  A: reading B: looking C: seeing D: watching( )14.Some students _the zoo now. A is visiting B am visiting C are visiting D visit 知识讲堂1. -How's the weather in Shanghai ?上海天气怎么样? -It's cloudy(上海)阴天。 (1)这是用来询问天气情况的常用表达方式。如:-what's the weather like in Beijing now?现在北京的天气怎么样?-It's very old, but quite sunny. 天气很冷,但十分晴朗。这个句式的同意句为: What is the weather like? 类似的结构还有:How's the weather today?What do you think of the Weather today?What will the weather be like tomorrow?在回答天气状况时常用“It is(was)+ 表示天气的形容词”。    (1)该句是由疑问副词How引出的问候句型。意为:一切顺利吗?“Hows ”句型在问候语中用来询问对方的情况。通常都接在Hello或Hi之后。它可以放在各种词的前面组成很棒的问候语。来源:Z#xx#k.Com(2)句中的主语是代词it,用它来指代问话人所问的“那件事情”,即可以指代问话人所关心的任何事情。K(3)动词go在此处不表示“去,走”,而表示“进行,进展”,常用be going的结构。如:Everything is going well.   一切进展顺利。Section A(Grammar Focus-3b)I.根据句意,首字母和提示写出单词。 1.How is the w_ in Beijing . Its sunny. 2. It looks like rain. Its c_ 3. Is Tom talking on the phone a_?Yes, he talks on the phone for three hours every day.来4. Where is your brother? He is p_ basketball. 5. What are they doing now? They are s_ English 6.The sun is shining(照耀)。Its s_ today.7. Its r_ .We cant go out.8. W_ the weather like in Beijing ? 9. Tom _(study) hard every day, now he _(study) Chinese.II.单项选择题. 1. What is the weather like today ? _. A. Its Sunday B. Its cloudy C. I like it D. I dont like it. 2. _ do you study English? By listening to tapes A. What B. Where C. Who D. How 3. What is he doing ? He_. A. is cook B. is cooks C. is cooking D. cooks4.Whats Tom dong right now?He _ soccer. he _soccer every day.A plays,playing B is playing, plays C plays,plays D is playing, is playing.来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&KIII.按要求改写句子。1He is singing now.(用often代替now) He often _ 2They are taking photos.(改为一般疑问 句并作否定回答) _ _ _ _? _,_ _3.Im reading a book.(改为否定句) I _ .IV. 补全对话 A: Hello, this is Kate. _1_ _2_ that? B: Hello, Kate._3_ _4_ Cathy. 来源:Zxxk.Com A: Oh, Cathy. Hows it _5_? B: Great. A: _6_ the _7_ there ? B: Its sunny. A: What are you _8_ now? B: Im _9_ volleyball. What about you? A: Im _10_TV.知识讲堂语法学习现在进行时与一般现在时的区别一般现在时:表示经常性的动作。现在进行时:表示此时此刻或现阶段正在进行的动作。He often goes to cinema at the weekend, but this weekend he is watching football match at home.例如:see, hear, smell, taste, like, love, prefer, hate, want, need, mean, remember, forget, belong, know, seem, realize, understand, believe, suppose等。此外,当have表示“有”时,不用于进行时态,但在与其他名词组成固定短语时可用进行时态。Hes having a walk. 他正在散步。现在进行时还可和always连用,表示一种看起来好像是连续不断的动作。XKHes always working. 他总是在工作。来源:学。科。网这种用法常表示说话人对这个动作不耐烦,或含赞扬的口气。这个用法也可用于第一人称。来源:学_科_网用于第一人称时,这种动作常是有意识的。3.Hes talking on the phone to his older brother in Shenzhen.talk on the phone =talk by phone 电话交谈 有the,前面就要用on, 没有the,就要介词bySection BI . 单选( )l. I'm not _ a book like this.来源:学。科。网A. watching B. looking at C. seeing D. reading ( )2. It's very cold today. You'd better put_ your coat when you go out.A. away B. down C. on D. up ( )3. Don't _ on the street, Tom.A. play B. playing C. plays D. is playing ( )4. Listen! Who_ in the next room?A. sing B. sings C. singing D. is singing ( )5.-We can use MSN to_ with each other on the net.-Really? Will you show me how to use it?A.speak B. talk C. say D. tell ( )6 . _ your raincoat . It's raining outside .A. Wear B. Put on C . Wearing D. Putting on ( )7 . We _ a Chinese class today. They an English class now.A. aren't having; are having B. don't have; have C. aren't having; have D. don't have; are having ( )8. My brother and I _.A. is doing my homework B. am doing his homework C. are doing our homeworks D. are doing our homework ( )9 . Miss Gao is_ green trousers . She looks beautiful .A. put on B. putting on C. wearing D. wear ( )10. I am _ the kite like this.A. not liking B. not wanting C. not finding D. not flying ( )11._ careful girl Kate is!A. How B. What C. What a D. How a ( )12. -What's the date today?-_.A. It's Sunday B. It's cold C. It's June 2001 D. It's September 10th ( )13. -How's the weather in Xinjiang?-The weather here is _ .A. strange B. wind C. sun D . fog ( )14. -What's the weather like today?-_ .A. It's Sunday B. It's sunny C. It's July 3rd D. It's food ( )15. -What a cold day it is!来Z+xx+k.Com来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K-_ .A. Yes, but it's going to be colder B. No, I think it's cold todayC. Sorry, I'm afraid I can't D. Yes, it isn't cold ( ) 16. Jenny is_ a green shirt today.A. putting on B. near C. wearing D. put on ( ) 17. Look at the_ !It's _ heavily nowArain;rain Braining;rainingCrain;raining Draining;rainy ( ) 18. - Who is standing under the tree?-_.A. Tom is B. Tom does C. Tom are D. Tom do ( )19. - How's it_ ? - Not bad. A. go B. going C. goes D. went ( ) 20. _ you_ a good time yesterday?A. Did; have B. Did; had C. Are; have D. Were; had II.句式变化1 . It was cold yesterday . (对画线部分提问)_ _ the_ _ yesterday ? 2. Kate has lunch at twelve every day. (变为否定句)Kate _ _ lunch at twelve every day. 3 . They are delicious mooncakes. (变为感叹句)_ _ mooncakes they are! 4. It's bad weather today! (变为感叹句)_ _ weather it is today! 5 . Jim speaks English very well. (变为感叹句)_ _ Jim speaks English! 6. There was a heavy rain last night. (改写同义句)It_ _ last night . 7. There was a strong wind just now. (改写同义句)It_ _ just now. 8. I think it's going to rain. (改写否定句)I_ _ it's going to rain. 9. The weather was warm yesterday, _? (变为反义疑问句) 10. It is snowy today. (改写同义句)Today _ _. 根据短文判断正(T)误(F)。1. Its sunny and hot.2. Many people go to the beach and have a good time.3. Its a fine day for swimming.4. People only talk to their friends on the beach.5. Im a boy in a blue shirt. BLi Ming is staying with the Wangs family for the weekend.Today it is warm and fine. The family are having dinner in the garden. They often have dinner in the garden on a warm and fine spring day. Now Mr. and Mrs. Wang are sitting at the table with Li Ming under a tree.“Its great to have dinner out here on such a lovely day,” Mrs. Wang says. “Whats the weather like in your hometown, Li Ming?” Mr. Wang asks. “Its not very warm in spring. But I like the spring there best.” “Help yourself to some cakes, Li Ming,” Mrs. Wang says. “Thanks,” says Li Ming. “The cakes are very nice. I enjoy the dinner very much.”6. Li Ming is staying with the Wangs family _.A. for a week B. for a day C. for the weekend D. for a month7. Its not cold spring day, is it?A. Yes, it is. B. No. Its a warm spring day.C. No. Its a warm winter day. D. Yes. It is a warm spring day.8. The family are having their dinner _.A. in the house B. in the garden C. in the park D. in the hotel9. Whats the weather like in Li Mings hometown?A. It isnt very cold in spring. B. Its very nice.C. Its not very warm in spring D. Its very cold.10. How does Li Ming like the dinner?A. He enjoys the dinner very much. B. He only enjoys the cake.C. He eats a lot. D. He doesnt enjoy the cake.答案Unit7 Its rainingSection A (1a-2d)I 1sunny 2cloudy 3 rainy 4 snowy 5 windy 6 weather 7cooking 来源:学§科§网II1-5 BBDBB 6-10 DBCCB 11-14 ABACSection A (Grammar-3b)I.1weather 2cloudy 3 again 4 playing 5 speaking 6 sunny 7raining 8 whats 9 studies ,is studying II.1-4 BDABIII. 1sings 2Are they taking photos? No, they arent 3 Im not reading a book .IV 1 who 2is 3This 4 is 5going 6 How 7 weather 8 doing 9playing 10 watching Section BI 1-5 DCADB 6-10 BDDCD 11-15CDABA 16-20CCABBII.1 . What was, weather like2. doesn't have3. What delicious what 修饰复数名词 moon cakes.4. What bad what 修饰不可数名词 weather.5. How well6. rained heavily 雨大用“heavily”或"hard".7. blew strongly 风大用“strongly”.8. don't think9. wasn't it weather 用it 代替.10. is snowing III. 1-5 F T T F F 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A


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