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    语法填空 训练2022届高考英语二轮专题复习:语法填空 练习(一) On May 7th an article _1_(appear) on medRxiv, an online repository for medical research. It showed, for England _2_least, the degrees to which SARS-Cov-2,the virus that causes covid-19,discriminatesin its deadliness between _3_(variety)groups of people. Men are more _4_(like) to die than women. The old and the socially deprived more likely than the young well-off and well -connected. Those with_5_(control) diabetes or severe asthma, more likely than those without .And members of the countrys ethnic minorities more likely than those _6_ its white majority. None of these, even the first (for men are more likely vulnerable than women to quite a wide range of infections ). Is exactly a surprise.Even the finding _7_ current smokers actually have a lower risk of death from the illness than do non-smokers, though superficially arresting, is in line with the results of other studies that used different methods-though a possible protective effect _8_asthma patients of steroid inhalers looks worth following up. But the_9_(actual)results of the study are not really remarkable thing _10_ it 1. appeared 2. at 3.various 4.likely 5.uncontrolled 6.of 7.that 8.on 9.actual 10.about 练习(二) According _1_ experts, nearly 25% of Britons, including children, are overweight. The government is worried and it is looking for ways _2_ (settle) the problem. Many 11­to 14­year­olds already do cookery at school and from 2011, the government _3_(make) this a must. It _4_(hope) that this will encourage people to cook instead of eating ready meals, fast food and _5_(snack). All secondary school students will have cooking lessons for one hour a week for one term. They will learn to use simple, fresh stuff and simple recipes to prepare healthy, _6_(taste) meals. And schools are setting up cookery clubs _7_(call)“Let's Get Cooking” throughout the country. The clubs will give more children the chance to learn to cook after school. Head teachers worry _8_ the equipment they will need for the lessons. About 15% of schools do not have kitchens _9_there are not enough cookery teachers. The government promises _10_ (train)800 cookery teachers and to give schools 2.5 million a year to help children from poor families.答案 1. to 2.to settle 3.has been making 4.hopes 5.snacks 6.tasty 7.called 8.about 9.and 10.to train 练习 (三) _1_ Kevin Durant gave his tearful MVP speech in 2014, the NBA star made sure to thank one person _2_ had been there with him from the very _3_(begin): his mother. His heartfelt words about the sacrifices she _4_(make) for Durant and his brother led to a lifetime movie about her journey _5_ a single parent, The Real MVP: The Wanda Durant Story. Today, the NBA superstars mom travels _6_ the country as a motivational speaker and philanthropist (慈善家). On Monday, she spoke at Thomson Reuters' in New York about her personal struggles to achieve _7_(finance)stability and shared the financial advice she gave her son when he entered the league _8_CNBC.“I wanted him to realize he has worked hard,” she says, “and it is OK for him to enjoy_9_(him) because of his hard work. But it is also imperative that he prepares for his future.” While she advised him to enjoy the rewards of his labor, she also wanted to make sure that her son knew the _10_(important)of financial planning. 1.When 2.who 3.beginning 4.made 5.as 6.across 7.financial 8.with 9.himself 10.importance 训练(四) The long, white robot weighs more than 450 kilograms. Like other robots, it is equipped _1_cameras and mechanical arms to automatically perform many _2_ (differ)jobs. Angus is _3_ major part of operations at Alexander's indoor robot farm about 40 kilometers south of San Francisco. The 743­square­meter farm uses a hydroponic system _4_ grows plants without soil. The plants grow inside equipment that provides a _5_(continue) flow of water. The indoor farm uses electrical light instead of sunlight. This kind of farm uses much less water _6_ does not require human labor to run. The main job for Angus is to move thousands of plants around the farm, from small containers _7_ larger ones as they grow. Angus also carries plants to another robot that does not have a name yet. Angus moves _8_ (slow)to complete its work. But the robot is very strong and can lift about 300 kilograms. For now,the farm uses humans to collect vegetables and other _9_ (crop)when they are ready. But Alexander says he is working on a robot that will eventually take _10_that job too.答案 1.with 2.different 3.a 4.that 5.continuous 6.and 7.to 8.slowly 9.crops 10.over 练习(五)We humans love to stare into our smart devices. We gaze_1_ hours about 10 hours and 39 minutes a day at our computers, smartphones, tablets and televisions. Is all this _2_(start) bad for us? It might be,mainly because as we stare at our devices we _3_(expose)ourselves to blue light. Blue light is a type of electromagnetic (电磁的) radiation with a very short wave length _4_produces a high amount of energy. While it's true that light can _5_(damage) our eyes under certain circumstances, there's no _6_ (science) evidence suggesting that blue light is harmful to our eyes. But many people still think it is,_7_ is why blue­light­blocking glasses are so popular. So _8_ the glasses work?“Everyone is very _9_(concern) that blue light may be causing damage to the eye,but there's no evidence that it may be _10_(cause) serious damage,” Dr. Rahul Khurana,clinical spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology, told Business Insider. 答案 1.for 2.starting 3.are exposing 4.that 5.damage 6.scientific 7.which 8.do 9.concerned 10.causing 练习(六) _1_the coming of the Chinese Spring Festival, the pig comes to the center stage since 2019 is the Year of the Pig in the Chinese lunar calendar.A five-minute advertisement, _2_(tell) the story of a Chinese grandfather's first encounter with Peppa Pig, _3_ popular character from the British cartoon Peppa Pig, went viral (广为传播的)The ad cleverly brings together the British cartoon character with Chinese cultural _4_ (element) and shows how bridges can be built between cultures and generations.Grandfather Li Yu bao lives in a remote village _5_ his son works in the city. For senior Chinese like him, _6_ children and grandchildren live far away, the Spring Festival is the traditional time when they can reunite and sit down together _7_ dinner.Li loves his grandson and wants to surprise him with a new year gift. He knows the child loves Peppa Pig but has no clue _8_ it is. So he goes _9_the village, asking everyone if they know anything about Peppa Pig. Then using the little information he gets as well _10_ his imagination, he welds (焊接) metal together to resemble the face of Peppa Pig though he has never seen it. 答案 1.With 2.telling 3.a 4.elements 5.while 6.whose 7.for 8.what 9.around 10.as 练习(7) A public opinion study says that most Americans will accept the use of gene­ editing technology to create babies_1_ are protected from certain diseases. But Americans do not support _2_(change) the genetic structure, or DNA of children so that they can be faster, taller or more intelligent.The research _3_(carry out) by the Associated Press­ NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, _4_ suggests that 81% of Americans approve of using gene editing to prevent killer diseases such _5_ Huntington's disease, and 65% agree to use gene editing to prevent conditions like blindness. _6_, 66% oppose using gene editing to change qualities such as intelligence or athletic ability. They are also _7_ changing physical qualities such as eye color or height.Gene editing takes out a part of DNA to remove, replace or repair a gene. Changes to adult _8_ (cell) only affect the person being treated. But editing genes in embryos (胚胎) can change the resulting children in ways _(9) can be passed to future generations. Due _10_its important effects, the International Council for Science says gene editing should not yet be tested on humans. Scientists say more laboratory research is needed to prove whether it is safe or not.答案 1.that 2.changing 3.was carried out 4.which 5.as 6.However 7.against 8.cells 9.that 10.to 8


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